unREASONable by Arya Matthews

Track 32


I run to the guest house and stumble in the middle of the stone path when I realize that if I don’t belong with the Vipers, I don’t belong in the guest house. Twirling around on the spot, panic rising, I try and fail to decide what to do. Where do I go? Who do I talk to?

My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I yank it out, see Connor’s ID, and tap the decline button. As usual, his timing is the worst.

Connor calls again.

The phone buzzes in my hand as I stare at the answer button. Things are out of control. I might as well just tell him that the experiment with Project Viper is a complete and utter failure and that he should ship me back to Russia as soon as he can.

I settle on one of the large, flat path rocks in the lawn. It’s cold and wet from the recent rain. The moisture seeps right through my jeans, sending a shiver through my whole body.

I can’t go back. What do I have to go back to other than despair?

“Hi, Connor.”

“Busy or tired? You sound a little flat.”

“We just finished a rehearsal.” A seriously botched one.

Connor chuckles. “The guys are being difficult? Well, I hear from Keira that you’re doing great.”

“I’m glad she thinks so.” I slump backward into the wet grass.

A patch of blue sky clears up above me, and a few raindrops hit my forehead. That’s Portland for you. Same as my life—the moment I get a glimmer of hope, something spits in my face.

“You think you’ll be ready for the festival?” Connor asks.

I wipe my forehead with my sleeve. “Probably.”

“You’ll be fine. And I’ll make sure to come and see you then. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy and haven’t taken any time to visit you.”

“It’s okay.”

“Call me if you need anything. I mean it.”

“Of course.”

He hangs up. My back is wet, my neck is freezing, and the piece of the blue sky is growing smaller with each breath. I stand up. Hope may be a luxury I’m quickly running out of, but I still have some. And while I have a crumb of hope that I will convince the Vipers to keep me, I have to fight. I have to be able to say that I’ve done my absolute best until the very end.