Sacrificing his Highland Heart by Kenna Kendrick

Chapter Twenty-One

Rose had had something to drink, but it was not the alcohol itself that pushed her to be bold. She spent the day enjoying her own pleasures, and then after she finished her meal in her chamber, staring into the flames, a freshly filled glass of wine in her hand, her body took over. She didn’t realize just how angry she was with Euan or embarrassed or sad. All it knew was that it wanted him again. So, she’d stood and left her room, determined to call the man to task for being so rude to her this morning. If he no longer wanted her, then they would have it out that very night, and Rose would find a way over time to get over her desire for the man.

They could return to their cold life of distance. But she had a feeling, deep down inside, that there was another reason he was keeping away from her. Something more than disgust. She didn’t know what it was, but she meant to find out. She could spend the rest of her life wondering, or she could go and do something about it.

So, she practically stomped into his room. Once she saw him half-dressed, her breath caught in her chest for a moment. But she squeezed her hands on her hips to keep from focusing on it. The man was gorgeous, and the firelight in the hearth made him look even more so, creating shadows on every line and muscle in his body.

She demanded of him why he had been so cold to her. Then she removed her clothing in a stroke of boldness she had not expected. But it felt good to stand before him so exposed, proving to him that she was strong enough to get the answer she wanted. If she was hideous to him, then he could tell her, and she would leave him be. Forever.

But instead, just as she’d secretly hoped, despite her anger, he was kissing her. Still feeling bold and courageous, she moaned into his mouth as she felt the tip of his tongue touch hers. Just like the night before, the kiss was hot and wet, sending thrills down her spine all the way to her toes. Even if her feelings for Euan confused her, there was one thing she knew. She wanted this man, and when he touched her, he made her feel like she was the most desirable woman in the world.

Euan groaned as he moved from her mouth down her neck, and she cried out in surprise when his lips met her nipple. He teased her for a little before taking one nipple into his mouth, his warm, rough hand caressing her other breast. She leaned her head back, savoring the lovely feel of his intimate touch. She was so glad she had come to his room. This was what she wanted from him. To see him, to feel him. Her hands were on his shoulders, and she spread her fingers wide to feel his warm skin underneath her fingertips. “Euan,” she said, and she put her hands on his face lifting him back to her mouth.

She noticed the tiniest grin on his lips before they were kissing again. “I want ye,” he said in her ears just before he pulled her to the bed where his body covered over hers. He kissed down and down, paying attention to her breasts again before moving lower, lower until his hands lifted her thighs, and she felt his lips between her legs.

She gasped and leaned up, her eyes wide with surprise. He looked like he was enjoying some private joke, his eyes laughing before he touched his mouth to hers again. “Lie back, lass. Let me show ye just how bonny ye are and just how much I want ye.”

She laid back, and Euan continued, kissing her softly and gently, suckling her, and she felt all the blood rush to her center. His beard tickled her, but its roughness also increased her pleasure. Slowly, she could feel her fingers clutch at the blanket beneath her. This felt just like the evening before when he was inside of her, but different too somehow. Warmth and tingling spread inside of her, and she leaned into his mouth until the pleasure was so great that she screamed out.

Her breath was ragged as he lifted himself from between her thighs, looking smug with satisfaction. “Believe me yet, lass?” he asked, still grinning. She couldn’t help but smile back at him, her eyes wandering from his handsome face down the length of his muscled arms, which were flexed as he held himself above her.

“Not just yet,” she teased, sitting up on her elbows. “I think I need to see a little more.” Her eyes trailed down his chest to the opening of his breeches.

“Yer wish is my command, my lady,” he said, and he untied his breeches, letting his member spring forth, both long and hard. Even though she was still coming down from the great mountain of pleasure, she felt her body tingle anew at the sight of his length. She reached out to touch him just as he moved his breeches away. Even below his breeches, he was muscled, his thighs thick and strong. She touched him there as well as his hardness, amazed at the smoothness.

“You are…”

She couldn’t think of the right thing to say, but when she looked up into Euan’s eyes, he was clenching his jaw as if in pain. “I hope ye are about tae say something good, lass, but I will have tae tell ye nae tae touch me there.”

She pulled away quickly as if burned. Her face flushed, and she said, “Have I done something wrong?”

“Nae at all,” he leaned forward, his hands on either side of her pressing down into the bed. She moved back and laid down again until his warm body was covering hers. “I just didnae want tae finish before I went inside ye again.” He kissed her gently before lifting her hips. Their eyes locked together as he slid inside of her a little more quickly this time.

“Did it hurt the last time? Are ye well enough tae take me?” he asked, his beautiful blue eyes lit with concern.

“I am perfectly well,” she said and pulled him down to kiss her again.

* * *

Whatever awkwardness he had felt that morning, it was long gone. Perhaps something happened to him once the sunset, and he could feel bold and strong, unafraid of his growing desire for his beautiful new wife. Her boldness only egged him on, and now that he was inside her, he wanted to grind his hips into her until they were both panting and satisfied.

With one hand on her thigh and the other on her hips, he began to move inside of her. He was glad he didn’t have to think of her virginity any longer. He could move as swiftly as he pleased, and he did just that, savoring the sound of her contented moans. A familiar realization once more hit him. This was a woman he desired more than he had wanted any other, and she was his wife. Something about her touched his heart, and he knew she would be by his side for the rest of his days

He thrust into her until she cried out his name again, shuddering beautifully beneath him as he too came to his pleasure. After a few breathless seconds, he laid down at her side, deliciously spent from loving her just as thoroughly as she deserved. Even though he was still afraid of his feelings, he pulled her close, tucking her into his arm. Rose laid the blanket over them. There was only time for him to kiss the top of her head before the two of them fell asleep.

Euan woke up feeling entirely rested and satisfied the following day, but when he turned over to reach out for a warm, female body, she was gone. He opened his eyes and realized that the space Rose had so recently filled in his bed was empty. His heart sank with the cold dose of reality.

“Damn,” he muttered and leaned back on his pillow with his hands over his eyes. The memories of last night came rushing back to him. Rose’s bold display of her body, demanding he continued his husbandly duties. The way they had made love three times throughout the night, waking up so eager for each other that they couldn’t stop. And then, it seemed she had gone to her own chamber to leave him on his own. But why?

“Because she is wiser than I.”

He groaned. How could he let it happen again? Now his heart felt even more tied up in Rose, and he knew that it would be even harder to resister her now. Making love to her properly in a bed without clothes on was enough to send him over the edge and into love. He swallowed nervously, trying to avoid thoughts of that. He couldn’t be in love. That would ruin his hopes of remaining impartial in case of future attacks from England.

He slid out of bed and dressed. He had business to attend to, and he needed to speak to Walter. He would have to write to him to see if he could return early. At least Euan could get the chance to talk to a living person about his problems. He hurried to the study without thought of breakfast, where he penned a short letter to Walter at Laird McElroy’s castle. As for himself, he had plans to help with the first day of harvest. He left the note with his servant, and the young man smiled.

“It seems that everyone is writing letters today, Laird.”

“What do ye mean, lad?” Euan grumbled. The servant didn’t look surprised at his bad attitude. That was precisely how Euan had acted every day since he had become laird. It was only Rose’s arrival that was beginning to make a difference.

“Lady Rede also has a letter tae send, written yesterday, but I will send it today.” Euan looked down at the letter in the young man’s hand. To a Mrs. Drummond, it seemed. Euan felt the overwhelming desire to know what was in the letter. He hadn’t even thought about Rose writing letters. It was perhaps understandable since she had left the country of her birth, but he was worried now about what she might be writing. Did she complain to her family? Tell her friends that she was miserable? “She also received a letter this morning as well.”

From whom?

“I see. Well, get on with it, lad. I am sure that Lady Rede wants her letter tae get out on time.”

“Of course, Laird,” the young man hurried off to do his work, and Euan tried to push down the guilt. He was a laird, after all, and everyone should do their duty. He spied breakfast waiting for him in the hall, but he didn’t want to eat. Not sit down to eat alone in the hall, at least. He was busy thinking of Rose and her letters and what kinds of things she might be writing about.

“Damn it,” he said to himself again. “My mind is far too busy with thoughts of my wife when there is a whole clan tae think of!” He threw his arms up in frustration and grabbed a warm bun and took it with him to the stables. He would busy himself with clan matters that day and think only of them and their future, not the future that lay unsteadily before him with Rose.