The Degradation of Shelby Ann by Emma Cole

Chapter Seven


When I got back into the car after stowing my bag in the trunk, Dirk was just ending a call. And from the frown pulling at his features, he didn't seem too happy about the conversation. I didn't want to pry by asking, so I simply nodded when he curtly asked if I was ready to head home. I'm going to my new home. It was surreal, the thought that I wouldn't be returning to the only place I'd ever lived. I was too busy keeping myself calm to bother with the tension in the vehicle, and I doubted Dirk would appreciate me poking at him right then anyway. So instead, I settled back and pretended to sleep, hoping I'd actually get a bit of a nap.

* * *

"Shelby, darling, we're here." I had, in fact, fallen asleep, so it was with gritty eyes and a fierce yawn that I caught my first glimpse of the house.

That's not a house. It's a fucking mansion. Bet there's a whole wing where they hide the bodies of unruly peasants.

Really? That's all you've got?I snarked back at the jibe, shutting her up for a bit. Hopefully, anyway. Taking in the mansion, I gulped at the sheer size of the building waiting at the top of the paved, tree-lined drive. The grounds surrounding it were meticulous, the topiary pruned just so. There was even an honest-to-goodness fountain in the circular drive, with a naked cherub spouting the water from its mouth. Where the pavement ended, the shallow steps began. I couldn't be sure, but I thought they might be marble with their pale, veined appearance that matched the columns holding up the overhang. There was probably a pretentious name for the obviously fancy porch, but I didn't know it.

The extravagance continued throughout the face of the center portion and onto the twin wings that stood to either side like sentinels. The windows felt like eyes watching and lording over the mansion's surroundings, and even the tiled roof was as opulent as the rest. While I was busy trying to catch flies with my gaping mouth, Dirk cruised up to the shiny steps, barely parking before the carved wooden door opened to reveal a man with slicked-back hair, just graying at the temples, dressed in a severe black and white suit.

I was taken aback when he came up to my door and opened it with a bow. "Miss Tamblin, welcome to Rittenhouse Manor." The man held out a pale hand, and after a questioning glance back at Dirk, I put my own in it and allowed him to help me from the car.

"Thank you, Mister—?" I waited for him to answer, but Dirk had come around by then and clapped the man on the shoulder with a shout of laughter.

"Gerald! Shelby, just call him Gerald or Jerry. FYI, he knows everything, so bribe him well to keep your secrets."

Gerald scoffed with mock outrage, but it quickly turned into a grin. "I don't tell tales, Miss, but I do know quite a few things, part of the job description. Master Dirk likes to tease an old man, but please, call me Jerry." I surmised that he must hold the position of a butler, but I wasn't sure if that was what it was called anymore and didn't want to chance offending him by asking.

I felt a bit out of the loop with their teasing, but I expected it would be that way for a while until I became accustomed to the dynamics of the household. "Pleased to meet you, Jerry," I offered with a shy grin. "Dirk, could you open the trunk, please? I need to get my bag." Yet again, Jerry stepped up to assist.

"No need, miss. I'll take it up to your room while you get acquainted with the house and staff. Sir," Jerry addressed Dirk, "your father and brother will be in residence this evening, and Nina has already arrived." I swore there was a sneer in the last part regarding the woman, but as his back was to me, I couldn't tell for sure, and Dirk didn't seem fazed. I must have imagined it.

Barely been here five minutes and already going batshit.

It's been a stressful day, and I'm not Mama! The beginning of the old-ass argument that I'd end up crazy like my mother was interrupted by a solidly built man in slacks and a button-up. The stark white of the shirt set off his dark skin, and when he slipped the sunglasses off, his vivid green eyes captured my brown ones. I could have fallen half in lust with the man on the spot, had he not curled his lip in a knowing smirk until it widened into a full-on grin that exposed straight white teeth. But the expression didn't match the malice that abruptly appeared in his gaze. It startled me badly enough that I took a step back into an unsuspecting Jerry who had been crossing behind me.

"Careful, miss," he cautioned as he steadied me. When I turned my head over my shoulder, his mouth was turned down, with a troubled wrinkle on his forehead. "Don't cross that one, Miss Shelby," Jerry whispered. "Just best to stay out of his way."

Confused, I stepped away from Jerry, noticing that Dirk and the new man were having a hushed conversation a few yards away. Jerry was already entering the big house as I approached the men, and the big guy's attention immediately zeroed in on me, prompting Dirk to turn and hold out a hand in invitation.

"Darling, this is my bodyguard, Milo. He'll be around most of the time. I have to admit I've been playing a bit of hooky where he's concerned while we were courting." Tucked under his arm, I was able to pick up the muttered, "Another thing Father disapproves of."

I couldn't bring myself to hold out my hand, not wanting the behemoth to touch more than he already had with his cruel gaze, so I tipped my head in greeting with a demure, "Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise, ma'am." He tipped an imaginary hat in response, a smirk just teasing the corner of his lips.

Why is Dirk not noticing the way he's looking at me? Surely he could see what I did.

He still lives at the family estate. Betcha he can't wipe his own ass without Daddy's permission. And you, you ninny, were not on the approved list of activities. Use your brain, dumbass!

And how would you know? You're always bringing me down! Can't you just let me be? For once? Let me be free and stop tormenting me!

Surprisingly, it shut her up, but both men appeared to have noticed my spacing out, giving me varying looks of confusion and expectancy. I must have missed something. "Pardon? I'm still a bit struck by Dirk's idea of a house," I deflected to Milo while giving my fiancé a teasing side-eye. Awkward, maybe, but better than the truth, that I was arguing with myself.

"I was just asking Milo here if he knew who was to be assigned as your guard." At my frown, he elaborated. "You're marrying into a wealthy and influential family, Shelby. Can't have someone nabbing you off the street after a pedicure and sending ransom demands." My mouth guppied at the reasoning. It was sound, but callous as fuck. My glare preceded the scathing comment that burned in my throat, but Dirk doused it before it could escape. "I need you to be safe, darling. I can't contemplate you being taken from me." My anger deflated as I snuggled back into his side, completely ignoring Milo. The man unnerved me, and I'd decided to pretend he wasn't watching our every move.

Until he opened his mouth and forced me to at least hear him. "If you'd like to get a quick tour in, there's time, but your father will be arriving shortly. Or maybe just head straight to your suite so the lady can freshen up?" His tone and pointed stare indicated the latter would be his personal choice.

For the second time in as many minutes, I was pissed, and left with my mouth hanging open, catching flies. The slick barbarian was in for a rude awakening if he thought he could treat me like he'd stepped in a cow patty. Granted, he was dressed better than I was, but I was in no way dirty!

My tongue stayed firmly behind my teeth even though I leveled Milo with a scowl as Dirk took the initiative to lead me in. And then my anger dried up, replaced with awe. We were in what appeared to be a piece of art. Or maybe a museum. Marble was everywhere, and it paired well with the chandelier hanging above the honest-to-goodness staircase that sat center stage like it was straight from a fairytale. At each of the two floors above, balconies disappeared into walls, the wallpaper so rich I could see the texture from where I stood in stupefied silence.

"It's something, isn't it? I have to admit, I do get a kick out of seeing guests' expressions the first time they come in. It's like Scarlett O'Hara and Victorian lace had a love child, but somehow, it suits." The posh voice belonged to a thick woman with dusky skin and just a hint of a tilt to her eyes. But that could have been from the overly dramatic cat-eye makeup, or even the slicked-back, black hair in a severe bun. The woman beamed at us as she came forward with her hands out and heels tapping sharply on the floor. Her mouth was slightly too wide, her chin a tad too square to be more than passably attractive. "Master Dirk, it's lovely to see you again, and congratulations on your engagement." When she reached us, it was apparent all of her attention was for Dirk.

I tried to squash the green-eyed monster that reared its head when he took her hands and leaned in to kiss her cheek. But up close I could see the fine lines around her eyes and lips and realized she was pushing forty at the very least, nearly a decade older than Dirk.

He stepped back to put an arm around me. "Shelby, this is Nina. She'll be your chaperone and tutor until we're married." Ah, so this is the nanny. I didn't know they came in three-piece, pastel skirt suits, but okay.

"Oh, I'd hoped to stay on for the little ones as well." If she said anything else, it was lost to me choking on my own spit.

"You have kids?" I sputtered out, indignant at the thought that he'd left out that tidbit.

"Darling, of course not, she meant—"

"I meant your children, but I can see we have a lot of work to do. Can't have that uncouth attitude embarrassing the family." Dirk's dark stare quailed her on the spot, but I thought it was more for being interrupted than on my behalf. "Right, not the time for all of that. My apologies, sir, I got over excited."

"Very well, Nina." But his glower barely lightened, and I wondered if he'd have words with the woman later. From her strained smile, I thought I was on the right track. "Darling, let's get you situated since we can tour the house another time. Better yet, Nina can show you around, as I'm sure Father will want to catch up on business. It will give you two time to acquaint yourselves with each other."

* * *

Nina and Milo disappeared to parts unknown without any more mention of children, which I would be pursuing later, in private, while Dirk led me to the second floor. He explained there was a service elevator behind the grand staircase, but it was rarely used except for furnishings. Upon entering our suite, I found that the sumptuous sitting room, done in tones of dull gold and black, sat between our bedrooms. Plural.

"We have separate rooms? Why?" A note of hurt colored my questions. I didn't like the set-up at all.

"It's proper, darling. We each have our own space. I'm sure there will be times you'd rather have your privacy." Reading between the lines, I figured it was his way of saying he'd want privacy. "Besides, I won't be home all of the time. It makes it easier if I have to leave early or come in late, less chance of disturbing you."

Less chance of you catching something disturbing is more like it. Bet Milo is more than his bodyguard if you catch my drift. Hmm...maybe body guard is a good name for it too.

Don't be preposterous!

"I thought we'd share a room. Like normal couples…" I gave up at the arched brows and disappointment shining from his blue orbs. "I'm sure I'll be fine. It's not like I'm used to sharing a room anyhow," I finished lamely.

"We'll be together so often, you'll be thanking your lucky stars that you have your own space. And why don't you go see it for yourself? Just knock on my door when you're done. I'm going to freshen up, myself."

Did he just tell me I have to knock on his bedroom door? What the hell?

Sure did, sweetcheeks!

The mirth came through loud and clear, though I wasn't amused. But I did need to figure out what to wear from the few outfits I'd brought. Dread filled me at the prospect of meeting Winston Sr. in my jeans.

My new bedroom could only be described as sugar plum ritz. The entire thing was shades of purple mixed here and there with silver. It was gorgeous but antiquated, and I felt ill at ease with the frilly bedding and spindle-legged furniture. Wondering how long it would be before I could feasibly ask to at least change the bedding and window treatments without coming off as rude, I opened the door closest to the bed. Oh thank the Lord.

It was a bathroom, and it was normal. I'd been afraid to find potpourri in doily covered jars tied with coordinating ribbons. Instead, I got a marble vanity, deep tub with jets, and a smoked glass shower stall, all in shades of gray and white. I could deal with the room and just hide out in here or the sitting room if I wasn't busy.

I wasn't quite sure what I'd be doing with my time. Dirk would probably frown upon me waitressing, and what would my bodyguard do? Stand around for eight hours or follow me from table to table? I nearly giggled aloud at the thought.

Retracing my steps, I opened the other door to find a dressing room that matched the bathroom, but with carpet and shelves instead of tile. There were already several boxes on those shelves as well as dresses with tags still on them hanging from one of the sections with poles. Sitting in the center toward the back, was a dais that faced a wide, full-length mirror, just like I'd seen on bridal reality shows. I really hoped the clothes and shoe boxes were for me, but I checked the drawers first, finding underthings in one dresser and an entire jewelry case next to it, but that was empty.

I wanted to explore more, but I worried that I would be late to meet Dirk's family. That was not the first impression I wanted to make at all. As I flipped through the few dresses, I decided on a deep green number with three-quarter-length sleeves, a slant-cut skirt whose longest point hit at my knees, and a square neckline that only showed a hint of cleavage. It would pair well with the jewelry I had, as well as my own coloring.

When I found the basics for makeup in the vanity, I was grateful, but the sensation of being kept creeped over me.

Wonder who put all of this here? Nina or loverboy?

Does it really matter? I defended. Dirk hired her, so if she did, she was doing her job. I mentally flipped the voice off. She really needed to take a time-out before my nerves, and her commentary, made me melt down.

Regardless of who did what, I started to hurry, feeling the tension of the time constraint bearing down on me. As soon as I stepped into the sitting room, Dirk turned to me, a short glass of clear liquid in his hand that I was sure wasn't water. I'd never noticed that he had a penchant for drinking before, but in the last twenty-four hours, he'd had drinks on multiple occasions.

I couldn't believe everything that had happened in the span of a day. The surreality was all encompassing as I contemplated how very much life had changed since that old screen door slammed behind me.

"Shelby, darling, I asked if you were ready." Dirk's raised voice cut into my daydreaming, and I focused on him, feeling unable to move like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle under his frown. "I also said you look beautiful, but apparently I'm talking to myself. Make me proud, Shelby. I'd rather not be embarrassed after flouting my father's plans to marry me off to the governor's twit of a daughter so that we could be together." Dirk continued to grumble as he emptied his glass and refilled it again, but my mind was fixed on the fact that he was supposed to marry someone else. I had feared that there may have been some truth to the Cindy Jenkins story, and my stomach cramped at the thought that I was being played in some elaborate game of the rich and bored.

My panic shortened my breath until I was afraid I'd either puke and pass out or vice versa. I quit my job. I left everything behind. What if his father forbids our engagement? I'm homeless.

Should have thought of that first, missy! I warned you! I suggest you learn to suck a mean dick real quick-like, or stop taking your birth control and start poking holes in condoms. Either you'll be kept as a mistress or be forcing his hand, because that man isn't going to give up his cushy life for you. And after that amazingperformance last night, I don't think any pussy of yours is gonna cut it in the sex department.

Inanely, all I could think of as a rebuttal was that Dirk wasn't gay. Could have been the lack of oxygen to my brain though, because really, that was the least of my worries right then. My hand clutched at the back of the chair I stood by, but it did little to help hold me up as dizziness overwhelmed me.

"Shelby! Calm down, damn it! What's gotten into you?" There was a knock at the sitting room door, and voices filtered to me from faraway. "I don't know what happened. She just freaked out."

A moment later, cool hands firmly gripped my arms and maneuvered my body until I was sitting, then my head was pushed firmly between my knees. I didn't even care that I might be flashing my underwear since the position helped to calm both my stomach and my heaving chest. I wasn't sure how long it took to calm myself, but when I felt able to control my anxiety, I peered up between my lashes to find Jerry crouched down on one knee in front of me.

"In and out, Miss Shelby, just in and out." Despite the heated utter mortification creeping up my face from melting down in front of not only Dirk, but also the butler, I kept my respirations in sync with his example. When I was sitting normally and had my skirt respectably covering everything it was supposed to, which Jerry didn't bat an eye at, he fixed me with a kind but stern stare. "Mind telling me what happened to put you in such a state?"

I started to glance at Dirk, not wanting to air what had caused the panic attack, but Jerry put a finger to my chin to keep my attention on him. "I'd rather not talk about it in mixed company," I whispered with a wince. Anger filled the older man's eyes as he turned on Dirk.

"Sir, may I speak with Miss Shelby alone?" His tone was clipped but even, and Dirk was completely bewildered.

The blood drained from my face quickly enough to leave me dizzy again as I realized the implication. "No! That's not what I meant." They both pinned me with stares, one expectant, the other impatient. "It's embarrassing. I'm so sorry. The comment you made, Dirk, about Cindy, and after the restaurant…" I shrugged, not wanting to go into it further, but Jerry surprised me by answering.

"You ignore those women. They had no right to attack you in the bathroom like the shrews that they are," Jerry consoled as he stood up with a creak from his knee.

"You told everyone?!" My accusation landed directly on my fiancé who glared right back at me.

"No, darling, I told you Jerry knows everything. The gossip made the rounds before we even finished our dinner. Now, can we get downstairs before my father runs out of patience?"

Another wince twisted my features as my teeth worried at my lower lip. I couldn't believe I'd made us late to meet his dad. Sensing my worry, Jerry reassured me, "I came up when they were approaching. The driver rang ahead from the car to let the gate know to be ready. If you would care to straighten yourself, you may have a minute."

My nod was swift and grateful, then I dashed to my bathroom to pee and fix my hair before making sure I hadn't wrinkled or damaged my dress. I'd have to deal with Dirk later. My chest still felt achy, and I wanted answers, but I needed to know what was going to happen first, and hopefully make a good enough impression to garner his father's approval.

Best behavior then, missy!

Oh, shut up! You caused that as much as he did. Now I have a headache and feel like I sprinted a mile!

Pausing at the door to the sitting room, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to center myself before pasting on a smile and walking out with my head held high. "I apologize for the scene, gentleman, thank you for waiting." Internally, I cringed at the farce, but what the heck else was I supposed to do?