Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 35


Kell was unhappy with the outcome of his visit to Kilharbor.  He had hoped for some answers, but came away empty handed.  Seraphine’s parents confirmed that she had taken on a royal as a lover, but they had no idea about the man’s identity.  Kell was even more frustrated.  Behr must have sensed his mood, because a minute later the man was by his side.

“What are you thinking?” Behr questioned as they maneuvered the horses down a steep incline.

Kell glanced back to see how Emmalyn was faring, but she seemed to be in complete control of Beauty.  Both seemed confident and his wee warrior had a smile on her face.  Although, the source of happiness could also be her proximity to Darrow.  The two were becoming fast friends and Kell was delighted to see Emmalyn fitting in so well.  His warriors accepted and loved her, and it made the transition easier on everyone.

“I was hoping to get some information out of that meeting.  I’m still in the same goddamned position I was yesterday,” Kell grunted.  “Nothing new has been revealed about who is out to kill my bride.”

“I don’t know,” Behr contradicted as he pulled slightly on the reins and steered his horse around a rock.  “I’m sure Seraphine is behind everything.  We just need to figure out who she’s colluding with.”

Kell nodded in agreement as this appeared to be the most likely conclusion.  “If the Councilman was a royal, I’d say it was him.  He has the cunning and skillset to see it through.”

“Agreed,” Behr sighed. “The man wants to control all of the kingdoms.  It’s clear he hungers for more power than his title allows.”  Behr tilted his head and thought for a minute before speaking again. “So, who does that leave?”

“There are four kingdoms in Terrasen,” Kell pointed out.  “Kilharbor only has Seraphine for an heir as no boys were conceived.  The same with Fairrest.  Emmalyn is the only heir.”

“The royals hid Emmalyn in another world, so Kilharbor could have done the same with a sibling?” Behr pointed out with a raised brow.  While a valid point, Kell didn’t think it a likely scenario.

“Not to my knowledge,” Kell frowned. “It was widely known that Emmalyn was killed when she was just a baby.  The kingdoms all knew about her birth.  Castle staff gossip and nothing remains a secret.  When the royals faked her death, they did a fantastic job.  Only Mathias knew the truth and he disappeared with the princess.  With Emmalyn gone, and a well-staged funeral with a casket, albeit empty, no one considered the deceit.”

“True, so you think that if a boy had been conceived, word would have spread?” Behr inquired.

“I think that if Emmalyn’s mother was pregnant, word would have spread.  A growing belly is difficult to hide.  Gossip would have run rampant through the castle and the kingdom,” Kell declared.  He personally hated gossip and put a stop to it in his own kingdom.  Any individual who was found spreading information lost their position along with any other relatives Kell employed.  It was a harsh punishment, but an effective one.

“What about Larkinge?” Behr pushed.  “There were two boys born to the royals in that kingdom.”

Kell laughed.  “They are eight and ten, hardly the age capable of planning out and acting on a plot to kill Emmalyn.  Besides, Larkinge is a peaceful kingdom.  They are not known for violence.”

Behr huffed.  “So that leaves you and your brother.”

Kell instantly lost all traces of humour.  “You are accusing my brother of betraying me?”

“Unless you plan to kill your own bride and retain the power for yourself, he’s the only royal left.”  Kell considered whether to argue or draw his sword, but he couldn’t decide. Ultimately Behr raised a hand and stopped the internal struggle from continuing.  “I’m not accusing you of marrying Emmalyn just because of the added power you received.  Besides, the first attempts occurred before you even knew of her.”

“But you’re more than happy to accuse Thane?” Kell growled furiously.

Behr huffed and looked at Kell apologetically.  “He is the second born and will never have a chance at harnessing even a bit of the power you enjoy.  If Emmalyn dies your grief will consume you.  Who do you think will be the logical choice to take over for you?”

Kell narrowed his eyes.  “The title would fall to Thane,” he admitted.  “But he would not be an Elemental.”

“No,” Behr agreed.  “But he doesn’t need to be to hold the title.  He can still rule all the lands, while your warriors combine their strength and numbers to support him.  None would dare to challenge him.”

Kell dropped his head in defeat.  Behr’s claim made perfect sense.  Although Thane was with Kell now, he was usually content to stay behind.  He preferred negotiations to war.  If he ruled, Thane would definitely draw on the warriors to execute his orders.  Peace would be imposed through fear.  Kell’s warriors were brutal, and no man or woman would dare risk their wrath.

“Thane would never fall in love with Seraphine,” Kell grunted, looking for any reason to dispute the claim.  “He loathes her as much as I do.”

“True, but why do most men bed a temptress?” Behr questioned.  “To enjoy her beauty and skills beneath the sheets, but not the sharp tongue or thorny attitude.  We have all fallen prey to a pretty girl who catches our eye.  I’m sure Seraphine can turn on the charm when she needs to.”

Kell nodded, knowing that was true.  The woman could be sugary sweet when she wanted something.

“I need to question my brother,” Kell cursed in agitation.  “Gelding could still be assisting Seraphine, but a royal was the only way to open the portal.”

“I’m sorry,” Behr apologized. “You are close to one another, and I hate to cast the seeds of doubt in Thane’s direction.  I pray that I am wrong about this.”

Kell nodded, understanding his friend’s dilemma.  “It takes a great deal of courage to bring to my attention an idea that I may not realize myself.  I will not fault you for having my back and standing at my side.  All possibilities need to be investigated regardless of how personal they are for me.  You need not fear the consequences of your suggestions.  Even if you are wrong about this, and I pray that is the case, I will not take action against you.”

“Appreciated,” Behr nodded.  “Do you wish time with Emmalyn before confronting your brother?”

Kell was pleased that Behr knew him so well.  “We will make a short stop once we reach the valley floor to allow the horses and men rest.  I wish to share my plans with Emmalyn before I proceed.  She needs to stand beside me and agree with my course of action.  I do not need a repeat of the situation with Darrow.  Thane is close to my heart.  It will be difficult enough without Emmalyn’s disapproval.”

Behr said nothing in response, but pulled on the reins, twisted his horse around, and headed back up the incline to spread the word.  Kell enjoyed a moment to himself before Emmalyn reached his side.  They rode in silence into the clearing simply enjoying each other’s company.  When they reached the safety of the valley, Kell motioned for Emmalyn to follow.  He pushed Zephyr into a quick gallop and headed to the stream only a short distance away.

Reaching it a few minutes later, Kell slowed Zephyr to a stop then slid down from his back.  Grabbing Beauty’s reins, he led both horses to the crystal-clear water before lifting his wee warrior out of the saddle.  The horses were content to rest and drink, allowing Kell to lead Emmalyn to the rocks half buried in the bank.  He sat comfortably on one and pulled her down to rest in his lap. Sensing his mood, Emmalyn rested her tiny hand on his cheek.

“What is wrong Kell?” Emmalyn softly demanded.  “You look like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“I have to do something I do not wish to do,” he admitted.  “I need to find the people behind the assassination attempts.  To achieve that, I must question someone close to me even though it pains me to do so.  If I am right, this ordeal will be over soon.  If I am wrong, I could ruin a relationship that means a great deal to me.”

“Thane,” Emmalyn sighed surprising Kell.

“Thane,” Kell agreed, although he shouldn’t have been surprised that his bride already figured it out.

“You’ve been quiet since we left the castle and I saw Behr talking to you.  You appeared to be struggling with the conversation.  I know you want to find whomever is responsible and that you are running out of options.  It only makes sense that you need to question those closest to you.”

Kell nodded.  “If I am wrong, he will be extremely upset with me.”

She smiled and softened the words by rubbing her thumb over his thickening beard.  It was in desperate need of a trim, but camping for days on end had made it an impossible task.  “If you are wrong, he will understand why you had to ask.  A brother’s love cannot be easily broken.  It’s clear to see the bond that you two share.”

“Yet you are not completely comfortable with him,” Kell pushed, intuition telling him that he was right.  Emmalyn seemed to hold back a bit with Thane.  She didn’t share the almost instant bond with him that she easily developed with many of his warriors.

“He has given me no reason to doubt him.  It is simply something I feel.  I can see that he is a good man, yet I can’t shake the feeling of unease when I’m near him,” she admitted.

“Then maybe he is the mastermind behind this,” Kell huffed in agitation.  “There must be a reason for your reaction.”

She shrugged and furrowed her brow.  “I don’t necessarily think he is behind this,” Emmalyn admitted, “but Thane keeps his distance from me.  It feels like he has no desire to get to know me.  He tolerates me and is extremely polite, but makes no further effort.  I don’t think he likes me.”

Emmalyn’s statement stunned Kell.  Thane was easy to get to know and typically open with everyone.  But thinking back, Thane had kept his distance around Emmalyn.  It wasn’t like him.  As if conjured by thought, Thane broke from the trees and trotted towards them.  They watched as he jumped from his horse and led it to the river to join Zephyr and Beauty to drink.  The horses chuffed in greeting, gaining a small smile from Thane.  When Thane turned in their direction, the smile slipped.   Kell watched as Thane looked at Emmalyn warily before setting his gaze on him.

“Behr said you wanted to see me,” Thane explained.  “And from the location and distance from the others, I assume it’s serious.”

“It is,” Kell admitted.  “I want to know why you wish to kill my bride.”