Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 38


Kell led a group of warriors to one of the villages that lay on the outskirts of the kingdom.  It was a smaller village, and he feared that it was vulnerable because of its size and location.  He pushed Zephyr hard to reach the village quickly and was happy to see his subjects unharmed upon arrival.  They were noticeably frightened, but his presence immediately created a sense of calm.

Kell ordered the warriors to help pack up the essentials and prepare his people for travel.  Darrow was among the warriors and Kell placed him in charge.  The young warrior continued to prove himself and took control of the crowd easily.  He was a natural leader.  With nothing else to do, Kell strode back into the woods and dropped from Zephyr’s back.  He needed to shift focus back to finding the attackers, and needed his powers to do so.

Dropping to his knees, Kell leaned forward and placed his palms in the soft grass.  Taking several deep cleansing breaths, he closed his eyes to centre himself.

“Keepers of the earth,” he whispered.  “I am in need of your help.  My enemies are threatening my people, and also my beautiful new bride.  I beseech you.  Show me their location at this moment and give me a glimpse of what is happening.  I need to know which village they plan to attack next.  I need to stop them,” he pleaded.

Kell realized that the elements were not able to show him exactly who was behind the attack, but the magical forces would assist with any immediate threats.  He was extremely careful not to ask for too much. Kell had no desire to abuse the gift bestowed upon him.

Visions began to swirl in his head.  Scenes blurred into each other at a dizzying speed.  Too fast for Kell to make any sense of them before they slowed and became clearer.  It took only a minute before he could decipher a group of warriors dressed completely in black.  Masks hid their identities as they pushed through the forest on horses trained to run at speeds that rivalled his own.  The men carried lit torches as they headed for a village not far from Kell’s location.  Kell knew every ridge, every lake, and every tree in his entire Kingdom.  He pinpointed the exact spot quickly.

After thanking the elements for providing guidance and vision, Kell climbed on Zephyr and pounded back towards the village.  Seeking out Darrow, he found the warrior helping an elderly couple into the bed of a wagon.

“Darrow,” he called, gaining the warriors attention.  “I need you to take five warriors and get these people back to the safety of the castle.”  Darrow nodded as the couple settled in the wagon and walked over to stand at Zephyr’s side.

“I take it you will not be traveling with us?” Darrow questioned.

“I have seen the village to be attacked next.  I’ll take the rest of the warriors with me and intercept the bastards,” Kell growled.  “I won’t let another village burn.”

“May the souls of fallen warriors protect you and give you strength,” Darrow called as Kell urged Zephyr into a gallop.  He shouted the same in return and designated the five warriors to remain.

“Go with Darrow.  Get the people to the castle,” Kell shouted.  He then turned to address the rest of the warriors watching intently as he flew past them.  “Follow me,” he ordered.  “I know where the attackers are headed.”

Without a word, the warriors mounted up and gave chase.  A minute later they caught up to Kell and flanked his back.  All were bent low over their horses to gain as much speed as possible.  They tore up the earth as the horses’ hooves dug into the soft ground.  Kell could feel the anticipation of every warrior at his back.  Kell and his men were ready for battle and eager to sink their swords into the flesh of the enemy.

Kell crested the remaining hill and the village came into sight.  Disappointment hit hard as several of the houses were already on fire, but he wasn’t too late as the attackers were still lingering.  Shouting and screams of terror cut into the afternoon calm as the villagers darted through the laneways with no clear destination in mind.  Chaos ensued as the attackers gave chase.  They seemed intent on leaving no one alive this time.

“Kill them all,” Kell shouted furiously as he drew his sword and rode hard at a man intent on running down a young boy.

Kell caught him just in time and ran his sword straight through the man’s exposed back.  Then he shoved a boot into the man’s prone body as he yanked out the sword, swung around, and headed for more blood.  Jumping from Zephyr, Kell stopped another man dead in his tracks by slicing deeply into his side as he reached for the boy.  With both men down, the boy realized he was out of danger and ran straight for Kell.  Catching the boy easily, Kell hoisted him up on to Zephyr’s back.

Kell turned to survey the surrounding action and realized, even with his small contingent of men, they greatly outnumbered the attackers.  Broken and bleeding bodies were falling in every direction, and not getting up again.  Kell’s men cut them down so quickly they barely had a chance to defend themselves.

As the last man fell, Kell raised his arms and looked to the lake situated on the far side of the village.  He concentrated deeply on the clear blue water as he cleared his mind of everything else around him.

“I call upon the water element,” Kell quietly requested so no one around could hear.  “I need your assistance in putting out the flames.  Please help me save what remains of the village.”

He slowly dropped his arms to point at the lake and flicked his wrist.  A huge spray of water erupted from the lake in the direction of three houses situated close together and completely engulfed in flames.  The water instantly doused the houses and quashed the fire.  Kell repeated the action, aiming his arms at the lake and flicking his wrist to guide more water towards another group of houses.  Over and over, he summoned the water until all the fiery houses were finally out.

“Thank you for your help,” Kell whispered sincerely as he let his arms fall and dropped his head.  He took a minute to stare at the muddy ground and the rivers of water that ran in a zig zag pattern throughout the village.

“Find the injured and load them up.  I want the surrounding woods searched to make sure all the men responsible are eliminated.  Do this quickly,” Kell ordered once he had calmed.  “I want the entire village ready to depart.”

“You think more men are out there?”

Kell turned to see one of his warriors eyeing the scene with a raised brow.  “There were only a few attackers in this village.  That leaves me to believe other parties similar to this one are out there,” Kell speculated.  “They are most likely splitting up to cover more ground now that they know I am here.”  Kell knew deep in his gut that he was right.  It made the most sense.

The warrior nodded in agreement.  “It is a sound plan.  Divide and conquer.”  He walked over to the boy Kell had placed on Zephyr.  “Come on lad.  Let’s find your family.”

The boy didn’t need to be asked twice.  He jumped from Zephyr’s back straight into the warriors’ arms.  Kell watched them leave for only a minute before helping to organize the villagers.  The warriors had already split up to do his bidding.  Some aided the villagers and others headed for the trees.  The odd shout could be heard in the distance and then a welcoming cry of pain.

The situation was now under control, so Kell also stepped back into the woods.  He needed to use his powers once more.  More threats were afoot and needed to be swiftly taken care of.  The fastest way was to seek the help of the Elements again.

Kell didn’t go far.  He wanted to stay close to provide assistance if requested, but far enough away that he wouldn’t be seen.  The warriors had witnessed his powers on occasion, but the villagers had not, and many seemed surprised at his ability to put out the fires.

Once more Kell centred himself before kneeling and placing his hands in the grass.  He looked up at the sky and was ready to begin when he heard footsteps behind him.  Standing, he drew his sword to defend himself if necessary.  As the warrior stepped out of the trees, Kell breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sorry,” came the immediate apology.  “I heard something and came to investigate.  The boy has been reunited with his mother.”

Kell nodded.  “And the rest of the villagers?”

“Will be ready to go in the next several minutes,” the warrior responded.  “I will give you your privacy.”

“Appreciated,” Kell acknowledged, turning his back on the warrior to signal the end of the conversation.  The warrior obediently disappeared back in the direction of the village.

Kell waited another minute before resuming his pose.  When all was quiet, he knelt and took several deep breaths.  As he raised his hands footsteps sounded behind him once more.  Dropping his head in frustration, he sighed.

“What is it now?” Kell questioned impatiently as he pushed off the ground and stood.  “I thought you were going to give me a minute to myself?”

Kell turned expecting to face the warrior again, but instead, a whisper soft breeze blew across his face.  It was the only warning, but one that came a fraction too late.  Kell only caught a glimpse of the man standing behind him holding a large club before it swung heavily and caught him in the side of the head.  Kell’s shock registered for a split second before the entire world went black.