Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder









We watched the Demons leave the diner. Mac and Gunner were glaring at them with a particular kind of hatred and I didn’t blame them. We thought we had finally gotten rid of them but they had a way of bouncing back like a fucking weed.

I looked at Anna, our waitress. She had handled those men well but now she was white as a sheet and trembling. “It’s okay,” I said. “Why don’t you sit down and recover.”She looked at me and nodded. “I can’t believe that just happened,” she said as she sat down at a nearby table.

“They’re gone, love,” Mac said. “We can make sure they never return.”

She shook her head. “No, they said they would be back. And I don’t want you guys to get into trouble over this.”

“We won’t,” I said. “Trust me.”

She groaned. “I can’t believe Dylan just took off like that.”

I couldn’t believe it either. I would love a moment alone to talk with Dylan for leaving his employee to twist in the wind like that.

She looked up at us with a strained smile. “I’m sorry,” she said. “You guys came here for food. I can take your orders now.”

“We’ll just have some bacon and eggs,” said Gunner. “But take your time, okay?”

She nodded and stood up to go into the kitchen. I watched her go.

Mac sighed. “Why can’t the Demons stay bloody dead?” he said as we sat back down at our table.

“They’re in rough shape,” said Gunner. “Otherwise they wouldn’t be bothering to collect a debt as little as two grand.” He looked in the direction Anna had gone. “They’d better not start their kidnapping shit again.”

A few years ago, women in Gunner’s town were getting kidnapped by the Demons. Gunner started asking questions and got himself kidnapped as well. Mac and his old lady got him out of there, but not before he got roughed up pretty badly. He didn’t like talking about that time and I didn’t blame him. Even though Mac established a new chapter of Hell’s Renegades in Gunner’s town, he was always looking over his shoulder, expecting to find Demons around every corner, ready to cause havoc again.

“We fought them off before, we can do it again,” Mac said. “We’ll have to.”

None of us were looking forward to that. We had hoped we got rid of the Demons once and for all. But that was apparently too good to be true.

Anna came out with plates of scrambled eggs and bacon. Her smile was back in place but it looked a little fixed as she set down our food. Her hand shook and one of the plates clattered to the table. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

She looked so innocent and scared. She couldn’t have been much older than twenty-one and she had soft, delicate features. Her light brown hair was pulled into a loose braid that slipped over one shoulder and there was a slight flush to her pale skin, probably a mix of heat from the kitchen and adrenaline from her scare earlier. I wished there was something I could do to comfort her.

“You don’t have to apologize,” I said, giving her what I hoped was a gentle smile. “It’s all right.”

She smiled hesitantly back and nodded. I wondered if she was scared of us after what happened. I wouldn’t blame her if she was. We were a pretty intimidating bunch and we were about to get violent in her diner with the Demons before she stepped in. I had an unfortunate tendency to scare people who didn’t know me. My habit of playing with a switchblade probably didn’t help matters.

“When’s your manager coming back?” Mac asked. “I’d like a word with him if you don’t mind.”“He said he would be back in an hour,” she said. “Trust me, I want a word with him too.”Mac nodded. “Thank you for the food, love,” he said.

“My pleasure.” She went back to the kitchen.

I sighed. “I don’t like leaving her here knowing those Demons are around,” I said.

“We’ll stay until her manager gets back,” said Mac. “I need to talk to him anyway about being a bloody coward.”

We ate our food in silence, thinking about the Demons. I hated the way one of them said Anna’s name. It felt like a threat. I didn’t know her, but she was kind and incredibly brave for standing up to them that way. I didn’t like the thought of any of them coming back to hurt her.

By the time we finished our meal, the manager still wasn’t back yet. Mac and Gunner were reluctant to leave.

“I’ll stick around,” I said. “You two can get going.”“You sure?” Mac said.

“Yeah.” I glanced over at Anna, who was wiping down one of the tables. “You two have old ladies to get back to. I don’t.” The only place I needed to be was right here, watching her.