Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Five


Sitting behind my desk in the office at the club, I look through the stock orders and profits taken in in the last two weeks. I pay someone to do this but from time to time, I have a look through just to be certain. With a sigh I put the papers down. It's no use, I cannot even see what is on them. All my mind is showing me is stormy eyes belonging to a mouthy-ass female. I did not sleep last night. Her eyes kept me awake. I need to get her out of my head. A piece of property, that’s what she is. A damn good fighter that will bring a nice sum into the crew’s businesses and something for me to toy with and fuck when I’m bored. It’s a game, you see. She’s a feisty female which doesn’t make sense. I don’t like them with an attitude. I like submissives who do what I want when I want and are happy with what attention I give them. Everyone has a weakness. I'll find hers and break her so she becomes submissive. Then maybe I might keep her. The office door swings open and my brother Liam strolls in like he has something on his mind.

“Kane, you sure about this deal with Alexander?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s a win-win for us. You were the one who wanted to bring a good fighter on board. Now we have one.” I can’t figure out if it’s that I cleared Alexander's debt to purchase her or if it’s the woman herself.

“Yeah, I wanted a fighter, but she’s unpredictable. Cocky even. Look what happened in the office not knowing who we are.” I knew it, his problem is because she showed zero respect to us.

“What’s done is done. Either she fights and earns us money, or we remove the issue.” Yeah, call me a prick. They don’t call me soulless for no reason.

“You sure? I saw the way you were looking at her in the cage. I don’t want pussy getting in the way of all this. I know you’re the boss man. But I watch your back and that girl is trouble with a capital T!”

“She is a transaction, a means to an end. That is all. You don’t need to worry about that.”

“If you say so.” With an eye roll he stands to leave.

Once the office door closes, I lean back with my eyes closed and try to relax. I don’t know how much time passes before I hear the click of the door opening. Looking up, I see one of the girls I see regularly, I think her name’s Dahlia. She’s looking at me with lust-filled eyes, obviously seeking me out because she’s horny. Perfect, I need a distraction from my thoughts. Without speaking a word to her I nod my head at my cock. Knowing what I want without words, she drops to her knees in front of me and reaches for the button on my jeans. Slowly pulling the zipper down, my cock springs free. Her eyes widen, not expecting me to be rock solid. I grab the back of her hair, pull her toward my dick and watch as she swallows it as far as she can. I groan. It’s not enough, I need more. Keeping my hand on the back of her head, I slowly stand from the chair. I grab her head with my other hand and thrust as far as I can go. She knows not to make a sound, perfect. “Good girl. That’s it, open your mouth,” I order, my hips picking up the pace. I’m grunting and groaning, I feel the tingle start from my balls and radiate throughout my body. I fuck her mouth faster, harder, deeper. She gags and struggles to breathe but I really don’t give a shit. I need to come. Pushing even deeper into her mouth I feel her nose at the base of my cock “That’s it! Good Girl. Fuuuuuuck.” The feeling is spreading faster. Any minute now I'll blow my load down her throat.

Crackling comes over the radio…………. “Erm, boss? Thought you should know your girl just walked into the club.”

The fuck.

I pull whatever her name is off my cock and jump to grab the radio from the desk. I sneer at the blonde still on her knees, “Get out!”

The door clicks as I radio back through to Cam, “What do you mean my girl just walked in?”

“You know that picture you showed the crew this morning of the gorgeous, black haired woman?”


“Yeah, that’s it. She’s just walked into the club with Mel and damn the picture doesn’t do her justice. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, boss.”

“Shut your mouth! She’s mine!!!” I roar.

Cam says something else, which I don’t hear. She’s here, in my club. What the fuck is she doing here? Cam just said she’s drop dead gorgeous. She was in the cage when I first saw her, I don’t need that fucker telling me how gorgeous she is, I know. I head down to the main floor to find her. Alexander has until Friday to deliver her to me. I own her ass now and she is in my club. I want to see her in a normal element. I need to know what she’s like when not surrounded by assholes. The need is driving me forward. I don’t see or hear anything once I make it downstairs. I feel the brush of fingers across my back and arms, but I don't stop to see who is trying to catch my attention. I check near the toilets and outer tables first, nothing. She isn’t standing anywhere near here. Spotting Mel in the corner sitting with one of my crew members, she’s grinning at something across the club. Following her line of sight, I realize what the smile is for. There she is, in the centre of the dance floor, without a care in the world. Hips swaying to the music, arms raised, and head thrown back as if she is the only person out there. I step closer to get a better look. My cock instantly goes harder. Fuck me! The leather pants hug her ass perfectly and the ripped shirt shows off her bronzed skin. Pretty Bird is gorgeous without anything on her face, now with makeup on, she’s lethal. Lust roars through my body, making my cock even harder. I can’t take my eyes off her.

Still in her own world, she hasn’t noticed the guy who is dancing behind her. If she ignores him to dance on her own, I will be rewarding her. She doesn’t know she belongs to me yet. She wouldn’t be here and I'd make sure of that, if she knew. May as well test her while she’s here. C’mon, Pretty Bird. What the fuck, she’s stepped back into him and is grinding into his cock! His hands are all over her. Rage ignites in my whole body. I grab the radio, “Cam, get ya ass in here and remove a handsy bastard for me!”

“On my way, boss.”

I watch this fucker and my girl grinding on each other like they’re fucking on the dancefloor. I freeze. I can’t move. What the fuck, she’s just kissed him. His hand runs down her legs and he lifts her. My fist connects with the fucker’s nose and I start smashing his face. I see red. I'm going to kill this fucker for touching what’s mine. All I hear is screams. Someone is trying to pull me off this fucker. He is a dead man. She's mine. I get to touch her and feel her body under my hands, not him.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I can tell by my brother's face he’s pissed.

“Me! Did you see how he was touching her? No one gets to touch her like that but me!” Liam’s eyes widen, surprised by my reaction.

“Are you shitting me? You beat the guy within an inch of his life because he was touching someone.”

“Not someone!!!! He was touching her! She belongs to me!!!!” My body vibrates with my nearly uncontrollable rage.

“Shit!” Liam starts pacing up and down the office. Now he knows who the fucker downstairs had his hands all over. Processing the whole situation, I don’t even remember moving. One-minute I’m watching from the side, then the guy is on the floor, blood pouring from his nose and anywhere else I did damage.

“You’re telling me you nearly killed someone because he danced with The Reaper?”

“I knew she’d be nothing but trouble. For fuck’s sake they were dancing!”

“Dancing! They were practically fucking on the dancefloor!” What the hell is happening, women are nothing but toys to me. I don’t give a shit if they see anyone else. I get my cock wet and leave. I don’t care, but seeing him touching her like that it pissed me off….no I can’t be. What the fuck?

“Kane, seriously. The girl is trouble. Don’t keep this deal with Alexander. You're already fucked up over her and she’s not even been handed over yet.”

“Not going to happen. I’m not breaking this deal, Liam.” I’m not fucked up over this girl. He’s wrong. I’m pissed off I didn’t get to finish earlier. The office door opens and Marcus strolls in.

“What happened? I overheard some customers saying you went Blade on someone’s ass?” he snorts.

“That’s a fucking understatement! He lost his shit because a guy was dancing with The Reaper!” Marcus’ eyes widen.

“The fighter? Really you fucked him up for dancing with her?” He's enjoying this. The little shit loves drama. He thrives off it.

“They were practically fucking each other!”

“Kane! Get a fucking grip on yourself. I’m telling you, break this fucking deal. I’m not dealing with you losing your shit all the time over some pussy.” Liam slams the door. He's pissed. Marcus is studying me. My breathing is still coming heavy as all my emotions war within my body. A grin appears on his face as he starts to chuckle.

“Fuck me. I never thought I’d see the day!”

“The fuck you on about, Marcus?”.

“Shits about to get interesting, that’s for sure!” He leaves the room still chuckling to himself.


What the fuck is going on? The mountain is kicking the shit out of my dance partner. What the fuck is he doing here? Some of the crowd are screaming while others are standing far away from the pissed off man that looks like he wants to end this guy’s life. I need a beer. Fuck this, I wanted a fun relaxed night to just chill from all the crap of earlier. I head to the women’s toilets. I need to get a bit of quiet to process what I’ve just witnessed. He was brutal. Honestly, it was hot as fuck.

The ladies' stalls are empty. Standing in front of the mirror, I stare at myself wondering how the hell my life has had more drama in the last two days than I’ve had in the last three years. Spotting a reflection in the mirror, she’s looking me up and down like a piece of shit. What the hell, I don’t even know this chick. Seriously, is it one asshole after the other today?

“You want a picture sweetie?” Seriously, what’s her problem?

“I don’t need a picture, sweetie! He’ll be coming back to me when he’s done with you tonight!” I drop my head to the side. I look at her, she looks like she wants to throw down. Bitch better be prepared; she doesn’t know who the fuck I am.


“You heard me. Kane will come back to me.” What the fuck this bitch been snorting and who the hell is Kane?

“Who the hell is Kane? I haven’t got a clue what the hell you’re going on about but drop your attitude before someone gets hurt!” I’m getting pissed.

“Don’t play stupid with me, bitch! Bet you're wet from seeing him beat the shit out of that guy you were dancing with!” Ahhhh, the mountain is Kane. Nice to know. Still can’t figure out what the fuck she is doing in here. Replaying all she’s just said, it dawns on me the bitch is here to mark her property. That’s funny.

“Let me guess. You’re here to make sure I don’t step on your toes!”.

“Like you could! I’m his favorite. He comes to me the most!” Ouch, my feelings are hurt! NOT. Snorting to myself I can’t believe what I’m hearing, his favorite? Clearly, she isn’t the only one he fucks. To each their own. I like to fuck a lot and don’t give a crap who is fucking who when they leave, but like hell would I be in a day-to-day competition with other women wondering who he’s going to go see.

“I don’t want your man. The fact you’re here pissing all over your property because he beat the shit out of someone, and you think I’m the reason behind it, is laughable.” I’m on a roll. I don’t give a shit about her or her man. They can skip off into the sunset holding hands. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.

Getting in my face she spits, “He wants me!” Oh no, she fucking didn’t.

Stepping closer so our noses are practically touching I smile, “Baby, if you're happy to be a nob gobbler when he’s probably had his dick in something else five minutes before, that is your choice. Don’t get in my face because you feel threatened!” Wide eyed she starts spluttering “I. Don’t. Want. Him. If I wanted to fuck him I would but I haven’t. If you really want to try to intimidate someone, make sure you pick the right person next time, because I won’t hesitate to fuck you up!”

Fuck this chick, I spin and leave. I’m no saint, but fuck me, stupid bitch, I should have dropped her. Heading out of the hallway from the toilets, bodies are squished together like sardines in a tin. Clearly everyone is still high on the chaos that went on earlier. Just as I’m about to exit the darkened hallway, I hear my name from two guys who are leaning against the wall talking.

“Yeah, bro, didn’t you see boss man lose his shit because of who the guy was dancing with?”

“It doesn’t make sense. You’ve seen how Kane goes through pussy. What’s so special about this chick?” I step back further into the shadows of the hallway. Fucking idiots, you never know who’s listening.

“I hear she’s The Reaper from the fight ring!”

“You are shitting me? The Reaper is one bad-ass bitch. Didn’t you hear what she did to Mason last night?” Keep talking boys.

“Yep, she fucked him up! They were there to make sure Alexander didn’t take off on the loan. You know boss man, though, he always looks for ways to make money.” Tweddle dee and tweedle dumb are as thick as pig shit. Seriously, they haven’t checked around them once and it’s obvious this isn’t a conversation they should be having in here.

“What are you getting at, Bone?”

“Ice man was looking for a fighter to put into some rings to earn money! Alexander was here a few days ago if you remember, then Boss man fucks that guy up for dancing with her!”

“You saying Kane bought her off him to have her fight in the ring?”

“Yep, it makes sense. He owns her ass, that will be why he did what he did.”

“You’ve heard about The Reaper. You know the stories; you really think she’s going to just accept that?”

Bought! Sold! Owned!!!! The words repeat in my head. He fucking bought me. That motherfucker sold me like a piece of property. Kane thinks he owns me? Like fuck! I don’t belong to anyone; I will not be owned. I’m not a circus animal that will dance to my master’s tune. Livid, I’m fucking livid. Who the fuck do they think they are? You’ve just fucked yourself in the ass with a prickly dildo, Kane. I bow to no one and after meeting your bitch earlier, I will not be a toy to use. I haven’t even noticed tweedle dee and tweedle dumb have left the spot they were in. Shooting a message to Mel, telling her I’m heading home, I head to the front door with a nod to Cam. I set off to get away from the noise of the people in the line. Standing on the end of the block, two women pass while mentioning him. I’m rooted to the spot; they’re talking about what they would give just so he fucks them once and how they’ve heard he’s a beast in bed. Desperate bitches. Seriously, why do most women turn to a blubbering mess when a guy is hot? It’s as if they lose all brain function. My ears perk up now they are talking about how much money he has with owning a club like this. Hmm, that’s why he was there, he owns the place. I can’t even be pissed at Mel. She doesn’t know what went down at the warehouse. Barbie points and says something. Looking at what she’s pointing at I see a black-on-black charger. Nice car. Shame about the asshole that comes with it. BEEP! I look toward the noise and my boy Maverick has stopped at the curb.

“You want a lift?” Don’t need to be asked twice, plus saves paying for an uber.

“Cheers, Rick! I owe you one!”.

“No sweat, gorgeous.” We drive in silence and I can’t stop thinking about everything. Before I know it, we are pulling into the lot of the garage. Turning the engine off, Rick looks at me.

“You ever gonna let me take you on a date, Ry?”

“Rick! Every time you ask me that the answer is the same. No. We fucked a few times. That’s it.”

“We are good together!” My point is proven. This is why if they catch feelings, I throw their asses to the curb.

“The sex was great but that’s all it was. I don’t want to date!”

The smile is gone from his face. I kind of feel guilty for being a bitch, but after tonight I can’t deal with anything else. I’ve got too much to work through as it is.

Jumping out of the car, I throw a wave over my shoulder and head upstairs.

I plop my ass on the bed and look up at the ceiling. I'll be having words with Alexander. Kane is another thing altogether. Unknown. Ideas pop into my head of ways to send a message that I don’t take shit lying down. I need to hit him where it hurts. Bimbo from the toilets is out of the question. He clearly doesn’t give two shits about his women. Nope, I need something else. As my eyes drift closed it hits me. That’s it, it's perfect. Chuckling, I drift into a deep sleep.