Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 9


“What movie do you want to watch tonight, peanut?” I was sitting in the living room with her while Michelle started dinner. I had tried to help her but had gotten shooed out of there.

“Can’t. My teacher gave me this packet to see how far ahead I was with my class. I gotta work on it.”

“Need any help?”

It was fucking adorable when she bit her bottom lip, “Yes, will you go over them after I do them to make sure I’m doing them right?”

Laci was six fucking years old and so far beyond her years, it was astounding.

Grinning, I nodded, “Yeah peanut.”

I had just checked over her work, giving her a fist bump when I glanced up to see Michelle watching, “What?”

She jumped, almost as if she didn’t realize she was watching us, “Nothing.” Then she turned and finished.

We had just laid Laci down for the night and we were sitting on her front porch swing.

Taking a leap I asked, “Anything you want to know? Ask me anything, Michelle. I know you want to keep me at arm’s reach, but baby, I want it all with you. I want you in my life in every way imaginable. I want Laci to call me dad if that’s what she wants.”

Waiting for her to reply was like telling a kid they had to wait for three hours to open presents on Christmas morning, “Truth?”

“Always.” Fucking finally.

“Did you fuck Mina?” she asked with a slight tremor in her tone.

Fuck, this wasn’t how I saw this conversation going. “No, I never fucked Mina. She wanted it, but I never fucked her.”

“Did you do anything with her?” I knew that she disliked Mina, I knew why and I could only imagine that what I had done had made that betrayal that much harder on her.

Lifting my head to look at her I locked eyes with her as I said, “No. She wasn’t you.”

“And yet you believed her over me….” There was where we stalled with every single fucking conversation.

Dropping my head I placed my hands on the back of my neck. What more could I fucking do here? “I realized my mistake the moment I pulled up the photo after you ran out and saw all of the earrings in the other woman’s ear.”

“Cameron, I just… I don’t know.” Fuck but I hated that name coming out of her mouth. I wanted us back to when she called me Cam. Knew it was going to be hard as fuck to get us back to that, but I didn’t think that it was going to be this fucking hard.

“Just remember the good times we had before that night. Remember how we were with each other. Sometimes people wait a lifetime for a connection like the one we shared. I found my person at sixteen years old.”

In a whisper, she said, “And yet you threw that connection away like it was nothing more than garbage.”

“Didn’t hear you deny the connection.”

“No, what that was, was puppy love, Cameron. I grew up and realized that connections like ours aren’t meant to be forever.”

“Tell me how you really feel,” I said sarcastically.

“You told me that when we started this that you wanted honesty and nothing else. What did you expect?”

“Well, I was hoping that after everything I have done to show you that I’m not the same man I was seven years ago you would forgive me for what happened back then.”

“Cameron, you didn’t just break my heart, you crushed it. No one has ever hurt me like you did.”

“So you’re going to lump me in the same boat as that piece of filth.” I knew that she could feel the fury rolling off me in waves.

“No. What that man did to me, although he stole from me, he did give me my greatest gift in life. I couldn’t have wished for a better daughter even if I had molded her myself. But what you did, you hurt the one thing that should have been handled with the gentlest care. Something that would never heal because you crushed it into a million pieces.”

“I’ve done everything I can think of to show you I’m not the same fucking punk-ass kid I was back then.” I stood angrily, running my hands over my hair, “Fuck.”

My temper was about to boil over and before I said something I would no doubt regret I growled, uncaring who heard I said to her, “When you’re ready to get off your goddamn high horse. Call me.” And with that, I walked away.

Sitting at the clubhouse I was trying to calm the fuck down and figure out if I was just wasting my damn time or to keep trying.


The next day, I had been hoping but not expecting her to call, so when my hand was in a transmission, my phone rang, I grabbed it and checked the screen.

Seeing it was her I answered, “Hey.”

“Hey, look, I umm…” She didn’t say anything which caused my temper to flare yet a-fucking-gain, no one got to me like she did.

“Spit it out, Michelle. I’m busy.”

“Can you come over after she goes to sleep tonight?”

“Yeah.” Then I hung up the phone.

Just as I put my phone in my back pocket, Greek walked over to me.

“Hey man, I have a few prospects I need you to look over,” Greek told me as he handed me a file folder.

Sighing, I grabbed the red rag I had hanging from my back pocket, wiped my hands off, and then I tagged the folder.

Looking over them, all but one were okay with me. “This one. Something doesn’t sit right with me.”

I handed him the paper as he looked at it. Saw what I saw and said, “Gotcha. The rest we can take to church tonight.”

“10-4.” After I finished rebuilding the transmission, I cleaned up then grabbed one of the subs the club whores made.

After I ate, Powers called out, “Church.”

Tossing my trash away, I walked to the table, put my phone in the box outside of church, then walked in and took my seat.

Within minutes everyone was sitting down and the door was closed.

Powers banged the gavel then gave the floor to Greek.

“Here are the candidates for prospects. Cam already said no to one of them, but these are up for consideration.” Greek said as he handed the folder to Powers.

“What was it with the one you said no to that got your attention?”

“Woman filed a restraining order on him.”

“Got it.” We didn’t give two shits if someone had a criminal record. Didn’t matter to us if you murdered a rapist. Didn’t matter to us if you took out a pedophile. What did matter to us was if you had a record of harming a woman. That wasn’t just a no, but a hell fucking no.

You want to put your hands on a woman? You’ll deal with us. Period.

After all the brothers looked at the other applicants, they voiced their opinions. All of them were a go.

“We will do the official vote tomorrow night. Anything anyone needs to bring to the table?”

When no one said a word, he banged the gavel and we all stood.

I grabbed a shot that Melia had poured for us, pounded it on the bar stop as was our ritual, and downed it.

Just as I was getting ready to leave Savage walked over to us and said, “Talked to the one we said no to. He was waiting out in the clubhouse. Think we need to hear him out.”

Sighing, I glanced at my watch. Laci went to bed in thirty minutes.

“Got somewhere you need to be?” Powers asked.

“Laci goes to sleep in thirty. Heading over to have a talk with Michelle.”

“Tell the man to make it fucking quick,” Powers told Savage.

The moment Savage returned with the man; I didn’t see him hurting a woman. You could tell. It was their eyes that gave them away and this man, no, all he had in them was pain.

He was tall like the rest of us, but he wasn’t as bulky as us. Man needed to put some meat on his bones.

“Look, I know I have a restraining order against me. I didn’t try to hide that fact. The only reason I have it is because I have a daughter that the bitch refuses to let me see.”

None of us batted an eye at the term bitch either. What we did do though was growl that the woman refused to let him see.

“Here are the court documents that I have tried to file numerous times, but it doesn’t help that her daddy is a fucking judge and her brother is a fucking lawyer.”

We all looked over the documents and then I said, “You make the cut. We will help you get your daughter.” I told him as I slapped his back then looked at Powers and nodded my approval of the man.

With that, Powers said, “We will vote tomorrow.”

“I’m out. Call if you need me.” I tossed over my shoulder.

Smirking Powers said, “Right.”

Flipping him off, I walked out of the clubhouse and to my bike.

On the way over to her house, I replayed over and over in my mind what I was going to say to her.

Shutting my bike off at the end of her drive I walked it up and parked it next to her truck.

Before I could knock she opened the door. Fucking hell what she had on? Seeing her standing there in one of my old t-shirts and nothing else from what I could see?

I said fuck the conversation I was having with her. It could fucking wait. My dick, however, could not.

Rushing her I slammed my mouth down on hers. Pushing her into the house, I kicked the door closed, leaned down, wrapped my hands around her panty-covered ass, and lifted.

Her legs wrapped around my waist and held on. Our mouths never separated.

The moment we made it to her room, I did the same thing to her bedroom door.

Letting go of her she lowered her feet to the floor and within a second we were tearing our clothes off in a frenzy.

Never have I allowed my kutte to be thrown on the floor but right then, I didn’t give a single fuck.

Nor did I give a single fuck when we were both naked and she dropped to her knees in front of me.

Throwing my hand out to brace it on the wall at her back I dropped my head when her tongue circled around the tip of my cock.

The moment she pulled my cock inside of her mouth I moaned. “Goddamn baby.”

She fucking giggled.

The moment my cock hit the back of her throat, she vibrated around it, I almost came right then and there. “Fuck sweetheart.”

Wrapping my hand around her braid I held her head still while I pumped in and out of her.

Noticing that she had a gag reflex yet it didn't seem to bother her…shit.

When her hand came up to cup my balls I told her through gritted teeth, “You don’t want me to come in your mouth, you better pull back.”

Her response? That was to let go of my balls and grab the backs of my thighs to keep me right where I was.

Within seconds my cum was shooting out of my dick and I roared.

After I came, I pulled out it was to see her licking her lips, bending down I wrapped my arms around her, lifted, then spun and tossed her on the bed.

The moment I climbed on top of her, I moved my dick along her folds. Feeling her wetness I didn’t hesitate to slam inside of her.

It was only when I did that, I realized that I didn’t have a condom on. I stilled.

As if she sensed what was going on she lifted up and when her mouth was scant seconds away from mine, she muttered the magic words, “I’m on birth control.”

Crossing the distance, I kissed her hard. I kept pumping into her hard and fast. Grabbing her legs I tossed them over one shoulder and then drove even deeper inside of her.

I felt my eyes fucking cross.

The moment I dropped a finger to her clit and flicked it, her back arched.

“Cam…” She moaned

“Come on baby. Give it to me.”

And that was what she did when I felt her pussy clench all around me signaling the release of her orgasm.

“It just gets better and better.” She said as I came, filling her up with my cum.

As I pulled my dick out of her tight pussy, I watched her eyes. There was something in them that I couldn’t fully decipher but I knew that I was wearing her down.

“Never doing you with a condom ever again. Son of a bitch.”