Company Ink by E.L. Lewis

t h i r t y – s i x

"I can't believe you guys are driving to Mexico," I say, loading up my father's truck with the last suitcase. "It's so far!"

"Forty-one hours to be exact!" my mother exclaims frantically, fanning herself with a magazine. "I would have much rather flown there, but your father didn't want to pay the costs of transporting the car and our belongings." She closes her eyes dramatically. "In this heat... I'm not even sure if we'll make it there."

My dad shakes his head. "Mer, don't start with this again. I'll have the AC blasting the whole trip, plus we're stopping in Oregon and California, so quit your whining."

The woman is insane. She's moving to San Cabo, a notoriously hot climate, yet she is complaining about the weather here. I give it two months before she calls it quits.

My mother sighs, rolling her eyes. "You know how susceptible I am to heatstroke, Richard!"

Scratch that. I give her one month.

"So, do you guys have everything?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers. "Passports? Documents?"

My father slams the trunk shut. "Yes, Cassandra, we are all set to go."

I bite my lip, my eyes wandering towards my family home. "Oh my God!"

"What?" my mother asks.

"I completely forgot to ask what you're doing with the house! Are you selling it?" With everything that has happened in the last few weeks, I guess it just slipped my mind. "Won't that be hard to do when you're in a different country?"

My mom and dad both smile at each other, their eyes glowing. "Well, honey," my mother begins, reaching into her purse and pulling out a set of keys. "Your father and I discussed it, and we want you to have it."

My jaw drops. "What?" I squeal. "You're giving me the house? Why? Don't you need the money to pay for your Mexican oasis?"

My father takes the keys from Mom and places them in my palm. "It's yours, Cassandra, to do with what you want. The mortgage is paid, so you can sell it, rent it out, live in it when you come back from New York, it's up to you. But it's yours. Our lawyer will send you the deed later this week."

I examine the chunky metallic keys. "This is too much," I mutter. "I can't take this."

"Yes, you can." My dad puts his arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple. "You said no to the condo we wanted to buy you as a graduation gift, you said no to the car, but this time, I'm not taking no as an answer."


My mom tilts her head. "You said you wanted to enroll in a post-grad program at NYU, right? Well, if you rent out the house, or sell it, you'll be able to focus on school without having to work. You could probably finish an entire Master's degree in a year if you try hard enough."

"You guys..." I pout, pulling my parents into a tight group hug. "I don't know what to say!"

"We love you, Cassandra and we're both so proud of you. When Lucy called and told us you're taking Vanessa to New York for treatment, we just—" My mom sucks in a breath. "We're just so proud of you, honey."

"And we're glad that you're enrolling in university again," my father adds. "Not that I think your current degree is unacceptable, but I do believe having general business knowledge will be highly beneficial for whatever it is you decide to do when you come back to Seattle."

"Thanks, Dad," I chuckle. God, he's trying so hard not to offend me. "I think it'll open up a few more doors, career-wise."

"Exactly." My father nods, his eyes turning glossy. "Well, I guess this is it, huh?"

"Yup..." My gaze shifts from my mom and dad. "I'm going to miss you guys."

"Oh, honey!" My mom attacks me with hugs and kisses. "We're going to miss you too! I'll call you every day!"

"Oh no! That's okay!" I let out a nervous laugh. "Once a week is just fine."

"Once every two days?" she asks eagerly.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, sure."

"Alright, kiddo, we better get going if we want to get to Portland before sundown," Dad says, opening the car door. "Make sure you take pictures at Monique's wedding, okay? I know Simone and Will aren't pleased that we're missing their daughter's big day."

"I will," I say, giving my dad a final peck on the cheek. "Drive safe."

"Always," my mom says, hopping into the passenger's side. "Love you, honey."

I wave at them as they drive away. My father looks back at me, smiling, his eyes crinkled as he mouths 'love you.'

And they're gone.

But it's okay. I'll be okay. I have New York. Ness. And that's all I need right now.

I dangle the keys in my hand. They left me the house. This is crazy. Totally unexpected. But this also means I can get Monique a much, much bigger wedding present.

I pull out my phone and text Kitty.

Cassie: Wanna go shopping on Friday?

Kitty: Oh, are you talking to me? NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU

Cassie: girl...we talked last week

Kitty: pffft...barely. BTW I have tea

I narrow my eyes. What is she talking about?

Cassie: about who?

Kitty: Guess you'll find out fridaaaaaayyyy

Cassie: Omg... well, I have some news too. Meet me at Nordstrom's at 5?

Kitty: 5:15 (some of us work)

Kitty: ok sorry that was salty... <3

I roll my eyes.

Cassie: see you then, you dick


"Ahh!" Kitty screams, running towards me, the coffee in her hand spilling everywhere.

I cringe as the milky liquid splashes all over the white granite tiles of the cosmetic section of Nordstrom's.

"Kitty, slow down!" Jesus, the disrespect is astounding! If Coco were here, she'd cry.

"I can't! I'm so excited to see you!" Kitty exclaims, swinging her arms around me. Oh my God, did she just get coffee on my cardigan? Don't spaz. Don't spaz.

"It's nice to see you too, Kit," I laugh nervously, peering over my shoulder. Okay, no stains. "How're you doing? How's uh—work?"

Kitty blows a raspberry as she browses the Chanel counter. "Work is freaking crazy right now, Cassie! Mr. Pearson hasn't come out of his office in a week, David's popping Advils like Tic-Tacs, and Mr. Cav—" Her head whips towards me. "He gave his two-weeks-notice a few days ago. Care to explain why? He said he's going back to Spain? What the fuck?! I thought you were together? Why's he leaving?"

Oh shit.

A part of me wondered if he'd stay at Pearson & Associates after everything that went down but it's not like he knew about me and Blake. I never brought it up, plus there wasn't really anything to bring up. Or at least that's what I've been telling myself.

Maybe Adrian's not leaving because of me. Maybe he just needs to figure things out. Maybe he needs a change of scenery. To reevaluate. To reinvent. I'm happy for him. I am.

"It just didn't work out," I lie. Adrian has kept that part of his life a secret for a reason. It's not my place to disclose that information. I mentally prepare myself for the barrage of questions.

"What happened? You were so stoked about it!" Kitty pouts, tilting her head. "What did he do? What did you do? Tell me!"

"Nothing, he didn't do anything. It just wasn't meant to be. Bad timing is all." I shake my head and force a smile. "I really don't want to get into it, Kit. Can we just leave it at that? Please?"

Kitty purses her lips, tapping her nails on the counter. "Do I need to kick him in the nuts?"

Oh my God... She'd probably do it too.

"No, Kit, I think he's hurting enough as it is." I know I am. "Did he say why he's going to Spain?" I ask casually as I spray perfume on testing paper.

Kitty shrugs. "No, he didn't. I assume it's something to do with his family? Who knows?"

"Right," I muse, turning to face my friend. "Well, I have news to share as well."

Kitty frowns. "Good news or bad news?"

I hum, rocking my head side to side. "Both?"

Kitty crosses her arms. "What is it?" she whines.

"Well, on Tuesday, I'm going to New York," I say slowly. "For a year."

"A year?!" Kitty exclaims. "Why? For what? Are you going to visit? Or just—"

"My older cousin's getting medical treatment so I'm going with her. I'm going to enroll at NYU and get my Master's."

Kitty grimaces. "School? You're going back Oh God, you poor baby." She hugs me, her expression genuinely concerned.

God, she's so dramatic.

"I think I'll survive, Kit. I've always liked college."

"A Master's ain't college, honey. It's hell, just ask my sister." Kitty pats my back. "What are you going to study?"

"NYU has a Fashion and Luxury MBA program that's a year long. I applied last night, so we'll see if I get in."

"You're going to study fashion? Oh my God, that actually sounds like so much fun!"

"Right?! I figured that it made the most sense. Why not study what I love?"

Kitty leans against the counter. "I'm going to miss you, Cassifrass. Can I visit you?"

"Of course!" I exclaim. "You might have to sleep in the bathtub seeing as New York apartments were built for hamsters, but yeah, you can totally visit."

"Yay!" Kitty claps her hands. "Okay, we need to go upstairs to the shoe department. You definitely need a new pair of Jimmy's if you're going to New York."

"I couldn't agree more!" I loop my arm around Kitty's. "I also need to get a wedding present for my friend."

"Does she like shoes?" Kitty wiggles her eyebrows.

"Not like we do!" I throw my head back and laugh. "I was thinking more like a washing machine."

Kitty cringes. "She' that?"

"She'd love it."


It's Sunday.

The big day. It's here.

My beautiful best friend is getting married.

The rehearsal dinner last night was eventful. Combined, Monique and Matt have enough cousins and siblings to start a softball league. When Monique said a small wedding, I assumed she meant around fifty guests, but no, as I quickly perused the seating chart earlier today, there were over one hundred names, including plus ones.

I sip on my second glass of champagne as I watch Simone help her daughter adjust her veil. God, she looks gorgeous; very Megan Markle, with long satin sleeves, flowing train, elegant and minimalist, just like Mon-Mon.

The rest of the bridesmaids are taking selfies by the window, something about it being the 'perfect lighting'. I'd join in but I don't really know any of them, plus Monique is getting that look on her face, the one that tells me she's about to freak out.

I set my glass down on the table and straighten out my mauve chiffon dress.

"How're you feeling, Mon?" I ask, passing the bride a glass of water. "Excited?"

Monique's breath is uneven, her hands trembling. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."

"Just relax, Mon, it's normal to be nervous. You'll feel so much better once you see Matthew at the altar."

"How do you know that?!" Monique exclaims in a hushed tone, side-eyeing her mother and Ekene. "I can't do this! I'm freaking out! I can't, Cassie! It's too much! Oh my God, what if he says no? What if he doesn't show up?"

Oh lord. I mentally roll up my sleeves.

"Matt loves you, Monique, and you love him. You guys were made for each other. I've never seen a couple more compatible than you two. Just close your eyes and take a moment to relax. Think about all the reasons why you love him, why you said yes in the first place."

Monique nods, closing her eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm breathing. I'm breathing."

"Stop talking," I whisper. "Just take deep breaths. In and out."

Monique's chest rises and falls, her lips slowly quirking up into a smile.

"That's good, Mon," I encourage her. "Keep breathing!"

"Alright, ladies!" a scary woman, with a clipboard, yells. "It's showtime!"


Monique's smile fades away, her eyes bursting open. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!"

"Fucking breathe, girl!" I exclaim, my own heart pounding. Why am I suddenly so nervous? Nope. I can't be. I need to hold it together. One of us has to be composed. "It's fine, we're heading downstairs, okay? Just focus on your breathing, okay?"

Monique whimpers as I grab her hand. "Don't let me fall."

"You're wearing flats, honey," I laugh. "I think you'll be fine."

Monique scowls at me. "I'm serious, Cassie. Don't let me fall."

I tighten my grip around her hand as we head downstairs. "I've got you, Mon."

Waiting outside the sturdy wooden doors are Matt's groomsmen, Monique's father, and the cutest little set of twins I've ever seen.

"Alright, listen up," the clipboard lady commands. "Once the music starts playing, flower girls go first." She looks down at the six-year-olds. "Make sure you take small handfuls of flowers, okay? Small! It's a long walk, you gotta regulate."

Dear God, they're children!

"Next, we have the bridesmaids and groomsmen, then the maid of honor with the best man. And finally, dad and the bride. Everyone got it?" We all nod timidly. Damn, she's a beast. "Alright!" She presses a button on her mic set. "Cue the music!"

We begin to form a line. "I gotta go now, Mon. I need to stand with Kingston," I say, nodding towards Matt's best man. "You got this! Just relax."

I turn on my heel, but Monique grabs my wrist and spins me around, her eyes glossy but full of joy. "I love you, Cass," she whispers.

I wink at my best friend. "Love you too, Mon. You look amazing."

And with that, I go and find Kingston. I've only met the man twice, but he seems nice enough.

"Hey," I greet him, offering my arm. "You ready?"

Kingston clears his throat. "I was born ready," he jokes as we emerge through the wooden doors, the melodic plucking of classical harps echoing through the room.

I know I should be focusing on where I'm walking, since someone decided it was a good idea to use tulle as a carpet, but I can't help but look around the room at all the bright and shining smiles of the guests. My eyes wander, trying to place the faces. Who are all of these people? God, if I ever got married, my wedding would be like ten people. If that.

As I scan the room, my eyes land on a pair of crystal blue eyes. Holy fucking shit! I stumble over my feet, almost landing on my face, my heart pounding. What the fuck is Blake doing here? What in the—

"Are you okay?" Kingston asks, propping me back up. "That was a close one!"

"Uh-huh," I mumble as we approach the front of the room.

Kingston lets go of my arm and I move over to the side, gripping the bouquet of lilies in my hand, my eye flickering to the groom's side of the room. Why is he here? Blake's eyes suddenly latch onto mine, stoic and impassive, but there's a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

Oh God, this is going to be a long night.