The Degradation of Shelby Ann by Emma Cole

Chapter Eight


"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hamilton." The urge to curtsy under the imposing stare from Dirk's father was hard to resist. Not that I'd ever attempted one before.

"Glad to see she's easy on the eyes, son, after you ruined the merger with Governor Jenkins. I spent half the morning on the phone, trying to get him to take Rafe instead, but as you know, he's not in line to inherit the business." Dirk stiffened as I did my best not to wilt. The bark of laughter from the blond man standing in the corner mixing a drink drew the ire of Winston Sr. away from us. "I'd suggest piping down over there, Rafe. You're one indiscretion away from being disowned. I can't even give your sorry ass away."

I'd like to point out that I told you so.

I didn't even bother to address the smug voice. I couldn't afford to have this turn out worse than it already was.

Surprisingly, Rafe didn't offer any words of rebuttal, but he did tip his head at me with a wink and a wry grin before he sauntered over to a leather wingback chair to take a seat. He was stockier than either Dirk or their father, but just as tall. He must have taken after their mother with his dark navy eyes, caramel-colored hair, and boyishly charming features. From his appearance alone, I could almost imagine him playing college football had he not been in a blazer and slacks, sans tie.

Dirk was almost a younger carbon copy of his father, with slightly softer features that put him in the devastatingly handsome category instead of austere and somewhat sinister. Both had the lighter blue irises, although Winston Sr.'s were faintly bloodshot. That, and the silver-handled cane he had propped against the desk he lorded behind, hinted that the man wasn't well. But I wasn't sure I could be bothered to care since he was a dick.

Finally, Dirk found his voice. "Father, Shelby is going to be my wife. I've made my choice," he started out firmly but even-toned. "Governor Jenkins' daughter wasn't suitable; she has a penchant for wandering." The knowing glance father and son shared left me confused, but out of my peripheral, Rafe froze with his drink tilted halfway to his lips.

Winston Sr. went the opposite way though, coloring up until I thought he might stroke out, before he laced his fingers together over the blotter on his desk and articulately responded to the insinuation of Dirk's revelation. "Very well then, see to it that she doesn't disgrace the family. And get the firm to draw up whatever is needed." Switching his attention to me, he spoke in a tone that brooked no argument. Not that I'd been brave enough to give him one at the time. "You'll sign it all after reviewing it, or you'll be out on your ass, am I understood?"

I nodded stiffly, thinking that would be enough, but when Dirk squeezed my hip, I vocalized my agreement. "Yes, sir, Mr. Hamilton." It seemed to appease both parties as he dismissed me.

"Rafe, take your soon-to-be sister and point out the main areas as well as those that are private and should remain so." Without bothering to wait for an answer, one he didn't get as I'm sure Rafe wasn't about to disobey the order, he turned back to Dirk. "We have matters to settle, and first will be who is assigned to your new fiancée."

Unable to bear even accidentally hearing more, I scurried for the door as dignified as possible the instant Dirk released his grip on me. Rafe only managed to get to the door to open it first because he was closer to it.

As soon as it clicked shut behind me, I let out a frustrated sigh and hugged my arms around myself with my head bowed and eyes tightly shut. It wasn't like I was getting comfort from anywhere else.

"Shelby? You okay over there?" Fuck, I hope he isn't a narc. Popping my eyes back open, I stared at him warily and nodded. "You sure you don't want to run while you can? We're not the softest bunch." His tone was friendly yet sardonic, and I couldn't figure out if he was a playboy with a leash, or flat out playing me.

Look! The boy has sense. Unlike some people I know.

I'm the only person you know, and you're decidedly unhelpful.

"Well," he continued at my silence, "come on, little sis. If you're staying, let's show you where the dungeon and the no-no zones are." Sticking out an elbow with a cocky grin I couldn't help but return, he waggled his brows as he asked, "Shall we?"

Taking the proffered arm, I followed him up and down hallways while he pointed out rooms that I'd never remember. Some of them had actual names. Like the south sunroom, okay, so that was easy enough, but one like the Marigold Room? I swore there was a whole floor named after flowers.

It was as we were in a glass-walled conservatory filled with plants and wrought iron furniture with cushions on the seats, that I saw him crossing the lawn. He was coming from what I thought to be an extension for the security personnel, if I recalled Rafe's directions correctly.

"Carter?" I whispered. But despite the trickling water effect that softly filtered through the room, Rafe heard me.

"You've met Carter already?" Rafe tipped his head, waiting for my answer.

"I, um, sort of." I shrugged, not sure how to elaborate on that.

Oh, you're in for it now, girly. I couldn't have predicted this! Oh how the worm has turned.

This is not happening!

Yeah, sweetcheeks, it is.

* * *

Three Years Ago

Mama was gonna kill me. She had warned me what would happen in the big city, and now I was gonna have to figure out how to get home without a cent. The other girls at the diner had talked me into taking a weekend trip to Savannah, and some jackass just stole my purse, right off my shoulder. The fairgrounds were dark and loud, with shrieking children and ride-goers alike, teenagers running to and fro. Everyone was excited for the beginning of summer with lazy days and no school, but it was the perfect place for a fly-by mugging.

I sniffled, the scents of cotton candy and fried dough permeating the air making my belly growl. I'd been standing in the long line waiting to fill up on the fried food when a skinny teen came out of nowhere, and now I was screwed. Dejected, and without even a phone to call one of the girls, I tried to remember how far away the hotel was. We'd only had a short taxi ride, so surely it was within walking distance. I'd let the girls know what happened when I got back to our room.

Right as I went to snap the ride pass from my wrist, a deep voice from behind startled me. With a squeak cut off by my heart in my throat, I spun on a heel in the packed dirt of the fairground.

"Would be a shame to waste the bracelet since the night just started." A grinning young man proudly held out my slim pocketbook. One side of the strap was broken, but my heart soared when it appeared otherwise untouched.

"How in the world…? Thank you!" My tongue nearly tied itself in a knot as I took in the pretty man with dark Irish coloring. He was saved from being feminine by a square, dimpled chin and another indent sitting at the base of one cheek. Plus, he was just this side of too muscled. Any more and he would have appeared bulky rather than solid yet trim. My blatant perusal didn't seem to faze him at all though.

"You're quite welcome, Miss?"

"Shelby, Shelby Ann. But only Mama really calls me that," I muttered inanely, struck by the brightest blue eyes partially hidden under carelessly wavy black locks. "How did you get my purse?" My eyes narrowed on him, suspicious now that my initial relief and starstruck attraction had calmed down.

"I was just leaving the ticket booth when I saw that guy snatch it. I caught up with him by the entrance, and one of the security guards let me bring it back after I explained what happened. By the way, I'm Carter, and if anyone happens to ask, you're my girlfriend. Hope you don't mind, I had to tell them something." His grin was nervous when he finished, and I found out exactly where the messy hair came from as he ran a hand through it only to have it bounce right back into place.

Flustered, and kinda wanting him to stick around, I returned the smile with one of my own. "I think I could handle that—for the night anyway. If you want?" I waited for his answer, worrying my lower lip with my teeth.

"I'd be honored, Shelby. Would you like to hit up the concessions before we get on the rides? My treat." He held up his toned and tanned arm, showing off the wristband as well as making the fitted black T-shirt stretch over his lithe frame.

My gaze wandered down, noting his jeans and boots that completed the casual look. My luck had turned right around, and I ducked my head in a nod and turned to hide the pleased grin I couldn't seem to wipe off my face.

Play it cool, girly, and don't let him in your pants.

The thought of Carter in the carnal sense had heat racing between my legs and over my cheeks all at once. I wouldn't rule it out; I was out on my own for once with no one to answer to.

* * *

Hanging out with Carter was easy and so much fun. I texted the girls, who had started the rides while I went for food, that I'd catch up with them at the hotel, not bothering to tell them about the incident. We talked about everything and nothing. He worked in security, and I told him about waitressing at the diner, secretly hoping that he'd show up sometime. I didn't have any expectations past that night, but a girl could dream.

A girl can also get knocked up or an STD, and those are the nicer options for disappearing with a man.

He's only twenty! Lighten up.

I knew it was risky, but I was full-on enamored and didn't want to waste a moment on what-ifs. But the night was coming to a close, the rides and booths shutting down one by one.

"Hey, do you want to get a button?" I looked to where Carter pointed. One of the last booths open was a picture booth that made black and white pictures to go in oversized buttons. Nodding, I let him take my hand and lead the way.

Carter surprised me by sitting on the stool and pulling me onto his lap, our cheeks touching as we smiled for the cheerful woman behind the camera. "Well, aren't you two just the cutest! Since you're the last of the night, I'll give you two for the price of one."

As she pressed the pictures into the button frames, Carter wandered off to the stall next door. I had just tucked the buttons into my purse, leaving little room to spare, when he returned with something shiny hidden in his hand. We both thanked the woman as she shut her booth down then slowly made our way to the entrance of the midway.

Before we made our exit, he pulled me to the side and fiddled with my wrist. When he let go, a bracelet with tiny pewter charms hung from it—they were all from the fair. A ferris wheel, candy apple, and other themed charms dangled around it, and I was utterly charmed with the gift.

"Thank you, Carter," I said softly, voice husky with emotion as I peered up at him through lowered lashes. "This has been the best night of my life. I wish it didn't have to end."

A calloused finger hooked under my chin, tipping it up until I met his wistful gaze. "It doesn't have to end here if you don't want it to." But I couldn't take him back to the room with the others, and I knew I had to decline. "Come with me? I'm at the motel a few blocks from here. Or I can take you to yours if you'd prefer?"

Screw it, I'm going.

It's your funeral.

So be it. I was still going. I knew I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't. Blushing ten shades of red, I accepted his offer. "Yours, please." I tried to sound confident, but the nerves made me feel shaky. Carter didn't comment on it, tucking me under an arm and guiding me back to his room.

The walk was silent but comfortable, and when we got to the single-story motel, we crossed the cracked pavement to the outside doors until he stopped to unlock one. Without turning on the lights, Carter lifted me off of my feet as he kicked the door shut before making a beeline for the bed. With my legs hooked around his hips, he followed me down onto the bed, and I let my purse slip off to the side.

Then Carter's lips were on mine, firm but plush, until the wet tip of his tongue pressed at the seam of my lips, begging for entry. Our moans sounded out in unison as I granted him access, and then it was a flurry of messy, clashing mouths and fumbling hands as we shed our clothes.

With Carter settled between my legs and my chest heaving from nerves and excitement, I looked up to find him staring down at me, the tender emotion softening his features making me feel like I was missing something, but also like I was the only girl in the world. For him, at least.

"You're beautiful, Shelby Ann. I don't want to forget this," he rumbled out in explanation while bringing a hand up to brush my wayward hair from my face. A pang of longing speared through me at the confirmation that it wouldn't go farther, and I wanted to ask why, but I was afraid to ruin the moment.

"I don't either." And I knew I wouldn't. How could I when I was certain I was half in love with him already? I used to roll my eyes at the girls in school, crushing so hard they had tunnel vision for the object of their infatuation, but now I had to admit it was possible to fall for someone instantly.

Carter traced my lips with a fingertip before gently taking them again, obliterating my view of him in the dim light. I let my eyes drift closed as he continued down my body, reveling in the sensations he evoked as his stubble lit fireworks under my skin with every brush of his rough, dimpled chin. The random nips from his teeth, along with the suckling kisses, were sure to leave their marks across my skin, but I couldn't be bothered to care.

When the wet heat of his mouth closed around the peaked tip of a full breast, my body arched up into his with a groan, and I couldn't help but tangle my fingers through his thick hair, my nails surely scoring his scalp as I held him captive to prolong the exquisite suction. "More, Carter, please!" I cried, rubbing my wet core against the ridged planes of his abdomen, trying to get friction where I needed it. All I managed was to slick his skin and poke myself in the buttcheek with his straining dick. With our height difference, my head barely reached his shoulders. There wasn't much I could do without his cooperation, and I didn't have the experience or confidence to articulate what I wanted.

He took my cues, knowing what my body needed, and speared nimble fingers into me as his thumb teased my clit until it stood at attention. Each caress sent little shocks of pleasure, as every pull on my nipple traveled straight to my middle to pool in a churning mass of heat just waiting to detonate.

"Fuck, Shelby," Carter groaned as I clamped around his fingers, nearly reaching that elusive peak. "I feel like my dick is about to burst if I can't get inside you soon." A throaty noise of discontent came from me as he withdrew, leaving me crazy with desire. "Just a minute," he soothed. "Have to find a condom."

I settled at that; I wasn't on birth control, but I would be just as soon as I could remedy it. The thought of even possibly having an accident helped to cool my ardor, but with the crinkle of a wrapper and a quick motion between his legs, Carter was back between mine.

"Yes, please, I was so close," I demanded and complained, as I lifted and spread my lower extremities, bending my knees to allow him unfettered access.

"Later, I'll pay this pretty little thing more attention, but I promise to make it good now too." Shuffling forward on his knees until he was as close as he could get, Carter used his thumbs to spread my slick lubricant before he separated my lips, pulling them wide and stretching my entrance enough to notch the head of his member at it.

He rubbed his tip in small circles until my flesh gave way. It was a new experience, watching a man prepare to fill my body, and I was glad the light that filtered in kept the moment in hushed shadows where I didn't have to feel like I was on display. The slight burn as he slipped the thick head in was expected, but when he rocked back and forth just the tiniest bit, it lessened the sensation. But Carter didn't continue with his approach. Instead, he gripped the base of his erection with one hand and covered my body as he sank straight into me, his body weight, paired with my soaked walls, letting him press in nearly to the hilt with one stroke.

The pinching morphed into a poker of agony, causing my knees to clamp down onto his hips, much as my insides spasmed in an attempt to expel the invasion. With a guttural whimper sounding low in my throat, my hips twisted, trying to escape the stomach-turning pain, but I was well and truly pinned, inside and out, to the bed.

"Shelby, what's wrong?!" Carter moved to pull back, but even that much movement against my clenching muscles hurt like hell. "Oh fuck, don't do that! I can't think," he groaned out when I wouldn't let go.

Did I mention you're a dumbass who should have told him you were a virgin?

Not helping, go away.

"Didn't expect it to hurt like that," I gritted out, not quite in pain since that was already receding, but more out of fear of moving and making it come back. "I've only ever fooled around. I'm so, so sorry. And embarrassed," I tacked on, hiding my face in the crook of his neck. The tendons there were tight with strain, and I wondered if I'd ruined everything.

"You were—you haven't been with anyone?" Awe and concern vied for position in his voice, then came the contrite apology. "Oh, Shelby, I would have done this so differently." When I stiffened, he amended, "More carefully. I wouldn't have hurt you on purpose."

Relaxing back, I searched his eyes, hoping he didn't regret it. "You're not mad?"

"No, baby, just feeling poorly that I didn't pick up on it and that your first time was rougher than it needed to be. Let me make it better?" I nodded shyly, happiness surging through my veins. Until he gently pulled out and used his big hands to lift my bottom to his face.

"Carter! What are you doing?" My shock was complete when, instead of answering, he buried his face between my legs and licked me until I was a dripping, limp mess on the sheets. "Oh dear Lord, I don't think I can take anymore," I mumbled when he covered me again.

That time, he gently worked his way into my over-sensitive core and mimicked the motions with his tongue stroking mine. The faint hint of copper hit my taste buds, causing a blush hot enough I felt as if my skin were glowing. In hindsight, Mama wouldn't even let tampons be brought into the house, and my fingers must not have done the job like I'd thought they had. But my mind didn't have long to wander before Carter flexed his hips, my lips parting from his in a gasp of delight.

"Do that again," I begged, eagerly tilting my hips up to his.

A deep chuckle against my throat preceded the motion being repeated until we were both panting and covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

"Getting close, baby. Can you come before me?" The strain tightening his features and voice was apparent, but I wasn't sure I could. "Touch yourself, make yourself fly. I need to feel you bearing down on me with pleasure." The husky plea was enough to have my hand easing between us, and for a moment, I explored where we were joined until Carter groaned that he couldn't handle more. Then I worked my bundle of nerves in small circles and flicks until I did indeed clench around him in rhythm to the wracking pleasure pulsing through my body. Carter followed quickly with a few sharp snaps of his hips until I felt the throbbing release send aftershocks through my core.

Slumping down, Carter rolled to the side, bringing me with him before he gently disconnected from me. After tying the top, he grabbed a tissue to wrap the condom in and set it on the bedside table.

"How are you feeling?" The careful hesitancy made me snuggle in tighter.

"Happy, worn out, kinda loopy," I mumbled into his chest. But he heard me well enough since his chest shook with laughter in response.

"I'll take it, but I don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off of you." He squeezed me tightly to him, and that was where we stayed for the next bit.

* * *

Carter didn't keep his hands, or his mouth, or his cock to himself, and I returned the favor. In the shower, I made my first attempt at giving head. He seemed to enjoy it, the gagging and all, but by the time I drifted off in his arms, daylight was creeping around the curtains and I felt like I'd be walking funny for a week.

* * *

The low battery alarm on my phone woke me, and I wondered how it got next to my head. But when I noticed the time, adrenaline had me jumping from the bed. The girls would be checking out any time, and at a glance, I had a lot of missed calls.

"Carter? I'm sorry, but I have to go!" He wasn't in the main room, and when I checked, the bathroom was empty too. Dread clutched at my chest when I discovered the room was empty of everything but my few belongings.

With tears pooling in my eyes, I found my purse on the small dining table, one of the buttons sitting on top of a note.


I'll never forget.

Love, Carter

Ahiccuping cry escaped me as I carefully folded the short goodbye and tucked it into the back of the frame. He'd taken the other copy, but I couldn't begrudge him that. At least I knew it had meant something to him as well. My charm bracelet was already in my purse when I put the picture in it. I vaguely remembered leaving it in the bathroom, and he'd obviously wanted to make sure I didn't forget it.

Just because he doesn't want to forget doesn't make him a good man, Shelby Ann. Be glad you've escaped unscathed. Well, only time will tell on that one.

We were careful, and I just had my period. Besides, he was never anything other than honest, and I don't feel he's the type to spread disease.

I was referring to your mama...

With a wince at the thought of Mama freaking out if I didn't make it home on time, I shored up my tattered emotions, washed my face, and rinsed with the mouthwash left behind before quickly taking care of business. The soreness between my legs, and just about everywhere else, was a physical reminder of the night we'd spent together. So were the faint hickeys and whisker burn on my neck and chest that I had no chance of concealing without a heap of makeup or maybe a scarf, but in this heat that would draw more attention than it was worth.

I'd barely made it to meet the girls, and they were less than happy with me for ditching them all night, but they'd grabbed my bag for me.

Unfortunately, I hadn't had a chance to change, or shower again, and Mama had made my life hell for several weeks after she found out what I'd done. Or at least the barest bones of it, anyway.