Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 10


Did I like that I was nothing more than a booty call? That didn’t bother me. Did it bother me that he only came over at night after my daughter had gone to sleep? Again, no.

I was the one to make that play. Sure when that animal had raped me, it had burned something deep inside of me. It had taken away my innocence that wasn’t his.

However, all of that aside, what Cameron Bryant did to me, in my opinion, was much worse. Only I had been holding onto that hatred for too long. It was high time I let it go and stopped being a bitch to the man that still held my crushed heart in his fists. I never really got it back, maybe just maybe he would weld the pieces back together.

At least I did get to have my body under, on top of, beside of, the hottest man I had ever seen.

He had just rolled over off of me and laid down on his back, both of us were inhaling some much-needed air.

My skin was sweaty and sticky.

“Don’t make me leave Michelle. Please. Don’t make me leave.” My heart ripped wide fucking open at his words and his tone. It had to have come from the deepest part of him.

That was my wake-up call.

Looking over at him to see him staring up at the ceiling, I rolled, ignoring my body’s protest, and placed my head on his chest. Throwing caution to the wind and doing the same thing I have told Laci to do, look for the good no matter what, therefore I whispered, “Stay.”

As soon as those words left my mouth, he rolled us until his arm was under my pillow and I was wrapped in his embrace, with a kiss on my bare shoulder he said, “Thank you.”

I shivered at the sincerity in his tone. This man was my undoing. Irrevocably so.

We both climbed out of bed and cleaned up. I wasn’t a fan of sleeping with cum leaking out of me. Ick.

The moment we were both cleaned up I pulled his t-shirt back on and replaced my panties then climbed into bed.

“Like that, you had something of mine all this time.” I smiled, leaned in, and kissed his bearded jaw.

He wrapped me in his arms and pulled the covers over the both of us.

Sighing in his arms I closed my eyes as I heard, “Good night baby.”

What I didn’t know was that halfway through the night Cam had gotten up, checked the house, and checked on Laci before he climbed back in bed with me.

The moment I stepped into the kitchen the next morning I saw Laci looking out of the front window.

“Morning baby, how’d you sleep?”

“Okay. Why are there boots at the front door?” Laci asked sleepily.

Before I could reply to her, Cam came walking out of my bedroom in his jeans and nothing else. My eyes traveled along his chest.

“Mom. Your heartbeat doing that thing again?” Laci asked in with a snicker.

Tapping her nose I winked at her. “Hush.”

“Good morning, beautiful.” What I wouldn’t give to hear that every morning, but things we want the most, normally never happen. But I had a feeling that it was going to happen. Happiness felt so good again.

It was then that I felt his finger underneath my chin as he lifted my face to his, “What’s that smile for?”

“Nothing. Just happy.”

“Me too baby. Me fucking too.” He placed a soft kiss on my lips then walked over to Laci.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he said, “Morning peanut.”

“Morning Cam.”

After I made a quick breakfast of bacon and eggs I got ready for my shift at the hospital while Laci got ready for school.

Walking into the kitchen after getting my hair tamed it was to see Cam stuffing things into Laci’s lunch box. I froze.

“You okay?” He asked, seeing the look on my face.

“Yes, just nice to have help.” He winked, not saying a word as he handed Laci her lunch box.

After we were all ready we walked out the front door.

While I locked up Cam took Laci to my truck and helped her climb in.

After he did that he rounded my truck and opened my door for me. “Have a good day at work baby, I’ll bring lunch.”

“Sounds good. Thanks for staying Cam.” Then I took that leap of faith. “If you're free for dinner tonight, maybe bring a change of clothes.”

“Nothing could keep me away baby. I’ll be over after church.” With a soft kiss, he closed the door and headed for his bike.


Smiling as Laci kept looking out of the back window, Cam followed us to school.

Just as I had dropped Laci off at school I had a call from the hospital. Sighing, I answered the call, “Hello?”

“Ms. O’Connell there was a pile-up on the interstate. How far from the hospital are you?”

Sighing, knowing I wouldn’t be able to grab myself my normal coffee, “Ten minutes. Have Mackenzie ready a coffee for me please.”

“Good. Please hurry.” Lisa stated then hung up on me.

Cam had just turned off the main road to head to the clubhouse, I grinned.

What I didn’t know was that two days from now the happiness I had been feeling was going to be interrupted and everything I thought I knew would change.