Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











I muttered swears under my breath as I biked to Mac’s bar. I made her flinch. That was the last thing I wanted. But I couldn’t blame her. Not after I beat a guy’s face in right in front of her. The sight of her flinching away from me flashed through my mind like a rotten loop and made my stomach coil.

I wasn’t exactly a good man. I got into bar fights a little too often. I had a short temper as well. But I would never hurt a woman. And the last thing I wanted was for a woman as sweet and gentle as Anna to be scared of me. She shouldn’t be scared in her place of work at all.

I rocked up to the bar and went inside. It was kind of late, but there were still plenty of bikers sitting around, playing poker and just talking. I went straight to the bar and sat down, holding my head in my hands.

Ginger, Mac’s old lady, and the bartender leaned against the bar. “You okay, Ryder?” she asked. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this upset since you ran over a nail with your brand-new Harley.”

“It’s been a rough day,” I said. “Met a woman, saw her get attacked. And then scared the shit out of her. Can I get a shot of Jameson? Make it a double, actually.”“Coming right up,” she said. “You have to explain more.”I told her what happened today as she fixed my drink. “I would have killed that man if she hadn’t stopped me,” I said. I looked down at my hands where bruises were quickly forming on my knuckles. “And she was terrified of me. She flinched when I came within three feet of her. Not that I blame her. She probably thinks I’m a monster.”

“You’re not a monster, Ryder,” she said as she slid my drink across the bar top to me. “I’ve been with monsters. I was trapped by one before Mac came along. Trust me, you’re not a monster.”

“I feel like one.” I downed the shot quickly and then nodded at her, silently asking for another.

Ginger poured another one for me. “Look, she was scared. She had just been attacked. She probably wasn’t actually flinching because of you. However, you’re going to have to tell Mac about this. He’s going to want to know if desperate Demons are attacking innocent bystanders.”I nodded. “I was going to tell Mac as soon as I dulled the memory a little.”“Tell me what?”I jumped in my seat when I heard Mac’s voice behind me. I turned around to look at him. “Walk a little louder next time, why don’t you?”

Mac sat down at the bar next to me. “Maybe you would have heard me if you weren’t downing shots like tic-tacs. Now, what happened?”

Ginger went to attend to other customers while I told Mac what had happened at the diner.

His face was grim. “They’re desperate and it shows,” he said. “That’s not good. They are more dangerous when they’re desperate.”

I groaned. “I thought we got rid of the Demons when we destroyed their headquarters in Newbury.”

“Unfortunately, they have just enough connections and resources to try to make a comeback. They’re like a bloody dandelion. They just won’t die.”

“What’s your plan?” I asked. “I doubt Anna wants to see me again after today so probably someone else should watch over her tomorrow.”“Maybe Rogue can take his old lady there for an extra-long date,” Mac said. “Might be less threatening with an old lady there as well. But still effective. As for the Demons overall, I’ve been talking with Hawk and Dante. We think the best course of action is to establish a chapter of Hell’s Renegades in Newbury. That can keep them from claiming their old territory.”

I whistled. “That won’t be easy,” I said. “Didn’t they have their claws sunk deep into law enforcement? It’ll be an uphill battle trying to establish anything there.”

“You’re right, boyo.” He grinned. “But since when do we do things the easy way?”I smirked. “Fair enough.”“Now this waitress- Anna. If I didn’t know any better I would say you were a little smitten with her.”

I shrugged. “She’s sweet and cute. She even tried to give me back the tip money.” I smiled a little at that. “But it doesn’t matter. I fucked everything up tonight.”

“It would have been worse if you let her get mugged-- or worse.”“Almost killing someone in front of her is still not ideal.” I shook my head. “It’s not a good idea. Besides, she might not even be a Little.”“Bikers don’t seem like the typical Daddys either, but here we are.”

As time went on, it became increasingly apparent the Hell’s Renegades attracted a certain type of man-- particularly men who enjoyed dating women who called them Daddy while dressing up in cute little outfits and holding stuffies. It wasn’t intentional, it just happened. But it was nice having a space to talk openly about it. And it allowed our old ladies freedom to be themselves.

“As nice as having Anna for an old lady would be, it’s not going to happen, not after I scared her like that.” I clapped him on the shoulder and stood up. “I think I’m going to head home. I’m exhausted.”

“Leave your bike here, boyo,” Mac said softly. “Take a Lyft home. I don’t want to hear about you on the news because you collided with a tree because you were upset and drunk.”I smirked. “I’m not even close to being drunk, but point made. Don’t worry. I’ll come back tomorrow morning to pick it up. Have a good night.”