Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Two


Carter couldn’t keep the smile from his face, and I couldn’t blame him. Somehow, he’d magically gotten invited to move in with the woman he’d been pining over for a while. They’d known each other back in high school, and he’d always had a crush on her. It was damn cute how smitten he was. I’d only met her once and could already see good things for them. She had no idea he was into her, so it’d be fun for North, another friend and teammate, and I to see how Carter worked his magic, since this was a rare scene. Usually he was a tag-and-bag-them type when it came to women.

Shit, as I thought about it, maybe I was the same as Carter. It was easy for me to get a woman. Any woman.

Was it time for me to settle down and find someone like Carter was?

Hell no. I’d already done that when I was younger—and I got something special from it, Benjie—but I wasn’t ready to be tied down again.

“Your face is going to break if you keep smiling like that.”

Carter glanced at me, chuckling. “I wouldn’t care.” He pulled over to a sweet little house. “This is it.”

“You sure this is what you want?”

“Yes. Are you sure you want to waste your Saturday helping me move in instead of doing something better?”

Carter had helped me out a lot, same as North. I’d do anything for those two. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“Shit.” Carter’s eyes widened at something over my shoulder. I turned in the seat and saw two older men shoving at each other as they made their way toward the car.

Carter had mentioned Reagan’s dad was a fan. “That her dad?”

“Yes, and the other is Tom. He works with Reagan as the principal.”

Clapping, I rubbed my hands together. “Let’s get this show on the road.” I opened the door as they arrived and climbed out. I was sure I heard a couple of gasps.

“Mr. Wild, it’s good to see you,” Carter said as he walked around the car.

Mr. Wild didn’t look at Carter but stared at me as he replied. “Herb, son. Call me Herb.”

“And call me Tom.”

They looked away from me to glare at one another.

Carter cleared his throat. “Herb, Tom, I’m sure you know this is—”

“Dustin Grant.”

Did they just sigh my name?

“Hey, great to meet you both.” I held my hand out and Tom nearly got there first until Herb slapped his hand down and took hold of my hand first. He gave it a rough up-and-down shake.

Tom punched Herb in the arm. “Not so hard, you’ll hurt him.”

I glanced to Carter as Herb dropped my hand and Tom gently shook it before stepping back. Carter hid his grin, and I expected laughed behind his fist.

This was crazy and yet entertaining at the same time.

The women soon arrived. Reagan quickly skipped down the path. “Hi, Dustin, did you come to help?”

Wasn’t it obvious? I didn’t say the words, since I could see how nervous she was already with the quick, frantic glances she sent Carter. “Sure did, but I didn’t realize you’d have so much help already. Hey, Brooke,” I added to the woman who, over a week ago, had helped me out by minding Benjie, who wouldn’t stop talking about how much fun he had with her.

A blush hit her cheeks and she wouldn’t meet my gaze, but she asked, “How’s Benjie?”

A smile lifted my lips. “He’s good. With his momma this weekend.”

Brooke nodded and said no more.

Strange. What had also been weird was how she practically ran from my apartment when I got home after the work event. I’d enjoyed seeing Brooke reading to Benjie, even though he’d been sound asleep. I’d thought we could have a chat, get to know one another better since our two friends were, no doubt, going to be dating eventually. But she backed out of there like her panties were on fire.

Hmm, what type would she wear?

Fuck, that thought was a little too creepy.

Reagan broke the silence by getting Herb and Tom moving to unpack the truck. “Dustin, this is my mom, Elaine. Mom, Dustin. Also a football player.”

Stepping forward, I took hold of Elaine’s hand she had outstretched and brought it to my lips for a quick kiss. “Lovely to meet you, Elaine.” Christ, I had to tone back my charming side, but I’d done it out of respect, like I would anyone older than I was.

Elaine giggled. “You too, Dustin.”

“Elaine,” Herb barked. “Come here.” I didn’t miss the glare he shot me. I fought my grin as Elaine actually curtseyed and scurried off to Herb, who scowled at me some more.

Carter chuckled. “Guess I’m still his favorite.”

Herb ran a finger across his throat as he stared me down. I bit back my own laugh.

“Dad,” Reagan yelled. “Stop threatening him.”

Herb huffed and quickly grabbed a box to follow Tom and Elaine into the house. I could already tell I was going to have some fun around these people.

“Dustin, whatever you see or hear today, please don’t be scared. My family is a little—”

“Crazy,” Brooke quickly supplied with a grin. “It’s why I love them.” Then to my surprise, she swatted Reagan on the ass and went to the back of the vehicle for her own box to carry in.

Grinning at Reagan, I shrugged. “All good, babe. As long as that’s a thing in the family, slapping butts, I could get used to— Fuck.” I coughed out a breath after Carter elbowed me in the side. Yeah, there was no way in hell I would be going anywhere near Reagan’s ass. Not that I was going to in the first place; still, it was fun to tease. “I’ll keep my hands to myself.” I shook my head and mock scowled at Carter as I went by to get another box before I made my way into the house. It was a homey place, not too big, but it’d be perfect for Carter and Reagan to get to know each other better.

When I heard voices down the hall, I walked that way and found a group in there unpacking some things. I dropped my boxes to the bed and ripped one open.

Snorting, I picked out a pair of Carter’s boxers. “I don’t know how Carter can wear these. Though, he told me once he doesn’t like his testes being restricted, which is why he’s a boxer guy. I prefer a tighter type of boxer….” Everyone stared at me like I’d grown another head. “Just in case anyone was wondering.”

Herb huffed. “We weren’t.” Guess I’d still have to work on getting back into his good graces. Which meant I’d have to tone down my charm. It’d be hard, since I was always charming, even if I said so myself.

A noise caught my attention from the doorway. “Jesus Christ, Dustin.” He lunged for his boxers and snapped them out of my hand before shoving them back in the box and closing it. “Is nothing sacred with you?”

“What? We’re all guys here—”

“Hey!” came a voice from the corner. Brooke.

Shit, I hadn’t really taken notice of who was in the room. Wincing, I offered, “Oops, sorry, forgot you were in the room.”

Brooke’s jaw clenched, and I knew I’d screwed up before she threw the box she’d been unpacking to the floor and walked out. She’d forgive me, right? I mean, I was the forgivable type.

Reagan glared as she hit me in the back of the head. Rubbing it, I cried, “What was that for?” I hadn’t said anything that bad.

Reagan shook her head at me, spun around, and followed after Brooke.

Tom snorted. “You two don’t know what you’ve got yourself into hanging with them.”

“What did I do?” I asked the room. All right, I knew what I’d done, but I hoped for a little comradery from the men in the house at least.

Herb looked to Carter. “Is he always that stupid?”

Carter nodded. “Yep.”

“How am I stupid?” I asked. They acted like I’d done the worst thing in the world.

Tom sighed. “If you weren’t on the Wolves, I’d hit you myself.”

Throwing my hands up in the air, I asked, “Why?” I didn’t get the big deal. Yes, I’d forgotten Brooke was in the room, which surprised me since she was a stunner, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

Was I missing something they saw, and I didn’t?

Herb went to say something until Tom placed a hand on his arm and shook his head. Herb nodded. “You’re right. He needs to learn on his own.”

Learn what, dammit?

“And if he doesn’t, we kick his ass. Just not too much. He’ll have to play still.”

Well, at least they still liked me somewhat. Though, what they’d need to kick my ass over, I wasn’t sure.

Since I wasn’t getting answers from these bastards, I made my way to the door. Carter asked, “Where are you going?”

“Obviously, I need to figure out what I did. I’m going to ask the women.” Because it couldn’t have only been about me not seeing Brooke in the room. There had to be something else. I heard laughter behind me but ignored it. Though, when I heard voices in the kitchen, I paused, just as Carter caught up to me. “What are you doing?” he whispered.

“They’re talking.” And it sounded interesting.


I pressed a finger to my mouth. “Listen.”

Herb and Tom arrived and leaned in with us as Elaine said, “The only advice I can give you both, without knowing fully what’s going on, is that men can screw up a lot. Sometimes it’s good to just forgive their stupidity. Other times it’s better to make them pay while they grovel for forgiveness.”

Brooke’s reply was quick. “Another thing to do would be to go out tonight, get tanked, and sleep with a random to get over everything.”

Tensing, I stepped back. The conversation kept going and the others stayed listening, but I moved down the hall a little as my gut tightened.

Whatever I did had made Brooke want to go out, get drunk, and sleep with someone.

Why did the thought of that threaten to have my breakfast come back up?

Slipping into the bathroom, I shut the door after me and leaned against it. It wasn’t an easy feat, trying to figure women out and the way their minds worked.

What could I have done to have pissed Brooke off to make her want to drink and… that other thing she said? My jaw clenched, and I fisted my hands as abrupt anger hit me.

Shaking my head, I pushed the emotion aside and tried to put the puzzle pieces together, because I didn’t like the thought of upsetting Brooke so much it would drive her to that.

Brooke had been happy when we spoke down the street before she came to my place to look after Benjie. Even at the house she seemed okay. She’d said she had just come from work…. Wait a damn moment. She hadn’t come from work. Unless she had the day off, but then why would she say she came from work when she’d been dressed in that hot black—

Fuck me, I’m a dumbass.

The conversation ran through my mind. I hadn’t said I needed help minding Benjie. Brooke could have taken the whole thing as me needing a date to the event.

I hit myself in the forehead.

She’d dressed up for me.

She’d come to the house to go on a date with me, and I’d thrown Benjie at her. Then, fucking then, Letta walked in, and now I felt like the biggest moron in the world.

Brooke must have thought me the biggest asshole ever. I could have kicked myself. Shit, I even wanted to punch myself right then and there as my gut twisted.

If I was honest with myself, and if I could go back in time, I would have taken Brooke over Letta in a heartbeat. Letta was a leech. I hadn’t seen that in her the first time we’d met, but she showed her colors when she kept talking about how much I made playing football. I would have had fun with Brooke. I knew it from the night at the bar. She’d seemed easygoing, smart, and a little fiery.

Although, if I had taken her, Benjie wouldn’t have had such a good day. He’d hated all babysitters I’d gotten for him in the past. Brooke was different. They’d hit it off.


What did I do now?

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand over my face. I didn’t have a clue what to do. I wasn’t ready for anything long-term, and I had a feeling Brooke was a long-term kind of woman.

I couldn’t deny she was attractive. She was. Her curves were made to be grabbed and held, and caressed, and loved upon.

But all I could offer was friendship. Especially now Benjie had connected with her.

Right, it had to be friendship. I had to put what I’d figured out in the back of my mind and go out there acting like the blind idiot I’d been so they didn’t figure out I knew I’d fucked up.

Still, friendship was good. She’d eventually forgive me for being a dick, and we’d become friends.

Yeah. Friends were what we were supposed to be.


So then why did the thought of Brooke going out and hooking up make me want to throw up?

Groaning, I slapped my forehead once again. I just had to walk out there and go with the flow. See what happened.

All right. Easy.

Stalking to the door, I opened it. “Whoa, I wouldn’t go in there for a while.”

You dickhead. Why didn’t you think of something else to say? Now they all thought I was in there crapping myself and stinking out the toilet.

Thankfully, students from the school Reagan worked at showed up and took the spotlight away from me. In the end they stayed and helped us unpack the truck before we rested for lunch and had a quick game of catch. Throughout it, I tried to talk with Brooke to settle into the start of our friendship, but she ignored me and moved away.

I was man enough to admit it hurt. Though, I couldn’t blame her.

As I tossed the ball to a kid, I asked Carter, “What do you think of Brooke?”

Carter caught the ball next and threw it back to one of the kids. “She’s nice. Funny.”

Nodding, I watched as the kid grabbed it out of the air. “Yeah.”

“Dust, don’t fuck around with her.”

Did he know something?

“I won’t. I think I hurt her feelings earlier.” My not noticing her wouldn’t have helped the situation I’d already dug myself in.

Carter stared at me like he was amazed at my stupidity. “You think?”

All right, I didn’t think it, I knew it. “Yep. She hasn’t spoken to me since. She’s good with Benjie.” I threw the ball back. But knowing she was good with Benjie wasn’t all I could think about. Even though I’d fucked up that day, she had gone with it and had taken on Benjie for me so he wouldn’t think she wasn’t there for him. Although, I would have done the same, embarrassed about the situation.

Seriously, I could still hit myself for it.

Reagan cried out one of the kids’ names, and I realized my throw had hit him in the nose and blood gushed.


At least he hadn’t seemed fazed by the hit, and after a little while, lunch still went ahead. We all sat at the outside table together, and my gaze kept drifting toward Brooke as she smiled and laughed with the others.

Yeah, I didn’t want her to go out drinking and hooking up because of something I’d done. But how could I stop it?

It wasn’t until we neared the end of the day, I had an idea. Tom had offered to give me a lift home, but as we got outside, I approached Brooke. “Hey, you mind dropping me home?”

She tensed. “I thought Tom was going to.”

“It’s out of his way. You’re sort of heading in that direction.”

Sighing, she asked, “How do you know I am?”

“I figured since we saw each other in that area, you were over my way.”

When Brooke winced, I regretted mentioning the day we saw each other on the street.

“Sorry, I can’t. I have things to do.”

Was that code for she had men to do?

“You can’t put it off? Benjie would love to see you.”

Her brow rose. “Isn’t he at his mother’s?”


“Right.” I had to think of something else. “Look, I didn’t want to say anything, but I’m kind of scared of Tom knowing where I live.”

Her lips twitched when she looked away from me.

“Dustin, are you ready?” Tom called. He had a glint to his eyes, and I widened mine at Brooke while I held a finger up to Tom.

A soft laugh fell from her lips, but then she shook her head. “I can’t take the fun away from Tom, sorry. Besides, I work for the man, and if I take this away from him, he’ll make my life hell.”

I had a feeling she was right. Dammit.

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand at the back of my neck and nodded while I thought of something else to stop her going out tonight. If I asked her not to, it would make her suspicious.

“Good luck, Dustin. Tell Benjie I said hi.” Brooke turned and started for her car.

My gut gripped and I wanted to call out to her, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. I’d dug myself into this one, and I would have to deal with it.

For now.

Until we became good friends.

Then I could tell her not to go out and sleep with random people.
