Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Three


Wow, the girl has balls. I'll give her that one. I’ve never met anyone who has the balls to talk to Liam like that. Telling us to walk our asses back out the door and wait our turn like the Queen of England. My brain can’t figure it out either. She’s either stupid or has a death wish.

“Tut, tut Alexander, you owe me money.”

“I…… I……. I can get you the money! I just need some time.” The vile little cockroach says.

“You promised us when you borrowed the money the return on this would be more than we bargained for.” I start to make my way further into his office, he knows he screwed up. It’s written all over his face. Walking past I get a strong smell of something disgusting. I take another small inhale, my pretty bird was right. He has pissed his pants. I sit down behind his desk, lean back in the chair and place my feet on the desk, then I study his body language. Marcus slowly makes his way back to the door to block the exit, so this fucker cannot run. Believe me, he’s going to try.

“Don’t try to run, Alexander! You and I both know you won’t get very far.” I twirl my coin between my fingers, waiting to see how he plans to get out of this one.

“Kane, please. I just need some time! I’ll get you your money. The stupid bitch didn’t do as she was told.”

Always the same with assholes like him. They always try to pass the blame to someone else to get out of shit. Now I am getting pissed off, throwing a woman into the line of a bus. Nah, we don’t roll like that.

“What do you mean she didn’t do as she was told?” Liam asks. I know he is intrigued by her, the way she defended herself against him has definitely put her on his radar.

“Reaper! The bitch was meant to lose the fight.”

“Why?” I’m curious why someone would put opposite sexes into a match up and have the weaker of the two go through a beating just to win money.

“Why?” He looked at me with confusion written on his face. He doesn’t know where I’m going with this.

“Yeah, I asked why?” For fuck’s sake, how hard is the question to understand?

“Reaper has always been the crowd favorite.” I sit up wanting as much info on the black-haired beauty as I can get.

“Always has been since day one. She’s never lost. The crowd loves her. She's a warrior and they love the bloodshed. The crowd bets major money when she fights.” The room is thick with a strange charge of energy and my brothers glance at each other. We all have the same thought.

“Now, imagine how much I would take home if I had my champion female fighter and best male fighter go head-to-head!”

“It worked in my favour. You see the women refuse to fight her, that’s a win-win. I told her she had to fight Mason and lose if she ever wanted to fight again. She agreed.”

I want her, I must have her…. fuck! Why does my brain keep wandering to her? I can’t concentrate on this talk because every time she’s mentioned my brain and dick have thoughts of her.

“Mason said something which set her off. Then she decided that she wanted to kick his ass instead of losing.”

“She fucked me over! When you walked in, we were having a disagreement about the fight. I told her she has to dance to pay the money back!”

He wants her to dance at his strip club. He wants her to get naked to pay her debt. My blood runs cold, and my right hand starts to twitch like fuck. No one is seeing my pretty bird naked! Over my dead body.

I jump up from my seat, scaring the shit out of the little retch who wants my girl to go on display. “She is not dancing in your God-awful club. That isn’t fucking happening.” Both Liam and Marcus look at me like they don’t know who the hell I am. Women don’t appeal to me that way, they are only a means to an end. I love to fuck them, then send them on their way. All women are a weakness, they turn you into a lovesick fool. Nope, I fuck, then they fuck off.

“I will contact Andre then. He wanted her. I’ll see if he still wants to buy her.”

Did this fucker just say buy her!

“Buy Her?” I’ve got to have misheard that, surely he wouldn’t sell her. He needs to be very careful on what he says next because depending on his answer, I’m likely to kill his ass.

“Yeah, he runs a fight scene too. He heard about her and wanted to buy her a few months ago. My turnover has been mental for the last six years since she’s been a regular.”

“You want to sell your money maker like that? You’ve just said she’s the one who they pay to see and bet on, so why would you sell her?” Liam asks.

“Shit, yeah. I didn’t think of that, fuck!” Alexander paces.

“Why don’t you loan her out to Andre every other weekend. He has a chance to increase the money coming in and you don’t lose your money earner.” I look at Marcus who is causally leaning against the office door.

“Andre wouldn’t go for that. He’d want to either buy her or not at all. He would fuck me over just to get her there.”

The room is quiet while everyone thinks. I know the bad guys being amenable is funny. I may be an asshole but my pretty bird isn’t going anywhere. I’ve already claimed her as mine and I’m not having anyone think they have control over what’s mine. Alexander hasn’t realized it yet, but Reaper isn’t his property anymore, she’s mine!

I want to own, consume and break her. That isn’t a possibility while someone else owns her. A sadistic grin grows on my face slowly.

“I know that grin, brother, what have you decided?” Liam asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Alexander, how about we make a new deal that will benefit us both greatly?”

“How so?” He looks scared.

“You want your debt cleared with me and my brother’s! Why don’t you sell The Reaper to us?”

“What?” God this guy is slow.

“You sell her to me! I clear your debt, so you don’t owe me anything and I own her.” Yeah, I like this idea. He will sell her to me one way or another.

“But, but how? You’re wanting my best fighter!”

“Simple, really. I’ll own her, she fights for me and my brothers here. You keep your money but we get a percentage of the house. So, everybody is happy.”


“Alexander, you will do this because if you don’t, I will take your money maker, fight scene and everything you hold dear and destroy it piece by piece as you watch. Then I’ll chop you up and feed you to the pigs.”

“So, you're saying if I sell Reaper to you, she is still able to fight here?”

“Yes.” What's taking the dipshit so long to decide?

“How big of a percentage of the fights are we talking about or is it a nightly percentage?”

“What percentage does a fighter take home from their fight?”

“Five percent from the fight and the rest goes to the house”.

I don’t care about the money, but it always helps me to secure this, there’s just something about her. She’s strong willed with an iron shell wrapped up in gorgeous packaging but there has to be more and I want it all. I want her broken and laid at my feet like a sacrifice ready to be possessed and consumed by the evil in front of her.

“If the house keeps 60% of the fights and we take 35% of the fights and the fighters keep their five, is it a deal?”

“Kane, what the fuck bro?” Liam looks pissed at my train of thought. He likes money more than he likes sex. That sort of percentage to him is an insult.

“Liam, we will talk about this later.”

“Damn fucking right we will!”

“Do we have a deal?” My blood is buzzing waiting for him to answer.

“I get 60% and you aren’t going to go back on the deal if you have her? My debt is clear? My family is safe?”

“Yes! Do we have a deal or not!”

“YES!” he shouts as relief shows on his face. I knew he would take the deal. He knows I would have followed through on my own threat. We aren’t called The Damned for no reason, none of us have souls.

“She's yours! I accept she belongs to you. I want her to fight on Saturdays like she always has?”

“Deal! You have until Friday to tell her and deliver her to me!”

With a handshake the deal is done. This is perfect. I can have what I want and slowly clip her beautiful feathers so she can never leave me. I have just found myself a very interesting toy to play with. The thought makes my dick hard.