Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 10


Emmalyn woke to find a warmth at her back and the smouldering embers from last night’s fire at her front.  The heat from the fire made sense, but the warmth from behind was confusing.  She reached back with her good arm and patted whatever it was.  She realized immediately that it was a rather large man.  He was solid and the muscles flexed as her tiny hand slid over top.   Gasping, she pulled back and twisted around to see who it could be.

“Please, continue,” Kell hummed as he stretched lazily and glanced over at her. “That is probably the most enjoyable wake up I ever had.”

She frowned as she dropped back, then gasped loudly this time from the searing pain the movement caused her arm.  Kell’s eyes went from sleepy to alert as he popped up on an elbow and leaned over Emmalyn.  The proximity unnerved her.  Kell was too close and his woodsy scent was intoxicating.  It reminded her of pine trees, spice and male.  He studied her a minute, then a small smile graced his lips.

“Emmy, you are making this damn hard on me,” Kell softly growled.  “If you were not in pain, I would do something about that look in your eyes.  I want to devour you.”

Emmalyn blinked up at him, shocked by the bold words and use of Mathias’ nickname.  “Why are you sleeping with me?” she questioned.

“I am concerned about your wound and you cannot forget the attack in your home world yesterday.  It is my duty to make sure you stay alive and suffer no further injuries,” Kell stated.

Emmalyn looked around the camp and noticed all the bedrolls spread out close by.  “Surely there are enough men here to deter anyone foolish enough to enter the camp,” she questioned.

“You are royalty,” Kell replied in exasperation.  Emmalyn was instantly pissed off.  “My men are good, but I am better.”

“You may consider me royalty, but I certainly don’t.  I didn’t grow up a princess, and I didn’t grow up in this world.  I don’t want the title,” she finished with a sigh.

Emmalyn expected Kell to grow angry at the words, but his face softened.  He reached up and brushed a stray piece of hair from her face before replying.

“It is a choice that is not ours to decide,” Kell began.  “The title is passed to us at birth and you know full well that we cannot choose our parents.  I am the Prince of Knightshire, yet I detest sitting on a thrown.  It is why I became a warrior.  I have no desire to slap on a fake smile and talk politics with people who bore me to death.  I prefer to be out where the action is, riding Zephyr and training my men.”

“But if you’re a prince, aren’t you destined to become king one day?” Emmalyn asked.  Kell gave a short, quick nod so she continued.  “How can you be allowed this kind of lifestyle?  Aren’t you needed for kingly things?”

“Kingly things?” Kell chuckled as Emmalyn blushed.

“What about training to take the throne,” Emmalyn amended.  “Aren’t there certain things you need to learn?”

“Every king rules his own way,” Kell explained.  “I have raided many lands and made a name for myself.  People see that I am fair and more than capable of protecting them.  They already know me and show me respect.  I will have no problem imposing my rule when I become king.”

“Oh,” Emmalyn replied in understanding.  “I see your point, and it’s a good one.  But what about me?  The people don’t know me.  I was sent away when I was just a baby.  I can’t expect them to just accept me because of my birthright.”

Kell nodded, and she deflated a bit at his easy agreement.  “You are a princess, but you are unlike any they have known before.  They will be untrusting at first, and may treat you unkindly because you did not grow up in Terrasen.”

Emmalyn nodded once more, but didn’t speak for fear the sob lodged in her throat would break free.  She didn’t want Kell to know how much his words affected her.  Emmalyn didn’t know the people of this world, but she certainly didn’t want their scorn either.  She’d suffered enough of that growing up.  Emmalyn tried to drop her head and hide the inner struggle, but Kell wasn’t allowing it.  He placed a finger under her chin and tipped her head back up.  When she caught his eyes, she was surprised by the intensity.

“You be yourself,” Kell ordered.  “You have a kindness and a way about you that draws people in.  You are strong and brave and display a rare level of fierceness.  The people will be lucky to have you.”

“Thank you,” Emmalyn whispered, touched by his kind words.

Kell nodded, stood up and moved away to leave Emmalyn on her own.  She watched Kell as he stopped to talk to each of his men and then tended to his horse.  She wasn’t surprised when a minute later Torin crouched down beside her.

“How are you feeling today?  Kell mentioned you were in some pain,” Torin said in greeting.  He wore a friendly smile that eased her.

“I am,” Emmalyn admitted with a smile of her own.  She liked Torin and was happy to see him.  “Can you tell me how Mathias is doing this morning?”

“Grumpy as hell,” Torin chuckled.  “He slept well and is on the mend, but his injuries were a lot more severe than yours.  It will be a while before he is on his feet again.”

“Can I see him?” Emmalyn pushed.

“I have one of the men boiling some water.  We will get some tea and breakfast into you, let you clean up and then you can check on him,” Torin promised.

She nodded, happy with the plan.  Torin left to attend to a few things and she was free to relax.  The pain was getting worse, so she wasn’t in any hurry to move.  She simply watched as the men rolled the beds up and put them away, tended the horses and cooked breakfast.  The camp operated like a well-oiled machine with each man completing a specific task.  If anyone caught her eye, they smiled or gave a small nod.  After a few minutes, Torin reappeared with a cup of hot tea with the special herbs.  She could smell the slight odor.

“I don’t want to sleep again,” Emmalyn complained eyeing the drink with distaste.

“This is a smaller dose.  It should help with the pain. And you may feel more relaxed, but you should not sleep,” Torin explained with a smile.

He helped her sit up with his free arm.  Once she was comfortable and steady on her own, Torin pulled free and passed her the cup.

“Be mindful of the heat,” Torin warned.  “It was just poured and has not cooled down yet.”

Tentatively, she blew on it and promised to wait a minute before taking a sip.  He nodded in satisfaction and headed off again.  Emmalyn took several minutes to finish the small cup of tea and had to admit she felt better.  The pain was manageable and she was eager to move.  Throwing back the cover Kell must have placed over her the night before, she stood up. It was awkward with only one arm.  The dress didn’t help, but she managed.  As soon as she was up, Kell appeared back at her side.

“I have clean clothes and strung up blankets in the trees.  You can wash, change and take care of yourself with no disturbances,” he declared.  “I will remain close to ensure your privacy.”

“Of course you will,” Emmalyn smirked as Kell led the way.

She followed behind, surprised to come upon what looked like a tent.  The blankets were overlapped around several trees, and he had clearly spent some time making it.  Emmalyn smiled as Kell lifted one side and invited her to enter.  Inside was a tripod holding a basin of steaming water.  A cloth hung from a low branch, and clothes had been thoughtfully laid out to one side.

“This is wonderful,” Emmalyn glowed happily.  “Thank you.”

As she stepped inside, the blanked dropped down behind her and Kell’s light footsteps signalled his exit.  She removed the dress, wiped down her face and body as best she could and relieved herself.  The new dress was a soft butter colour.  It was the same style as the other one, but had lace added to the neckline.  She got it on without hurting her arm and left the tent in search of Kell.

Kell stepped out the trees and Emmalyn sighed in relief.  This new world was beautiful.  She loved the tiny purple flowers growing everywhere and the vibrant colours, but this wasn’t home.  She was unsure about walking around on her own.  Kell took her arm and headed straight to Mathias.

“Torin informed me you wanted time with Mathias this morning.  You have a few minutes while we finish tearing down the camp,” Kell explained.  “Say your goodbyes.”

Emmalyn stared at Kell in confusion.  “Goodbyes?” she questioned, but it was Mathias who answered.

“I cannot travel and it isn’t safe for you to stay here.  The warriors who travelled through the portal did not return.  That will not go unnoticed,” Mathias admitted.  “I will ride in a wagon with the healer to her home and remain there until I am stronger.  Once healed, I will head back to Fairrest and wait for your return.”

Emmalyn knelt down beside him and took his hand.  “I will go with you,” she instantly declared.

“You will not,” Kell sharply interrupted.  “There are people eager to see you, and others anxious to end you. You will go with me.”

“To Fairrest?” Mathias inquired.

“It is best that you do not know our destination,” Kell evaded.

As Emmalyn watched, Mathias narrowed his eyes at Kell.  “You plan to take her to Knightshire then?”

“I have not yet decided,” Kell grunted narrowing his own eyes.  And his answer seemed to anger Mathias.

“You haven’t decided?” Mathias growled.  “You best be careful while playing your games.”

“I am not playing games.  You know full well what they expect of me and should understand the decision is one I will not make lightly,” Kell furiously shot back.

“I understand,” Mathias conceded.  “But take great care in the way you handle things.”

The conversation completely confused Emmalyn and it was clear they were intentionally speaking in riddles.  They obviously didn’t want her to know what was being discussed and she didn’t like it.  She turned to Mathias, knowing he would be more sympathetic.

“You need to repeat everything you two just said, without all the hidden meanings,” Emmalyn ordered.  “Since I’m a part of this, I don’t appreciate being left in the dark.”

Mathias sighed, about to spill the details, but Kell swiftly scooped Emmalyn up into his arms and strode away.  With such long legs, he ate up the ground and easily put a significant distance between them in a short amount of time.  He stopped at a tree next to Zephyr.  The horse snickered in greeting and stood still as if waiting to see Kell’s next move.

“You can’t just carry me off to avoid explaining,” Emmalyn huffed.

“I can,” Kell declared.  Lifting her up, he placed Emmalyn sideways on Zephyr’s back.  He removed his sword, stuck it in a side pack, swung in behind and pulled her into his arms.  A quick tug on the reigns and they were off, her explanation conveniently forgotten.