My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Am I just being a selfish bitch?” I whined into the phone. Pam was on the other line, working per usual, and it felt just like it had a couple of weeks ago. Only, this time I had hope.

I’d quit working for Finn. I had to. There was no way I could face him after what’d happened in Vegas—after he’d told me he loved me. And I was so ready and willing to give myself to him—give him all of me, despite how terrified I was. I was glad I didn’t because just when I thought we were safe, in came a tornado to sweep it all away. It was probably better this way anyway.

Fortunately, I’d gotten an email for an interview with a local publicity company, which excited me. It was a smaller company, but they had great range.

“No, you’re not being selfish, Rach. Honestly, if you ask me, he’s the one being selfish. I mean, he’s literally using some girl so he can continue having his company invested in. He sounds like a prick.”

“Yeah, he is a prick. But…ugh, Pam, he was my prick. And for a moment, I thought we could be something, but then she showed up. And I don’t even blame her. I mean, how could I? She has no clue we’re sleeping together. No one does—well, except you now.”

“Wait. You haven’t told Katie about this?”

“God, no. Katie would beg me to make things right so that whenever we’re both around each other again, we’re decent to each other. She hates seeing us fight. And the last time I spoke to her, we were getting along.”

“Right. And you’re really not going to work for him anymore?”

“I can’t, Pam. I have to keep my dignity. I can’t let him think it’s okay shoving her in my face just because she wants to surprise him. I have standards and morals, okay? And they’re not about to disappear for him.”

Pam stopped typing, which made me think she was thinking. “You want to know what I think?”

Yep. I was right. She was thinking. “What?”

“I think you’re putting barbed wire around your heart, Rach.”

“I am not!” I shouted, springing up on my bed.

“Yes, you are. And it’s because of that dumbass ex of yours, Marco. Look, is this Finn guy perfect? No, I’m sure he’s not, but what guy is? He told you he loved you, and you even admitted that you don’t think he hands those words out to just any woman. He feels something for you. He’s been calling you nonstop, and you respond with a two-weeks’ notice? I don’t want to make excuses for the man, but the least you can do is let him try and make things right. Let him work for it. Yes, he should grovel, but hell…let him do it. It’ll prove how much he really wants you.”

I shook my head. “I can’t face him again, Pam. I just can’t. Not right now.”

“What if Aaron or Katie have an event, and he’s there?”

“Then…I’ll avoid him.”

“I highly doubt he’ll avoid you, though,” she responded arrogantly.

I sighed. “This is crazy. I can’t believe I’m even giving him so much thought.”

“It’s because you love him too, Rach. I’ve seen love on you—I’ve heard it. You were falling for him.”

I chewed on the corner of my bottom lip, feeling the urge to cry. God, Pam was right. She was so, so right. I was falling for Finn. He was opening up to me, and I was lowering my guard, and we were great together when we weren’t arguing or biting each other’s heads off.

But Ariel.He clearly needed her more than he needed me, and that didn’t look like it would be changing anytime soon. I refused to be a woman in the middle.

As if Pam had read my mind, she said, “Takes two to tango, sister.”

“Ugh. Bye, Pam. You’re not helping.”

She laughed, and we ended the call, and I flopped back on my bed, squeezing my eyes shut, unable to get Finn’s green eyes off my mind.