Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 45


Emmalyn was exhausted by the time they neared the cabin.  The ride had been a tense one.  Everyone was terrified of being discovered and remained silent.  They hadn’t even stopped to eat, and by now were all starving.  Kell had done well during the first half of the journey, but as the hours rolled on his weight against her increased.  She was barely holding on herself.  Almost his full weight pressed against her, and she feared they would both topple backwards.  Emmalyn sighed as she realized she needed help.  She waved to Oryn to gain his attention.  He immediately saw her predicament and frowned.

“How are you faring Kell?” Oryn questioned loudly.  Kell jerked upright and grabbed the reins, startled by the question.

“I’m good.  Why do you ask?” Kell grunted in irritation, acting as if he was completely aware the entire time.  Oryn snorted drawing a frown from Kell.

“Because you were leaning so far back your poor bride was almost pushed backwards off Zephyr.  It is clear she is struggling,” Oryn announced.

“You’re an ass,” Emmalyn huffed.  “I asked for your help in hopes that you would not make such a production.”

Oryn shrugged.  “I decided honesty was the best policy.”

Emmalyn glared at him, then squealed as Kell grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into his lap.

“No,” she protested.  “You’ll hurt yourself.  You were barely holding on only a moment ago.”

“We are close,” Kell informed her.  “I have enough strength left to take your burdens as my own, if only for a short while.”

Emmalyn could do nothing else, so she sighed and rested against him.  She made sure to keep her head positioned against his heart.  She needed to hear its steady beat and likely would continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Zephyr kept a steady pace and the horse was careful not to jostle them too much.  Emmalyn realized that her powers were clearly increasing.  The wolf had come to her aid without being asked, and she had summoned the horses from a great distance.  Not only that, but Zephyr seemed to be completely aware of Kell’s injuries.  It was hard for her to make sense of it all.

Not too long after they approached the cabin.  The horses stopped as the warriors pulled on the reins.  Emmalyn looked up to determine the cause, and the sight brought tears to her eyes.  She could scarcely believe what she was seeing.

The area around the cabin was alive with activity.  Emmalyn guessed hundreds of men were present.  Small fires were burning here and there with the delicious smell of roasting meat.  Emmalyn was starving and her mouth watered from the scent.  Makeshift shelters were also littered throughout the trees.  They resembled the kind of tents you would pitch in a survival class.  Limbs were cut away and propped up between two trees.  Full branches also covered one side to provide a hideaway.

When the incoming party was spotted, the men at the camp ceased all activities and grinned.  Emmalyn could feel Kell relax and sensed his relief.  Behr suddenly came barreling out of the trees and headed straight towards them.  The same look of relief washed over his face.  He stopped at Zephyr’s side and looked up at Kell as the rest of the group dismounted.

“Loch was at the castle and managed to get away,” Behr informed him.  “But he remained long enough to hear the King bragging about your death.  It is very pleasing to see you are alive.”

Oryn approached and shook his head in the negative.  He answered before Emmalyn or Kell had a chance.

“The King did kill Kell.  Threw him off a cliff,” Oryn growled.

Behr looked at Kell, then back at Oryn as more men approached.  Quite a large group gathered around.

“Kell looks good to me,” Behr replied as he studied Emmalyn’s husband.  “A little tired.”  Then his eyes narrowed.  “A little bloody too.  And his colour is a bit off.”  Kell glared at Oryn.  “But he looks alive and well to me.”

“That’s because Emmalyn brought him back from the dead,” Torin explained joining the conversation.  “His heart stopped.  Kell had serious internal injuries, broken limbs, and a head wound.”

“How is that possible?” Behr questioned.  Disbelief written clearly on his face.

“I assume Emmalyn has more power that we originally suspected.  My Elemental powers could have helped her as well,” Kell shrugged.  “We do not know.”

Kell placed his large hands on Emmalyn’s waist and lowered her down.  Darrow instantly stepped in to assist Kell in easing her to the ground.  As soon as she steadied, Emmalyn turned back to look at Torin.

“Help him down,” Emmalyn requested.

Kell seemed annoyed, or maybe frustrated, she wasn’t sure which.  But he accepted Torin’s assistance and leaned heavily on his warrior once he was safely deposited beside Emmalyn.

“We need to get him inside and off his feet,” Emmalyn instructed to no one in particular.  “You can certainly follow and continue this conversation once he is settled.”

The men thankfully listened and helped Kell inside the cabin.  It looked like a small two-story cabin from the outside, reminding her of a pioneer log home.  Nestled among the large pine trees it was hidden completely from view.  The inside, however, was large and open.  A massive fireplace covered most of the side wall.  The opposite wall contained a kitchen with a small island.  The front part held the living room, with large windows that looked out to the forest.  And right inside the door a rather steep looking staircase led to a loft.  She assumed the bed was there and most likely the bathroom.  The furniture looked handmade and comfortable, and the whole place felt cozy.  What appeared to be animal furs covered most of the wooden floors.

“This is fantastic,” Emmalyn announced after she’d taken everything in.

“Kell built the cabin himself along with all the furniture,” Behr explained as he helped Kell over to the couch.

Once Kell was seated comfortably, Behr ordered a couple of men to fetch plates of food for the group.  A few others left as well to tend to the horses.  Emmalyn finally had at least a few minutes to relax.  She seized the opportunity to climb on the couch beside Kell and curled up to him.

“Are you okay?” Emmalyn questioned as she tilted her head and looked up.

“I’m fine, sweetheart,” he assured.  “Although after I get some food into me, I’m taking a long nap.”

Emmalyn grinned.  That sounded just perfect. She nodded and once more placed her head against his beating heart.  She listened again as Kell explained the events that had unfolded, and all he learned about Connor and Kelton.

Emmalyn must have dozed off, because she woke to the banging of hot plates of food being passed around.  She took one from Loch gratefully and smiled in thanks.  Then she looked around.  Every available chair was filled, and men were also sitting on the floor and stairs.  As many men as possible were crowded inside listening to Kell’s story.  When he finished, he turned to Behr.

“Tell me all that you have learned.” Kell requested as he dug into his own plate.

“I was putting out fires in one of the outlying villages with a group of warriors when we were attacked.  The men were dressed all in black and heavily armed.  Some of them were skilled, some were not.  We lost a man in the attack and two more were captured.  The rest of us evaded capture.  We banded together with other groups of warriors along the way and travelled here.  Those we met along the way informed us of your death. The King boasts about it and word is spreading fast.  In no time at all the other Kingdom’s will hear the news and panic will spread,” Behr finished on a grunt.

“It seems Connor has been gathering troops for a while,” Kell huffed.  “He has a sizeable army.”

“He does, but I bet there are men left in the Kingdoms who remain faithful to you.  I have already dispersed warriors to each Kingdom to gather troops.  Even though we believed you were dead, plans have been set in motion.  We intend to mount an attack in a week’s time,” Behr grinned.

“What about weapons?” Oryn inquired.  “Do we have enough to take on Connor and his men?”

“Each man still carries a sword,” Loch piped up.  “And a small group of us managed to raid an artillery shed.  We have enough bows and arrows stashed in a covered wagon around back to supply hundreds of men.”

Kell grinned, obviously pleased with the tasks that had been accomplished already.  “You have done well,” Kell announced to the men in general.  “I am thankful to you all for remaining loyal and making plans to stand against Connor.  I am warmed to know you all have my back.”

“You have earned our loyalty by being a good and worthy man,” Torin replied.  “We need no thanks.  We are happy to claim our allegiance to you.”

Kell nodded and the room went silent.  As each man dug into the steaming food, quiet conversation drifted among them.  They finally received a moment’s peace, and no one wanted to interrupt that.  The coming battle would soon change their mood again.

“No one has heard from Seraphine or the Councilman,” Behr advised, keeping his voice low.

Kell frowned in frustration, obviously considering all the preparations that still needed to be completed.  “We must rally additional warriors to fight by our side.  We need to devise a plan to storm the castle and take back control.  We need to locate the idiot princess and Councilman to find out what they are up to.  And we need to ensure Thane and my mother are both safe.”

“That about covers it,” Oryn nodded.  “But first we need you completely healed and back at our side to fight.”

“There is nowhere else I would rather be,” Kell grunted.  A yawn from Kell caught Emmalyn’s attention and she knew he needed to rest for the night.

“Everyone out,” Emmalyn declared, effectively ending the conversation.  She jumped to her feet and clapped her hands to hurry the dispersing warriors.  “That is enough talk for tonight.  I need to get Kell to bed.”

Several of the warriors snickered on the way out, and Emmalyn caught more than one teasing jest.  A sly grin touched Kell’s face and Emmalyn felt her cheeks flush.

“You heard the Princess,” Kell bellowed as he slowly pushed to his feet and ushered the last of the men out.  “She wants to get me to bed.  So, move your goddamned asses.  I’ve got to prove to her I’m in top shape, and that might take a while.”

Kell’s warriors laughed as they existed the cabin and shut the door behind.  He turned to face Emmalyn and she glared at him.  Noticing the lust filled look in his eyes, her anger melted away and a softness spread across her features.  Kell was back from the dead and willing to spend some much needed time with her.  Tomorrow he could go back to making a battle plan and warring.  Tonight, was for them.