Daddy’s Timid Girl by Jess Winters









What the hell was I doing? I was practically treating her like a Little. Holding her hand had felt good, though. I always enjoyed taking care of a Little. I needed it. But, I didn't have the right to treat Chloe that way.

I handed her the oatmeal just as the front door opened. Chloe's parents rushed in, looking confused and concerned. Chloe put the bowl of oatmeal on the table and ran up to hug them. She started crying. I decided to make myself scarce. It wasn't my place to hover around them.

I joined Jonathan outside as he oversaw the movers.

"The two guest rooms are made up, just as you requested," he said.

"Thank you, Jonathan," I said. "I'm sorry about the short notice."

"No trouble at all, sir." He glanced at the house, but stayed silent.

I smirked. "Okay. I know you're dying to ask me something. Just do it."

He hesitated. Jonathan had always been formal around me, even after I told him he could relax. I wasn't sure what his past was, but I had a feeling something had happened, to make him so distant and polite.

"What is happening?" he asked. "Did you elope?"

I laughed slightly. "No," I said. "My nephew tried to force Chloe to marry him, by threatening her family," I said. "I'm simply offering them some protection."

His upper lip curled. "Your family has a very unique perspective on the world."

I laughed. That was the closest I had ever heard him get to an insult. "That's one way to put it," I said. I sighed. "I've probably burned my last bridge with my parents and sister." I felt a pang of sadness at the thought. A long time ago, I had accepted that they weren't the warm and loving family I had always wanted, but a part of me still longed for it.

Jonathan was looking at me with quiet concern in his eyes. I forced a smile and clapped him on the back. "I'm all right, don't worry. Just less tedious family business."

After a little while, I went back inside to find Chloe and her family sitting in the living room. Chloe was eating her oatmeal while her parents talked worriedly. They stopped and looked up when I entered. Both of them smiled politely, but they looked wary of me, too. I couldn't blame them. Their daughter had already been exploited by one person and then an older man had swept in out of the blue and offered to help her by having her stay at his place. It wasn't exactly a level playing field and they had every right to guess at my motives.

”I don't know if Chloe told you, but the two of you have a guest room here. All of you are welcome to stay here as long as you wish. I'd also like to offer both of you jobs. It would be similar work to what you do now, but my company pays a lot better than my family's company.”

"Why would you do this?" Chloe's father asked. "Why would you offer us jobs just like that?"

"Eugene might not be able to fire you legally over his being ditched at the altar, but he will fire you the first chance he gets," I said. "Besides, you've worked for my family for over ten years. That speaks for itself about your work ethics."

"What about Chloe?" Her mother asked. "What do you want to do with Chloe?"

"Mom, stop," Chloe said. "He's just helping me out. Stop acting like he's the bad guy."

"No, it's all right," I said. "I understand. I truly don't want to do anything except protect her from my nephew. He's always been an arrogant little shit, and forcing someone to marry him really is going too far. I wasn't about to let him get away with it."

I turned to Chloe with a smile. "You can stay here for as long as you like, but I won't ever trap you here. This can just be a place where you figure out what your next steps are. Of course, you have access to all of the amenities here, including my car, driver, kitchen, and everything."

Her father stood up and faced me. "Well, I guess we're in your debt." He held out his hand. "Thank you for saving my daughter."

I shook his hand. He gripped it harder than he needed to, and I knew it was a silent threat. I nodded. It didn't matter. I didn't have any designs on Chloe, even if I was attracted to her. I meant it when I said I just wanted to protect her.