Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 6


Laci had fallen asleep and before I could get her out of the truck, there was Cameron. I felt his hands on my waist as he moved me to the side, unbuckled her seatbelt, then ever so carefully, he gathered her in his arms.

Shutting the door, we walked up the front walk. Unlocking the front door, I led him to Laci’s bedroom.

Before I could help, he used one hand as he turned her covers back and laid her down on her bed.

The moment he placed a kiss on her temple, I felt parts of my heart that have long since been dead, start to waken. Nope. No way.

“Thank you,” I whispered as I walked to my fridge and grabbed a beer, holding it out to him, he nodded as he tagged it from me. Grabbing my own we walked to the front porch.

Sitting down in the porch swing, it didn’t even groan, but the moment Cameron followed suit, it did.

As the crickets sang in the night air I took a swig of my beer.

I could feel emotions that I couldn’t decipher coming from Cameron. Breaking the silence he asked, “What is it going to take Michelle? I’ve done everything I can think of to get you to see the man that I am today?”

I had been weighing the options on what I should and shouldn’t do. However, everything came back to one thing. I was going to hell. Straight there.

Then when I opened my mouth and told him what I wanted, to say that I was shocked at the statement that followed was an understatement.

“I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me so hard that I can’t breathe. Slam me against the wall and make me forget that night all those years ago. I want it to happen in my house after Laci goes to sleep. I don’t want any emotional attachments because that time is long gone.”

“I’ll take you anyway I can get you, and if this is how you want it, then fine. But be warned, beautiful, I’m playing for keeps. For the both of you.”

And with that, he pulled out his phone and handed it to me, “Put your number in it. I’ll call when I’m on my way over tomorrow night. What time does Laci go to bed at night?”

I did as he asked, then my mouth worked before my mind could tell it not to. “Nine.”

“Gotcha Beautiful. Text you when I’m on my way.” Grinning, he handed me his empty beer bottle and with that, he walked to his bike then pulled out of the driveway leaving me sitting there replaying our conversation on my front porch.

I needed to be put in a mental institution. Was I really considering this?

I haven’t been with anyone of my choosing ever. The one and only time I had experienced sex was a horrible, nightmare of a reality.

The next day I had just read Laci a bedtime story, when I read the next sentence I noticed that she was dead to the world.

Carefully I stood from her bed, placed the book on her bedside table, then turned the tank light off to Sparks, her crested gecko, walked out of her bedroom, closing the door softly behind me.

Ten minutes later while I sat on my front porch in my swing with a beer in my hand my phone pinged with a text.

Unknown – Be there in five.

Michelle – Ok...

Exactly five minutes later Cameron pulled up to my house on his bike, the moment he turned onto my driveway he turned the bike off and then walked it up the drive. “She’s loud, didn’t want to wake Laci.”

And with those words, the guarded wall I had around my heart fucking cracked. Did I try to stop it? That would be a no? Why? Because I was still that naïve little girl that read fairy tales to my daughter and believed that true love did exist.

He was slowly working his way back under my skin and I didn’t know what I was going to do when he got there fully again.

What I did know was that my guard was going to be up, but I didn’t know for how long.

Taking his helmet off, he walked up the porch steps, getting off the swing I walked into the house, as he followed me.

Reaching my bedroom I turned and stood as I watched him saunter into my room.

Entering the bedroom he turned and locked the door.

Then without a moment of hesitation, he stalked over to me, wrapped me in his arms, and slammed his mouth down on mine.

I moaned in his mouth when our tongues finally danced together. I wasn’t going to let anything that happens tonight go to my head. That would completely undo me and it would shatter the world that I had built for myself and Laci from nothing but tattered ashes.

When he pulled away I almost whimpered, that was until he removed his kutte, hung it on the doorknob then locked eyes with me as he hunched his shoulders, gripped the collar of this t-shirt, and ripped it from his body.

My eyes roamed his chest, lingering on the tattoo that rested over his heart, then my eyes moved lower until my brain caught up with what it had seen.

Like a rocket, my eyes shot back up to the tattoo.

Stepping closer to him with his arms now at his side, I looked at the tattoo, my breath catching in my lungs. Lifting one finger to trail it over the design I held my breath.

“Does that say what I think it says?” I asked him in a whisper.

His hands came to rest on my hips as he buried his nose in my hair, “What do you think it says?”

The tattoo was black and grey. It was a biomechanical heart, where the aorta was supposed to be, there, inked on his skin was one simple word, Michelle.

I didn’t notice the tears in my eyes until I felt his thumb brush them away ever so carefully.

Burying my face in his chest I broke. Crying big fat tears into his skin.

He just stood there and held me while I cried.

“Why? Why did you do it, Cameron? Why did you trust her and not me?”

“I was young and dumb baby. I’ll tell you why, but not tonight. I know what I did doesn’t excuse that fact but there is something I’ve never told you.”

Lifting my tear-stained face from his chest, he brought his hand to cup the side of my face as he brought his mouth down on mine and I completely shut my brain off and just felt.

This. This is what I have been needing, craving. Just his touch.

With deft fingers he grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. We broke apart when it came off, but then our mouths collided once again.

He walked me backward to the bed and without our mouths separating we laid down on the bed.

Our hands explored each other, and then with a push from my foot, I flipped us over.

Seeing him naked in the flesh from the waist up was like looking at the cover of a fit-magazine. The man was ripped. Did he even have fat? My guess was no. His eight-pack abs. My God. I trailed my mouth down his chest and licked the lines of his abs, as goosebumps pebbled along his skin.

“Baby, take my jeans off. My dick is getting pissed, it's out of fucking room.” I giggled at that and did as he asked.

Unbuttoning his pants,  pulling down his zipper as my knuckles grazed along the hard length that he had, he inhaled a breath, looking up as I took his jeans off, his eyes held a fiery passion in them.

The moment his jeans were off he sprung off the bed, grabbed me around my waist, and threw me down on the bed.

With quick movements he did the same for me, leaving me in only a pink lace bra and matching panties.

“Fuck.” He growled as he stood there staring at my body.

“Cameron,” I whispered.

He placed his fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs and pulled them down his legs.

My eyes traveled with the movement to see his pulsing hard cock. “Holy fuck.”

He chuckled as he palmed his cock, “Is he okay for you?”

“You think?” I snapped.

Without missing a beat he let go of his cock and climbed back on the bed.

With his hands in mine, he moved them above my head as he trailed his mouth and tongue along my jaw, down my neck as he nipped and sucked.

My body was writhing beneath his. I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t nervous. I had time to heal. I wasn’t going to punish either of us because of someone else's actions.

“Cameron, there’s been no one else.” I felt the need to tell him so he would know how big of a moment this was.

Lifting his eyes to mine so I could see the honesty in his blue eyes he murmured, “I haven’t wanted anyone else. My dick doesn’t get hard for anyone except you.”

“Are you saying what I think you're saying?”

“Yeah baby, I am. You're my first and my last same with you. Some other man may have had a hand at making Laci, but baby, she’s mine.”

With that bomb being dropped he continued down my chest, smiling when he saw my bra had a front clasp on it.

He used one hand to unsnap my bra open as my free hand wrapped around the back of his thick corded neck.

My hips bucked up into him as his tongue circled my nipple. He nipped, licked, tugged, all the while swirling his tongue around my nipple. The sensations he was causing in my body were things that I had only ever imagined about.

Reading scenes like this in books, well that had nothing on the actual feelings that I was feeling.

After he showed the other nipple the same consideration he let his mouth wander down my body, both of my hands were free now as I grabbed the comforter in them.

“Love this.” He breathed as he tongued my belly button ring. Remaining there for a few moments before his mouth moved down.

Down and down he went until I felt a gentle kiss on my pussy through my underwear.

Using his teeth, he pulled my underwear from my body, lifting my hips to help get the offending garment off my body. The moment I had one leg out, I used the other to kick them off.

His chuckle filled the room.

Snapping out of my haze I heard a phone ringing that wasn’t mine, groaning. I said, “No.”

“Ignore it. I am. Nothing in this world could pull me away from you.” And when the phone rang again a second time he didn’t stop as he trailed kisses up the insides of my thighs.

And finally, he brought his tongue to my pussy, licking up and down, he groaned. “I could live here. Fuck, your pussy tastes even better than my dreams. Like fucking honey.”

He parted my lips with his tongue and then when he captured my clit in between his lips, I saw fucking stars.


“Ready for what?” I asked him.

“I’m about to place my fingers in your pussy baby. Need to know if you’re okay with that?” I felt tears hit my eyes yet again. My God, this man.

“Yes, Cam. I’m ready.” I didn’t see his face as I called him Cam, but I felt his body relax between my thighs.

And then I felt first one finger, then two enter me. He found the rhythm that my body was on and then he attacked like a starved man.

Within minutes as I felt my first ever orgasm start to hit my body his tongue was flicking my clit in time with his fingers.

And then like a shot, my back bowed off of the bed as I moaned, “Cam.”

Chuckling, he helped me through my orgasm.

When my body stopped shaking he removed his mouth and his fingers.

I felt him start to crawl off the bed, but not before I watched with avid fascination as he pulled the two fingers out of my pussy and brought them to his mouth, sucking my juices from them. Was it possible to cum from that alone? Yes, it was.

He bent to his jeans and pulled something from his pocket. A condom.

“When you're ready, we won't use these fuckers anymore.”

I simply nodded, not comprehending what he was saying but unable to form a response. It wouldn’t be until later when I fully understood what that statement meant.

“You're already dripping for me, baby.” He said as he lined his condom-covered dick with my entrance.

He brought his mouth to mine, kissing me as he started to slowly enter me. Inch by delectable inch.

My pussy stretched wide for him, filling me up so deep that I could feel it in my throat.

I felt a power pour into me like I have never felt before, “Cam.”

“Yeah, baby. Yeah. Feel it too.” And with that, he started to retreat, my heels dug into his back to keep him inside of me.

I shouldn’t have worried though, no far from it.

He slammed back inside of me.

“Fuck you feel so fucking good. I can feel your heat through this condom.”

“I feel… I feel…” I breathed out.

“I know, I won’t last long. Fucckkkk.” He groaned as his eyes closed for the briefest moment, and then his eyes were locked with mine.

Feeling him moving in and out of me, I lifted my head to see where our two bodies connected as one and that caused the orgasm that had been there on the verge of hitting me, to come raging out of me at full force.

“Cam.” I moaned. My toes curled and my spine tingled.

“That’s it, baby. Give me everything.” He sped up his pace, pounding in and out of me harder.

With the force of his thrusts, he hit that spot inside of me to make another orgasm rip out of me like a volcano.

“Thank fuck.” He groaned as he felt my pussy clenching his cock. And then he stilled.

I watched in avid fascination as his entire body strung tight and then like a flash, all of the muscles loosened.

Thank God Laci’s room was on the other side of the house.

As my body slowly came back down from its high, I felt his arms wrap around me as he stood, taking me with him. His hands were under my ass while his cock was still buried deep inside of me.

My breath left my lungs as he slammed me against the wall. His mouth was on mine as his tongue danced with my own.

He started to move in and out of me yet again. I didn’t know how I could cum so fast a second time, but here I was right there on the edge.

The moment one of his hands left my ass to play with my clit, my back bowed as my orgasm ripped from my body.

It wasn’t long before he was coming with me.

My body felt like jelly as he walked us backward to the bed where he laid us down in a boneless heap.

With Cameron wrapped around my body, I breathed in and out trying to calm my racing heart.

What I did know was that if I didn’t get him out of my house and soon, I would be regretting everything that would soon follow, and that was the last thing that I wanted.