Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 8


The next day we had just walked out of a boutique when Laci looked over, then grabbed my hand and started to walk me in the direction that her eyes were trained on.

Looking up to see what had garnered that reaction was to see six motorcycles parked outside of a diner.

The moment we made it to the bikes I heard, “Yo, Michelle, Laci?” Looking near one of the bikes I smiled when I saw Lincoln.

“Lincoln, hey. How are you?” I smiled at him.

“Doing good. What are two beautiful ladies like y’all up to?” Lincoln was handsome, but he was no match for Cameron, sadly.

“Spending the rest of my day off shopping. The normal.” I shrugged, thanks to covering for someone a week ago, I only had to work half a shift today.

“Michelle.” I inhaled a breath as I looked over at Cameron.

“Cameron.” I nodded then saw his face harden. I know I had called him Cam when we had been intimate, but he had a long way to go, didn’t he?

“Hey, Cameron!” Laci said excitedly.

Lincoln raised a brow as he looked between us, “Uh, you two know each other?”

Cameron smirked, “Yeah you can say that.”

“Their soul mates.” I was starting to regret telling my daughter everything. Covering her mouth with my hand to stop what she was about to say next.

Cameron grinned full out, “She’s right you know.” Glaring at the butthead, I grabbed Laci’s hand.

“It was good to see you, Lincoln. Have a good one.” I turned away from them, taking Laci with me.

“Nothing for me? Even after last night?” I froze mid-step. Turned slowly as I gave him my eyes.

The moment his eyes locked with mine; I saw him flinch, “Yeah.”

However, before anything else could be said, it was Laci that spoke, “Cameron, do you want to come to dinner tonight? Mommy is making homemade lasagna.”

I gritted my teeth. A cocky smile hit his face as he looked down at my daughter with something in his eyes and I knew that I was in trouble. Deep trouble. It was love.

“One condition peanut.” I saw a gleam in his eyes.

She placed the hand that wasn’t in mine on her hip as she cocked it, “And that is?”

Chuckles from the others broke out as Cameron grinned, “You call me Cam and I'm there.”

I knew what that meant. Everyone standing there knew what it meant.

“Okay, Cam. See you at six.” She said as we both walked away from them.

Only not before I heard Lincoln ask, “That her?”

I waited with bated breath slowing down when I heard, “Yeah. That’s her.”

The moment we got home Laci walked in the house then stopped and turned, “Are you mad at me mommy?”

I crunched my brow, “For what sweet pea?”

“For inviting Cam to dinner without asking.” She was twiddling her thumbs in nervousness.

Smiling, I knelt in front of her, “Livid.” I tickled her belly as she giggled.

“No baby, I’m not mad. To be honest I like the fact that you like him. He’s a good man to have in your corner should you ever need him.”

“Like what Mommy?” She wrinkled her little brow.

“Can you keep a secret for me?” I asked

She nodded enthusiastically, “If something were to ever happen to me, your grandmother, or your aunt I’d ask Cameron to step in and raise you.”

“Wow. You really did love him, didn’t you mommy?”

“Yes, baby I really did.”

“He asked me to call him Cam, why do you still call him Cameron?”

“Because a long time ago he took that away from me.”

She growled as she asked, “Let me know if I need to kick him tonight.” I smiled down at her as I tapped her on the nose.

“Sounds good baby. Go feed Sparks.”

I had just set everything down on the counter while Laci watched a movie and started on the homemade pasta when there was a knock on the door.

Laci jumped up off the couch as she skipped to the door, “I got it.”

“Check before you open the door sweet pea,” I warned.

She called out in a sing-song voice at the door, “Who is it?”

“Your prince for the evening. It's Cam.” Her giggle of laughter as she opened the door caused a smile to form on my face.

Damn, he looked good.

He had on dark wash jeans with his black motorcycle boots, a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off his massive forearms. Of course, he had on his kutte.

“What have you got there?” It was then that I noticed the bouquet of wildflowers in his hand and something in a grocery bag in the other.

Damn, I’m a hoe. I didn’t even notice those.

His eyes came to mine as he said, “Flowers for your mommy and this is for you.” He told her as he looked down at her and handed her the bag.

She took it then looked at the flowers, “How did they not get messed up on the bike?”

“Put them in my saddlebags carefully.” He winked.

I watched as she opened the bag while he stood there biting his bottom lip, he was nervous. I stifled the laugh that tried to come out. It was endearing.

Then I saw Laci freeze as she looked in the bag. Her eyes came to mine and I froze at the tears in her eyes.

Like a shot, she ran to Cameron and hugged him. He knelt down on the ground as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

Wiping my hands I walked over to them and took the bag from her grasp and then gasped.

Inside of the bag was something that we have been looking for but unable to find, two beanie babies, my girl fucking loved them, even though they were hard to find.

The ones he had found were the tie-dye beanie babies and the cotton candy pink teddy bear.

“Did I do good?” He asked as Laci still clung to him.

“Yes.” She hiccupped through her tears.

“Good.” I saw the nervousness leave him.

Grinning, I grabbed the flowers he held out to me, grabbed a vase from underneath the sink, filled it with water, and placed them inside of it, putting the vase in the middle of the island.

In that time, Laci had pulled Cameron to her bedroom and I was sure, had him put them with her collection on the top of her bookshelf so they wouldn’t get messed up.

Grinning to myself, I finished the pasta and started it to cook. Then I grabbed the hamburger, seasoned it, and started it as well.

While that was cooking I chopped up some garlic and onions then added that to the pan as well.

“Need any help?” I looked up to see him standing in the open hallway beside the kitchen.

“Yeah, you can cut up the tomatoes, cucumbers, and onion for the salad.” With that, he walked to the kitchen and color me surprised when he actually washed his hands.

Looking over his shoulder to see the smile on my face he tossed me a wink and said, “Sounds good.”

Once he finished he made his way to me, moved my hair off of my shoulder, and placed a kiss on my neck.

I had grabbed everything and set it on one end of the island, when I asked, “Do you want a drink?”

“What have you got?” I grabbed the dish towel, wiped my hands, and then opened the fridge.

“Beer, sweet tea, lemonade, soda, chocolate milk, and water.” I grabbed a beer for myself.

“Yeah, you're definitely a momma. Looks good on you. I’ll have a beer.” Grinning, I grabbed one for him then smiled as Laci came back in the main room and continued watching her movie.

Side by side we worked together. I didn’t say anything about the times our shoulders had touched.

Once he was finished without a word to me, he grabbed his beer and walked into the living room, taking the floor right out from under me as he sat down beside Laci and watched a princess movie with her.

After everything was finished I popped the dish in the oven and set the timer for twenty-five minutes.

Walking into the living room I sat down beside Laci and finished watching the movie with her and Cameron.

“This smells great.” He told me after he helped me carry everything to the table and I had to bite back a smile at remembering watching the two of them setting the table.

“My mommy can cook.” Smiling at my little girl I winked at her.

I watched as Cameron got a forkful of lasagna and put it in his mouth. The things that mouth could do. I felt my cheeks heat, so trying to hide that fact I got my own bite.

When I looked up it was to see him staring at me with an all-knowing grin.

“Dickhead.” I muttered.

He guffawed at me.

“Mommy, you shouldn’t say bad words.” I groaned.

Cameron gave me a wink. The asshat.

The rest of the meal was filled with questions from everyone and answers. Laughter followed.

“Y’all mind if I come over every night your mom cooks? Damn.” He moaned as he rubbed his stomach.

Laci nodded as she ate the last of her salad. My girl was like me, she didn’t waste food.

While I had been cleaning up the kitchen after telling Cameron that I had it all covered, he had been reading to Laci.

Grinning, I placed a kiss on her forehead as she snored softly.

Walking Cameron to the door I stopped on the porch when he said, “Thanks for having me over, I had a great time.”

“Thanks for coming over. Umm, I’m off Wednesday night if you want to come over and have dinner with us. If not then that’s cool too.”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” He told me as he stepped up to me.

The moment his warm calloused hand touched my cheek my eyes closed of their own accord.

His mouth was hot on mine as I leaned into the kiss. Our tongues continued to dance to a rhythm that only they knew.

We both pulled away, trying to get air back into our lungs.

“Have a good night Cam.”

Then I watched as a breath-taking smile hit his face, “Fuck. Been dreaming of hearing my name from those lips for six long fucking years. Missed the fuck out of you babe. I’ll see y’all Wednesday but I’ll see you tomorrow night. Night baby.”

What he didn’t know was that after the first time we had fucked, well-made love really, was that he got under my skin. Yet again.

What really caused that to happen? Hearing him reading Laci a bedtime story. The six-foot-two biker laid on a cotton candy pink bed as he read The Princess and The Dragon to her until she fell asleep.

And for the life of me, I didn’t care. I knew that the possibility of him hurting me again was high up on the list but I prayed with everything in me that it wouldn’t be the case.

Something in his eyes when he left that night for the clubhouse told me that I didn’t need to worry.