My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Seventeen


When I woke up the next morning, I felt a warm body spooning me from behind, and I had a hard time fighting my smile as I remembered exactly where I was. Finn was still with me, cuddling me, and I refused to move and ruin this moment.

I rested my head on my pillow again and felt him shift. Something hard dug into my back, and then he groaned.

“Looks like someone didn’t get enough,” I murmured.

“Not nearly enough,” he said in a gruff, sexy morning voice. His mouth came to my earlobe to say, “You think six times is too many?”

“Nope,” I murmured, and he chuckled while lifting my leg, positioning himself behind me, and thrusting in deep. I gasped, looking at the floor-to-ceiling window ahead of me. The sun was rising in the California sky, and Finn Weston was fucking me slowly while moaning in my ear.

“I can’t get enough of you, Quinn.”

I couldn’t get enough of him either, and that said a lot about him. It was hard for men to hook me. After college, I made it my mission to focus on my own life more than dating, but this thing I was doing with Finn was fun and promiscuous, and though he was technically my boss, it didn’t feel wrong.

“Shit, Rachel.” He let out a guttural groan as he stilled behind me, and I felt his cock pulsing as he came. He brushed my hair away from my ear and said, “You’re so damn good.”

“And you’re not too bad yourself, boss.”

Pulling away, he rolled to the other side of the bed and stood up. I turned over, bringing the sheet up to my chest.

“Excuse me. Are you trying to be modest?” he asked, smirking.

“Feels different now that there’s the whole daylight and sobriety thing and all,” I joked.

He laughed. “Right. I’m gonna hit the shower.”


I watched him walk to the bathroom before throwing my head back on the pillow and staring up at the ceiling fan with a grin.

A phone vibrated, and my gaze fell to the nightstand. It was Finn’s phone. When I heard the shower start up, I rolled over to check the screen. There was a message from Ariel.

Babe, please don’t be late for brunch.

Dad will be pissed if you are.

I frowned.

Babe?Why was he having brunch with her dad? Was he seriously about to leave here after a night with me to be smitten with her? Oh, hell no!

I slid back to my side of the bed, my smile completely vanished. Ariel. She was the girl he was sleeping with in the hotel room next door to mine before we first met. The girl who apparently cheated on him, yet he still stayed in touch with her? Who was to say he hadn’t lied about that? Or that he wasn’t still having sex with her?

God, I was so stupid. So, so stupid.

I sat up and shoved the sheet away to collect my clothes. I knew I had no right to be upset. We were only having sex, that’s all, but I couldn’t help feeling a little…used.

I cleaned myself up as best as I could without using the bathroom and got dressed, still with the scent of him on me. When I heard the shower shut off, I found my purse on the floor, snatched it up, and walked out of the hotel room, making my way toward the elevator and refusing to look back.