Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 15

Rafa drove to the house Moretti had set up so Lexi could get the rest of her belongings before getting Maura from their rental. Four blocks before they arrived, his phone rang. He looked down at the caller and groaned. He did not know why Angelo was calling when he had cleared Rafa for the night.

“Yes,” he answered, wary of more bad news.

“Hey…I sent Jim and Ray to her house. They found some guys waiting around. I’m giving you a heads up.”

“How did you know I was going there?” Rafa asked, trying to keep his eyes on the road. “I told you I was going home.”

“I know you, Rafa, and that woman left kid stuff behind. It doesn’t take a genius.”

“Is Brett there? Who’s at the hotel with you?”

“Brett’s hanging around the yard somewhere. Don’t worry about me. I have it covered.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep watch.” Rafa ended the call.

“Is something wrong?” Lexi looked over at him.

“We caught a few men who went to the house. They might be the same ones who roughed you up.”

Lexi closed her eyes as Rafa parked one of the group’s Escalades into the driveway, blocking another vehicle parked outside. The white van did not belong to the group, but it was familiar to Lexi. She recognized it right away. Her entire mood shifted.

“Don't worry. Our men have them in ropes.” Rafa stepped out of the car and went to open her door. “Stay behind me. Let me go first to make sure.” He pulled out his gun as she followed.

After peeking inside, Rafa opened the door enough for Lexi to enter before shutting it behind them both. She noticed Jason on the sofa with different men than before, men she did not know at all. Lexi paused in the entryway when Rafa nudged her arm and motioned her to go to the back of the house where the bedrooms were. He stood in front of the men and waited until she walked by; then he ripped a large strip of tape off Jason's mouth.

“Nice try in trying to blow me up. It didn't work in case you were wondering.”

“Rafael,” Jason acknowledged. Rafa recognized him as the man who went into the Sandy Shores the last night Lexi worked.

“You must know what this means for you…the fact that I’m still alive?”

“Nothing—it means nothing to me. Moretti’s the one who wanted you and Angelo dead.”

Rafa crossed his arms with his gun in hand. “Oh…I’m sure he did. Moretti didn't want us finding out about his women slaves either.”

“I'm a hired hand. They give the orders. I do what I'm told. You know how it works.”

“But you failed. You know what failing means. You also beat up a woman—my woman.”

Jason shrugged. “Moretti doesn’t care if it’s a man or a woman. She wasn't doing her job. If she was, you wouldn't be standing here right now.”

Jason’s snide remarks were not helping his case. Rafa smashed his fist into the side of his mouth, cracking his jaw with a satisfying popping sound. “Alexis doesn't work for Moretti anymore.” Rafa heard her close the door to the bedroom and shoved the tape back over Jason's mouth. “Lexi and I go back—five years back. You can figure out the rest.”

When Jason closed his eyes and gave a light shake of his head, Rafa knew he realized that he was Maura’s father. As Rafa waited for Lexi to walk past him again, he whispered to Jason one more time. “I look forward to seeing you in the morning.” He slapped his cheek and headed to the door, escorting Lexi out of the house.

On the way to get Maura, Rafa noticed the amount of belongings Lexi put into the back seat. He remembered that there was not much. He could not help but want to go out and buy everything she would need. “You don't own very much, do you?”

Lexi gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged. “I have enough.”

He nodded. “You can both use whatever you need at my house. I’ll make some time to go shopping.”

Lexi stared at the road ahead. Cars zipped by in the opposite direction, matching the thoughts running through her mind. Everything happened so fast. How did wanting Angelo’s help land her and Maura under the protection of Rafa. She could barely comprehend what was happening. As she considered her circumstance further, she kept glancing at Rafa behind the wheel with confusion and wondered about his reasons.

“What's the matter, Lexi? You keep looking at me like you want to ask me something.” He cocked his head sideways for a moment, briefly catching her eyes but returned his own to the road.

“Why are you doing this…bringing us home with you? I…I don't understand.”

“Don't worry about it so much. You’ll understand me soon.” Rafa made no effort to carry on with conversation; instead, he attempted to calm his nerves. Even though Lexi did not know, he was about to see his child for the first time. Rafa could not help but consider all the moments he already had missed with her.

The next ten minutes were silent for both, until he parked along the street where a small white house set among several others in the neighborhood. In front of him was a second Escalade, there to collect Abby. When Rafa turned off the ignition, Lexi turned to him.

“If you don't mind, would you wait for me out here? I’d like to explain this to Maura before I bring her out.”

“That’s fine.” Rafa nodded while exiting the vehicle but said nothing more.

“Thank you.” Lexi hurried away and entered the house.

What seemed like days was probably ten passing minutes when Lexi brought out a small bag on her shoulder while holding the hand of a little girl. Rafa froze. The sight of her made him more fearful than any situation he had faced. He never considered what effect a little girl could have on his mind.

Lexi finally came to the vehicle, causing him to take a deep breath at the introduction to come. “Rafa…this is Maura.” She smiled down at the girl. “Will you say hello to Rafa?”

Maura gave him the sweetest smile when she looked up. Her anxious green eyes gazed at him, almost asking him to pick her up. Rafa resisted. He did not want to scare her. “Hello,” she said with a sweet, soft voice.

“Hello, Maura,” he returned and held out his hand, unable to resist at least that. When she reached for it, he led her to the back seat, opening the door so Lexi could set the booster seat inside. Then Maura climbed in and Lexi fastened the belt.

“I’ll sit back here with her if that’s okay with you.”

Rafa nodded and shut the door before getting in the front seat. “Are either of you hungry?” He looked in the rearview as Lexi shook her head.

“No, Abby already fed her, and it’s way past her bedtime now.”

“All right, then my house it is.”

He sighed, being unable to predict anything for the first time in his life. For one being so critical about knowing everything, Rafa suddenly found himself thrown into the unknown. He wondered how it would all play out.