Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 15


Rousing awake from the dream I was having, everything in that moment slammed hard into me, that dream hadn’t been a dream at all.

My woman’s mouth was on my cock as she stroked it with her tongue. And then she wrapped her hand around the base of my cock as she started to move even faster with her mouth.

Wrapping my hand in her hair letting her know I was awake it only took a few seconds before all of my cum was bursting out of my cock into her mouth.

She swallowed everything down that I gave her.


My hands were shaking as I climbed out of the truck to help Michelle get Laci out of it and to grab the dishes that she had made.

“Pop-pop.” Grinning, I held Laci’s hand as we skipped up the front walk to Michelle’s grandfather’s house.

After I sat the dishes down on the counter I looked to her grandfather and said, “Mr. O’Connell, do you have a minute to speak to me privately.” I asked as I fingered the ring in my jeans pocket.

He nodded, grabbed two beers, and then I followed him out to the back deck.

Handing me one, I took the cap off then took a swig of the beer.

“I already know what you’re going to ask, the answer is yes. Laci told me what you did for her in her room without saying a word to either of them.”

“I had a speech all prepared too.” With a smoker's tone, he laughed.

“You fuck up again, I’ll end you.” I nodded in answer. I fuck this up again, I’ll end my own self. I now realized that after she had been attacked, she had a wall around her heart. I hadn’t even been close to the center of her.

Oh, but I was getting closer.

Swallowing down the emotions I nodded then offered the man my hand. The moment he shook it, Michelle’s mother Anna stepped through the sliding doors, seeing that our conversation was finished, and said, “Dinner’s ready.”

The conversation flowed around the table as I was brought into the fold. Michelle knew about my parents; they were killed in a car accident the day after her father passed away from Pancreatic Cancer.

The next day we were at the clubhouse, looking at the double doors as they opened I saw a tiny slip of a woman as she walked in. She looked scared out of her mind. Stepping in right behind her was Walker. Walker was the Road Captain of our Clearwater Chapter.

“Hey man. What’s up?” I asked him.

He had a look on his face that I had seen multiple times, “Powers and Lil here?”

Immediately, I softened my features, “Yeah, let me get them in his office.”

Standing I walked out to the courtyard, seeing Powers I whistled. The moment I jerked my chin I nodded over to Lil.

They both made their way over to me, “Dove. Office.”

He nodded as he grabbed Lil’s hand and walked into the clubhouse. Upon seeing them, Walker led the woman to the office.

That woman caused fear to ripple through my body. How could a woman as stunning as her look so beaten down and defeated?

I Immediately calmed  down when Michelle wrapped her arms around me from behind, leaning into her touch she asked, “You okay?”

“Yeah. A Dove just walked in here.” I had sat Michelle down and explained to her what we did outside of the bike builds when I was going to be away from them for a few nights.

She had understood. The degrees to which she accepted everything about me were staggering, and I wasn’t sure that it was really only because her father was a member that she was so well adjusted.

But then, her face softened and she proved once again why I fell head over heels in love with her, “Anything I can do, let me know.”

A couple of hours later I looked over to see Lil holding onto the girl's hand, anger was written all over Lil’s face and a murderous scowl was on Powers’ face.

“When I get back, Church.”

Nodding, I placed out a call to have everyone at the clubhouse. Clutch wouldn’t be there because he was in the middle of a huge ass back piece.

Speaking of that I needed to go see him and add some ink to my tattoo.

Four hours later my hatred for what had been done to the woman, Cora, was growing with each thought that ran through my mind.

The hatred fled however the moment I parked my bike, walked into the house, and got a hot kiss from Michelle.

Sitting there cross-legged as I helped Laci wrap her mother’s birthday presents, I was halted when she spoke, “Cam, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, peanut?”

“Mom talked to me about things.” She was biting her bottom lip. The same thing her mother did when she was nervous or scared.

“Things?” I asked.

“Yeah, about how I came to be.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“I’m not going to lie and say that it hurts. I think it hurts mom more than me. Sure, I would’ve liked to be made out of love, but mom has told me countless times that I was the reason she faced each new day with a smile on her face and why she didn’t let that not saying the word that mom said, to beat her.”

“Your mom is a strong woman peanut, and you're going to grow up and be just as strong. I can tell these things.” I chuckled softly.

But there was something that was still weighing on her mind, how did I know that? I just knew it, “What else is there peanut?”

“I... I never wanted to ask mom what he looked like or who he was, I didn’t want to cause her any more pain.”

“Peanut, not going to tell you how I know what he looks like, I’ll not mention the motherfuckers name. He doesn’t deserve it. But let's just say that I don’t see any of him in you. What I see in you is all your momma and the man above gave you my genes. Simple as that.”

“I love you, Cam.” Every single time those words come out of Laci’s mouth I feel like I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.

Staring into her hazel eyes that are so much like my own I said, “Love you too peanut with everything in me.”

And just when I thought she had gotten out everything she wanted to say, she then said, “So…since the decision was taken from mom, on who my father is, do you think I should get the decision of who I chose to be my father?”

Unsure of where she was going with this line of questioning, I sat there as I thought about what she said, “Yeah peanut. Blood doesn’t make a parent.”

“Okay. Love you, Cam.” I had two loves in my life, Michelle, and Laci.

Grinning, I said, “Love you too, peanut.”

That was when she grabbed a manilla folder that was sitting on the coffee table. When she handed it to me I saw the look in her little hazel eyes. She was nervous.

The moment I opened the manilla folder I froze as I read the first line. Application for Adoption.

“You don’t have to. I talked to mom about this.” She was nervous, I didn’t know why, but she didn’t have to be.

Grinning, I reached for a pen that was sitting on the coffee table and signed my name. “As if I wouldn’t sign this, I already consider you mine darlin’. The moment I laid eyes on you; it was a done deal. Hell, even my brothers already call you my girl.”

After that was done, she shocked me with what she said next, “Dad, the man that raped mom, do you think that he will get what’s coming to him?” She almost asked it so quietly that I wasn’t sure if I heard her correctly.

“I know the man is burning in hell, peanut,” I told her as I looked at her.

Laci looked up at me then, her eyes widened. She knew. She knew what I had done. Then she hurled her body into me, threw her arms around my neck, and cried.

Michelle came out of the kitchen at a run when she heard Laci crying, “What’s wrong?”

I looked at her and mouthed, “She learned I killed that mother fucker.”

Her face softened as she turned and headed back to the kitchen to finish dinner.

That night as I read her a bedtime story, just as I was about to read the next sentence, Laci asked, “Daddy, why do I look so much like you?”

I hadn’t told Michelle this. But when I looked up before I answered her, it was to see Michele standing there in the open doorway, “Darlin’ come in here. Something you both need to hear.”

The look she gave as she walked into the room made my heart skip a beat.

“The reason why you look so much like me is that the man that raped your mother is really my half-brother. I didn’t know any of that. Thought Porter was just our friend. It never even occurred to me; I knew that we look alike but still.”

“It was Porter?” Michelle asked me.

“Yeah, baby. You did scratch his face up pretty good though.” She had told me that she had blacked out and she didn’t remember any of it, not until she was in the back of the ambulance.

“So I really do have your blood flowing through my veins?”

“That you do peanut. That you do.” Laci amazed me, even more, each day.