Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 2


Kell lounged against the table, crossing his arms and legs and giving the royals and councilmen time to battle it out.  Everyone had surged to their feet and gathered in a huddle. People were shouting and waving their arms to be heard over the commotion and get their point across.  It was amusing and Kell was in no hurry to wade in, until he glanced over and noticed the expression on the Queen’s face.  She looked stricken.  Her hands were raised in a defensive position and her small frame began to shudder.  Her eyes were damp with unshed tears.  The King stationed himself in front of his clearly distraught wife to take the brunt of the cruel words being hurled at the couple.  The sight of Emmalyn’s mother in that state infuriated Kell.

Kell furiously dropped his arms, pushed off the table and prowled to the edge of the foray.  His irritation was back in a flash and he wasn’t hiding it. As he grew closer, the air in the chamber changed.  The group instantly became wary and apprehensive.  They understood the danger in angering an Elemental and tensed, waiting for Kell’s reaction.  He paused for a moment to show them all just how livid he was.  His entire frame locked solid and his eyes were icy.  The vein in his neck twitched and his nostrils flared.  As he took in the crowd, Seraphine's family took a tentative step back.  Several cracks of thunder ripped through the sky outside, and fear stretched across the faces staring back at Kell.

Kell knew he was the cause.  Sometimes it happened when his emotions ran high and he wasn't in complete control.  A heavy hand settled on his shoulder. A brief glance confirmed his brother’s presence.  It wasn’t the first time Thane had witnessed Kell inadvertently set fire to something or call up a slight wind when he became agitated.  To others, it was frightening.  Kell drew several deep breaths and forced his taunt body to relax.  The thunder immediately ceased and Thane took a step back.  Grateful, Kell nodded to Thane then turned back to the group standing before him.

"It is a parent’s responsibility to protect their offspring," Kell disclosed as he leaned closer.  "The royals had every right to do what they deemed necessary.  I do not agree that another realm was the best option, but it was not my choice to make.  It was theirs.  Now stand the fuck down and give them some space."

Grudgingly, everyone moved back to their seats. Kell realized that this dispute was far from over.  He moved back to the table but was too wired to sit.  He decided pacing was a better option.  No one said a thing as they waited to hear his next words.  Honestly, he had no idea what to say.  The royals’ admission had stunned him as much as everyone else. Sighing, Kell raised an arm and rubbed the throbbing spot on the back of his neck.  He should have known this day would go from bad to worse.

"The princess has been gone many years," the King of Kilharbor announced.  "While it is obvious her parents remained here, someone else has raised her.  That someone was not of royal blood, therefore Emmalyn will not possess the expected education or grace of a princess.  It takes a lifetime to learn the skills necessary to assume the crown."

"I agree," Gelding snapped. Kell turned his glare on the man.  "The rightful bride should be Seraphine.  She knows what it takes to stand at your side.  Even considering Emmalyn is a waste of precious time.  We need to send a contingency of men to find her and bring her back.  God only knows what that girl has been up to all these years.  She may not even be worthy of living among us again and drastic measures might be in order."  Gelding paused to let the statement sink in. The King and Queen of Fairrest gasped and Kell decided he'd heard enough.  A change of topic was in order.

"Did you ever learn who made the attempt on your daughter's life," Kell questioned the couple, completely ignoring Gelding's ridiculous remark.

"No," King Lorcan answered.  "We sent out patrols.  We questioned as many people as we could.  But no one seemed to know.  To this day, I can honestly say it could have been anyone."

Kell nodded as he glanced around the chamber.  It was full.  Between the four sets of royals, their families and the dozen or so Councilmen, everyone was listening intently.  Any one of them could be guilty, and now all of them knew the princess was in fact, still alive.  Things had just taken a dangerous turn.

"I demand to know which realm you sent her to," Seraphine's father ludicrously ordered.  "I volunteer some of my men to go and retrieve the girl.  They can assess her and determine what should be done with her."

"No," Emmalyn's mother cried. Kell completely agreed with Queen Katerina.

"Done," Gelding announced as he spun around to face the royals.  "Give us the exact location and Kilharbor’s men will leave immediately."

Kell turned to Emmalyn's parents and made sure he had their full attention before speaking.  "You will not say one more goddamned word.  If someone here was behind the assassination attempts, there is no guarantee they will not try again once they know what realm she is in.  It would not take much to track her down."

"So, you are considering taking Emmalyn as a bride instead of Seraphine?" Kell's own father, Connor, questioned.

"I was never considering taking Seraphine as a bride," Kell growled in frustration.  "My powers are strong enough as they are.  If need be, I'll manage without the benefits a union brings."  Kell raised his hand before the objections started flowing.  "I will not rule out taking Emmalyn as a bride, but the girl has been gone an awfully long time.  If she has not learned about Terrasen or her role as a royal, she may not accept it is her duty to wed me.  If she objects, I may be forced to marry her without her consent, making things unbearable for both of us."

"Then we need to explain all of this to her once she is home safe.  Surely, she will understand," Queen Katerina suggested.

"Are you implying that we were right, and she does not know anything about Terrasen?" Gelding inquired with a raised brow.

King Lorcan dropped his head.  "We decided it would be best if she didn't know.  We wished her to have a good life, and not to fret about the people and obligations she left behind."

"And what does she know of you?" Seraphine demanded.

The King paled at the question.  "Emmalyn believes we are dead.  She has been led to believe she was born of that world."

Gelding slammed his fists on the table once more.  "That's outrageous. Kell cannot possibly consider accepting her as a bride now."

Kell's head snapped back towards Gelding.  "I can do as I damn well please," he asserted furiously.  An important question came to his mind.  "Who is responsible for her in the other world?  You must have considered the possibility she would be discovered?"

King Lorcan nodded.  "We did.  We sent our most trusted guard Mathias.  Emmalyn believes he is an uncle who took her in after our death.  She was just a baby and would have had no memories of this realm, or of us."

"That must have been difficult for you," Kell's mother Aspen whispered.  "I cannot imagine losing one of my children that way."

"At the time the decision was an easy one," Emmalyn's mother assured her.  "I would rather she did not know us at all and remain alive, then stay here and see her buried."

Kell's mother inclined her head in agreement, and said no more.

"If we are in disagreement over the Kilharbor royals sending a contingency to retrieve the princess, then I will provide a suitable number of guards to make the journey instead," Gelding stated, getting the discussion back on track.

Kell completely ignored the ass.  "I will go myself to retrieve the princess with my own men to accompany me.  I will assess her condition and decide what to do.  If she is acceptable to me, I will take her as my bride.  If she is not, I will return her safely to her parents."

"I think a man of our choosing from each kingdom should accompany you.  We all should be a part of this," the King of Kilharbor demanded.

"No," Kell immediately shot back.  "I will not have men I do not trust at my back."

"This is preposterous," the King of Kilharbor continued as he wrung his hands in agitation.  "We need to be appraised of the situation and make sure the princess is suitable enough to wed."

"The princess is of no concern to you," Kell sneered, unleashing his fury once more.  "I am the one who will make the decision as I am the one who has to live with it.  Therefore, I am the one who will make it...alone," Kell stressed.

The King of Kilharbor seemed to be struggling to hold on to his anger, so Kell was satisfied when he said no more.  The royal definitely needed to learn when to shut up.

"I will need to speak to the two of you in private," Kell demanded of Emmalyn's parents.  After both nodded, he continued.  "I will gather my men and begin my journey.  It will take me several weeks to arrive at the portal and travel through to the other realm.  The journey back will proceed quickly or slowly depending on Emmalyn’s condition.  I promise you, regardless of her condition, she will have the protection of me and my men.  No harm will come to her under my watch."

"Thank you," the King of Fairrest acknowledged.  "That is all we can ask."