My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Twenty-Five


It took four hours after Rachel left to get rid of Ariel. She wanted to gamble, go to dispensaries, and take pictures for her Instagram. I finally faked a call and told her I had an urgent meeting with Viking Hotels and wasn’t sure how long it would last because they also wanted to golf. She took the bait, which I knew she would, despite the fact that I hated golfing. Ariel didn’t know that, though. She didn’t know shit about anyone but herself.

When Ariel was gone, that only left one thing for me to do. I left my room and walked over to Rachel’s.

“Please still be here,” I pleaded while knocking.

And I waited.

And waited. There was no response.

I took out the extra key card to her room and stuck it in. But I should’ve known when I opened the door, she wasn’t going to be there, and neither would her things. The room was completely vacant, the bed properly made, and the closets and dressers clear.

Just like that, she was gone…and we were back to square one.

Back to Rachel Quinn hating me all over again.