My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Twenty


I flipped my wrist and checked the time. “Come on, Rachel. Where the hell are you?”

I stood on the stairs of the private jet and scoped the landing strip. I’d told her to be there on time, but of course, she was late. She probably thought I’d take off without her, which would leave her no choice but to stay in California.

A car drove toward the fence, and I saw a woman get out of the backseat. Blonde hair twisted in the wind. It was her. The driver helped her take out a suitcase, and then she walked through the gate after showing the security guard her badge.

“It’s about damn time!” I shouted when she was within earshot.

“I’m sorry! I had to catch a ride!”

I walked down the steps and grabbed her suitcase. “Why didn’t you just ask me? I could’ve picked you up.”

She scoffed. “Yeah, no thanks on that. I’m good.”

I shook my head and laughed, going back up the stairs with the handle of her suitcase in hand. Over my shoulder, I said, “When are you going to learn to lower your guard and actually trust people?”

“I do trust people,” she said, following after me. “I just don’t trust you.” Her smile was smug, and I chuckled, stepping inside the plane.

“Wow.” Rachel whistled as she stepped into the air-conditioned jet. “Fancy, Weston. Who are you trying to impress? I hope it isn’t me.”

“Please. This isn’t my first time using a jet.” I placed her bag in one of the compartments above.

She took one of the window seats and sighed. The leather, I was sure, was cool and comfortable, and I could tell she was enjoying it. The stewardess told me the pilot was preparing for takeoff, so I sat in the seat across from her and buckled in. She followed suit.

As the plane lifted, I looked into her eyes, and she stared right back. “Why would you drag me on this trip? You know you can close on Viking Hotels on your own. They’re a small chain, super easy.”

“Is it too much to ask that I have my assistant with me to lend a helping hand?”

“Actually, yes, it is. I had much better things to do this week.”

“Really? Things like what?”

“Grocery shopping, bill paying, napping—you know, those normal, boring things that non-rich people do.”

I broke out in a laugh. “Oh, yeah. Okay. Now you’re just being a smart-ass. I have bills too, you know? And I like naps just as much as the next person.”

She fought a grin and looked out of the window. I scanned her as she sat in her yellow dress and sandals.

“You know why I really brought you with me. I wasn’t kidding about Ariel. It’s not serious with her. What I do with her is all for show.”

“So, when the day comes that Ariel’s father asks when you guys are getting married, then what?”

“Then…that’s when I’ll make an exit plan. I only need a couple more investments from him before I’ll be okay without them. I owe a lot of people. Once that happens, I’ll be done with Ariel for good.”

“Interesting how you use people to get what you want. Do you always do that, Finn?”

I groaned and peered out of the window. “You’re impossible, Quinn.”

“Just saying.”

“Anyway, when we get there, we’ll have the meeting with Viking, and then I was thinking gambling and dinner.”

“Jesus, Finn! Do you have to control every single thing, even down to plans? What if I want to—oh, I don’t know—go for a walk or grab myself a drink or take a nap after the meeting?”

“I was just saying.” I shifted in my seat. “Look, it’s hard for me not to plan ahead, okay? If I don’t, then I feel like I don’t have my shit together. Perhaps it is a bit of a control issue, but I like things planned. It’s just the way I’m wired.”

“Well, look. We’re going to Vegas, okay? Once the meeting is over, we’ll have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. So let’s just try and wing it? Have some fun with it, you know? Hell, you dragged me on this trip, the least you can do is let me have some fun.”

“Okay, okay,” I smiled, raising my hands in the air. “Fine. We can have some fun…however you want.”

“See?” she sang. “Was that so hard?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Zip it, Quinn.”