Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 13


Hearing Michelle say I love you was something else I had been dreaming about day and night.

Saying I love you back, was something that I didn’t hide. Not from anyone.

The moment I pulled up to the clubhouse, I shut my bike off.

Then I let my temper run rampant through my veins.

Walking around the clubhouse to the back shed I saw four of my brothers nod at me.

Nodding back I walked into the shed to see the bitch with her arms tied above her head to a steel beam.

Now I didn’t hurt women. Never. But what I would hurt was a piece of trash.

Without missing a beat and not saying a word to anyone I rushed her, then put all of my two hundred and twenty pounds into one solid punch to her face.

“That was for Michelle.” Then I whipped my knife out from the small of my back and drove it straight through her stomach. “That was for Laci, you goddamn piece of shit.” I roared at her.

Her body went limp.

No that just wouldn’t do. I walked to the side of the building, turned the water on, and then I grabbed the hose and sprayed her in the face. Not stopping until she came to, spitting and sputtering trying not to inhale the water.

“Why?” I asked as I stopped with the hose.

Crying she muttered, “You were supposed to be mine.”

“Wrong,” Skinner said from behind me.

It was then that Lincoln came up to my side with a led pipe, stepped to her side, and slammed it into her left knee cap.

Then Zeke did the same to her right knee cap. Her howls of pain were music to my ears.

That was when Heathen stepped up, then no joke grabbed a hammer, and swung up into her vagina.

No one cringed. She didn’t deserve the sentiment.

Skinner stepped up then without a word, he took two knives and sliced them down her face.

Powers was the last one left; all he did which was all that was needed was to spit in her face.

Wanting this person gone from this earth who was just a waste of space I pulled my nine-mil out of my shoulder holster, smiling darkly when her eyes widened.

“No. Please. No.”

“Shouldn’t have tried to kill my ole’ lady and my daughter.”

Leaning over her I whispered in her ear, “Justified.” As I pulled the trigger and blew her brains out.

Breathing deeply feeling no regret and no remorse, I checked my watch and saw that I had an hour to shower, change, burn my clothes and get home to take my girls to where they needed to be.

All of my brothers started to pat me on the shoulder. I was thankful as fuck that I had them. They were the best of the fucking best.

Savage and Gage started the clean-up while I headed to the clubhouse and to my room to shower and change.

Walking in my front door it was to the smell of french toast and I moaned. “Please tell me you made extra?”

I smiled when I watched her put her hand on her hip and sneered at me, “What do you take me as? An idiot?”

Grinning, I walked forward, placed a kiss on Laci’s temple. Then I did the same with Michelle.

Grabbing my plate I headed to the island, got a bite of french toast, and grinned.

It was as I was taking a bite I heard Michelle’s inhaled breath.

Looking into her eyes it was to see that her attention was on my knuckles that were split open.

Looking for Laci it was to see she was eating her breakfast in the living room while she watched morning cartoons. I said in a low tone so she wouldn’t hear, “Going to tell you something, don’t want you to freak out. Need you to keep this shit to yourself, babe. Only ole’ ladies are privy to this information.”


“Person who set your house on fire.”


“Mina.” Anger morphed on her beautiful face.

“I want a shot at her.”

I was all in with this woman, smiling. I said, “Don’t worry beautiful, she got led pipes to her knees, a hammer slammed into her vagina, and a bullet in her head.”

I expected her to run, but no. She just sat there and then smiled, “Good.”

Winking at her I said, “Revenge is always best served cold.”

What she told me next shocked the fuck out of me, “Am I your ole’ lady?”

“That’s your question? Not how could you do something so morbid like that?”

“Cam, you’re a biker in a motorcycle club. My daddy was a biker in the same club. No one fucks with you and yours. Now answer my question.”

“You tell me, baby.”

“I’ll think about it.” She tossed me a wink over her shoulder as she headed to get ready for work. Seeing that Laci was already dressed I finished eating then cleaned up the kitchen.

After dropping Laci off at school for her last day before summer break I drove Michelle to work, “Have a good day at work baby.”

She paused when she was halfway out of the truck, “Cam, can you do me a huge favor?”

“Yeah, name it.”

“I took your advice and signed up for the courses I need for my doctorate. You’ll be there for Laci when I need you right?”

“Of course.”

“Good. I have a course that takes place at another hospital for my doctorate. Mom is going on a cruise with her friends, can you watch Laci? Since it's summer there is no school.”

I didn’t need to think about it, “Yeah. I got her.”

The moment that came out of my mouth, her entire face softened, “Thanks, Cam.”

Grinning all the way to the garage at the clubhouse to get some builds finished, I walked into the clubhouse first. Luckily Powers wasn’t busy, “Hey brother, got something to run by you, make sure it’s cool.”

“What’s up?”

“I know we don’t have anything major going on in two weeks. Michelle has to go out of town for some class she needs for her doctorate. Needs me to watch Laci.”

“Yeah, that’s good man. Let Lil know if we need to help out in any way.”

“Appreciate it, man. You need me, I'm there.”

“We got this. Take care of your girls.” Smirking, he walked off.

Damn right they were my girls.

That night after dinner I stood in the doorway as Michelle packed her things. Laci sat on the bed and asked, “So I’m spending the week with Cam?”

The tone that she used with her daughter was something else entirely, she only spoke to her that way, “Yes baby, is that okay?”

Then I watched as a grin formed on Laci’s face and a mischievous smile formed as well, “Totally. On one condition.”

Shaking my head, just like her momma, I asked, “What’s that peanut?”

“You gotta take me to the fair that’s happening tomorrow.” Tossing my head back I started laughing.

“Already planned on taking you there peanut. Also got a few things planned.”

Her hazel eyes widened, in a soft whisper she asked, “Really?”

“Really.” Color me surprised when she launched off the bed and threw her arms around my neck.

Bending into her, I wrapped my arms around her small body. This little girl already had me wrapped around her pinky finger.

The next day after we waved Michelle off I grinned down at Laci, “You ready?”

“Yes!” She ran to the truck with me laughing the entire way.

The moment we were both out of the truck, we walked hand in hand, paying for our tickets.

Standing there as Laci rode on one of the rides I felt a woman brush my shoulders, stepping to the side to move away from her, she did it again. How did I know it was a woman? Because the damn woman bathed in goddamn perfume.

“Hi. It’s not often to see a man that looks like you at a county fair.” Nodding, my eyes never left Laci.

The woman said huskily, “Cat got your tongue?”

“Watching my girl lady, spending the day with my girl.” My eyes never left Laci.

I ignored the woman as she tried to make small talk. Thank fuck the ride had ended, this woman’s perfume was giving me a headache.

The moment Laci reached me where I stood just at the entrance she said, “Cam. That was so much fun.” I smiled down at her.

The moment she had her hand in mine I finally looked at the woman. “Do you mind?”

Seeing that she wasn’t going to get anywhere with me, she finally moved the fuck out of my way.

“Who was that?”

“Some woman that doesn’t know how to take a fu-freaking hint.”

“Nice catch there.” She giggled.

“Hey, brother.” I nodded at Powers and then smiled down at Storm and Rosa. Laci hadn’t gotten to meet his kids when we were at the clubhouse.

“Hi, I’m Rosa.” Powers' daughter said to Laci.

“Hi, I’m Laci with an I,” Laci said proudly.

“That’s a cool name.”

“So is Rosa.” My girl and her manners.

“Do you want to go on that ride with me?”

She looked up at me and asked, “Is that okay Cam?”

“Yeah, peanut. I’ll be right here watching.”

“You got eyes on her like a fucking hawk brother.” Powers said, I didn’t have to comment, and neither did he for his daughter and son.

“Her mom trusted me with her. Eyes won’t be looking anywhere else.” And for the last two hours as she rode ride after ride, played game after game, not once did my eyes leave her.

“Have fun peanut?” I asked as I started the truck up.

“Yeah, Cam. Best day ever.” Grinning, I drove us home.

Smiling when ten minutes into the drive she was curled up asleep with the big ass giant stuffed dog that I had won for her by pitching baseballs at milk bottles.

Lying in bed I kept inhaling Michelle’s pillow. I was fucking addicted to her scent.

Jesus Christ, I was getting even deeper. Fucking A. I was ecstatic.

We were sitting on my, well our couch if I could get her to see it my way, while we watched a movie about two sisters that lived in the snow. Shit. This little girl better be lucky that I already love her.

However, forty-five minutes into the movie I was hooked. My man card was going to be revoked if anyone found out about this.

And here I sat singing along to Let It Go with Laci while Sparks, her crested gecko sat on her lap completely ignoring us. I didn’t see how that was possible, even though our singing sounded great in my head, I could only imagine what we really sounded like.

But the moment the song was over and we stopped, fits of giggles came from beside me.

I had researched them the night that Laci had shown me Sparks in his tank. Shocked would be an understatement that Sparks tolerated her touch, even though she wasn’t touching him but he was laying on her pajama bottoms.

The night as the ending credits rolled, I realized that Laci was dead to the world, softly snoring.

Luckily, when I picked Laci up to put her to bed, Sparks stayed still. He also allowed me to pick him up and put him in his tank. Thank fuck.

The next day while we were heading out of the house to go to the clubhouse for a cookout that Saturday, Laci had held something out for me, “What’s that?”

“Something I made. Well, I made two of them. You don’t have to wear them or anything.” Her little voice shook with trepidation.

Kneeling down in front of her, I held out my hand and smiled when she placed two friendship bracelets in my hand. I saw the one that Laci and her mom had. Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes. Sniffing them back, I lifted up one and asked, “I’m honored peanut. Can you put it on my wrist?”

We had just walked in the clubhouse when Lincoln walked up to us bent and dropped a kiss on Laci’s forehead, then his eyes landed on my newest addition.

“I’m hurt, darling girl. Where is mine?” Lincoln asked as he put his hand over his heart.

Then rocking my world, Laci spoke loud and for all to hear, “You won’t be getting one because Cam is my person.”

Smirking, I looked down at her, “You're my person too peanut.”

Then in a whisper, she said, “You should’ve been my daddy.”

I wanted so badly to tell her that if I could get Michelle to my way of thinking, first chance I would be seeing my lawyer and starting adoption paperwork.

Dropping to my knee, uncaring who saw and heard, I said, “Peanut, blood doesn’t make a parent. Your mom gives me the go-ahead, I plan on making you my daughter in every way imaginable.”

Tears gathered in her eyes, watching one fall down her cheek, I leaned forward and kissed it away. Softly she whispered, “Love you, Cam.”

I poured my heart into four little words, “Love you too, peanut.”

Later on that night I got a text from Michelle, they had to cut the course early due to bad weather moving in and she was on her way home. She asked me not to tell Laci, smiling, I told her we were at the clubhouse.

Lincoln had just broke out his guitar which caused Gage to grab his as well.

Around the fire pit as everyone settled in with moonshine and lemonades as they started to sing, Kickin’ It In Tennessee.

Just as they started on the second chorus I felt someone’s arms wrap around my neck.

My body tensed until I caught a whiff of that all too familiar perfume.

Smiling, I tilted my head to the side when Michelle placed a kiss on the side of my neck, “There’s room baby.”

With that, she rounded the chair, climbed on the opposite side of where Laci was sleeping. I had the two loves of my life laying their heads on my chest.

Realizing the magnitude of this moment I had just hit the highest point in my life, my world stopped spinning for me, and it started spinning for these two.