Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 33


Kell couldn’t take his eyes of his beautiful bride.  He had been reluctant to let her dress as she wished, but couldn’t resist the longing look on her face.  He could deny her nothing.  Kell wanted the plain folk to see her as a royal.  He had retrieved a princess.  She needed to look the part, and she had.  Done up in the expensive gown and with her hair intricately wrapped up, Emmalyn was a sight to behold.  Her beauty took his breath away.

Kell hadn’t been prepared for the effect her transformation had on him.  The outfit she picked for herself was jaw dropping.  His wee warrior’s body was now covered in a soft black dress with an empire waist.  There was a slit up the side for ease of movement and silver lace peaked out of the cleavage to perfectly mirror the flecks in her eyes.  A matching silver ribbon was tied in a pretty bow just under her breasts, and her high black leather boots showed through the slit when she moved.  She wore a tight black leather jacket that was undone and her hair was plaited in a thick side braid that draped over her shoulder and hung between her breasts.  Finally, a small sword sat on her hip that perfectly matched the dagger Kell had given her earlier.

Kell couldn’t have picked a better match if he tried.  The girl was utter perfection.  Emmalyn looked even more stunning than in the regal dress and complimented him as well.  She lived up to the wee warrior nickname Kell had given her.  Kell’s warriors also loved the change and cheers had erupted through the trees as she stepped from the depths.  They were all incredibly proud of Emmalyn.

As they crossed into Kilharbor land, Emmalyn sat up even straighter.  Kell watched her take it all in.  While Fairrest was full of trees and flowers and the weather had been warm, Kilharbor was vastly different.  The trees were taller than anywhere else in the realm and the branches began further up the trunk, giving the forests a more open feel although slightly darker.  Moss grew on the ground, but no flowers were visible, and a thick fog blanketed the area.  The kingdom was set in a valley and fog was a constant companion.

“I really don’t like this place,” Emmalyn admitted as she guided Beauty closer to Zephyr’s side.  “It is no wonder Seraphine is in such a foul mood.  I would be too if I had to live in such a dreary spot.”

Kell understood but disagreed.  “Not all kingdoms in Terrasen are as beautiful as the one you grew up in my wee warrior.  This one may not look as inviting, but it is one of the richest kingdoms in all our lands.”

“How do you mean?” Emmalyn questioned as her nose wrinkled in confusion.

“Do you see the trees all around us?” Kell inquired thrusting out his arm and motioning all around.  When she nodded he continued.  “Some of the tallest and straightest in all the lands grow here.  The wood is highly desirable and sold for a staggering price, keeping the people well fed and housed more comfortably than any other kingdom, including my own.

“So why, if they are doing so well, do you suspect them to be behind all that has gone down?” Emmalyn inquired.

“Seraphine and her parents are never content.  They enjoy being wealthy but desire a kingdom that is more picturesque.  They pushed for a marriage to give them the best of both worlds, I suppose.  Knightshire isn’t as beautiful as Fairrest, but still stunning in its own way.  Living somewhere more favourable, and still reaping the benefits from the trees would be ideal,” he patiently explained.

“But to kill to achieve it?” Emmalyn pushed.

“Which brings us here,” Kell declared.  “I need to know if Seraphine’s family had anything to do with the attempts on our life, or if I should be focusing elsewhere.”

“So, they are at the top of the list,” Emmalyn nodded, as if that made perfect sense.  Then she scowled and gripped her reigns tighter, giving her a look of determination.  “Let’s go make some heads roll,” she declared before kicking Beauty’s flank and sending the horse racing into the trees.

“Bloodthirsty,” Behr chuckled from behind but Kell didn’t spare a backwards glance.  He kicked at Zephyr’s flanks and pushed hard to give chase.  Kell wasn’t sure how they would be received, and he wanted to be by Emmalyn’s side in case of trouble.

A few minutes later the entire procession slowly traversed the winding cobblestone path leading through the town surrounding the royal’s castle.  Unlike all the other towns they passed since travelling through the portal, this one composed of wooden houses.  Walls made of thick logs and roofs made of wooden shingles gave the houses a sturdier look.  The fog wasn’t quite as thick here, but it still lingered.  Outside each house hung several lanterns giving off a soft glow from the tiny white candles held inside.  The town had a quaint feeling even though it lacked the colourful beauty of all the others.

“It’s like stepping into another world,” Emmalyn declared as she smiled at a small girl staring up at her in fascination.  “It’s got a charm all its own.”

Kell held back a smile that her words brought to his lips.  Only his bride would see the hidden beauty contained in these lands.  He kept the scowl firmly in place as he led the way to the castle.  The people knew instinctively something was wrong and appeared wary.  It was exactly the way Kell wished them to feel.  Word would spread quickly to the royals that Kell had arrived and was displeased.

As soon as they got close to the castle the guards attempted to block their path.  Kell could see the castle ahead, but needed to go through the obstruction to reach it.

“Are you sure you wish to anger me by standing in my way?” Kell addressed the head guard with a hard glint to his eye.  “It has been a trying couple weeks and my patience runs thin.”

Rayme frowned as he held Kell’s eye but didn’t back down.  Kell assumed Rayme was in charge since Warrick’s death in Emmalyn’s home world.  “The King and Queen of Kilharbor have done nothing to warrant your presence.  It is clear to see you are in battle mode and it is my duty to deter you,” Rayme announced.

“Are you aware of the attempts on the lives of both myself and the princess I was sent to retrieve?” Kell demanded.

“I am,” Rayme conceded.  “Word has traveled to us.  But I assure you that the King and Queen are not behind it.  I would know if they were plotting against you.”

“And you are bound to protect them.  Therefore, what is to say you are not lying on their behalf?” Kell pushed.

Rayme took a step forward and his features, along with the hand holding his sword, hardened.  “You have known me all my life,” Rayme growled.  “You actually have to ask me that?”

Rayme had trained with Kell as a boy and they had indeed grown up together, but his wee warrior’s life was at stake.  No person was free from Kell’s wrath when it came to protecting what was his.

“I will not apologize for my words,” Kell replied glancing at Emmalyn before turning back to Rayme.  “The princess has come under attack on several occasions and was wounded by one of your own.  It is my right to question all and figure out what the hell is going on.”

“I understand,” Rayme conceded.  “But I would never lie to you because you are the Elemental Prince and because I consider you a friend.”

Kell nodded.  “Then let me pass so that I may determine for myself if the King and Queen are in fact innocent.  If you do not, my men will raise their swords and we will go through you.  Many of you will die and the villagers may suffer the same fate as well.”

Rayme glared at Kell, but Kell held his eyes.  Kell knew the guards were tasked with protecting the royals and backing down would not be the preferred choice.  Kell felt for his friend and was sorry for putting Rayme in such a tough position, but he needed answers.  Answers that only the royals themselves could provide.

“You may pass,” Rayme growled after several minutes.  Immediately the guards parted to allow Kell and his warriors to pass.  As the warriors proceeded forward, Kell stepped aside to address Rayme personally.

“I do not think you lie my friend,” Kell imparted.  “I do however think that your assumption of innocence on the part of the King and Queen is misguided.  Even if they are not responsible for the continued plots to kill us, I believe there is a good chance they know who is.”

“Well then let us find out, shall we?” Rayme sighed as he drew ahead and led the way towards the castle.

“You and he are friends?” Emmalyn questioned as she kept pace with him.  “I hate to see how you treat your enemies.”

Kell grinned as he pushed Zephyr into a gallop.  He needed to lead the procession and be the first person the royals encountered upon arrival.  Everyone’s facial expression was a tell, and Kell needed to see their honest reaction first hand.  Kell relied on first impressions as the best indication of someone’s true character.

As they crossed through the gates separating the castle from the town, the fog finally abated.  Kell had no idea why gates were in place at all.  No other Kingdom separated the castle from the townspeople and he instantly disliked it.  Even if the royals were innocent, they had proved time and again that they weren’t good people.  Kell was looking forward to using any means necessary to get the necessary information.