My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Nineteen


Everything was fine. It was Monday morning, a new day, and the weekend was behind me. I’d had my fun with Finn, but now it was back to business. The pleasure side of things was over, we’d made our truce, and now we could go back to being professionals.

Those were the words constantly running through my mind as I made my way to work, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Finn, and it annoyed the hell out of me because this guy was clearly dating someone.

There was no way I could continue sleeping with him, even if we did keep it secret. And the fact that he was meeting her and her dad proved that they were probably very serious.

I didn’t know what he had going on with her, but I imagined him getting engaged or married to this Ariel girl. There was no way I was going to become a mistress. No fucking way. He was great in bed, but I had morals and standards, and being anyone’s mistress was far beneath me.

I pulled into the parking deck of the Brewer building, and when I parked, I collected my things from the passenger seat. I drew in several breaths as I entered the private elevator that took me to the top floor, and when the doors parted ways, I spotted Audrey sitting at her desk.

She waved at me and said, “Morning! I got you some coffee. It’s on your desk. Figured you’d need it for the long day ahead.”

“Thanks Audrey.” I forced a smile at her and was grateful she went back to typing on her computer. I wasn’t up for much chit-chat.

I placed my handbag down on my desk and picked up the coffee cup that had my name and a smiley face on it. I smiled at the smiley face, wishing I was as chipper as Audrey was, but I wasn’t. Finn would be coming into the office in about five minutes, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to pretend we didn’t fuck like animals the past weekend, or worse, pretend I didn’t walk out on him.

I could’ve lied and told him I had something come up, but deep in my gut, I knew he wasn’t going to believe me.

I sat and booted up my computer, and while it launched to the home screen, I opened my planners and notebooks and organized the pens in my cup.

The elevator chimed, and I braced myself as the doors parted. Out he walked, dressed in a tailored navy-blue suit with a sky-blue tie. His hair was gelled back, and he’d shaved since the night at the hotel. He looked…refreshed. Probably because he’d had a great brunch with his lover and her dad. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

“Morning, Audrey,” Finn said as he passed her desk.

“Morning, Mr. Weston. Can I get you some coffee?”

“Yes, please. But have Rachel bring it in, will you?” he asked, and then his eyes flickered to mine. “Rachel, there are some things I want to discuss with you.” I pressed my lips. I should’ve known he’d bring that control and demand right back into the office.

Audrey looked back at me as he walked into his office, and I nodded to let her know I’d heard him. I went to the breakroom and poured his coffee in a mug, placed it on a tray, and then added sugar and cream to the tray as well. He liked to pour it in himself.

I carried it past Audrey and into his office, where he was standing in front of his desk, peeling himself out of his suit jacket while reading over a paper placed on the edge of his desk. Most likely his schedule for the day that Audrey printed and left there.

I cleared my throat at the door, and his eyes lifted.

“Where would you like to have your coffee today, sir?” I asked, doing my best to keep the sass out of my voice.

“By the sofa.”

I carried it to the coffee table in front of the leather sofa that faced the window. After placing it down, I was about to make my way back to the door and my desk, but he said, “Close the door a moment. I’d like to speak with you privately.”

I glanced at him, and he raised his chin and cocked a brow, giving me a look that screamed, “You aren’t going anywhere until you explain yourself.”

I closed the door and faced him, my chin held high. “What is it you’d like to talk about, sir?”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Rachel. Don’t give me that sir shit right now. You know exactly what this is about.”

I pursed my lips. “I don’t think it’s wise to talk about it in the workplace.”

“Okay. Fine. But just tell me why you left.”

“I had something come up.” I avoided his eyes.

“You saw Ariel’s message, didn’t you?” he asked, taking a step toward me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Rachel, Ariel and I aren’t really together. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to her.”

“Are you sure? Because meeting a woman and her dad for brunch seems pretty serious to me, Finn.” I shrugged. “Just saying.”

He sighed and walked closer to me. “Look, her father invests in my company. I keep up appearances with her, so he’ll continue to invest. She agreed to us doing it. It was her idea.”

“That’s stupid,” I muttered when he was only a step away from me.

“No. What’s stupid is you running out of the room before giving me the chance to explain.”

“What does it matter? We’re only doing it. Nothing more, right?”

“You can’t deny that we had a great time that night, Quinn.”

I kept my mouth shut. No, I couldn’t deny it, but I wasn’t about to admit it to him.

Finn looked me over, studied my face. “This Thursday I’ll be flying to Las Vegas,” he said. “Viking Hotels is looking for a coffee distributor, and Audrey won’t be able to make it because she has to tend to her son, so I’ll need you there. It’s an important pitch, and you’re organized about these things.”

“What if I can’t make it?”

“Dropping everything to travel as my assistant is in the job requirements,” he said, looking down at me. “You’ll come, we’ll share another hotel room, and we’ll have a great time again.” He’d backed me up against the door, his body pressing to mine and his lips only a sliver away. The heat of his body brought warmth to my cheeks and made me weak in the knees. All I could remember was the way he’d made me his on Saturday night and how we kept going back for more, over and over again.

I wanted to do that again…but I wasn’t going to confess it outright. He was already arrogant enough.

“Fine,” I stated.

He put on one of his smug smiles. “You’re so lucky I’m at work, or I’d kiss you right here, right now.”

Heat unfurled in my belly, but I pretended to be unbothered by his statement. “I have to get back to work.”

He nodded and continued to smile, stepping away and giving me space to move away from the door. I glanced back at him before walking out, letting my hair curtain my face so Audrey couldn’t see how flustered I was. I was blushing ridiculously hard, and when I sat at my desk, I picked up my coffee while cracking a smile.

I swear, there were times when I couldn’t stand him. But the times when I could tolerate him…God, he drove my mind and body crazy.