Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Seven


Awhole week of just eating crap and watching Netflix, a state of bliss with no stupid ass men thinking they can run my life and tell me what to do or how to do it. Own me, really? That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I do not give a crap about most people, it really isn’t in my nature to care unless they are my family. But I really do hope he likes the message. Honestly, I wish I could have seen his face, but after doing that and then having my conversation with Alexander, I high tailed it out of there and headed up to Tom’s cabin out on the lake. Most people would say that I was running as I was afraid of the backlash. Thing is, I am looking forward to it. The lake is my Zen area where I can think, recharge my batteries and decide things. He isn’t going to take this lying down. Now that is a thought. Me, him, a bed.

I must have fallen asleep out on the deck as the sun is setting and the temperature has dropped. Still dazed, I realize my phone is ringing. Running my hand along the floor hunting for the damn thing, I eventually find it after it stops ringing. No caller ID. Huh, if it's important they will call back. What the hell? There are 17 missed calls from Mel and 20 messages all asking me to call her when my phone rings again.

“Mel, I’m fine. You don’t have to worry.” My words are met with silence.

“Mel?” Again nothing.

“Dammit, talk. I don’t find this funny.” What the hell? All I can hear is breathing down the phone line.

“Tut tut, Reaper. That wasn’t very nice,” a gravelly voice says.

“Who the fuck are you? Where is Mel?” I’m frozen from fear. This isn’t right. Where is she?

“Pretty girl is spending time with us. She is very beautiful.” Muffled noises come over the phone.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“HAHA! You know who I am, I’ve been watching you for a long time... to make you mine. Make no mistake, Reika, you are mine.” Coldness shoots down my body. That bastard. That motherfucker.

“I want to talk to her.” I’m seething. All I can see is red. This bastard has taken Mel because I destroyed his car. Who the hell does he think he is?

“That’s not going to happen, sweet.” My phone pings, telling me there is a picture message.

Opening it, I find a picture of Mel passed out on a bed.

“If you hurt her, I will rip your head off and scream down your throat.” He’s a dead man, no one fucks with my family.

“Now, now, no need for threats, sweet. She is perfectly safe. All you have to do is find me something.” He wants me to do something for him, I will. I've already thought of 100 different ways to kill him.

“Find what?”.

“Daddy dearest hid something he shouldn’t have. I’m here to collect on our deal.”.

“My Dad is dead. How the hell am I supposed to find something that I know nothing about?” What sort of shit was my dad into?

“You will find it. I don’t need to tell you the consequences if you don’t.”

“FINE. If you hurt her...” It must be him. This is a seriously messed up way to get revenge for me fucking with his car.

“We will be in touch.” The phone goes dead.

He kidnapped my family because I fucked his car up. Running into the cabin I grab my things and head out to the truck.

Before I know it, the town comes into view. Lights and stop signs mean nothing. Pissed off is an understatement for how I am feeling. Screeching to a halt, I realize I’m outside his house and I still have my workout clothes on. That's a good thing as I don’t mind ruining them. I throw my hair up into a bun, jump out of the cab and head across the road. There are people everywhere. Not giving a shit I head to the door when some asshat blocks my path.

“Whatcha ya doing, doll face?” I smile.

“Huh, don’t talk much? You want to play with me, baby?” Fucking men, they think because I’m a woman I can’t do shit. He’s looking me up and down with a look of excitement in his eyes. Widening my smile, I take a tiny step closer. Men are so fickle, he thinks I’m taking him up on his offer. Such a silly boy.

I lash out so fast I connect with his throat and kick him above his knee. His eyes go wide as he grabs at his throat and falls to his knees, struggling to get air into his lungs. Yells come from behind me. I step over the piece of shit and head into the house. I check the lounge and kitchen, nothing. I see a corridor to the right of the hallway. I'll hunt him down all day if I have too.

There are more people down here. I can hear voices at the end of the corridor. I throw doors open to check each room, not caring if anyone hears me. It will be a bonus if I find Mel in one of these rooms. A door further down the hall opens and out steps stooge 3, his eyes widen in surprise.

“What are you doing here, Hellion?”

“Where is he?” I’m not standing here for a picnic, he either tells me where he is, or I find the bastard myself.

“He’s busy at the moment.” So, I head further down the corridor. As I walk past stooge 3, he grabs my elbow. I spin so fast he doesn’t expect me to throw him over my shoulder as his ass lands. I’m at the end of the hallway with a door in front of me. There is noise coming from the other side of the door.

Grabbing the doorknob I hear, “I wouldn’t.” That’s all he gets out as I throw the door open and see mountain with his cock buried in a blondie. He has her bent over the desk, moaning. His eyes widen at seeing me in the doorway, but he doesn’t stop thrusting into the blonde on his desk. Heat roars to life in my veins. Seeing them I have to admit the guy looks like he’s packing between his legs.

“You enjoying the show, Pretty Bird?” God, what a cocky asshole. I don’t say anything.

Stooge 3 grabs my elbow and starts to pull me out of the office. “Sorry, bro. She got past me.”

“Get the fuck off me. I’m not going anywhere until me and bunny over here have a little chat.” Stooge 3 can try and move me but the same thing will happen to him like the guy outside.

“If you want to talk, TALK.”

“Where is she? Hand her over and you can fuck blondie to your hearts content. She looks to be faking, anyway.”

Blondie screams as he thrusts so hard her hips smash into the edge of the desk, my comment clearly pissed him off as he picks up his pace. The desk is banging into the wall.

“Who?” Seriously, he is going to play stupid? The moans are getting louder, my underwear is getting soaked just from watching. Moving further into the office I sit my ass down on the chair right in front of them. He didn’t expect that and licks his lips looking down at me. Blondie rears back trying to get away from him, so he grips the back of her neck and forces her to stay put.

“He is yours, remember?” I wink. The look she throws at me is unsure.

“Huh. Explain?” I don’t think so, asshat.

“Nothing that concerns you. Where is Mel? If you took her as payback for your car, you fucked up.”

“I haven’t got a clue what you’re on about.” Let's make this a bit more fun shall we.

“Bullshit, I know you took her just like you bought me from Alexander.”

“What?” Blondie screeches and tries to get out from under him. “Stay where you are.”

“Yes, sir.” Wow, what a pathetic little bitch.

Running my tongue across my lips, I follow the wetness with my thumb and trace down my throat to my collarbone. Backward and forward his eyes track my movement. Moving slightly, so I can slide down into the chair, I slowly widen my legs.

“I don’t have Mel.” Yeah, of course you don’t.

“I find that hard to believe.” Sliding my hand down to my chest, I grab my nipple and pinch. “Mmmmmmmm.” I widen my legs. I start moving toward my stomach. I don’t know what’s come over me, but seeing him dominate her like this has my panties soaked and my clit throbbing. His eyes follow my hand down over my flat stomach. While I bite my bottom lip, I slip my thumb underneath the waistband of my shorts and work it side to side. Looking up into his eyes all I see is surprise and lust. He doesn’t know what I’m doing but it’s clear he wishes it was me underneath him. Pushing my hand into my shorts I make my way to my clit that is throbbing and swollen, begging for release. Two birds with one stone, why not?

As soon as my finger skims over the top of it pleasure shoots up into my body which sends tingles everywhere. I throw my head to rest on the back of the chair. “Damnnnnnnnnn.” Hearing a grunt, I open my eyes to see Kane looking at my hand.

From me circling my clit, it has my nerve endings alive. The look he is giving me... there aren't any words. He looks like he wants to eat me. As I pick up speed with my hand, he picks up his pace. Faster, faster... shit, I’m so close to coming just from playing with myself and listening to the sounds out of his mouth. Even faster sparks are everywhere running at the speed of lightning. His moans are louder. “Fuuuuuucccccck,” I moan in a deep raspy voice.

“Keep going,” he orders, not knowing what I’m thinking. Faster and faster I circle them. I can tell by his face he's close to coming, his movements are frantic. Looking up to him I wink, he licks his lips. I stand up, then step toward the desk, my hand still circling. I lean to him over the desk and run my tongue from jaw to ear. He tastes amazing, like smoke and how the forest smells after a rain. Lips touching his ear I slightly moan and he shivers. “Give her back. If you don’t, I will fuck your life up.” His eyes are as wide as saucers. He doesn’t say anything. With that, I remove my hand from my shorts, spin on my heels and walk my ass out of the door with my middle finger thrown over my shoulder. I get halfway down the hallway when I hear, “Get the fuck out.” Followed with things smashing. Blondie comes flying out of the room and down another corridor, tears streaming down her face. Chuckling to myself I take a step forward to see stooge 3 looking at me like I’m his new favorite person in the world, eyes full of joy and mischief. As I get into the next hallway, I can still hear yells and things being thrown from the office. With a smile on my face, I turn the doorknob and step outside.


Watching her hand as it moves under her shorts sends all the blood straight to my cock. I am shocked and in awe that she didn’t falter at the challenge but turned the goddamn tables. Hearing her noises is driving me wild, fuck me she was made for me. She moves her hand faster and I pick up my pace. I hear nothing other than her. My brain is telling me it is her, driving my cock harder and harder, how it would feel with her walls gripping my cock. I have never been this turned on. Her movements are getting faster, Jesus, I feel like a teenager again, the tingle starts in my balls and works out all over my body. I am so close. “Keep Going,” I order her. Fuck my life, she picks up even more speed. My hips are frantically moving to keep up with her, I want to come at the same time. What the fuck? Pretty Bird stands up and steps toward the desk. Leaning over, still playing with herself, she runs her tongue from my jaw to ear, which sends a shiver over my whole body. Hits my cock so hard it’s painful.

Her lips touch my ear with a heady breath, “Give her back. If you don’t, I will fuck your life up.” Then she’s walking out the door with her middle finger in the air and my blood turns to ice. “Get the fuck out,” I roar picking up the laptop from the desk. I throw it at the wall, then swipe everything off my desk. How fucking dare she touch herself like I am the only man in the world then walk out like nothing fucking happened.

“Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh.” Flipping the table my breathing is heavy, she killed my hard on in a matter of seconds. What the actual fuck and what the hell did she mean? “She’s yours, remember?”

“One hell of a woman.” I didn’t hear Marcus enter the office with a blubbering blonde at the side of him.

“Marcus, I’m not in the mood. If you want to fuck it, you’re more than welcome to.” I’ve just kicked her ass out of here. Why the hell has he brought her back?

“Thought you should know a few things.” Huh.

“One, Reapers real name is Reika. Two, she’s throat punched one of the grunts getting in here and three, Dianna had a run in with her last night in the club.” What the hell, last night?

“What do you mean they had a run in?” I'm so confused.

“You want to tell him?”

“I, I, saw your reaction to her dancing with that guy, I thought you were bringing her in as another piece. So, I...”

“You what?” Oh shit. If she opened her mouth to Pretty Bird about her and the others and fucked up my chances, shit.

“I followed her to the bathroom and told her, I was your favorite, and you would be done with her after you had her but…”

“Stupid bitch. You aren’t my favorite.” I fucking knew it, she’s being trying to keep me to herself for a while, but it never bothered me before.

“But she said she didn’t give a shit and if I was happy to share you with others it’s my choice, and that she doesn’t want you. She said if I went after her again, she would fuck me up.”

“Get out!” How the hell am I going to make this right now? I look toward Marcus.

“Get them all out.” All of them are gone, I don’t give a crap. Her defiance, stubbornness, spirit - everything draws me in.

“You sure you want them all gone, bro?”

“You heard me. And find out where the fuck she lives. She WILL NOT run from me again.” I’m coming for you, Pretty Bird.