No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Fourteen

Dexter kept his body tight to Olivia’s, and the others protected them. “Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. What’s up?”

His father was, indeed, six and a half feet tall and looked half as broad. His ginger hair was neatly styled, and his green-gold eyes were familiar. He looked at their gathering, his nostrils flared, and he touched his wife’s shoulder. “We should go, sweetie.”

The woman with black hair and dark blue eyes sighed. “You know I need to talk to him.”

“After the weekend, Mira. He’s busy.” The alpha was wary of the pride facing off against him.

“Dad, Mom, this is Olivia.”

Mira looked at her dismissively. It was no wonder. Olivia was squashing her scent with a practised move. Dexter sighed and looked down at her. “Shy?”

Ambrose murmured, “I think she doesn’t want to upset your parents.”

Dexter nodded. “Right. Let’s get that over with.”

She didn’t know what he was planning, but she didn’t have to guess when he lifted her against him, and he kissed her, touching Ambrose’s mark. She whimpered and rocked her hips against his. Dexter’s mother gasped, and his father chuckled.

“Wait. Do I smell peach pie?” The woman’s voice was stunned.

Dexter grinned against her lips, and they giggled. She kissed him again, and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

* * * *

Ambrose ignored the necking couple and looked to Thomas. “So, our omega finally arrived. We have been marking the calendars for weeks.”

Thomas blinked. “The peaches?”

“Yeah.” He chuckled. “We have no issue smelling like dessert.”

“Why didn’t her scent come out earlier?”

“She has issues with letting it out, but as you can tell, with us, she has no difficulty. We’ve started the bonding, so Dexter won’t be leaving today.”

Olivia was kissing Dexter slowly, neither of them in a hurry, and Olivia’s scent wrapping around them.

Mira looked at her little boy, and when Dexter slid his hand under Olivia’s skirt and stroked her ass, she made a distressed sound.

Thomas wrapped his arm around Mira. “I will get her out of here. So, she’s actually an omega?”

The perfumed slick started to emerge, and Thomas’s pupil’s dilated. “Right. Got it. Come on, Mira. Let him have his day off, and he might consider talking to us again in a week or so.”

Ambrose grinned, and Thomas looked shocked. He looked at Argus and smiled slowly. “You look... relaxed and happy.”

Argus nodded. “We have our mate. We have been worrying and waiting, but she’s here now, and we are getting used to each other. Olivia’s scrappy and has her hang-ups, but we all do. So, it was nice seeing you, Mira, but Dexter is not going to be chatting with you this weekend. Or probably for a good chunk of next week. She’s about to go into heat, and it will be all hands on deck.”

Thomas grinned. “Is sex with an omega all it’s cracked up to be?”

Olivia squeaked on cue and then started whining as Ambrose guessed that Dexter’s fingers slid into her. She was right. The panties weren’t a barrier. Her perfume thickened, and Dexter purred.

Ambrose watched Thomas’s startled expression, and Mira looked a little irritated. “Why is he doing that?”

Thomas sighed. “He’s letting his omega know that he’s happy and she’s safe. Her response is going to be pretty immediate.”

The delicate, happy purr that tinkled like glass bubbles on crystal sounded, and there was a lot more licking and kissing going on until Olivia gasped and squeaked against him. Shaking in his arms.

Ambrose could feel her bright orgasm in his side of the bond. His erection was going to be a familiar friend by the time they were bonded, but seeing the look in Mira’s eyes as her little boy made Olivia cum with his fingers and a purr was priceless.

Thomas started laughing. Ambrose looked at him.

“Peaches. All of the designs for the last month have been peaches.”

Mira looked at her husband and opened and closed her mouth with a snap. “She’s the one?”

Thomas looked at his wife, and he laughed. “Yeah, I am pretty sure she is. Instead of frowning, try and think about how we can include her in the family business. Bye, Dexter. Have fun bonding to that nice young lady.”

Mira’s eyes were wide as her husband steered her back toward the entrance to the rescue centre. “But my boy...”

“Hasn’t been a boy for years. Let him and his pride enjoy their omega. Think of things that she can do with the company. She’s adorable with a sense of humour in her eyes. I think he is going to be designing for her for a while. Just let him, or he will break with the company, and we will be screwed.”

Ambrose listened to Mira asking why Olivia was so special and Thomas’s answer. “Because she’s theirs.”

That was what summed it up. She was theirs.

Ambrose felt the urge to continue bonding, and he walked to Dexter and held his arms out. Olivia was in his grasp a moment later, and Dexter licked and sucked his fingers, and they walked back to the jeep with Argus bringing the boys along.

Olivia twisted in Ambrose’s arms, and they kissed slowly, tongues soft and raspy during the drive back. The boys grumbled a bit, but that was just because Olivia was in his arms and not Argus’s.

She was relaxing into his arms easily now, her mouth tangling with his, and her thighs rubbed together. Ambrose growled and clutched her to him; the urge to take her again was overwhelming.

She blinked slowly, pulled herself up to straddle his lap, and he unzipped and unbuttoned, his erection thick in her fingers as she guided him in. Once he was inside her dripping heat, he gripped her hips and pulled her down with a firm stroke as his hips thrust upward.

He had no idea if it was the bond working, but she felt hotter, wetter, tighter as he began to move her over him. He opened the top of her dress and pulled the cups of her bra down, forcing her breasts up and out. She gasped at the first touch of his tongue, and he felt the surge of slick around him. He moved her with his hands and sucked at one breast and then the other in turn while she squeaked, whined, and moaned.

They were behind the house, and they continued to fuck slowly as Argus parked the jeep. Ambrose looked up and watched as she arched, threw her head back, and moaned as his teeth teased her nipples before his mouth dove in, and he worked her breasts in a frenzy. She tasted like peaches, smelled like peaches, and they were his new favourite fruit. Tangy, sweet, and feminine, her breasts carried a different scent than her belly, and her pussy was the well of all the variations. Right now, she was fresh peaches and peach syrup with an overlay of Dexter’s spices.

Ambrose smiled. “You smell like pie.”

She groaned and tugged at his hair. “You smell like a cinnamon bun with vanilla icing. Are we comparing scents now?”

He thrust deep, and his knot was desperate to lock into her. He lifted her up and pulled her down fast. She stretched around him, let out a cry, and his knot locked in place, and a growl crawled from his throat as the stranglehold on his knot squeeze him until he shouted, and his cock spilled ropes of cum into her belly.

Her cunt was fluttering around him in hard squeezes, and he grinned that taking the knot had brought on her orgasm.

She whimpered and rolled her hips against his, the undulation squeezed his knot in a slow wave, and his cock could still feel the clasp and squeeze of her channel. He lasted longer than he thought he would, and his knot pulsed waves of fluid into her before they were able to rest.

Olivia pressed her forehead to his. He stroked his mark, and she moaned, squirming against him.

She shuddered, and her internal clasping resumed.

They sat in the jeep for ten minutes. There was no way he could walk with her on him. He would have started over again. He chuckled and licked her cheek. “How are you feeling, precious?”

She gasped, and when the hot fluid bathed his cock, he chuckled. Her strangled, “Fine,” made him laugh.

She muttered against his mouth, “Have you guys been saving up or something because this is ridiculous.”

“A quarter is my cum, a quarter is knot fluid, and the rest is you, precious.” He tapped her nose.

She blushed. “I’m gonna dehydrate.”

He laughed, and they left the vehicle after he righted his trousers.

He held her hand, and it felt completely normal though he had never had a giggling lady at his side in his life. His normal impulses did not elicit laughter, but with Olivia, it was joy that she shared through their link, and he loved it. The power of the bond was knocking him on his ass, and it hadn’t even been half a day yet. He didn’t regret a thing.

Argus went through Olivia’s wallet and cards, including her license that had been transferred to their address by the Omega Centre. He explained what they were, how to use them, and what their limits were.

She blinked and edged away from them. “That’s too much.”

Ambrose raised his brows. “It really isn’t. I am sure we forgot to pick up certain things for you, and this way, if you see them, you can pick them up for yourself.”

There was distress coming through the link. “What’s wrong?”

He took her hands and rubbed her knuckles. “What’s the problem, precious?”

She looked at him with huge eyes, and he could see her freaking out behind those eyes. “I am... not used to having money. I work for it, but I never get it, so I don’t know what I am supposed to do or how I pay the bill if I don’t earn money.”

Ahh.The other two looked surprised. They were used to omegas and their adorably narcissistic ways. Olivia hadn’t even met another omega, let alone seen one in action. They might want to arrange that once they were firmly bonded. She needed to see the difference between her and other omegas. He rubbed her knuckles; it was quite a difference.

He smiled. “You read the terms of our taking you in with our pride. We have to supply you with everything you need. The money is what you need. That way, you won’t feel pressured to comply with us. You have funds to go out and have fun when you make friends.”

That snapped her brows together in a scowl. “Why would I want to go out with other people who aren’t you guys?”

Argus leaned forward. “Kitten, you used to have friends, used to laugh, go to the beach, you swam like a shark. These are things that we want you to do again.”

She blinked. “So, we did meet when I was little.”

“Littler. Yeah. You are still teeny. Paul was pissed when you beat him, and I had to hold in my laughter.”

She sighed. “You were very pretty then.”

Ambrose snorted, and Dexter chuckled. Argus raised his brow. “I was very pretty.”

She nodded. “Now you are stunning, but I think you know that.”

Ambrose stared as Argus turned beet red. “Wow. That’s... not a look I have seen on him.”

Ambrose reached for his wallet and took out a five. “This is for making his face do that.”

She giggled and put the money back in his hand. “First one’s free.”

She was still fretting, but it was subdued.

“You have time to figure out what you want to do.” Ambrose tapped her nose. “What do you already know how to do?”

“I can run a guesthouse... but that’s about it.”

Argus perked up. “We can help with that. I have been debating putting one in at the rescue. Letting folks learn how the animals live and how the rescue works is something we want to do.”

She frowned at him. It was so cute Ambrose wanted to fuck her again, right there. She looked like an angry kitten.

“Don’t you dare just make a bullshit job for me to keep me from wandering around.”

Dexter looked at her and cocked his head. “You could model jewellery for the family company. I have some pieces that I have designed in the last day that would suit you. I just need to get them down in a digital render.”

“Uh, I don’t think that your mom would like that.”

“Yeah, but my dad owns the company. It would be fine. We use a male omega for some of the stuff, but I think you and Ford would get along. He would also show you how to do things as an omega.”

The other two groaned. “Only after we have all bonded to her. Ford has a tremendous draw, and while he isn’t a threat to the pride, he is a persistent flirt.”

She blinked. “A male omega? There were two or three at the centre, but they kept us apart.”

The guys looked at each other and snorted. Dexter explained. “Ford never met a set of legs he didn’t want to split, male or female. If you met him, one of us would be there as chaperone.”

Olivia scowled. “Why? I have defended myself from gropers before.”

Ambrose smiled slightly. “He wouldn’t grope... well, he would, but he is excellent at seduction, or so the betas around him say.”

“Wait. I am allowed to seduce betas?” She blinked in surprise. That wasn’t in the brochures.


Olivia’s lip trembled after they all shouted at her. It was a sudden roar, and it startled her hard-won calm. Tears welled in her eyes, and Argus lunged to her and pulled her onto his lap. The seating area was comfy, and she was better able to cuddle against them.

“Olly. Kitten. We would prefer that you didn’t run around attracting random attention. We are private people, and sharing you with betas would be rough. Plus, they might only be using you as a stepping stone to us. We don’t want you hurt.”

She blinked. “Then why introduce me to a horny omega?”

He chuckled. “Ford means well. He is in my age bracket. He had a pack, never bonded, and they went their separate ways. No bonds, no ties. Now, he has bodyguards that he uses for relief, and he invites other alphas in to ride through his heats.”

She was relaxing against him, and he purred for her. There had never been anything as satisfying as her body relaxing into him because she trusted him. That trust was something that she gave, and he was going to keep earning it as their time together spun on.

She rested her head against his shoulder and stroked his chest. The tiny caress made him want more, and he checked his watch. Four hours to go. He groaned.

Ambrose chuckled. “Do you want me to take her?”

Argus growled. “I am fine. She’s fine.”

“How is her mark?”

Argus sighed and checked. It was red, but it had been getting a lot of action. “You need to take care of it.”

“Hand her over?” Ambrose chuckled.

“Do it while I hold her.”

“Fine. Scoot over.”

Argus made room for him, and Ambrose slid in next to him, stroking the hair away from her nape and licking it slowly.

She gave a hiccupping little purr, and Argus cuddled her close, stroking her back and holding her tight. Ambrose reached for her, and they curled into a small ball with her at the centre. Dexter didn’t want to be left out, and he curled on Argus’s right with his head in Olivia’s lap. Argus cursed himself for not thinking of it first.

They remained curled up until Olivia’s stomach snarled angrily.

He chuckled, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Time for a hot dinner.”

She blinked. “We have subs in the fridge.”

“You have had a rough day. You need a proper meal; plus, it will keep us distracted.”

She peeped up at him through her thick lashes. “Okay.”

Dexter unravelled himself, Ambrose got to his feet, and Argus carried her into the kitchen. He set her on the kitchen island and kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, let’s get something hot into you.”

She wrinkled her nose. “That is why I was trying to burrow through your chest. I have had something hot in me at strange intervals today.”

Dexter and Ambrose laughed.

Argus tapped her nose, and then, they went and put together a mountain of fajitas.

The air was thick with the grilled vegetables and steak. Dexter took care of the flatbread, and Ambrose picked her up and set her at the table on one of the chairs.

Argus set the platter of grilled stuff down on the table, and he put a fajita together for Olivia.

He watched as she picked out the sliced onion and bit into the flatbread. She hummed happily and went crazy with the condiments, but she had a proper dinner and lemonade.

Three pride meals in a day. Things were certainly different with an omega in the house.