Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Six


Black leggings, black hoodie, and my backpack of goodies... check. For the first time in a long time, I had a full night of unbroken sleep, so my ass is refreshed this morning. That's why I’m bouncing down the stairs. I’m on my way to talk to Tom. Having a best friend who own’s a garage has its perks. Even more so when it's such a small town.

“Morning, Tom!” His eyes shoot up to see me standing in the doorway of his office.

“You piss the bed or something?”

“Ha, you cheeky shit. No, I haven’t. I need to ask you something.” Hopefully he knows the info I need, or my day will be a lot harder.

“Errrm, ok! What you need to know?”

“Have you ever worked on a charger that’s black with black rims?”

“What are you up to, Ry?” Should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. Tom always knows when I am up to something.

“Nothing! Have you worked on it before or not?” My foot is tapping the floor with impatience.

“Yeah, it’s been in a few times. What about it?” He’s going to know. It won’t be possible to bullshit my way out of this one.

“You have the address to where I’d find it?”

“Ry, what are you planning?” Trying to keep eye contact with him is hard, like seriously hard, he knows when I lie.


“Bullshit, you can’t even look at me. You’re full of shit!” I really should tell him; thing is, Tom would react very badly about this. Family is family, though. You don’t lie to them.

“Don’t freak but I need to talk to him, then I’ve got to have a talk with Alexander.” I cannot believe he sold me.

“Look before you start with the hundreds of questions, I’ll be straight with you but don’t freak out, ok?” I just need the address. I am pleading with my eyes, so Tom doesn’t kick off or even worse want to help.

“Fine, I won’t kick off, but what’s going on? You’re here looking like you're about to get up to some shady shit.” I take a deep breath.

“Alexander sold me to the g… ”

“Whaaaaaaat!” Shit!

“Shut it and listen before your head explodes.”

Being my usual self clearly was not the best way to tell my best friend that I’ve been sold like a transaction, for a reason I don’t know and to someone I don’t know.

“I overheard two guys talking last night that the guy who owns the charger bought me off Alexander. I don’t know what is going on. He needs to know I will not stand by and let him think he owns me. So, I’m going to send him a message.” It will be perfect.

“Ry, do I want to know?” Nope not a chance, channelling my inner Harley Quinn I smile.

“Nope. I don’t want to know. What you’re looking for is in the records cabinet over there.” With a nod, he’s out the door. Very clever on his part.

Taking a quick look to make sure the corridor is empty I head over to the cabinet. It looks like I am here for a while as there is no order to the records and the stack is huge. I start flipping through the stack. “Nope… Nope… Nope… GOTTCHA!”

Matte black charger with black wheels and detailing. Owner... check. Address... check. Such a pretty car. This is going to kill me doing this, but if he has a brain in between his ears he should listen to my warning. I’m out the door whistling to myself. It's going to be a good day.

First stop the store to get a few supplies. Oh, how I would love to be a fly on the wall when he sees what I am about to do. Call me a psycho or a crazy bitch but the adrenaline is building, giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I look like a crazy person walking through the aisles. God, I love this town. Everything is so easy to find too. Grabbing what I need, I head to the till to pay.

“Doing some DIY?”

“You could say that.” I head out the door with a huge smile on my face.

One. Two. I am coming for you. Three. Four. Better lock your door.


THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Shit, my head is killing me. This must be the worst hangover ever. Everything’s a blur. I don’t remember anything but the bruises and cuts to my hands say that it was one hell of a night. Do I know what happened? When I saw Marcus and Liam this morning in the kitchen. Marcus just laughed, and Liam shook his head. Yeah, they were a great help while I sat in my home office with the curtains drawn and sunglasses on to try ease the pain. “How the hell did this happen?” What has Marcus so rattled.

Heading out to see what all the noise is about; I find Marcus with a grunt pinned to the wall. “What the hell is going on with all the shouting? Marcus drop him!” All the guys in the house have sheer terror across their faces. Some shits gone down. They are scared. Not even one of them will make eye contact with me.

“You’re going to lose your shit, Kane, but we will find who did this!” I can see the demons behind his eyes. “What? No-one going to tell me what is going on?”

“Y-Y-Your c-c-car, Boss.” My fucking car! I take off running out of the house.

Rounding the corner, I freeze. What the hell! My car’s destroyed. Some fucker has destroyed my car, my baby. Who the hell has the balls to come after me? Everyone knows that my car is my baby. I treat her better than the women I fuck. I’ve had her for years.

“Holy shit!” I glance to my side and see Marcus. I look over the damage and see three tires slashed to shreds. My windows are smashed, there aren't any mirrors or lights, all the paintwork has bubbled up and melted away. Some twat has thrown paint stripper and battery acid all over her. Inside is just as bad. All my seats are slashed as well as my console. There’s garbage and a vile smell coming from the floor.

“Find the bastard who did this. I want him found!” Whoever he is, he has balls. I'll give him that, but whoever has done this will pay.

Marcus is looking all over as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing. Something like this really should be trivial to us but it feels like a personal attack. They haven’t come at us head on, didn’t come after the businesses or anything else. The only thing they damaged is what belongs to me, that is only mine.

“Kane! This wasn’t a guy.”

“Piss off. It’s obviously someone trying to make a name for themselves or something.” Yeah, not fucking likely.

“Dude! 'I can’t be bought. I will not be owned!' Is sprayed in grey paint on the roof!” I see the words and a weird thing.

“What is that?” There’s a mess sprayed underneath it, but I can’t work out what it is. “I spend time with each of my girls and none have said anything so I can’t have pissed them off.” I rack my brain, this is full on psycho shit. Did I fuck someone and they’re pissed I didn’t call? Shit out of luck with that. I never call if I pick someone up at the club, never have. My phone starts ringing in my pocket, looking at the caller ID it's Alexander. What does this cocksucker want?

“Marcus get this shit dealt with and start looking for the person responsible.” I slide the answer call button.


“Just couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut could you, asswipe!”

“Watch how you’re talking to me, Alex. What are you going on about? Did the store run out of your favorite pads or something?”

“I’ve just had the beating of my life from a pissed off woman who is scary as shit when she’s pissed. Actually, pissed off doesn’t even cover her mood! You told her the deal.”

“Reaper?” How the fuck does she know? I look to Marcus whose ears have perked up. I nod my head for him to follow as I head back to the office. She doesn’t know. She left last night when I was kicking the shit out of that guy and only four of us know about it.

“Who else, dipshit! Took my door clean of its hinges saying I don’t own her, and she won’t be sold! Next thing I know my ass is waking up on my floor in a pool of blood.”

Lust roars to life. She beat Alexander for his part in the deal. Fuck me, that is hot. I can’t wait to get between her legs and see how wild she is in the sack.

“So, your ego is dented cause you got your ass handed to you by a woman?”

“Woman? She’s as scary as Satan himself when she loses her shit. Who have you been running your mouth off to?”

“The only people who know are you, me and my brothers. We haven't said anything to anyone. So, the question is, Alexander, who the fuck have you been running your mouth off to?” The cheek on this asshole, honestly, we have not said anything. We saw her last night and obviously she didn’t have a clue.

“Yeah, well someone has. After this shit I know for a fact I won’t be able to deliver her to you on Friday. She will go off grid until she gets bored.”

“Huh! You're saying she’s going to run?” No, no, no. If she runs it could take years to find her. I need her in my collection.

Hysterical laughter cracks out of the phone, so loud I have to move it from my ear. Seriously, it is like he’s just heard the funniest thing ever.

“Shut your mouth. Why the hell is that so funny?” His laughter has turned to snorts.

“One sec while I sort myself out. That was funny. HA! You really don’t know what you’ve got yourself into, do you?”


“Oh, shit, Kane. Really? Not even when she stood in front of you and your brothers in my office telling you to get out? You haven’t figured it out?” I really wish he would just spit it out.

“In all the years I have known her, she hasn’t run from anyone. There are holidays, as she calls them, to recharge her psycho ass.” Holidays? He has to be high. She’s a woman. Yeah, she’s a damn good fighter, but what sort of damage could she really do?

“Are you listening?” I didn’t realize he was still talking “Yeah”.

“That’s why I wanted to deliver her without her knowing about the deal. If she knew, she would flip like she has. The only good thing is she doesn’t know who you are.”

“Kane.” I forgot Marcus was in the office with me, realisation is on his face. “She knows.”

“What was that?”

“My car was destroyed sometime last night or this morning. The tires were slashed, windows smashed with paint stripper and battery acid poured all over it. It was her. There was a message sprayed on the roof.” Now it makes sense.

“What did it say?”

“I can’t be bought. I won’t be owned.” Shit.

“Ooooooh, shit, Kane, that’s a warning. If she’s done that already, you don’t want to see what she is capable of. Trust Me.”

“I’m not scared of some silly little girl that’s throwing a tantrum.”

“You should be.”

Pretty Bird wants to play... Let’s Play.