For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Nineteen

Alexander was relieved to be in the carriage going back to London. Although the servants including the housekeeper and the butler were quite confused and shocked at his decision to leave so early. Alexander did not explain as this was news he wanted to give to Scarlet himself. And he didn’t want the ton to know about it before she did. He sat now with a bag by his side where the document was kept safely. Alexander observed Tom from across his seat, and for once, he wondered about him.

“Tom, you have been working for me for a few months now, and yet I don’t know much about you. I was quite used to my old valet, but he has moved on. I must tell you, you are an excellent worker. Of course, you are a private man, and I am certain you don’t like me to pry in your private affairs,” Alexander said.

“Not at all, Your Grace. It is true I am a man who prefers to keep to himself. In this instance, as you are my employer, I do not wish to keep anything from you,” said Tom. “What would you like to know?”

“Very well, do tell me about your family, I assume you do not have a wife?”

“I did have a wife once. She decided she didn’t want any children and left me. Her residence is in Switzerland now, and she is staying with her mother. My mother and father live in the north of England, and I have a sister,” Tom concluded. “I suppose there is nothing else.”

“I am sorry to hear about your wife. Are you still acquainted with her?”

“She hasn’t sent me a letter since she left me, although I do write to her. I am aware she reads them,” Tom looked quite forlorn. “Her mother sends me letters now and then.”

“So there is hope? She will come back?” Alexander asked.

“Only time will tell,” replied Tom with half a smile.

“Then I wish you the best fortune, Tom.”

“Your Grace, if you won’t mind, I would like to tell you something,” said Tom.

“That sounds intriguing, go on,” Alexander encouraged his valet.

“I believe truly that love only comes once in a man’s life. If you find it, you must not let her go. You must fight your inhibitions, Your Grace,” Tom said in a wise voice.

“Very well, I believe I have bothered you enough today,” Alexander chuckled. “You may begin reading.”

“Your Grace, I want you to know you can ask me anything you want about my personal life, and as we are having this conversation, I hope I will prove to be a reliable valet. I hope you can trust me with anything you have to say, and nothing will be repeated to another person from me.”

“Well, in that case, Tom, I am very pleased you are my valet. I feel I have a confidante in you, and we will get on fine,” Alexander said.

Tom opened his book, and Alexander took out a paper from his bag. Inside the paper was the document, which he read again.

When the carriage pulled up at Bentley Manor, Tom got out first, and then Alexander. Two footman came over and began to take the boxes inside. “What a few days it has been,” said Alexander.

“Indeed, it has, Your Grace,” said Tom. “I will have some clothes for you to change into when you are ready.”

“Don’t fret about all that,” said Alexander. “I want to see Miss Snow first and then go to my study.”

“Your Grace,” said Tom and left promptly.

“Mr. Dalton, please direct me to Miss Snow,” Alexander said.

The butler seemed to be quite disturbed. “What is it, Mr. Dalton?” Alexander asked.

“It’s Miss Snow, Your Grace. She has been in a carriage accident with Lady Daisy Spencer,” he said in a grave tone.

“How are they?” Alexander asked, his heart dropping.

“Both are all right. They were fortunate.”

Alexander began to climb the stairs when the butler stopped him. “Miss Snow is not here, she is staying with the Hargreaves at your uncle’s townhome.”

“All right. I am grateful you told me. I shall go and see her at once, please let Tom know for he is waiting for me,” said Alexander as he headed out of the Manor.

“Yes, Your Grace,” said the butler.

The time to get to his uncle’s townhome was quite unbearable. Alexander fretted, wringing his hands and not able to settle in his seat. All he wanted was to see Scarlet, the woman he loved dearly, and he couldn’t bear to live without her. He realized with a sudden jolt he wanted to be with Scarlet, and he wanted to marry her! He prayed to God that Scarlet was fine.

“Can’t you make them go faster?” he shouted at the driver.

“All right, Your Grace,” the man shouted over the din of the hooves and the carriage. “Come on, faster!”

The horses neighed and galloped as fast as they could. People stopped on the road and stared at the mad driver, while others jumped out of the way. “Steady man!” one man shouted from the side of the road. “You will cause an accident, you will!”

Alexander remembered Scarlet’s accident. What a fool I am!

“Slow down, driver. We are going too fast!” The driver did and the journey was quite slow from then on. Alexander’s heartbeat steadied, but his anguish and longing to see Scarlet was still quite elevated. He took to watching the small villages they passed, through the town and back onto a country lane. Eventually they came to his uncle’s residence.

Alexander had a peculiar feeling as he walked up the steps to the townhome. Something didn’t seem right. As he waited for the door to open, he could sense an unease pass through him.

He banged on the door. “Will someone open this door!”

“Alexander, is that you?” Ingrid came behind him, which gave him a fright. “Why are causing damage to my door?”

“Oh, Aunt Ingrid, I do apologize. It is just that I am here to see Miss Snow. I only just found out about her accident. Is she quite all right?”

“She is indeed, don’t fret now. Let us go inside,” Ingrid smiled. She rang the bell, but no one came.

“How odd,” she said. “Our butler is always punctual when opening the door. I do wonder where he is. Oh, dear.”

“I think something has happened, and I can’t wait.” Alexander used his body to push the door open. On his third attempt, it worked.

“Where is Miss Snow?” he asked.

“She is upstairs in the guest bedroom,” Ingrid said.

Alexander’s heart told him to hurry. He felt something was wrong. He ran up the stairs and to the left wing where the guest rooms were. There were four rooms to his recollection.

“Which one is she in?” he asked.

Ingrid was quite out of breath as she came to Alexander, and just pointed to the door. Alexander opened it and what he saw, shocked him for a moment. And then he charged. Terence was bent over Scarlet, holding a pillow to her face.

“Get off of her, you monster!” Alexander threw his uncle away from her. Scarlet gasped for air and Ingrid went straight to her.

Seeing red, Alexander went for Terence. Grabbing him by the shoulders he punched his face and his stomach, and then threw him against the wall. But he was not finished yet.

As Terence crumpled to the floor, Alexander sat on him. He punched him again and again. He was exhausted and his uncle was quite still. A pair of strong hands dragged him away.

“Father! What have you done? Alexander!” George put his ear to his father’s chest. “He is still breathing. How dare you, Cousin!”

George threw himself on top of Alexander. Ingrid and Scarlet screamed. George threw some punches on Alexander’s face who didn’t fight back. “Come on, fight. Don’t be a coward!” George shouted. He stood up and kicked his legs. Alexander grabbed his leg as George went to kick him again.

“I am not the one in fault, it is your father. He was killing Miss Snow!” Alexander shouted angrily.

“I don’t believe you!” George shouted back. He went to hit Alexander again but stopped when his mother screamed.

“No! Don’t do it, George!”

“He was killing Father, how could you just sit there and let it happen. You are his wife,” George was disgusted.

“Alexander is correct. Your father had a pillow on Miss Snow’s face. Had your cousin not intervened in time, she would have died,” Ingrid cried.

“I’m sorry—” Terence’s crumpled voice came from the other side of the room. His face was bloody.

Alexander pushed George off him and rushed to Scarlet’s side. “How are you, can you breathe properly?” he asked anxiously.

“I am all right, Your Grace. I can breathe,” she said. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

“Thank goodness you are well,” he said.

Terence was scrambling for the door when Alexander saw him. He closed the door with his foot in that moment, being fortunate that the bed was near it, and stopped his uncle from leaving. Alexander grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to a chaise lounge where he dropped him.

“I want you tell me why you were trying to kill Miss Snow, and then I will decide what to do with you,” Alexander snarled.

“I don’t know what came over me, please believe me. I… I suppose I was jealous of Miss Snow,” Terence said lamely.

“What you mean, Father?” George asked in a steely tone.

“I believe we all would like to know,” said Alexander.

“It is her. She has enchanted my wife and my son. She has taken them away from me,” said Terence. “That is why I wanted her out of the way.” He glared at Scarlet who was now standing next to Alexander.

“Why? Why would I take them away from you?” she cried. “It doesn’t make sense.”

“Then why is my wife so fond of you? Why does she not reveal who you really are?” Terence made to go for her once again, but George blocked him. Alexander took Scarlet’s hand and stepped in front of her.

“You are not going near her again, Father!” George growled.

“You don’t understand. She is not who you think she is!” Terence shouted. “I know you like her, George, but you can do so much better!”

“I will not have you talk about her like that, Father. I suggest you stop right there!”

“Enough,” Ingrid said with a low, but firm and authoritative voice. Everyone turned to look at her, quite shocked and curious. “Only I know the truth about Miss Snow. She doesn’t know anything.”

“What are you talking about, Mother?” George asked.

“At last, the truth will come out!” Terence laughed manically. Nobody paid any attention to him. Ingrid was preoccupied when she began to speak. Holding the bedpost, she sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I had a daughter once… it was before I was married to Terence. But the daughter was not to be mine. It was a winter’s day, it was sunny but harshly cold with laying snow. I remember that day so well. Scarlet was a very small baby when she was born. She was a darling, but I knew I couldn’t keep her.”

Tears pricked Ingrid’s eyes. “You see I was attacked by an unknown man in the fields, and then I was with child. It happened so quickly. I was taken to my Auntie’s home in the north of the Country until the baby came. When I came back with Scarlet, I took her to an orphanage one morning before anyone was awake.

“That was a mistake; I understood that. But I brought her back from there. My mother and father were not happy and told me I couldn’t keep her. She had to go. I was in tears. Scarlet was my child, how could I let her go to anyone else? I pleaded my parents to keep her. But they said I was an unmarried woman and with a child. I would not be able to live among the people here without being taunted. And Scarlet would grow up tainted and known as a… I’m sorry, I cannot say it.

“His Grace was a friend of my father. And he agreed to take Scarlet in as a Ward. But in turn, I had to marry Terence when I was of age. That was the solution to this mess.”

Ingrid turned to George. “That is why I have been trying to keep you away from Scarlet. She is your sister.”

“And you are my mother,” said Scarlet slowly, tears coursing down her face. “That is why you were so kind to me and looked after me when I was so unwell. All those trips to the modiste, it all makes sense now.”

“That is true, my daughter.” Ingrid laughed through her tears. “I can say that now. I can call you my daughter. Will you accept me, Dearest?”

“I have longed for my mother and father for so long. I can accept I will never know my father. That doesn’t worry me. I am just grateful to have you, Mrs. Hargreave,” Scarlet said.

“You can call me Mother, now, if you want to,” said Ingrid.

“I will, although it may time to get used to,” said Scarlet, laughing now. The two women embraced.

“What lovely family you make,” Terence shouted. He was pointing a pistol at Scarlet and Ingrid. “I will never forgive your betrayal and your lies, Ingrid. And to think my dear old brother was loyal to me. How dare he make me marry you!”

Terence was waving the pistol around his head. Everyone ducked. “Uncle, put the gun down!” Alexander shouted.

“I won’t, Nephew. Your father was a fraud as is your aunt. Together, they have planned my ruin. I will never forgive them!” Terence aimed the pistol at Scarlet. “I will kill her first. And then I will see my foul-playing wife crumple to the floor. That is when I will kill her!”

“Terence, stop!” Ingrid shouted as Terence shot in the air. “This is not you. You are kind and you wouldn’t hurt anyone!”

“Wouldn’t I?” Terence laughed.

“Father, you have gone mad. Where did you get the gun from?” George hid behind the bed.

“I had it with me all the time, Son,” Terence said. “It was my second plan. And now, your sister will be dead. It is quite humorous, isn’t it? To love someone who you thought could be a lover and now she turns out to be your sister!”

Terence now aimed the gun at Scarlet’s forehead. He pulled the trigger. “Nooooo!” Alexander jumped in front of Scarlet. Then there was silence as the bullet hit Alexander in his shoulder. He fell to the floor. Blood oozed out rapidly.

Terence, frightened at what he had done dropped the pistol and ran out of the room. George tore a large piece of material from the hangings of the bedpost and wrapped it around Alexander’s arm.

“It will be all right,” he said. “The bullet has come out of his shoulder. But we must stop the bleeding. Mother, keep your hand on his wound. We must stop the bleeding. I will get the Doctor.” He rushed out of the room.

* * *

“Your Grace, open your eyes, please,” cried Scarlet. “Please, you cannot die.”

“Don’t fret, Dearest. Alexander will be all right. The wound does not seem to be deep. Have faith, My Dear,” said Ingrid.

But even Scarlet could see the worry in her mother’s eyes. It was odd to think of Mrs. Hargreave as her mother. She had only really known of her as Alexander’s aunt and George’s mother. Now, she had a mother and a brother. How much her life had changed in the last hour.

One minute she was lying in bed, resting. Then Mr. Hargreave entered the room. There was a strange look upon his face, like he was not correct in his mind. She had greeted him, but he didn’t respond. He sat on the edge of her bed.

“Are you quite all right, Mr. Hargreave?” she asked, feeling uncomfortable. Scarlet pulled the blanket higher and held onto it tightly.

“Yes, Miss Snow. I am,” Terence responded as if he wasn’t there. He looked around the room.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

“Nothing at all,” he said, and then he looked at her sharply. “Tell me, what have you done to my wife? Why is she so fond of you?”

“I don’t understand

“Of course you don’t,” said Terence. “How could you? You are an innocent little Ward, aren’t you, dear?” His laugh frightened her.

Terence moved from the bed and now stood before her. She began to scream as he loomed over her. Terence put a hand over her mouth. Scarlet gasped for breath and tried to remove his hand.

He slapped her face with his other hand, making her eyes water. She thrashed her head, but he pressed on her mouth harder. Scarlet tried to scream. She was gasping for breath, when he took his hand away, but then put a pillow over her head. She could feel herself slipping away when suddenly the pillow was taken away.

Then she breathed, taking in gulps of air.

She came back to the present and saw Alexander with his bloodied shirt. She held onto his hand as tears came hard and fast. In her blurred vision, she saw George come with the Doctor. She and Ingrid moved away as the Doctor worked on Alexander.

“Will His Grace be all right, will he live, Doctor?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes, he will live. His Grace is fortunate the bullet didn’t go any deeper,” said the Doctor. “I will dress his arm, but he will need to rest and let his wounds heal. It will take time.”

“We understand,” said Ingrid.

Over the next few hours, everything was arranged. Scarlet and Ingrid went back to Bentley Manor with Alexander. George said he couldn’t stay in their townhome now and preferred to stay at Bentley Manor for a while. He and Scarlet didn’t speak.

Scarlet had forgotten her accident in the midst of the terrible last hour, but now her head and body began to hurt. However, she didn’t speak of it. Perhaps later. She was glad to get back into her own bed, knowing the Duke would be all right.