His Game by B.L. Brooks




It took me longer than it probably should’ve to recall the name, but the moment I did, I knew I was in trouble.

And I am in big trouble…the worst part being I can’t seem to make myself care. I can’t bring my eyes off the man who swept me away from a night in the private lounge—thank the heavens. I wouldn’t last ten minutes in there.

As my eyes scan over Leo, my legs squeeze shut as it’s hard to deny my body’s impulses. He sits there wearing a light gray suit, nothing more than a mockery against a body so clearly defined to where I can’t stop looking.

Leo Vendetti is tall, well over six feet with muscles to show off for days. When he stood up at the poker table, I nearly melted off my chair at the sight of all that…man.

It’s obvious the brute works out and from the way his pants strain over his thick thighs, I’m guessing his power is leashed all over.

He’s older, maybe late thirties at max. But he’s dangerous…very dangerous. I’ve heard about Leo through the girls at the club. He’s not a man you want on your bad side is all I’ve been told.

So why am I not screaming my head off and trying to get the hell out of here?

Because the truth is, I don’t want to.

There’s something about Leo and his commanding air…the way Capo backed down from him just seemed to turn me on, stirring up a pain between my legs that’s been alive ever since.

“Plan?” I choke out, not sure what to think or feel as he asks for my plan to make up for pretty much doing my job. But he should be so lucky. If I hadn’t switched up the cards at the end, Leo would’ve lost Valdita over a rigged game. So I could use a thank you any minute now.

But what I get instead is Leo’s legs shifting, making his erection even more obvious.

I have no idea what I’m doing here. And I’m not one of those drama queens…okay, maybe on a rare occasion—but in all reality, I really don’t know what I’m doing here.

Living with a family that was a bunch of loud misfits who never noticed me unless I was doing something they asked, was impactful to say the least. My grandma basically raised me. I always stayed at her place more often than my own.

Some would probably look at me and think prude, but I’m really not. Though, it’s not like I’ve been on a date or even so much as smacked lips with a boy. And now, I’m here when I never thought I’d indulge in this sort of…arousal.

Even though I’m not all that familiar with this feeling, I don’t want it to end as I know it’s all for Leo Vendetti.

“You owe me, baby girl,” he says lowly, his dark eyes focused on me. “I could’ve called you out sooner.” A soft smile crooks his lips as I swallow nervously, remaining calm in my seat. “You think I wasn’t aware of your tricks? The other guys at that table may have been too focused on your fucking tits to have noticed—”

“My tits?” I challenge, shocked by my forwardness but hating how he’s treating me. It’s not like I get off on men staring at me like that, but it kind of stings knowing Leo didn’t do the same.

“That’s right, baby girl. In fact, aside from those perky tits, my eyes landed on that soft ass of yours that kept my mind busy for some time. It’s a terrible burden for a man like me to sit through over an hour of cards in this position. It took every breath in me to not drag you out of there and into the private lounge, throwing you down in a room and ripping those scraps of shorts off, burying my face down in that virgin pussy,” he rasps, his dirty words causing my core to clench, his eyes taking in the movement while making my legs squeeze even tighter together.

It must be that obvious I’m a virgin…yikes, Mila. That can’t be good.

“Y-you shouldn’t talk like that,” I stutter in my broken voice, still trying to hold on to some snip of sanity even though what he just said has me aching.

I know what he wants. He wants to…oh, God. I can barely think of it now as he laughs darkly, palming himself at his zipper as I’m burning up over here.

“Why not? It makes you wet, doesn’t it, baby girl?” he purrs, his rough voice crackling through. “I noticed how shy you were back at the table. You knew what I was looking at. Don’t kid yourself, Mila. You sat there clenching those sexy legs all night, wondering what the hell your body was looking for. I’ll tell you exactly what it wants, baby girl,” he growls, slowly stroking his wide palm over his cock, watching me as he rubs it, causing the ache between my legs to stir.

“Leo, please,” I moan softly, not sure if I’m begging him to stop or to actually do something as the longer he stares at me, the more the pain stirs.

“Shh, baby girl. Your body needs me. You know it, I can see it in your eyes and by the way you keep squeezing those legs, you know it too. Now, let me tell you what’s going to happen.” Reminding myself Leo isn’t a man to mess with, I try keeping focus as my mind is slipping away. “You’re coming home with me. I want to keep my eyes on you before giving you my trust, Mila. But with you being mine, it’s time you start to listen,” he grunts, fixing himself in the seat.

“Now, be a good girl and take those clothes off. I don’t like seeing rags on you.” He gives me his dark command, bringing on a thrill and anxiousness I don’t know how to handle.

“My clothes?” I gasp, knowing it takes a pep talk every day just to get myself to put this uniform on. And now this stranger is requesting I strip it off for him? I don’t think so.

I don’t know this man…I’m not even sure I should want to know this man. Any sensible woman wouldn’t be sitting here. There’s clearly something wrong with me to where I willingly accepted Leo’s hand, following him out of the poker room and all with the faith I’m in good hands.

I’m the one who is always taking care of others…and alone all the time. So finding a strong hand like Leo’s, I felt like it was an offer to escape the constant struggle my life has become. And without another nervous breath, I accepted.

“That scrimpy uniform can go,” he tells me softly, his commanding voice still intact. “How else am I supposed to eat that little pussy of yours, giving your kitten its first real purr?”

My jaw drops, my legs squeeze as my pussy quivers at the thought of him down there on me. Oh, God. What’s happening.

“I-I don’t think so,” I stumble over collecting my thoughts. “There’s no need,” I tell him, kidding myself as I know there’s a burning need alive that he can kill. My clit is throbbing so deep, I feel I’ll go insane if it doesn’t stop.

Leo just laughs at my response, his dark eyes gleaming with an unholy light. He tilts his head, giving me a look filled with dominance, I nearly get the insane urge to obey.

“Oh, no need? You know you want to, baby girl.”

Yeah, but how do you know?

“Leo, I…I just met you. I’m not stripping for you. It’s not happening,” I tell him, though torn between my innate shyness and the need to please him.

I have no idea where this is coming from, and the longer I sit in this car, going God only knows where, the more I’m starting to second guess my impulsivity. I don’t know this man and he clearly wants something from me I’ve never been remotely interested in giving another. He’s older, possessing a lot more experience, but strangely…I’m crushing on him.

And this isn’t like me. I’ve always been a rather cautious girl. I overthink everything…usually. But I guess not tonight.

“Not happening?” he growls. “Are you saying you don’t want to, baby girl? We know you’d love nothing more than for me to take the wheel, taking control as it only makes you feel that much better.” His tone makes me rethink if I’m the one who knows best here. “You know what I did when I excused myself from the game earlier?”

“That’s your business,” I murmur, reserving my interest as he doesn’t deserve it.

“And now it’s yours,” he growls back. “I had one of my guys look into you so I knew who I had my eyes on. Mila Conti, eighteen years old with a few applications out to colleges with confirmed acceptance. Though, I see you’re spending your time outside of school. Care to explain?”

“No,” I grumble, mortified at the thought of him knowing so much about me.

Leo’s eyebrows shift down as his fingers begin twitching on his knees. “Well, Mila. I’ll help you out then. I expect you’re not in school because your family isn’t around to help out. It’s clear you had your Uncle get you in with Capo, so it’s leading me to believe you’re a desperate little girl.” His eyes burn into mine, bringing me to gulp down a sob of shame as he’s right.

I am desperate.

But I refuse to admit it to a man that’s practically forcing me to. It’s obvious how rich and powerful Leo is. With my family practically casting me aside, leaving me basically homeless, I find it hard to look Leo in the eyes and admit he’s right.

I keep silent, which I can see is only annoying him as he remains still.

“So, back to before. Take those scraps off, Mila,” he commands again, though I’m treating it more as a suggestion at this point. It’s clear he doesn’t want me going anywhere, and to be honest…I’m not looking to leave. Leo may be just what I need—but not so fast.

“And like I’ve told you, I said no.” I surprisingly keep my voice calm as I shut him down, my body hating me enough for doing so. “I’m not a hooker, Leo.”

“Hooker?” he grunts, clicking his tongue in a slow rhythm. “My baby girl is far too innocent to be looked at as some hooker.”

“Then stop looking at me like that,” I mutter, knowing he knows what he’s doing. “How much longer?” I ask, turning my attention out the window as the pain between my legs spread with every passing second.