His Game by B.L. Brooks



My dick has been aching for the last hour, I’ve barely been able to concentrate on my shitty hand of cards.

At first, when the little girl came prancing in here with her tight shorts on, causing her full ass cheeks to come peeking out the bottom, I knew Capo came prepared with eye candy for tonight’s game. But as she came closer, forcing my eyes on her tits barely contained by her vest, I was filled with a sense of desperation. I wanted to rise up from the table and pick her ass up, removing her from the room full of bastards as I need her all to myself.

Though I’ve managed to keep calm as the last thing I need is Capo knowing I want something he’s got, and you bet your fucking ass I want Mila—the curvy little redhead with milky skin looking so soft, making me want nothing more than to strip her bare, exposing it all.

Her flaming red hair and eyes the color of glowing sapphires make her out to be a goddess in my eyes, and damn well every other man’s eyes sitting at the fucking table.

The girl has an ass that my hands could take on, squeezing tightly as they get their fill. It’s been hard not to reach out and smack the damn thing as she made her rounds earlier, but again, I somehow managed myself.

Capo has the little girl here for a reason. I damn well knew it before I even looked over my first hand of cards. Immediately, I noticed her skill when dealing—watching the cards like she had it down to a science. It almost gave me a thrill observing her nimble and quick ways. But baby girl can’t get a thing past me.

I’m not even the slightest bit surprised Capo’s attempting to cheat his way into taking over Valdita. He’s a fucking pain in my ass most days and if I hadn’t promised his father peace, I probably would’ve killed the kid long ago. And at this point, with the way the sneaky fuck is staring at Mila’s tits, licking his lips like he’s going to do something about it, I should just off him now and say screw the peace.

I don’t truly need the alliance my family has built with the Capo’s over the decades. Times have changed. As first son in the Vendetti family, I wield power most people would never touch.

I run my ship clean, ruling with a ruthlessness that’s always seemed to keep life efficient up until today. I always envisioned it would be me alone building my legacy, but now…a different story is to be told.

I’ve never been willing, nor ever wanted to subject a woman to the dangers of the life I lead…though tonight, with Mila so close to where her soft lilac scent swirls by with every card deal, I know there’s not a fucking chance in hell I’m leaving here without her.

How I plan on accomplishing that, I’m still not sure. But as I look at my hand and see I’m sitting on gold, I know it doesn’t matter now as the sexy little card shark has already sealed her fate.

“Fuck,” Capo hisses beside me, turning to glare at Mila who’s in the process of dealing to the others who look less pissed this round. She must’ve dealt them decent hands for a change.

“Ante up.” I keep my expression as bland as possible, considering the fact I want to reach out and slam Capo’s face into the table.

The hand plays out quickly as Mila throws the game to the old dirtbag sitting across from me. The bastard ends up with two aces and three kings, securing the win while leaving Capo to tie with me.

With Mila’s attempt to not be so obvious in twisting the hand, I find myself turned on at the fact she tried to be so sneaky.

My dick isn’t handling this well. I shift in my seat, giving Capo a firm nod as I’m ready to continue. “It seems as if we both lost. I suppose the game is still on.”

“I suppose not,” he spits out, irate by his unexpected loss. Serves the fuck right. “Lindsey!” Capo shouts, tossing his cards down on the table just as a short blonde comes running into the room.

The girl is cute, I’ll give Capo that. But little blondie here lacks all the curves the woman sitting at the table possesses. And as she listens to Capo whispering in her ear, my senses go on high alert.

Blondie looks over to Mila. “Come on, girl. You’re with me tonight.” The pale tinge to Mila’s skin is giving me a bad feeling, spurring me to do something I would never fucking care to do.

I’m in the mob, running the entire east coast for fuck’s sake. Not a damn soul messes with me, but I’m always sure not to interfere with business I don’t belong in. Men around here steer clear of messing with my territory for good fucking reason.

And right now, I’m to the point where this little shit’s been a thorn in my side for months. And it’s looking like tonight is the night to pluck him the fuck out.

“No, I don’t think she is,” I tell Capo, leaning back in my seat, removing a thin cigar from my pocket as it’s my calling card of sorts.

The men around the table go still as I slowly light the little cherry cigarillo, pulling in a big drag of smoke, enjoying the burn before puffing out the excess, then considering Capo as I look back at him.

“Leo, the girl goes where I say she goes,” Capo mutters, speaking low and steady as we both keep calm. For now.

“I’d reconsider, Capo. Mila’s to come with me. In fact, I’m going to do you a fucking favor right now and leave with the little girl before you go ahead and further piss me off. You think you can cheat me out of Valdita?” I growl, my anger tipping over. “The only reason I’m not slitting you from balls to throat is I doubt Mila would enjoy the sight,” I grumble, glancing over to baby girl as I rise up, slowly nodding to the other men at the table.

The men around nod back, knowing the score as it’s not lost on them we were getting cheated here. Even Anthony, Capo’s cousin, doesn’t seem inclined to offer his help as Capo keeps sputtering his denials of rigging the game. Dumbass. He still has a long way to go to get ahead in business.

Rounding the table, I hold my hand out to the stunning redhead who captured my attention from the moment she wobbled in here, all tits, ass and an endearing innocence I’m going to have the satisfaction of taking away.

“I believe it’s time to go, baby girl,” I say softly, patiently waiting for her to look up as I’ve noticed her staring down since being asked to leave.

Mila lifts her dainty chin, those perfect blue eyes greeting mine just as her soft, trembling hand raises, settling into mine that nearly triples her size. My cock is pounding a rhythm demanding I get this girl back home—withme.

And what has me fucked up is I’ve never been a man into virgins…I enjoy a woman with a little experience beneath her waist. Makes it all the more fun.

But this little virgin with the soft-looking ass and blue eyes is in more danger than she’ll ever know. Coming with me, she has no idea I’m never letting go. And as she stands up, her hip bumping into my side, sending an electric current down to my dick; I know baby girl’s fate is once again sealed.

I won’t ever let go. Not when my eyes drop down and take in her tits, seeing a vision of my babies sucking those juicy things. And to prove exactly who Mila belongs to, I lean in, kissing her soft, shaky lips as my dick pulses, bringing me to pull back. I know the men around know to keep their damn mouth’s shut as I send a message to Capo, showing he better heed before I take this further.

“I, I…” Mila stutters, her cheeks flaming with a pink blush that’s traveling down her neck, settling just over her barely-covered tits—the exact place my dick will be in…soon. But right now, I need to get baby girl out of here.

“Let’s go, Mila. We can talk in the car,” I tell her, then turn my attention over to Capo who’s almost as red as Mila’s bright hair. “This is over, Capo. For good. You want something, you call Eddie,” I grumble, my voice barely over a drawled whisper as I’m through here. “And for the last time, Valdita isn’t in the cards. I won’t talk this over with you again.”

I leave with the warning ringing in the air, pulling Mila along as we walk out of the room with not another word spoken. We get upstairs, making our way through the club before Mila quickly stops, asking if she can at least grab her stuff. I allow it, keeping me eyes fixed on her red locks as she weaves her way into the staff room, grabbing a tote bag and purse before meeting me by the door. Though what’s making my dick even harder now is she doesn’t seem to want to fight this. It’s as if she wants to get the fuck out of here too.

I quickly lead us outside, surrounding us with the dark and quiet night as we step into the back alley where I have a car waiting.

“Home, Gino,” I inform my driver, sealing baby girl in before pressing the button to raise the partition.

Across from me, I look into Mila’s dazed eyes, and the moment we’re fully closed in, I grin, allowing myself to take in a thorough look.

Reaching a hand down, I flick my jacket button as my suit begins to part, revealing the raging hard on in my lap I’ve managed to keep tucked away. I’ve endured this pain for over an hour and somehow, I’m getting my relief.

Baby girl gasps as her eyes fall to my throbbing cock outlined in my slacks, her cheeks flushing a dull red now as she seems to be embarrassed.

“Now, my little card shark,” I say lowly, watching as Mila’s eyes crank up to mine. “Why don’t you tell me what is it you have planned to make up for your little stunt back there?” I want an answer. And as I lean back, spreading my legs a bit more, the little virgin remains speechless in front of me.