Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 12


Emmalyn sat comfortably on the blanket Kell had laid out and peered up at the warriors surrounding her.  Whatever Kell had to say, it must be important to warrant this much protection.  The rest of his men had moved away, a clear sign Kell was only willing to disclose the information to a select few.  She eyed the warriors and the resigned look in their eyes.  It was clear they were expecting this conversation and knew exactly what Kell was about to disclose.  Emmalyn sat up straighter and looked to Kell.  He nodded, pleased with her attention, then he began to talk.

“Do you have any memories of your parents?” Kell questioned as he studied her, obviously curious about her reaction.

“No,” Emmalyn admitted.  “I don’t have a single memory of them.  All I know is that they died when I was young and I was placed with Mathias.  He was a close family friend and chosen to raise me if something happened to them.”

“What do you know of them?” Kell pushed as he dragged his hands through his hair.  “Mathias must have told you some things over the years.”

She smiled as she remembered the stories Mathias had shared.  “My mother looked a lot like me.  Except where I’m easy going and care free, she was regal and proud.  She dressed immaculately and there was an air about her that drew people in.  She was instantly liked and friendly to everyone she encountered.  My father’s personality was easy going like me, but we don’t look alike.  He craved adventure and was always jumping into things feet first.  Mathias assured me he wasn’t reckless, but enjoyed life and wasn’t afraid to let it show.”

Kell smiled at her description and two of his men chuckled, confusing Emmalyn.  It seemed they agreed and her words conjured up their own memories.

“Did you all know them?” Emmalyn questioned curiously, craving any information they might be able to share.  It was exciting to think she might learn new details about her parents that Mathias didn’t know.  Kell nodded and answered for them all.

“These are my closest men,” Kell admitted as he waved his hand around the circle.  “Where I go, they go.  They trained with me and have been by my side since I was a young lad.  I have had the chance to share time with your parents on many occasions.  My men were present at these conversations, and because of your parents’ generosity, were treated as equals.  They know your parents almost as well as I do.”

Emmalyn was pleased.  It was wonderful to hear that her parents were adored, and a relief to know they were also kind.  She had gotten that impression from Mathias, but it warmed her heart to hear others agree.  Gripping the locket around her neck with her good hand, Emmalyn closed her eyes, momentarily calling up the pictures inside by memory.

“Is that a locket?” Behr questioned as he leaned closer to inspect it.  She opened her hand and held it higher to give him a better look.

“It’s the only picture of them I have.  Mathias said someone took it just before they died.  I never take it off,” she admitted.

“Can we see it?” Behr gently asked.  Emmalyn smiled up at him, proud to show it off.

Carefully Emmalyn lowered the locket to see the clasp easier.  She clicked the snap and opened it.  Mathias had warned her the trinket was an antique, so she treated it delicately.

Behr looked closer and sucked in a surprised gasp.  “That is truly amazing.  The craftsmanship that went into painting it is extraordinary.  The detail takes my breath away.  It looks just like them.”

Emmalyn pulled the locket back and shook her head.  “No,” she denied.  “It’s a photograph taken with a camera, not a painting.”

Behr chuckled as he too shook his head.  “I do not understand what a camera is sweetheart, but that is definitely a painting.  It is the only way we can capture a moment in time.  The most talented artists are commissioned to paint only a privileged few.”

Emmalyn looked down at the picture and studied it.  The cracks and age made it difficult to see clearly, but she’d always assumed it was a photograph.  She knew this world wasn’t as modern.  The horses and old-fashioned clothing alone made that exceptionally clear, however, the idea that it was painted was stunning.  She looked at Kell for confirmation, and the nod told her it was true.  Such a simple lie hit her hard and she wasn’t sure how to feel.  Resigned, she added it to the long list of things that she found disturbing.

Kell suddenly moved to her side and took a seat on the blanket.  “It is a beautiful rendition, and I am pleased that you had it with you as a reminder.  It must bring you comfort, and I can see by the careful way you handle it, that it means a great deal to you.”

Emmalyn sighed as she moved closer and placed her head on his shoulder.  “Thank you,” she replied with some relief.  Kell must have felt her anxiety and was trying to settle her.  She appreciated the gesture.

Kell gave her a few minutes to compose herself before he spoke again.  “You must miss your parents very much,” he sympathized.  “It must have been difficult growing up without them.”

“It’s hard to miss what you never had,” Emmalyn admitted.  “My classmates would brag about all the great things they did with their parents and I never had that.  Everyone else brought moms and dads to the important events at school and holidays, while I only had Mathias.  He was wonderful, and the best substitute I could have had, but it wasn’t the same.  I especially missed my mother.  There are things that a girl needs a mother for, and I missed out on that.”

Kell gently placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her head from his shoulder.  “I am sorry sweetheart.  I can see losing them has not been easy, but what if you could do things differently?  What if you had the chance to see them once more?  Would that make you happy?”

Emmalyn did not understand how that was possible, but the idea of seeing them again tugged at her heart.  She would give anything, but they were dead and the idea was absurd.

“It’s not possible,” she denied with a small amount of anger.  “Why wish for something that can’t be?”

Kell smiled at her, and it was a smile that held a world of knowledge.  Knowledge of things he knew, and she wasn’t a part of.  She pulled her face back and knocked his hand away.  Kell’s features softened as she studied his face and Emmalyn realized that whatever he was hiding was huge.  She pushed herself off the ground and stood, a small tremble rippling through her tiny frame.

“What?” Emmalyn questioned with a hitch to her voice.  She closed her eyes afraid of his response.

“You grew up believing your parents were dead to spare your feelings.  Your parents felt it cruel that you should grow up knowing they were alive and not be able to see them,” Kell explained softly.

Emmalyn heard him pushing off the ground to stand, but her whole body was concentrating on his words, and she was desperately trying not to fall apart.  Two warm hands spanned her cheeks, and tears she was unaware of were gently brushed away.

“Open your eyes my wee warrior,” Kell softly requested.  Emmalyn shook her head, deathly afraid to hope.  She could feel Kell’s breath on her face as he bent down and sighed, now at eye level.  He placed a small kiss on her forehead before speaking.

“Your parents are alive and well,” Kell informed her.  “And they are desperate to see you.  They sent me to your world and asked me to bring you safely back to them.”

Emmalyn sucked in a huge breath as a sob ripped from her chest.  She would have collapsed if Kell hadn’t moved quickly to envelop her.  With arms wrapped tightly around her, Kell lowered them both to the ground and pulled her tight against his massive chest.  She clung to him as she broke.  She cried as his words slowly sunk in.  She couldn’t comprehend the chance to see her parents again as it was something she never thought possible.

“Leave us,” Kell ordered. Emmalyn barely noticed the men turning around and backing into the trees.  “Let it all out.  I understand it is a lot to take in, and I am terribly sorry your parents misled you.  I honestly believe, honey, that they did it out of love.  You must understand the position they were in.  They have lived with the burden of not being able to see you, and it has done damage.  Imagine a parent not being able to watch their child grow.  To miss out on all the milestones that other parents enjoy.”

Emmalyn thought about the words as she attempted to calm herself.  Her sobs slowly turned into hitches, then stopped altogether.  She understood the situation and felt nothing but sympathy for her parents.  Her life had been hard, but theirs must have been harder.

“Can I meet them?” Emmalyn questioned, as she pushed away from his chest and stared into his eyes.

“Of course you can,” he grinned.  Then he surprised her by leaning down and placing his lips against hers.  The kiss was soft and sweet, and it took her breath away.  She realized that Kell was beginning to mean the world to her.  A rush of feelings consumed her.  Ones that never would have happened if she had stayed in her world.  Things were changing, but being with Kell, secure in the knowledge that her parents were alive, was a change to embrace.