Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Three


Tapping my pen to the notepad, I stared at Ariel and waited for her to tell me why she made an appointment with me. I waited some more as she looked around the room and drummed her fingers on the armrests of the seat.

Being the school counselor had its advantages of helping the students. It also had its disadvantages of time wasters just trying to get out of a class.

“Ariel, are you going to tell me what you needed to see me for?” When I first asked why she made the appointment, she’d said she needed to talk to me. Only she wasn’t talking to me.

She shrugged and bit at her thumbnail. “Things.”

“Great, that’s a start. What things?”

“Bell said you helped her with talking to her parents about her being knocked up. That’s really cool of you. I reckon if you hadn’t, they would have kicked her out.”

“I’m not sure they would have. Is that why you’re here? Are you pregnant, Ariel?”

“Eww, no. I’m not stupid.”

Frowning, I told her, “Ariel, are you calling your friend stupid for being pregnant? That’s not nice. Bell will need support not only from her family but her friends as well.”

She paled a little. “Shit, that was mean. I didn’t mean it. Bell’s not stupid. Accidents happen. At least she and Troy love each other.”

“Watch your language, please.”

“Shit—crap—ah, hell. Sorry, Miss Baker.”

Rubbing a hand over my mouth to hide my smile, I nodded. “That’s okay. But are you able to get to the point on why you wanted to see me?”


She said nothing else and once again looked around the room.

“Ariel. None of your teachers have come to me, so I know you’re not struggling in class. Has something happened at home or within your friend group?”

“Nope, that’s all cool.”

Some days I wanted to wring their little necks when they were like this. Sighing, I dropped my notepad and pen to the desk and leaned back in the chair. If she wasn’t here to tell me something, maybe she wanted to ask for information. “Ariel. Is there something you want to know?”

Her eyes brightened. “Yes. You know how Miss Wild and Carter Anthony are living together, are they like together, together or just friends?”

Dear God. Didn’t the students have enough to deal with instead of wanting to hear all the gossip from their teachers’ lives?

“Ariel, is this really why you made an appointment to see me? To ask about a teacher’s life?”

Her cheeks pinked. “Well, you’re Miss Wild’s bestest friend. I thought you would have the inside scoop.”

“And you thought I would actually tell you?”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m sorry, Ariel, you thought wrong. There will never be a time I speak to students about a teacher’s life. Now, is there anything else you needed?”

Her head dropped back as she groaned before she leaned forward and begged, “Please, Miss Baker. Please tell me.”

“No, Ariel.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. So, can I get some condoms?”


“They’re not for me. Well, in a way they are, but it’s just so others think I’m cool that I’m having sex.” I stared her down, and she added, “Okay, I might use one if something happens at the party this weekend.”

I pray for the students of today.

“Having condoms isn’t something cool. They’re there to provide people who are sexually active protection from sexually transmitted infections and becoming pregnant. Being sexually active isn’t cool either. It isn’t something to brag about. It’s meant to be a special moment in your life to share with someone you trust immensely.”

Ariel snorted. “Yeah, right. Do you know how many horny boys there are out there? They’d say and do anything to get into our panties.”

I believed it because it happened even in my time. Hell, it was still happening.

Sighing, I slid open my drawer and took out the basket of condoms. Ariel stood as I placed it on my desk in front of her. “Just because you have some condoms, don’t run off to the next boy who shows you interest. Find someone who is willing to wait, who loves you for you and not what’s between your legs.” She giggled. “And make sure you’re on birth control and he uses a condom.”

“Sure,” she drew out.

Doomed. All the kids were doomed.

Shaking my head, I waved her off. She skipped out of the room quickly, shutting the door behind her. Leaning back again, it was my turn to groan. There was a 50 percent chance my students listened to me. Those who did, I hoped I helped where I could, and it was for the better. Those who didn’t… well, there wasn’t much else I could do besides tying them up or offering the girls a chastity belt because they were just as horny as the guys.

Honestly, it blew my mind the number of students I knew of who were sexually active. I lost my virginity at nineteen and that was with a boyfriend I’d been with for three months. Why couldn’t they all be like that instead of dating a guy for a couple of days and giving it up to them?

A knock sounded on the door. “Come in.”

Tom stuck his head in with pinched brows. “A boy has his penis stuck in a glory hole in the senior bathroom.”

Scooting my chair back, I waved my hands in front of me. “What do you want me to do? I’m not going in there.”


“Tom. I’m a woman. He’s a male student. You’ve got to deal with this one. I’ll be on the girls when they get their periods or anything else, but I am not talking to a boy right now when his dick is stuck. If he needs advice after it, I’ll help.”

“Fucking hell.” He scrubbed a hand over his face and stepped into the room. “Do you have anything I can cut the plaster with?”

“He’ll scream the halls down if you come at him with something sharp. Is he, ah, still hard?”

“Yes! Because he keeps trying to pull out so it’s rubbing…. I am not finishing that.”

Our lips twitched.

“Okay, tell him to stay still while he thinks of gross things and let it go down. He’ll be free soon enough. Please tell me you have the toilets closed off.” If someone caught him in that predicament, it would be hell.

Tom rolled his eyes. “Of course. I am the principal; I do know things.”

“And yet you came to me for advice. Who found him? Please don’t tell me it was another student? If it was, we need to get them to keep their mouths shut.”

“It was another teacher, thank God. I better get back there.”

“Good luck,” I called as he walked out and heard him muttering under his breath.

Tom, and even Reagan’s parents, always made me miss my own. It had been a tragic day when I lost them in a car accident when I was thirteen and Nana Bev took me in. I still missed them and made sure to remember all of our time together.

Still, I didn’t go without; Nana made sure of it. She might be harsh and rough around the edges, but she was amazing. She hadn’t had to take me in when I had aunts in other areas of the world who were willing. But I heard she’d threatened that if they tried to take me, she would hurt them in ways they wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of their lives.

Many were scared of her. Others thought she was crazy. I just loved her for who she was.

She’d been disappointed when I told her about the mistake I’d made with Dustin. Only she ended the conversation with “Chin up, sweet pea. There’s other cock in the sea.”

I’d snorted and replied with “You mean fish, Nana.”

“Fish, cock, whatever floats your boat. You know I don’t care.”

I did.

My phone chimed, and I looked at the clock. I had time to peek at the text before my next student showed. Picking it up, I saw the name and thinned my lips. I met Rebecca the night after I helped Carter move in with Reagan. I’d gone to the bar, and she’d caught my attention. We’d talked, shared a little kiss, and exchanged numbers, but nothing other than that because I hadn’t wanted to go further, since my head had been muddled with thoughts of Dustin, even when she was willing.

Rebecca: Hope your day is better than mine.

It was attached with a picture of what looked like dog shit everywhere. Rebecca was a veterinarian.

Me: Okay, yours looks shittier than mine so far.

Rebecca: Ha, I thought it would. How about a drink tonight to help cheer me up?

My phone chimed again, and another message popped up. One that had my belly fluttering.

Closing my eyes, I shook my head and cursed my gut. Where were the butterflies when Rebecca’s name popped up?

Why did they have to act up when I saw his name?

Dustin: Hey, Brooke, sorry to put you on the spot, but is there any chance you could look after Benjie tonight?


Benjie or Rebecca?

Me: Sorry, but I’ve got other plans.

Rebecca: Damn. Hopefully another time.

Me: Definitely.

Sighing, I opened Dustin’s message again and paused over it. I wasn’t doing this for Dustin.

I wasn’t.

This was for Benjie since I promised I would come back.

Me: What time?

Dustin: Six, if that’s okay?

Me: I’ll be there.

For Benjie.

Dustin: Great, see you then. Thank you!

I didn’t bother replying. Instead, I placed my phone in the drawer and shut it.

My stomach gave off another flutter.

Cut that shit out.

The man didn’t like me. I was doing this for Benjie. Dustin would be there for five minutes, so surely I couldn’t go back to crushing on him in that time. Actually, I refused to let myself be swayed by his big smile and muscles and humor.

He hadn’t wanted me.

He preferred his women slim, tall like him, and absolutely gorgeous. I wasn’t putting myself down. I knew I was okay-looking or else people wouldn’t approach me. But I wasn’t slim, and I wasn’t tall either.

Not that I cared what he liked.

I didn’t.

We were acquaintances for his son’s sake. Really, it would be simple. I would show, ignore his charm and looks, and spend my time with Benjie. Easy.

This time I wore jeans and a sweater since the wind had picked up during the day. I knocked on the door and waited. Those damn butterflies were back. I heard a pattering of footsteps, and the door opened to a smiling Benjie.

“Miss Brooke,” he cried before throwing his arms around my legs.

Grinning, I rubbed a hand over his head of blond locks. “Hey, Benjie. It’s good to see you.”

Dustin appeared in the doorway, giving me a smile just like Benjie’s. “He’s been excited for your arrival.”

Laughing, I glanced down at the boy still hugging me. “I can see that.”

“Benjie, how about we let Brooke in?” Dustin shifted back with a hand to the door.

Benjie took my hand and dragged me in. “Come on, come on. I have some Play-Doh we can play with, or there’s always LEGO. But I got a new coloring book with superheroes in it. We can share.”

“Everything sounds great.”

He pulled me into the living room, and I couldn’t help but look around for that woman who had been there the other day, but it seemed no one else was around.

“Look!” Benjie pointed to the coffee table in front of the big television. He had all his things set out.

“I can’t wait,” I told him honestly. Seeing Benjie happy made me happy. He went over to the coffee table and got to his knees. “What do you want to start with?” I sat beside him.

“Hmm.” His eyes danced all over the table. “I don’t know.”

Laughing, I ruffled his hair. “What about the coloring before we get messy with the Play-Doh?”


“Sorry to interrupt.”

Jolting, I looked over my shoulder. I’d forgotten Dustin was still there, and from the smirk on his lips, he knew it as well. “I have pizza coming soon, but I need to duck out for a moment.”

“Bye, Daddy.” Benjie didn’t even look at his dad. He was too busy pulling his pencils toward him and lining up all the colors between us.

Glancing back to Dustin, I nodded. “Okay, take your time. We’ve got lots of things to do.”

We shared a smile, and my heart tugged. I quickly looked away.

“You can do this page and I’ll do this one,” Benjie instructed.


“I’m going now.”

“Bye again, Daddy.”

“Later.” I waved over my shoulder before picking up the red pencil for Spider-Man’s costume.

“Will I be missed at all?” Dustin asked.

“Nope,” Benjie and I said together and started chuckling. Benjie got to his little feet and ran around the couch to hug Dustin, who returned it.

It was nice seeing the soft look on Dustin’s face as he stared down at his son. My heart tugged again. Fucking organ. One day I would have my own family, but it wouldn’t be this one.

I drew my attention back to the coloring and heard Dustin leave before Benjie joined me on the floor again. I bumped his shoulder. “How’s school?”

He shrugged. “It’s boring.”

“It’ll get better. Do you have friends?”

He smiled. “Yeah, heaps.”

“That’s good.”

We went on with our own pictures with the television on in the background. It wasn’t until we’d started on the Play-Doh that there was a knock on the front door.

“I’ll get it.” Benjie went to pop up, but I took his arm.

“How about you finish the kitty and I’ll get it?”

“Okay.” He dropped back down quickly. We’d been making farm animals with lots of laughing and talking. I’d questioned having a cat on the farm, but Benjie informed me quickly that there had to be one for it to chase the mice. Still, Benjie’s favorite was the cow. Though honestly, it looked like a penis with legs. Not that I would tell him that.

Expecting it to be the pizza, I grabbed my purse and headed for the door, casting another gaze around the spacious area. Dustin certainly had a nice house. It was just the right size for both of them. Opening the door, I smiled, only it dropped away when I saw a woman on the other side and no pizzas in sight.

“Can I help you?” I gripped the door so she didn’t push her way in. No doubt Dustin being a football player, he’d have some stalkers around.

“Is Dustin home?” A small smile was on her lips. It seemed my glare didn’t affect her.

“No, he’s—”

“Mommy!” Benjie rushed down the hall, skidding to a stop before launching his small body at his… mom.


“I’m sorry,” I offered quickly. “I didn’t know who you were. I’m just here watching Benjie while Dustin ducked out for a little while. He should be back soon and then I’ll be going—”

“Miss Brooke, no, you can’t go. We haven’t played LEGO yet.”

Benjie’s mom, Dustin’s ex-wife or girlfriend—I wasn’t sure if they’d married—giggled at her son when he wiggled out of her arms and wrapped his arms around my legs again.

“It’s all right. Stay as long as you want. I’m just here to drop this rabbit off.” She opened her purse and pulled out a stuffed bunny.

“Bugs,” Benjie yelled and gripped the rabbit to his chest.

“Remember when I asked if you had everything before you left for Daddy’s?”

“Yes,” he said sheepishly.

“Next time you double-check everything. I knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep without him.”

Benjie nodded as he averted his eyes away guiltily.

She looked at me, and her hand came out. “I’m Emily. You must be the Miss Brooke I’ve heard so much about.”

Smiling, I took her hand and shook it. “Just Brooke. It’s nice to meet you.” Stepping back, I gestured inside. “Please, come in.”

“Yes, Mommy. Come in so I can show you what Miss Brooke and I have been doing.”

Her eyes lifted to mine. “You don’t mind?”

“Heck no.”

“Okay, but only for a little bit.” She slipped by me, and all I could wonder was why Dustin and she broke up in the first place. She was beautiful with her long black hair and dark green eyes. It was obvious Benjie loved her wholly. Where in the hell did it go wrong? Then again, maybe I didn’t want to know, because I hated to think of my chances for a future if these two couldn’t make it.

Following them down the hall, I found it a little awkward I was in Dustin’s house with his ex and the mother to Benjie. I hoped I didn’t say or do anything stupid for her to think she didn’t want me around her child.