Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 16


Emmalyn woke abruptly as she was dragged across Kell’s chest and thrown to the floor.  The pain of landing on her bad arm momentarily stunned her.  She took several deep breaths and pushed herself up to look towards the bed.  She was horrified to see a large dagger imbedded in the pillow where her head had lain only moments ago.  Grunting, and the sounds of swords clashing, filled the room. Emmalyn turned to witness a shirtless Kell battling three large men dressed in black.  Given that it was the middle of the night, the room was bathed in darkness and it was difficult to see.  Kell was holding his own, but with three attacking at once he wouldn’t be for long.  Emmalyn needed to do something immediately, or things would take a turn for the worst.

Glancing around, Emmalyn found herself close to the large tub.  Kell had placed her on the side of the bed closest to the wall, so he could be near both the window and door.  His protectiveness surprised her.  After being thrown from the bed, she was now on the opposite side of the room.  He was pinned down in the corner and had nowhere to go.  First, Emmalyn ripped the ridiculous sling off and hurled it to the floor.  It hampered her movements and she needed both arms to successfully help him.

One man suddenly lunged at Kell and Emmalyn watched as a bloody line appeared across Kell’s chest.  He grunted, but showed no outward sign of concern.  It didn’t look deep, but she imagined it was painful.  The third man couldn’t get into the small space, so he effectively blocked the door so she couldn’t escape for help.  With no other option, Emmalyn picked up the empty pitcher, filled it with a hefty amount of ice-cold water, and hurled it at the two men closest to Kell.  Now fully drenched, they cursed and sputtered in surprise giving Kell the opportunity he needed.  He didn’t waste a second.  Driving his sword through the closest man’s chest, he shoved a boot against the man, and pulled the deadly blade back out.  Emmalyn stared as the man dropped to the floor not moving.

A battle cry grabbed her attention and she turned just in time to see the man near the door abandon his post and charge straight for her.  Kell was still in the corner battling the second man and would be of no help.  Turning again, she picked up the stool Kell had sat on earlier and heaved it at the man’s head.  It was a perfect shot.  The man stopped abruptly as blood poured out of a cut above his eye and he turned furiously to face her.  Without thinking, Emmalyn screamed loudly.  If any of Kell’s men were close by, they would bloody well hear her.  The man cursed and charged again.  She had just enough time to drop to the floor and roll towards him.  He was so intent on reaching her that he had no chance of getting out of the way.  She hit his legs with a tight fireman roll and his forward momentum caused him to crash to the floor.  When she turned to look back, he was out cold on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding his head.  He must have hit it on the side of the tub as he fell.

Emmalyn jumped back to her feet and wheeled around just in time to see Kell run his blade through the last man’s shoulder.  Screaming in pain, the man dropped his sword to clutch desperately at the gaping wound.  At the same moment, the door came flying off its hinges as Torin ran through it in his haste to enter the room.  Both Oryn and Behr immediately followed.  They surveyed the scene and the wounded man staggering on his feet and let out a string of colourful curse words.

“Get him out of here and back to camp.  I want him questioned immediately,” Kell demanded as he pushed the damp hair off his face.

Emmalyn caught his eyes as they darted around the room, instantly relieved to discover her unharmed.  A commotion outside drew her eyes towards the window.  The sight below made her smile, shaking off the last remnants of fear.

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” she interrupted.  “It appears the camp is coming to you.”

When Emmalyn turned back around, Kell was there, causing her to squeal in surprise.  The shirt previously discarded before joining her in bed was back in his hands and his face looked intense.  In a flash the shirt was thrown over her head and pulled down with help to get her arms through.  He dragged her close and crushed her tightly in his arms.  She didn’t fight as the adrenaline was crashing and she craved comfort.  Everything that happened moments before hit her, and she realized how close both of them had come to death.  Her legs collapsed under her and she would have fallen if Kell hadn’t been holding on.  Kell hooked his arms under Emmalyn’s knees and lifted her up to cradle against his warm chest.

“Get the bodies out of here and secure the building.  Find the innkeeper and figure out how the hell this happened,” Kell demanded gruffly.

Emmalyn heard grunting and assumed they were doing as he commanded.  When another commotion started, Kell froze and started shouting, causing her to twist in his arms and look in the direction of the third assailant.  He held a small dagger to his own neck, and Emmalyn watched as he dragged the blade across.  Kell’s men all moved, but not in time, as the assailant fell to the floor and stared back vacantly as blood poured from the gash.  Emmalyn buried her face in Kell’s neck and tried to block out the horrible sight.  Kell stood and moved swiftly, but she kept her head buried not caring where he was headed.  A minute later a door was kicked closed and Kell sat down with Emmalyn in his lap.  Holding her closely as she cried and stroking her long hair, Kell placed tender kisses on the top of her head.

“Calm my wee warrior,” he demanded after more time had passed.  “The threat is eliminated, and we should not encounter any more drama tonight.”

Emmalyn lifted her head and took in his concerned expression.  “I’m sorry,” she apologized.  “I don’t usually break down like this.  I seem to be doing it a lot the last couple of days.”

Kell swiped at her tears with the pad of his thumb, smiling down at her.  “You are strong when you need to be, and show weakness when it is safe to do so.  There is no need to apologize.  You defended both of us and made me very proud.  I have told you before, and I will tell you again.  You are stronger than most and you show many traits that the women of my world lack.  I am honoured to have you by my side.  Even though your actions were foolhardy, I will admit that you may have just saved my life today.  They backed me into a corner and I had little room to fight.  It was a bad situation, even for me.”

Emmalyn smiled at his words and latched onto the one thing she knew would get a reaction.  “I saved you,” she announced, then smirked as she continued to gloat.  “A tiny badass woman from another world saved the big bad warrior.”

Kell chuckled and her heart swelled.  “I might not put it quite that way,” he countered, but she was shaking her head.

“No takebacks,” she announced as she patted his very hard, very warm chest.

Kell looked at her a minute in surprise and then threw back his head and laughed.  When he calmed, he grinned down at her.  “You were made for me,” he admitted.  “And although I have been trying to fight the pull I feel for you, I cannot anymore.  Emmalyn Kensleigh, I am head over heels in love with you.”  She went to interrupt but he placed a finger over her lips.  “I understand we have not known each other but a few days, however I feel for you like I have felt for no other.”

“No one has ever told me they love me,” Emmalyn whispered as the tears started to flow once more.  “I feel comfortable with you.  I feel safe with you.  And I feel cherished.  I love you too Kell.”

“Thank fuck,” Kell growled before he took her mouth with his.

It was a deep kiss, full of the passion Kell had been holding back before.  It burned her with an intensity that was scary.  She had met her match and knew she would love no other.  Emmalyn wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight as she melted under him.  When his tongue pushed inside and met hers, the taste of him sent her spiralling towards something just out of her reach.  She needed more.  She wanted to touch him and taste more of him and to feel him everywhere.

“More,” Emmalyn moaned when he pulled away and drew in a deep breath.  She tried to pull him back, but he resisted as he shook his head.

“I will give you more sweetheart, but not covered in blood and with dead men close by,” Kell gently reminded her.

Emmalyn suddenly recalled the cut on his chest.  She almost fell off his lap in her haste to get off.  She didn’t know if he had any other injuries and was desperate to find out.

“I’m so sorry,” she cried as she ran her hands over his arms and back, searching for more.  He caught her wrists and pulled her closer.

“I am fine as it is only a small scratch,” Kell assured, causing her to stare in shock.  If that was a scratch, she hated to see what other wounds he had suffered over the years.

“Fucking He-Man Warrior,” she huffed and eyed the wound.  “I’m cleaning it and applying the ointment you used on my arm.  And if you fight me, I’m kicking you in the shin,” Emmalyn furiously declared.

She kicked him anyway, but he threw back his head and laughed.  Unfortunately for her, it hurt her foot more than his shin.