My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Eighteen


“What do you say we order room service?” I called from the bathroom. I wiped the condensation from the mirror and ran my fingers through my damp hair.

There wasn’t an immediate response, so I walked out. “Quinn—” I clamped my mouth shout when I saw the room was empty. “Rachel?”

A frown overcame me as I looked around the suite. Where the hell did she go? I figured maybe she’d left a text to let me know where she’d run off to, so I picked up my phone, but there was only a text from Ariel.

Babe, please don’t be late for brunch.

Dad will be pissed if you are.

I let out an irritated sigh. I couldn’t stand when she called me babe, knowing we weren’t actually together. She was so delusional about us.

Wait. Was this why Rachel ran off? Had she seen this message?

Oh shit.

What the hell had I done?