Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











Dylan didn’t come back from the bank that day. I tried calling him several times, but he never answered. “Fuck,” I muttered.

“Still no word from him?” Ryder asked.

I shook my head. “No. You really don’t have to hang around here all day. I’m sure you have something better to do.”He smiled. “Not really. Besides I like the coffee here.” He took a sip of his lukewarm coffee to prove it. It was his third cup since his friends left.

I smirked. “Our coffee is shit and you know it.”His smile faded slightly. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked.

I was a little surprised by that question. “Of course not. Why do you think that?”

He shrugged. “I don’t want to make you nervous or anything. If you want me to leave it’s really no problem.”I shook my head. “No, you don’t make me nervous. You’ve been really nice today. I appreciate it.”He looked relieved. “Good.”Around closing time, I sent Michele home and closed up the diner myself. Ryder stood up as I started to clean the tables. He put a roll of cash on the table. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay, Anna?”

I nodded, my stomach clenching a little. The other bikers were going to be back tomorrow and it didn’t feel likely that Dylan would show up for work. What was I supposed to do? The owner came in once a month to look things over but I didn’t know her that well and I didn’t have her number. I had no idea how to handle this situation. But at the same time, I didn’t want Ryder to get into a fistfight with the other bikers either. “Okay,” I said.

After he left, I cleaned his table and counted the money he left me. Not only did he cover his bill, but he gave me a hundred-dollar tip. I frowned. That had to be a mistake. I would have to pay him back tomorrow.

After closing up, I sighed and stretched, feeling my tense muscles ache but slowly loosen with the movement. Maybe tonight I would treat myself to a long, hot bath.

The parking lot was dark and empty. I felt a small flutter of anxiety as I crossed the lot to my car. It was always a little unsettling being alone at night, but tonight felt particularly uncomfortable. The incident with the bikers today had me on edge.

Just as I reached my car, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and turned around just in time to see one of the bikers from earlier sneering at me. His hand immediately covered my mouth. “Did your manager ever come back, Anna?” he hissed. “We need our money, bitch. Tell me where he is. Now!”

“I don’t know where he is,” I said. “I really don’t.”

He slapped me across the face so hard it sent my ears ringing. “I guess you’ll just have to pay in his place.” He started patting me down, looking for my wallet in my pockets.

Before he could grab my wallet, he was wrenched away from me. I looked up to see Ryder just as he punched the man across the face. The man immediately fell to the ground. Ryder punched him over and over, his face twisted in fury.

I couldn’t speak. I could barely catch my breath as I watched Ryder’s fists beat the man’s face in until blood started splattering. I opened my mouth, trying to form a word out. Any word out. “Stop,” I croaked.

Ryder immediately froze and looked at me. “Are you okay?” He took a step towards me and I flinched. He stopped, a muscle working in his jaw.

“I-I’m fine,” I said.

“Your cheek-- it’s cut.”

I raised a hand to feel the blood on my cheek. I guess he slapped me harder than I thought. “It’s fine,” I said.

He raised his hands up in peace and took a slow step forward. “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”I shouldn’t believe him. I barely knew him. But for some reason I did. I wanted to believe he wouldn’t hurt me. He had just saved me after all.

It didn’t matter either way. I was frozen to the spot. He would easily overpower me if he wanted to. He was easily a foot taller than me and had about fifty pounds of pure muscle on me. And his handiwork with his fists was painfully apparent on the ground. I was completely helpless against him.

He stepped closer and slowly reached into his pocket. He pulled out a clean handkerchief and held it out to me. “Here,” he said.

I took it. My hand was shaking only slightly. I used it to wipe the blood from my face. “Thank you,” I whispered.

He sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I really didn’t. I just lost it when I saw him attacking you.”“What are you even still doing here?” I looked down at the handkerchief which was now smeared red. I would have to clean up properly once I was home.

“I was worried something like this would happen, honestly. Demons aren’t known for playing nice or rationally. So I hung around. I didn’t want to freak you out so I stayed hidden. But I just wanted to make sure you got to your car okay.”“Well, I’m glad you stuck around,” I said. My heartbeat was starting to calm down now. “Oh, I think you gave me too much money accidentally earlier. I was going to give it back to you tomorrow but I can do that now.” I pulled out my wallet.

“No, it’s yours,” he said.

“There’s over a hundred dollars here.”“You more than earned it today. Not only did the Demons take your tip money from earlier but you managed to diffuse a situation between two biker clubs who hate each other with a passion. And it’s not just from me. Mac and Gunner contributed as well.”I shook my head. “I don’t feel right about it.”

“Well, I’m not going to take it back.” Ryder took a step back from me and put his hands in his pockets. “I know you’re still scared of me and I don’t blame you. You can go. I won’t stop you. And I won’t follow you. I promise. If you need help at any time, just swing by Mac’s bar, okay? We’ll help you.”Again, I believed him. “Thank you,” I said as I opened my car door. “For protecting me.”“It’s my pleasure,” he said. His voice was so gentle as he said it.

I drove out of the lot, watching him grow smaller in my rearview mirror. I was on my way home where I knew I would be safe. But somehow I felt like I was leaving a little bit of safety at the diner.