Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 29


We made it. I sang that night, and it was great being out in the open air on a stage singing new material to a live audience. We worked on building houses in a village that made everything in Cayden’s and my world seem trivial. The state-of-the-art bungalow that had given me so much joy weighed me down after seeing what little the villagers had. I’d never lived in abject poverty. I had a floor in my house growing up and running water. I had indoor plumbing and a private bedroom. These villagers had none of those things and yet they smiled and offered us the best, freshest, and most amazing food I’d ever tasted. I had half a mind to stay there and just help them, but in truth that wouldn’t really help. They needed money, homes, infrastructure, employment, and opportunities.

Instead, I decided to dedicate my song, the one I debuted in Mexico on the reality show to the village. I offered all the proceeds from the song’s sales to be directed to the fund that was building houses so that hopefully they could go to more cities and do the same. I hadn’t cleared it with Cash. I just said it during my confessional and walked out to see the shocked look on his face. He had asked to see a live feed of my confessional as a means of protecting my image. As my producer, he had that right, legally.

“You know you’re going to bankrupt me. First, you sing with Taylor Rayne and launch a song on the internet, missing thousands of dollars in social media revenue teasing and massaging the debut. And I’ll have you know, you did it under Taylor’s account, so she’s reaping the rewards from having almost a billion views...nicely done. And now, the very next song you sing on television, you’ve just given away ALL of the proceeds….you, my dear are a…”

I couldn’t let him say it on television and incriminate himself, so I interrupted him.

“A saint. Thanks, honey,” I leaned in and kissed him. “I’m so excited to see what they do with the money.” I put my hands on my hips and looked out at what we had accomplished already.

“Me too,” he said with a smile and that was the end of it.

At the end of our trip and gratefully the end of filming the owner of the resort offered for us to stay on as his guests. He was so impressed by my offering to the community he wanted to show his gratitude.

“Do you think we can stay a few days more? I would love to be here with you, without cameras or Allie.” Oh, how I wanted to be in paradise with him and not the others.

“I think we can swing a few more days. It will be good for both of us.” Thank God he agreed.

And the days were good for us. We sat on the beach, I wrote songs while he talked on his phone, doing work. We snorkeled in the shallow clear water and saw tons of sea life and even a few seals swam past us as we floated along. It was totally exhilarating to be one with nature. While Cayden and I had a few rocky patches, the time together in Mexico helped give me insight into who he really was, and I was falling madly in love with the man I saw before me.

He’d done a fine job of hiding that man from the world, but the truth was, inside Cayden had the biggest and most beautiful heart. And while we were in Mexico he let that gigantic heart dictate our days. When we were filming he constantly stood up for me and fought the vipers to keep both of our reputations solid. We were unshakable. Allie actually gave up trying to catch Cayden up. She admitted on camera in front of the rest of her posse that Cayden had moved on.

To celebrate that moment of exceptional publicity, we ate dinner together at the restaurant and came home ready for another night of sexual exploration.

After having Cayden punch my V-Card we had become progressively more explorational in our physical pursuits. As I lay there naked with his face between my legs, I gritted my teeth as the first wave hit. I knew there would be others, as there always was until I was wrung dry.

“What do you say…” Cayden popped his head up to make conversation which made me giggle. While I wanted him to get back to business, his epiphanies during sex were always lots of fun.

“Yes?” I played like I was irritated.

“We buy a villa in Mexico. I can have you on our own private beach and do more of this in the comfort of our own home.” He swiped his tongue along my pussy and a shiver of need shot up my spine.

“I like you doing more of that.” I raked my fingers through his hair. “And what’s not to love about this paradise? I’m down, but you’re buying it, I’m still pretty broke.”

While I assumed I would be making money, I hadn’t made much at that point. I did have an advance on record sales and Cayden financed my everything, so I didn’t really need available funds.

“You won’t be for long,” he said before returning to me.

God, he was good at eating pussy, fuck, I could hardly think. We had been in Mexico for a week, and I spent most of that time in a fog. Especially with his tongue lodged fully in me. When he finally emerged, I felt floppy and loved. He crawled up my body raking his hard cock across my skin as my nerves flared. As he neared me, his mouth was full of kisses for my breasts, my belly, and my neck before it bit my earlobe and he positioned himself in front of me, slinging my leg over his as his cock stabbed my neatly trimmed mound.

“So, you want to wait until I can pay for it?” I wasn’t sure what he was up to.

“No.” He teased his cock over my sensitive pussy, which was dripping in anticipation of his entry.

“So?” I moaned trying to impale myself on him; I was tired of waiting; he had gotten me completely crazy.

“So, what do you say we just give up on the six-month thing?”

I looked at him with big, bewildered eyes. What did that mean? Were we through? Was I being asked to give him an extension?

I breathed as he inched closer with his cock. “Well, if we give up on it, then what?”

“That’s up to you.” His fingers danced over me as my body flushed with heat.

“On me?” I swallowed. “How?”

“Will you marry me?” Of course, it was at that moment that he thrust himself in, blinding me with lust.

“But not really marry you?” I tried to hold onto my sanity.

“I don’t know,” he started moving, slowly in and out of me. “What would marriage mean to you? To us?”

Fuck, I couldn’t be having that conversation, not at that very moment. I’d say something desperate. So, I didn’t say anything at all, I just let the thoughts flow over me as he became more intense. He inched closer, rounding his arms under mine, holding me to him as he started jack hammering, grazing his cock over my clit again and again until I was a blur of pain, pleasure, and passion.

“It would be what it is,” he grunted. “Just the two of us loving each other.”

“If I said yes?”

A bright smile crossed his face. “If it’s a yes. This bungalow is ours!”

What? I couldn’t think, I needed to breathe. He rolled onto me and I lifted my legs to take more of him, clinging to his hot body with his muscles tense from exertion as he pressed his weight into me, making me think only of him. What would our lives be like? Day and night with Cayden, would they always be like this? Would there always be this bliss?

“And if it’s no?” I had to test him.

“Then I’ll just try harder.” With that, he lifted me into his lap and let me take the reins.

I ground myself down on him feeling his cock bottom out at my cervix. I was ravenous for him as sweat beaded on my skin. I held onto his arms and fucked myself onto him, using his body and mine to sky rocket to ecstasy. He drove my blinding desire with bites and kisses on my red hot skin. When he came deep inside of me I cried out my release feeling the flood of emotions overwhelm my senses. At that moment nothing in the world mattered but the two of us. I came so hard, my body shivered and quaked to the point that I was seeing stars as I usually did with Cayden. What was different was that he shook and convulsed as well, and I could feel him pulse inside of me. When he finished he stayed, breathing heavy and sitting with his feelings.

“You are everything,” he said as he held me tight and smoothed back my damp hair, staring at my face. “I could really spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Is it that surprising?” I stared at him, trying to find out what he meant.

“For me it is.” He kissed my forehead and lifted me off of his cock and then carried me out of the bed. “Time for a dip.” He then proceeded to jump with me off of the deck and into the warm ocean; naked.

We were the only people around for miles. The bungalows were vacant, leaving just Cayden and me there alone in the water. He dipped his head back into the ocean, stood up, and shook it off the water wetting me which made me laugh, he was being so playful. He splashed me with more water, and I splashed back and then we were in a war which led to us laying naked on the sand, exhausted from our fight with his hand trailing over my body and mine stroking his cock.

“I like these times with you,” I confessed. “When you’re like this and it’s just the two of us, I could spend my life with you. I could marry you, but that’s not what you’re asking me, are you? You are asking me to be a fake wife that will legitimize your reputation and make it so that you can shake off the horrible things you’ve done. I don’t mind helping you out, I like you. In fact, I could venture to say I’m falling in love with you but...commit to marriage no matter how fake, I’m just not sure.”

He seemed very disappointed. “Fair enough.”

We went back to our bungalow and I felt bad, but I wasn’t sure I truly wanted to go through with his plans, they felt cold and contrived.

“Maybe we can just wait a little while longer to get engaged?” I looked at him, hoping I wasn’t unleashing the beast I knew he was holding back. “It’s all been moving so fast, people would understand.”

He was sweet and loving, not a beast at all. “We have a little time,” he said before he spooned behind me when we got back in bed and gently slid his cock into me from behind as he kissed my shoulder and neck speaking softly in my ear.

“You are my world. I’ve never wanted to give myself to anyone, but for you, I feel like everything might not even be enough.” And with that, his thrusting grew harder and more passionate and again he filled me and my world so completely I wanted nothing more from life but the moments we shared.

When we both came hard and loud and then we passed out on each other, spent, exhausted, and sated in one another’s company. At that moment everything in my world was perfect.

It was perfect until I woke up the next moment and realized that I’d taken the last of my birth control. I knew I had more back in New York, as I was sure my doctor had sent my next prescription, but I’d been in Mexico. I prayed everything was fine. I would be home later that night. But while I was on the plane I couldn’t help but worry a little because I had taken my last pill early the morning having finally managed to get on a more convenient schedule.

The next day I went to work recording my album and forgot all about the missed pills. I made sure to take my birth control regularly and told myself I’d be fine. I stayed with Cayden every night and rarely went home to my apartment. When I did it was usually when Cayden had a business dinner or a function that I didn’t need to attend, and I wanted to be in my own space. Though he was entirely welcoming, I didn’t always feel comfortable alone in his house. I didn’t feel terribly comfortable alone in mine either, but it was the better of the two places.

Cayden and I were in a good place. I had to be seen on his arm often and I didn’t mind dressing up and playing the role of graceful yet doting budding music sensation. I found that I fit the role nicely. We made the headlines several times and many people were speculating about my chances of actually winning a Grammy since Angel was the most heavily played song on the radio. I had interviews with radio stations, television shows, podcasts, magazines. I did engagements with schools, charities and sang a couple of live gigs with Taylor and her band, which made me miss my boys back home. While I liked working with different artists, they really didn’t compare to my people who just knew how to vibe with me.

So, despite being okay and finding my groove, I was still off somehow. It had been well over a month since our trip to Mexico and I missed the fun Cayden and I had there. We did make love every night, without missing a single one and I still hadn’t given him a straight answer about his marriage proposal, though I was lucky, he hadn’t asked again. I figured my luck would run out eventually, but I wasn’t worried about it at that moment. Instead, I was looking at the calendar on my phone trying to strategize how I was going to get songwriting and publicity on that day when I realized I hadn’t gotten my period. I had been so busy I didn’t think to pay that much attention until I did and realized I had completely skipped my period. My stomach bottomed out.

I couldn’t have Kevin go to the store for a pregnancy test because he was in too deep with Cayden, and I didn’t trust the woman who was scheduling my publicity to do it. I had to venture out into the street alone to buy a pregnancy test. I put on a dark hoodie, a baggy pair of track pants, and wore no makeup. I hoped I was incognito enough to go to the Bodega down the street and buy a pregnancy test. As afraid as I was that someone would spot me, no one did. I made it there and back and purchased six pregnancy tests, two of each brand. I took each and every one and they all said the same thing...Pregnant. I sat on the floor of my bathroom and cried, grateful that Cayden was in Atlanta at a Million Mile concert and wasn’t there to witness me facing my doom.