Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 13


Kell left Emmalyn sitting comfortably on the blanket with a bowl of warm rabbit stew and dry bread.  Torin remained by her side to check the wound once she finished eating.  Kell was hopeful that within the next day or two she would be healed enough to remove the sling.  The night before, Kell had checked the wound and a scab was forming.  It wouldn’t be long until the stitches themselves would need to be removed.

Oryn and Behr joined Kell as he traversed a small beaten down path through the woods leading away from the small clearing where they had stopped to rest.  It was evident they wanted a word, and Kell didn’t want Emmalyn to be within earshot.  The conversation with Emmalyn had gone better than expected and Kell didn’t wish anything to disturb her happy thoughts.  Emmalyn was surprisingly pleased at learning her parents were alive, and hadn’t dwelt on being lied to.  She listened without getting angry and concentrated on the positive ending.  For a moment, Kell considered that his wee warrior might make a good Queen after all.  She possessed many endearing qualities that would gain favour with the people.  Kell wasn’t the least bit surprised that his mind strayed in this direction.  Since he first laid eyes on Emmalyn, he was drawn to her.  Having her by his side for the foreseeable future would not be a hardship, and he wondered if perhaps his pressing decision was already made.

“She took that well,” Behr commented the minute they hit a small break in the trees.  Oryn nodded in agreement.

“She did,” Kell confirmed.  “Although she is disappointed, we are not heading directly to the King and Queen.”  Kell had explained to Emmalyn that unfortunately for the moment, it wasn’t safe yet.  The reunion would draw the danger to their doorstep, and Kell wasn’t willing to take any chances.  He had no idea where the threat was coming from, and until he did, they needed to play it smart.

“She understood,” Oryn pushed.  “She listens with her head and does not let her heart rule.”

“Not yet,” Kell smirked.  “But she is getting more acquainted with us.  I do not think it will be long before she starts ordering us around.  Emmalyn is still healing and has the tea in her system.  The fire she drew on to fight back in her world is dimmed right now.  Once that spark is lit again, she will no doubt be a ball of fire.”

“Maybe we should stock up on the tea,” Behr frowned.  “Life would be easier with a compliant and docile female.”

“But the spark would be something to see,” Oryn countered.  “A bit of fire and passion makes life interesting.  You need someone who will test you once in a while, not someone who smiles and nods at everything you say.”

“I agree,” Kell stated, scowling at Behr.  “Would you honestly be happy with a submissive partner?  I think you would tire of her and seek another.”

“Perhaps,” Behr admitted.  “But it would be fun for a while.”

Oryn shook his head and steered the conversation back to the topic at hand.  “Why did you stop at admitting her parents are alive?  There are many other things the two of you need to discuss.”

Kell leaned back against a tree and crossed his massive arms.  “There are,” he agreed.  “But she is beyond content.  I had no desire to spoil that bit of happiness.  Once I explain everything else, things will get tense.  The time has not yet come to inform her of the second reason for seeking her out.”

“So, you have finally made a decision regarding her, and the need to wed?” Oryn questioned.

“The choice is obvious,” Kell shrugged.  “I refuse to marry Seraphine and no others are of age to wed.  I do not care about the power marrying a princess brings, I care about marrying someone that suits me.  I need someone I can be proud of by my side, someone I can love, and someone I can see having my children.”

“You are falling for the girl?” Behr questioned with a sly smile.

“I am,” Kell confirmed.  “I do not like having my hand forced, but I would happily consider spending a lifetime with Emmalyn.  Even without the circumstances hanging over my head, I would choose her.”

“So, we need to find a priest and get you married,” Oryn declared, causing Kell to grin.

“No,” Kell denied.  “It can wait a week or more.  The girl needs to be willing to marry me.  Marrying without her consent will only cause problems, both for me and the realm.”  Kell was pleased that both men considered the consequences and nodded sharply in agreement.

“Time is of the essence,” Oryn pointed out.  “I would not wait too long.”

“Are you going to let Emmalyn in on the little fact that you can control the elements?” Behr questioned, bringing the conversation back around once more.

“I will, but again not immediately.  I do not want her to be afraid of me,” Kell admitted.

“She was reasonable and understanding at the news you just shared about her parents.  She may surprise you,” Behr pushed.

“True,” Kell conceded.  “But I want to remain cautious.  I do not wish to share the rest of it with her just yet.”

“Again, I have to remind you time is of the essence,” Oryn pushed.  “While it may be a lot to spring on her at once, she needs to know, and soon.  Women prefer honesty, and do not like finding out information has been withheld.”

Kell nodded but didn’t waver in his decision.  The girl was strong, but one could only take so much.  She needed time, and Kell needed to make sure she got it.  They also needed time alone.  Time without a warrior band surrounding them.  Time for Emmalyn to get to know him as a man, not a leader.

“Oryn, ride ahead and try to locate a village close by.  Then discreetly find out if it has a small inn.  We can ride for another couple of hours before stopping for the night, but it would help my situation if I could provide Emmalyn decent accommodations.  She needs a real bed, a hot bath and a good meal,” Kell ordered.  “She needs to know that I am thinking about her and her comfort.”

“A smart idea,” Behr grinned.  “I am sure she will appreciate the effort.  The men can camp close by with some of us getting rooms that surround yours.  A few extra coins for the innkeeper should keep his tongue from wagging about the warrior prince residing inside.”

Kell grinned as he turned and led the way back to the clearing.  He had a good plan for this evening, with thoughts focused on his wee warrior as he pushed through the trees.  He was looking forward to spending some time alone with her.  He would make clear the plan to share a room and a bed, but would give her time to adjust.  There was no point pushing for more if she wasn’t ready, no matter how much he wished to enjoy her.

Kell cleared the trees and found Emmalyn sitting on the blanket where he left her.  He nodded in thanks to Torin and motioned the man away.  Looking up at him, Kell caught her eye and gave her a small smile.

“I sent Oryn ahead to see if he can locate an inn,” Kell stated.  “I think it is time you got a proper night’s rest and a bit of pampering.”  At the word pampering, Emmalyn’s brow scrunched up in confusion.  “A hot bath, a real bed and a delicious meal,” he clarified.

“Oh, that sounds wonderful,” Emmalyn grinned.  “But please don’t do that on my account.  If it puts everyone in jeopardy, I’d be happy to continue camping along the way.”

Kell chuckled at the hopeful look on her face and ignored the practical words.  “I am sure it will be fine, and I could do with some pampering myself,” he lied.

She seemed relieved by his words. Emmalyn nodded as if she was considering his comfort as well before giving in too easily.

“Okay then, I’d like that,” Emmalyn finally agreed and Kell had to bite back the laugh that was threatening to escape.

“How is your arm?” Kell questioned in a further attempt not to laugh.

“Torin said it’s healing nicely, and he hopes to take out the stitches in a couple days.  He also said I should be able to remove the sling tomorrow.  I’m still to be careful and keep it dry, but I’m relieved to know I’ll be free soon,” she grinned.

“Free?” Kell questioned, causing her expression to change to one of apology.

“Not hampered by this ridiculous sling.  It’s a cut, not a broken arm.  It doesn’t make sense to have it wrapped up all the time,” she clarified, causing Kell to lose his easy-going attitude.

“It’s a deep slice made by the blade of a sword,” he growled.  “You are damn lucky you did not lose the arm.  Both Beatrice and Torin have got you wrapped up tightly because they understand I will take their heads if every effort is not taken to mend you.”

“You’d take their head?” Emmalyn accused as she paled slightly.

“Sweetheart, I have been tasked with seeing you to safety, and I take that seriously.  When you meet your parents and stand before them, you will not be on your deathbed,” Kell angrily admonished.

“I understand,” Emmalyn apologized immediately.  “I don’t mean to question you, I’m just at my wits end.  It’s frustrating not being able to perform the simplest of tasks, and I’m not good at sitting around being useless.”

Kell softened his features, crouched down beside her and brushed a tendril of hair from her face.  “You are not a burden.  My warriors and I are happy to do things for you.  You should take advantage of it while you can,” he smirked.

Kell winked at her before turning and sauntering away.  They had an inn to find, and it was time to pack up and head out.