Daddy’s Timid Girl by Jess Winters










Jonathan and I went outside to where my younger cousin, Allie, was waiting. I smiled when I saw her. She was probably the only one in my family, whom I enjoyed spending time with. Her parents had always been controlling and possessive. Even though she was almost twenty, she still wasn't allowed out of the house very often. Despite that, she was always sweet and kind. She gave me a bright smile when she saw me.

"They let you out of your prison cell for a day, huh?"

"I convinced them I was the best choice. You won't cause a scene with me, after all." She looked past my shoulder. "Hi, Jonathan." she blushed slightly.

I looked to see Jonathan giving her a soft smile. He held up the wedding dress. "Here's the dress," he said. "Do you want to come inside? The chef will be happy to make you something to eat."

"I'm sorry, I can't." She jerked her head back at her driver. "I'm not allowed to leave his sight." She took the dress from him. "Thank you, though."

"You know, they can't control you if you don't let them," I said.

She smiled sadly. “I don't have your ambition or education, Henry. I wouldn't be able to start my own multibillion-dollar company like you did.” She held up her hand before I could speak. “Don't even try to offer me money or your house. I'm not a charity case.”

I sighed. Everyone was rejecting my help today. "Take care of yourself, Allie."

Allie nodded and got into the car. I turned to see Jonathan looking at her wistfully. I smirked. He quickly rearranged his face to an unreadable expression.

"You know she likes you too," I said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Sir."

"Of course you don't."

The next few days passed uneventfully. Chloe's parents got settled into their new jobs at my company, as soon as I could buy out their contracts from Eugene. It cost a little more than I had anticipated, but I didn't care. I didn't want that asshole to have any leverage over Chloe or her family ever again.

I wanted to buy them a home as well, but decided against offering. They would just say no. I didn't want them to feel indebted to me in any way; especially not Chloe.

It pained me that I couldn't provide more for her. She had decided to go back to college next semester and to get a job in the meantime to help pay for it. She spent her days going to job interviews, looking to get hired for a minimum wage job somewhere, because she refused to take a job at my company.

I would much rather have paid for her college myself. It wasn't any trouble and I would have preferred it if she just relaxed and let me take care of her.

One night I was woken up by a sudden crash of thunder. I rubbed my hands over my face and groaned as I looked outside. It was pitch black outside, but I could hear it was pouring. Suddenly the sky lit up with lighting, followed by another crash of thunder. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep any time soon with that storm, so I padded downstairs, dressed in only a pair of sweatpants. I went into the dining room to make myself a cup of tea.

"Couldn't sleep either?" a small voice asked.

I turned to see that Chloe was curled up in one of the dining room chairs, with a cup of hot cocoa on the table and a fluffy blanket around her shoulders.

"Did the storm wake you up?" I asked. I turned on the tea kettle to make myself a cup of tea. I tried to ignore how she looked like such a perfect Little all curled up like that but it was hard.

She nodded. "I've never been able to sleep well during thunderstorms. We lived in a flimsy trailer for years and the thunder used to shake the whole place. I always felt as if it was about to collapse on top of me."

I winced. I couldn't imagine growing up like that. "I'm sorry," I said.

She shook her head. "Don't be. We haven't lived in that trailer for years. I don't know why I still feel like that." She gave a soft laugh. "I should just grow up and get over it."

"No," I said firmly. "You have a right to feel however you want." I poured myself a cup of tea and went to sit next to her. "Who told you to grow up and get over stuff like this?"

She shrugged and looked away. "No one," she said. "But, I still feel like an immature kid. I don't want to be immature."

"You're not immature, darling. You're strong and brave, and so kind." I reached out to grab her hand. "You deserve to feel safe and protected. You deserve to be comforted when you're scared. You don't ever have to grow up and get over being scared. Understand?"

She blushed slightly and buried her head in the blanket. "Ugh, you should stop being so nice to me."

I chuckled. "Well, that's never going to happen." I frowned. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"

She looked up at me, surprised. "No, of course not," she said. "Why would you think that?"

I stroked the back of her hand absentmindedly with my thumb. "Because you keep telling me to stop being nice to you. I don't want you to think I'll try to trap you the way Eugene did."

She shook her head. "No, I don't think that."

"Then please let me be nice to you. You won't ever owe me anything. I don't want you to feel obliged to repay me in any way. I just want to take care of you."

She sighed. "Why do you want to be so nice to me?" She asked. "You barely even know me. And don't say it's because you want to piss off your family. I know that's not all of it."

I sighed. She was right of course. It wasn't all of it. "You're right. There is more. But, if I tell you, then you'll never feel safe with me. And I want— I need—you to feel safe with me."

"Is it because you're a Daddy?"

A thrill of excitement and surprise ran down my spine at her saying that. "What?" I asked in a shocked voice.

She blushed. "I didn't mean to pry. It's just that, on the first day, I wanted to hang up the wedding dress so it wouldn't get damaged. I thought I would find some hangers in your closet."

Of course, she found it. I should have thought about her wanting to hang up the dress. "You're right, darling. I am a Daddy. I want to take care of you and make you comfortable and make you feel safe. But, I don't ever expect you to be my Little. You don't owe me that. You don't owe me anything."

She bit her lip. "What if I wanted to be your Little?"

My body heated up at her question. I itched to carry her upstairs to my bed right now.

"Do you want to be my Little?" I asked.

She nodded slightly. “I’ve always wanted a Daddy,” she whispered. “You make me feel so safe and comfy.” She smiled slightly. “And I think you’re sexy as hell.”

“Oh, darling.” I could barely believe what I was hearing. It filled me with happiness. I stood up and held out my hand. “Come here, my darling; my Little.”

She giggled and grabbed my hand, as she stood up. The blanket fell off her shoulders, revealing a tiny white nightgown underneath. I put a hand on the small of her back to hold her in place as I lowered my lips down to hers. She sighed happily and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

I broke away from the kiss to hold her close against me. Her head fit perfectly just under my chin. I kissed the top of your head. “You know that if you want me to be your Daddy, then you have to let me pay for your college.”

She let out a small whine of protest. I chuckled. “I mean it, darling. I have to spoil my Littles. I have to take care of you. I don’t want you working yourself to death while going to school at the same time. This isn’t negotiable.”

She huffed. “Fine.”

I smiled, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world, while holding the cutest Little alive up against me.

She looked up at me. “Can I sleep with you tonight, Daddy? The storm is really scary.”


I reached behind her for the blanket which had fallen back onto her chair. I wrapped it around her shoulders. “Don’t want you to get cold now.”

Bending down, I picked her up into my arms. “Let’s go to bed, now.”