Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 14



Two weeks later I was on my shift in the hospital when there was a commotion at the double doors.

“Ms. O’Connell!” I whipped my head around to see Mackenzie as she was running beside a cop that had something wrapped in a blanket in his arms.

The moment I made it to the trauma room where the cop laid the bundle on the bed, my breath froze in my lungs, seeing the blue bow lips on the baby had me snapping out of it as I asked, “What have we got?”

“My baby. My baby.” A woman came running into the hospital, just as a nurse was about to intercept the woman, two cops merged on the woman, maneuvered her to the ground, and read her Miranda rights.

Looking down at the baby it was to see the little white powder beneath her nose. Snarling, I said, “Everyone hands-off.”

Grabbing gloves I grabbed a test kit, swabbed the powder, placed it in a vile and then I handed it to the officer.

With that done I nodded and we started to work on the baby.

An hour later when we got the answer to what the powder substance was we started the baby on a detox, a cocktail of drugs that the baby should have never had in her system. Who in their right fucking mind gives cocaine to a fucking baby?

Thankfully the baby got here in time before any more damage could be done.

Turning to Mackenzie who had blatantly defied another doctor's order to leave the little girl's side I said, “Call Child Protective Services.” The thankful look she gave me wasn’t lost on me.

This would keep her close to the baby's room until our social worker that worked solely with the hospital could get there.

Mackenzie stood there for a moment as she placed a kiss on two fingers then placed them on the baby’s forehead as she turned and walked out of the room.

An hour later I heard my name being called as I was going over the little girl's test results, “Michelle.”

Lifting my head to see the social worker, I nodded and offered her a kind smile which she returned, “Alice.”

“We will do a DNA swab to see if the father is in the system. I hate to pray for it but this little one needs all the help she can get.”

“What was found?” Mackenzie asked. It also helped that Alice was her aunt.

Normally they weren’t supposed to share this kind of info with us, but the moment I saw Mackenzie when she had laid eyes on this baby, I knew that it was needed.

“Conditions that I hate to see. The little girl's name is Wren. She didn’t have a crib to sleep in. She had a fucking cardboard box in the fucking hall closet.” It took everything in me to not call Cam and have him break into the police department and kill the woman.

What I didn’t know was that it would be taken care of, but not by Cam.

Two hours later after we did a DNA swab, Alice had returned with a file folder in her hand, “The father?” Mackenzie asked.

“Yes. We contacted him thirty minutes ago. He is on his way up here now.”

I was praying that the father was better than the mother, “Some people don’t deserve to be parents.” I agreed with Mackenzie.

She had just stepped back into Wren’s room to hang another IV bag when Alice approached the counter.

“Mr. James.” Alice stepped forward as I looked up from my tablet where I had just entered a patient's information.

“Lincoln?” I stared at him as he looked up and the moment his eyes lit on me he sidestepped the social worker and then wrapped me in a hug.

“Lady told me you saved Wren’s life. Thank you.” Smiling, I patted his back.

The moment he let go, I pulled away and asked, “Wren? She’s your daughter?”

“Yeah, that’s what the bitch named her. But I do like it. It’s different. Didn’t even know about her. The chick, hell I don’t even remember her damn name.”

“Do I need to call Cam?” I asked.

“Nah, they’re already on their way up here.” I nodded.

“Mr. James, my name is Alice, we spoke on the phone.” She offered him her hand as he shook it. “Ready to go meet your daughter?”

“Yeah.” It was then that the brothers walked off the elevator. Seeing my man I winked at him then followed Lincoln and Alice to the room.

Just as I stepped in the room beside Lincoln it was to hear Mackenzie singing softly to baby Wren. No one moved nor said a word as we waited for Mackenzie to finish.

“Mackenzie?” I called out.

The moment she turned in her chair to take everyone in, her eyes landed on Lincoln and froze.

Smiling a small smile I made the introductions.

“Mackenzie, this is Lincoln James, Wren’s father. Lincoln, this is Mackenzie, she’s your daughter’s nurse.”

What was funny was that everyone had moved into the room except for Lincoln. No, his eyes were on Mackenzie.


“Lincoln.” He said huskily.

“Lincoln.” She smiled shyly and I had to turn my face so she wouldn’t see the grin on my face.

Seeing Lincoln shake his head moments later then walk to the bed where his daughter lay caused me to turn to Lil, June, and Melia, whispering softly I said, “I get off in an hour. Do y’all want to go get Wren some things?”

Each of them nodded softly. Since Laci was having a sleepover with my mother Cam and I had a free night. Sadly instead of remembering that I needed to refill my prescription for birth control, it totally slipped my mind.

And that was how I found myself with the women buying everything that Wren would need.

To say Lincoln was shocked when we arrived at his house pulling bags among bags out of our vehicles was an understatement.

When Cam and Heathen came out and grabbed the new furniture pieces then started to set them up in a room, causing Lincoln to hang his head and point, we all started to give Wren the life she should have had.