Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 7


Having her in my arms again felt so fucking right. I never wanted to leave this bed nor her, ever again.

However, it was apparent that Michelle didn’t feel the same as me. I knew that because she rolled out of bed, walked to her bathroom, pulled her robe off the back door, turned, then she grabbed my clothes off of the floor and tossed them at me.

“Time for you to go.” There was no emotion in her tone. None.

“Seriously? You’re going to kick me out? What the fuck?” I bit out angrily.

“Yea, Cameron. I’m kicking you out. If you want more, you can come back on my next day off but only after Laci goes to sleep.” I heard every word she said, but what I was furious about was the fact that I just had my dick in her and she was still calling me Cameron. Not Cam.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, she tossed her hand up, “No. This is how this is going to work if it even works. You had my heart a long time ago and then you crushed it. Obliterated it. You don’t like it, then there’s the door, don’t let it hit your ass on the way out.”

And with that, I watched as she turned, walked to the bathroom, closed, and locked the door and moments later I heard her shower running.

Everything in me told me to stay right here and talk this out with her, to make her see that I have regretted that one night. To make her understand that her teary eyes when she ran out of the clubhouse that night seven years ago, still haunts me in my dreams.

However, given the blank tone she had tossed my way, I knew that it was a waste of time. Therefore, I was going to play this her way and prove to her that I was the man for not only her but for Laci as well.

Once I had my clothes on and pulled on my boots, I walked out of her house but not before I locked her door.

Operation Claim my Woman and Child is a go.

Grabbing my phone to see who had called me, I saw that it had been Powers. Mounting my bike I called him back.

“Finally you fucker.” He said angrily.

“Was busy, man,'' I told him, fingering my gas tank that also had her name on it. I’ve been hers since the moment I took my first breath and I'll continue to be hers until I take my last.

I heard the skepticism in his tone, “You’re never busy.”

“When I finally have the woman of my dreams beneath me, Pres. nothing, not even you nor the club will pull me away.” I told him honestly.

“Ahh. Got it. Church in the am.”

Nodding, I said, “Right.”

After a beat, he said, “Happy for you brother.”

I chuckled darkly, “She fucking kicked me out.”

With that statement, there was silence on the other end and then I heard him roaring with laughter, “Fucking love that woman.”

Snarling, I hung up on him. Fucker.

Backing my bike out of her driveway, I looked up at the house in time to see her looking at me through the curtains in the living room. I pulled my hand up to cover it over my heart.

Then I watched in amazement as she did the same.

With that, I started up my bike and headed home. Home to a house that was her dream house. Everything in it had been done with thoughts of her.

Walking down the hall I stopped at one of the bedrooms, opening the door, I stood in the doorway as something came to mind.

Nodding my head, after church, my ass was headed to the store.

The next day I found myself grabbing a red cart as I headed to the home décor side of the store.

I knew what I looked like. I had my kutte on and was putting girly shit that was similar to what was in Laci’s bedroom.

Having pink fucking furry pillows in my cart had gotten a lot of women staring at me. It wasn’t condemnation, no it was admiration.

“Takes a big man that loves his daughter to do this.” The cashier told me.

I nodded, not correcting her. “She deserves the best.”

Arriving home, I started to unload everything when I heard the roar of motorcycles.

Leaning out of my truck it was to see Powers, Lil, Heathen, June, Greek, Melia, Lincoln, Savage, Zeke, and Skinner pulling up and parking their bikes in front of a black van.

No one said a word as they converged on the van, pulling out bags and buckets of paint.

“You sure about this?” Powers asked.

“Deadly. They're mine.” I told him as I grabbed the bags from my truck.

“Proud to call you my brother.” Skinner had said it so low that I had to strain to hear what he had said.

“Thanks, man.” Emotion clogged my throat.

Four hours later with the help of my brothers, my family, we had Laci’s room finished and the master closet redone.

Stepping back to inspect the room, I was amazed to see how similar it looked to her room. Hell, I even went and bought the shit for a tank. I didn’t know what she had in the damn thing but the kit was there for her to set it up however she needed it.

“Fuck I’m starving,” Heathen grumbled.

“Y’all want to hit that new restaurant in town?” June asked.

And that was how we all found ourselves thirty minutes later while we waited for the paint to dry.

“Well, damn, it's not often that I get men as hot as y’all in our restaurant.” Smiles broke out.

It was Savage that said, “Well darlin’ you give us great service and we will be back to give you our hotness.”

The young waitress blushed like a June bride.

After we ate and had our stomachs full, we paid and made our way out of the restaurant but what happened next had my fists clenching at my sides.