Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 17

When Rafa got home that evening, an aroma lingered outside his front door, becoming more enhanced as he entered. Lexi was sleeping on the sofa beside Maura who was watching a children's program, reciting the alphabet. Rafa smiled as he walked past them to the kitchen to see what was cooking. It smelled like a tomato based sauce. Rafa peeked under the lid but closed it again as Lexi came into the kitchen.

“I hope you don't mind, but I used some of your food to cook dinner.”

Rafa chuckled. He was surprised she was able to make anything that smelled that good with what he kept in the house. “I can’t believe you’re cooking.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’m not used to anyone cooking is all.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Not at all.” He set his jacket on the back of a chair and moved to the kitchen sink, uncovering his bandaged hand as he turned on the water.

“What happened?” Lexi walked over to assist. “You confronted Jason, didn't you?” Rafa looked down at her, choosing to ignore her question, feeling to see if the water was warm. “You aren't going to answer me?” She grabbed the bottle of soap from the counter and dumped more than needed in his palm.

“I did what I had to do,” he said, unfazed by the stinging of the soap and gushing water.

“You could have shot him instead of hurting yourself.” Lexi scrubbed the slits along his knuckles.

“Hitting him was more satisfying. After what he did, he’s lucky I didn't set him on fire. If I was sure the building wouldn't burn to the ground, I would—” Rafa saw her brow raise and cut his thought short, shaking his head. “You don't need to hear about all that, but I don't take these matters lightly, all right?”

“Yeah.” Lexi left the room to enter again with some gauze. “Give me your hand.” After she wrapped it, she washed her hands and returned to the pot on the stove.

“How’s your back feeling today?” he asked, watching her stir with a wooden spoon he did not remember having.

“Not so bad. I took some of your medicine. It's mostly hard to sit or lay, but I've been a lot worse with no meds.”

Her words came as though it was no big deal, but Rafa did not like her admission. It reminded him of his conversation with Angelo, one that he might as well get out of the way. Rafa took the spoon from her hand, replaced the lid and led her to the table.

“I need you to sit down and listen to what I have to say…and I don't want you to freak out about it.”

“O-kay.” She pulled out one of the chairs and sat, staring at him and waiting for the news.

“Since I’m running for governor, it’s going to put you and Maura in the spotlight overnight. I won’t be able to hide that you both live with me when I make the announcement in a few weeks.” He paused.

“Go on.” Lexi tilted her head, giving him her undivided attention.

“And the reason I’m running is because of what happened to you and to keep it from happening again. I’ve already told you that you're safe with me; but there’s a way for you to have group protection. It will also help me win the election.”

“Okay.” Lexi cast her gaze to the table, already assuming what he would ask.

“So Angelo thinks it’s best for both of us if you and I get married. He wants this to happen.”

“What?” Lexi choked back a laugh. She smiled but then became too shocked to speak, playing with the thin necklace hanging from her neck. He was serious. After blinking a few times, she opened her mouth. “What kind of marriage would we have, Rafa? A piece of paper that says I'm your wife? I never pictured myself getting married for political reasons or any other reason other than love.”

“Think of how it will help you and Maura.”

“This is life changing, Rafa. I don't even know what to think.”

“Let me ask you something. Do you have any better offers than mine? You’d have a home with me and everything you’d ever need. Is there anyone else who can give you that and keep you safe?”

“Excuse me.” Lexi did not appreciate what he said. “No, I don’t have any better offers, but that’s unfair to even ask. Maybe I don't have offers because I’ve been locked away for the last five years. Having a fake marriage isn't exactly what I pictured for my life.”

“Who said anything about it being fake? Being married has a lot of meaning to me. You’re not giving me enough credit.” Rafa got up with a huff and walked to the stove. He knew he should not have asked—that chances of her being receptive were low. He felt stupid to have listened to Angelo instead of his own intuition.

“What are you doing?” Lexi stood and seized the wooden spoon from his hand, glaring at him. “This is my sauce, and it's my secret that only I will cook.” She took over as he stared at her, crossing his arms at her forward approach. “How long do I have to make the decision?” She glanced in his direction.

“A week.”

Lexi nodded and looked at the ceiling. “I have a week to decide whether or not my entire life is locked to you. What are the rules for wives?”

“You’d keep your mouth shut about anything you see or hear. Do what you're told. Same for girlfriends except wives hear more about what goes on in the group. The rules would affect you more because of my rank.” Lexi looked toward the family room, thinking of Maura when Rafa interrupted her thoughts. “Do you still love him?”

She turned her attention to a second pot filled with boiling water while thinking over his question. “Who?”

“Answer me.”

Lexi shook her head with disappointed reflection. “I accepted that we weren't meant to be together a long time ago…when I escaped Moretti and went back to find him. I know he thought I didn't come back on purpose, but if he really loved me like I hoped he did, he would have known me better than that. All I ever thought about was him. He was all I ever wished for, and my heart was shattered when I found his empty room after weeks of being alone.”

Lexi always was able to say exactly what she felt. Rafa breathed. He closed his eyes at her words, being unable to bare the pain on her face as she put dry shells into the boiling water. He had nothing to say to that and quietly took his seat at the table, trying to clear all thoughts from his mind. The guilt was eating him up.

Twenty minutes passed when Lexi set three plates on the table and called Maura to the kitchen. Maura sat next to Rafa as Lexi brought out two glasses of wine and milk for the girl.

“I hope you like it.” Giving Rafa a small smile, she started to eat. The silence was awkward, but Maura soon broke the tension between the adults and looked at him.

“Is this our new house?” she asked, making it impossible not to return the smile she showed. Her expression cheered him up.

“Yes, do you like it?”

“Uh huh, I like my bed.” She pointed to the other room. “I have a soft pillow.”

“Do you like dolls, Maura?” he asked, receiving an adamant nod in return. “Hold on a second.” He excused himself from the table for a minute. When he sat down again, he held a small doll with red hair in his hand. “Do you like this doll?” He handed it over, watching her beam with excitement.

“I love it. Look, mommy. I have a new doll.” Lexi smiled at her, wondering about Rafa's willingness to connect with her.

“And what do you say for the beautiful doll?” Lexi pointed to Rafa.

“Thank you.” Maura looked at him and squeezed the doll tight.

“Good job, Maura,” Lexi praised her manners. “Now eat your dinner, and you can play with the doll when you’re finished.”


After the dishes were cleared and washed, they went to the family room to relax. Rafa and Lexi took the sofa while Maura played with happy contentment on the floor. Rafa changed the television channel a few times before stopping at the news. Headlines rotated across the bottom of the screen while Governor Pearson officially announced his campaign for reelection. The governor's voice made Rafa nauseous and he handed the remote to Lexi.

“Please, find something else.” He started to stand when Lexi pulled on the back of his shirt.

“Don't you ever relax, Rafa?” Her question seemed more like an invitation, so he sat back down and stretched his neck.

“There's no time to relax, but I’ll have to die one day.” His comment made her stare at him and scowl.

“For someone who just proposed, you sure aren't trying to convince me.”

Rafa laughed and slipped his arm around her, pulling her snug to his side. “I guess a few minutes won't hurt.” He reached inside his shirt pocket and pulled out a phone. “I bought this for you earlier, and there are two important numbers on it—one is mine and the other is Angelo's. If there’s an emergency and I don't pick up, call my boss. He'll know how to get a hold of me.”

“You bought me a phone?”

“You needed a phone. That way I’m able to keep in touch with you during the day.”

“Speaking of…” Lexi yawned and leaned against the arm behind her head. “I need to go to the grocery store. Would you mind taking me and Maura when you have the chance?”

“I can probably take you in the morning if that works for you. There isn't much that happens on Sundays…not usually.” He shrugged with the words.

Lexi nodded when Maura climbed onto her lap. “Can I sleep with my new doll?”

“Of course, sugar bear.” Lexi kissed her as she closed her eyes. “I think she’s ready for bed.”

Rafa clicked off the television. “That makes both of you. Besides, your sitcom was no better than watching the governor.”

Lexi narrowed her eyes in protest. “Insulting me isn't improving your chances any, Rafa. I guess I’ll be looking at my other options.”

“Oh really? Then I’ll have to improve my chances in other ways, Alexis. I'm sure I can convince you once your back is healed.” Rafa winked at her, silencing her as he slid his arms underneath Maura. “I'll carry her up so you don't hurt my chances.”

Lexi handed over Maura, not sure how receptive she would be to Rafa considering the men she had been in contact with. To her surprise, Maura went straight to him without any problem. She did not usually warm to people so fast. The doll probably helped, but still.

Lexi watched Rafa tuck in Maura and then turn to her. “You should probably take the bandage off tonight and let some air get to it. I'll wrap it again tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Lexi looked around, wondering if she should sleep with Maura or if there was a third bedroom in the house. There were probably several in a house of this size. “Where do you want me to sleep?”

Rafa pointed to an open door down the hallway. Lexi could see by the size of the bed inside that it was his. She did not move. “I don’t have any other beds in the house. Do you mind sharing mine?”

“Well…I—“ Lexi looked at the hand he held to her and back at the bed that peaked through the open door. If she was considering marrying the man, what did she have to lose? “Okay.” She consented and gave him her hand.

Rafa led her down the hallway and into the room. She stood frozen as he rolled down the blankets on the king size bed. “I want you to lie down. I'll take off the bandage and you can sleep there.” When she still did not move, he placed his fingers around her cheeks. “I might be dangerous, but I wouldn't hurt you…not too much,” he added, trying to calm her nerves with his teasing remark. His lips touched hers with a gentle kiss; then he nudged her to the bed.

“Are you sure this is where you want me to sleep? I could sleep in Maura's bed.”

“I’d really like you here with me, Alexis,” he said, something in his voice hinting at his genuine need for her company though she could not place where the yearning came from. Feeling an ease that she did not understand, she nodded and climbed into the most comfortable bed that she had ever felt. It would not take her long to fall asleep.

After lifting her shirt and the bandage from her back, he lowered his head where she could see his face. “It looks much better than yesterday. A few more days and you should barely feel any pain at all.” He pulled her cotton shirt back down and kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep. I'm going to work in my office a while. I'll be back soon.”

Rafa turned out the light and went to another room attached. As a lamp clicked on, Lexi noticed a large room with a desk and a recliner on the side, but she could not watch him for long. She was too exhausted to keep her eyes from shutting. Another day, she would learn more about the house.