Daddy’s Timid Girl by Jess Winters










"I can't believe you guys were so rude," I told my dad and mom, later that night. Henry had already retired to his room and the three of us were talking while drinking tea, after dinner.

"Well, what were we supposed to think?" My mom said. "You were wearing his t-shirt."

I groaned. "There wasn't anything else to wear. I couldn't stay in that godawful wedding dress. Besides, if he had plans to hurt me, why would he invite you guys to stay here as well? Eugene tried to isolate me from you two. Henry's not doing that."

"Oh we remember what Eugene did," my dad said, clenching his jaw. "Trust me, I haven't forgotten. I never liked him. But, I wish you told us that he threatened you."

"We could have moved and found other jobs," my mom said. "If it meant keeping you safe and happy."

I shook my head. "We were barely getting by as it is and you know it would have taken months to find other jobs, let alone a new place to live. I don't regret giving in to his demands, but I'm relieved Henry got me out of there."

"We don't trust Henry," Dad said. "He could have ulterior motives just like Eugene."

I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't. He's always been nice to me. He just wanted to get me out of a bad situation, that's all. Again, he wouldn't have invited you two to stay here if he had bad intentions."

They still weren't convinced.

Eventually, we went to bed. They had a room down the hall, whereas my room was next to Henry's. The room was almost a mirror image of his, with a canopied king-sized bed and adjoining bathroom. All of my belongings from my parent's house were already safely stowed in the closet. The only things missing were the items I had left at Eugene's house, but I didn't want those anyway. They were just clothing and jewelry that Eugene had bought for me. He acted as if they were gifts for me, when really they were just to make me look like the perfect little housewife. Definitely not for me.

I flopped down on the bed and closed my eyes. Images of Henry danced through my mind. Honestly, if he had brought me here to seduce me, I wouldn't even mind. Even though I hadn't ever seen him shirtless, I knew he was built underneath his clothes. I imagined running my hands down his muscular chest and over his big arms. Those arms could pin me down against the bed as he kissed me. I bit my lip and moaned. My hand traveled down between my legs as I imagined him kissing his way down my neck, licking my sensitive skin just above my pulse point.

My fingers found their way into my pussy. I pushed two fingers inside myself, imagining them to be his cock. I gasped and thrust them in, over and over again, imagining him fucking me while pinning me down on the bed. The pleasure inside me built up and I closed my eyes before coming all over my hand.

Shaking, I removed my fingers and got up to wash my hands. I felt a pang of shame for coming while thinking about Henry. He was just being nice but for some reason, my fantasies were going crazy thinking about him. I wanted to be his Little. More than anything. He made me feel protected and comfortable. But, I couldn't think like that. He'd never want someone like me.

The next morning, Jonathan served me breakfast in bed. My eyes widened at the sight of it; a platter full of bacon, eggs, toast, and fruit, as well as cups of coffee and water. It looked fantastic.

"Will that be all, Miss?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you. This looks amazing."

He gave a quick smile. "I'll let the chef know."

As soon as he left, I dug into the food. I closed my eyes and groaned as I tasted it. It was so good. I couldn't remember the last time I had so much food all at once. Even before Eugene, breakfast had always been a quick slice of toast or a Pop-Tart. It was something quick, easy, and somewhat cheap. I never had a feast like this before.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called.

Henry opened the door. He smiled when he saw me eating. "Enjoying breakfast?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you. This is perfect."

He came in. His eyes seemed to pierce right through me. I wondered what he was thinking. He couldn't possibly know I’d orgasmed last night while thinking about him. Right?

"I need your wedding dress. Someone is coming to pick it up, today. Eugene's been fighting with me about your belongings that are at his place, so that might take a little bit to get."

"I don't want them," I said. "Any of them."

"Are you sure? They do belong to you, after all."

I hesitated. I didn't want to keep any of the things he gave me, but the jewelry had been expensive. If I sold it, then I could save up the money for college. I had attended my first year of college on a scholarship, but that scholarship was gone now that I’d dropped out. The only way I'd be able to get through college was a lot of student loans, but maybe I could sell the jewelry and get enough money to buy my textbooks. At least for the first semester.

However, that would mean more trouble for Henry. I didn't want that. "No," I said. "You don't have to."

He sat down on the edge of my bed. "You hesitated," he said. "Be honest with me; do you want your belongings?"

"I honestly don't."

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. I sighed. "I don't want the gifts he gave me. I hesitated because I could get a little bit of money if I sold them, but it's not worth the trouble."

He nodded. He looked thoughtful for a second. "What do you want the money for?" he asked.

I shrugged. "School. Eugene made me drop out, but I want to graduate. So I would use the money for that."

"I can take care of that for you," he said. "It's no trouble at all."

I blushed and looked down. "It's too much," I said. "I didn't tell you that so you would pay for my college."

"It's no trouble."

"Henry, you've already done a lot." I sighed. "I can't take advantage of you like this." I knew he felt guilty for what his family had done to me. That was the only possible reason he would act like this with me. Nothing else made sense.

He smirked. "You think you're taking advantage of me?"

I blushed. "Don't laugh. It's true. I'm not going to let you bankrupt yourself just because I lost my scholarship."

"Oh, darling. You have no idea how rich I am, if you think paying for your scholarship will bankrupt me." He grinned. "I probably spend more money on holiday bonuses for my employees."

I looked down. Of course, he would say something like that. I couldn't even imagine having his sort of wealth. It was silly of me to try to imagine it. "Still," I mumbled.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand with his. "You can talk to me."

I shook my head.

"Chloe. Darling. Please," he pleaded. "I wasn't making fun of you, I promise. I just want to take care of you. Please. Let me."

"Why do you want to take care of me?"

Before he could answer, Jonathan entered the room. Henry moved away from me to look at his butler. If Jonathan thought anything of us being in such close proximity, he didn't show it.

"Sir, Allie is here for the dress."

"Thank you, Jonathan."

Henry looked at me. "We'll talk about this later, okay?"

He stood up and grabbed the dress. "Enjoy your breakfast."