Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 18

The next morning, Lexi was alone in the bed. From the looks of the crumpled sheet beside her, Rafa must have gone to sleep at some point. It was empty now so she got up to start her morning routine.

She was about to open the restroom door when the door opened wide, leaving her to gape at the tanned man in front of her. Rafa had a tattooed chain on the left side of his chest, spiraling around a revolver. An empty breath left her mouth when she attempted to talk. The snug boxers around his waist did nothing to hide his muscular build.

Lexi did not have time to register what was happening when Rafa pulled her to his body, a seductive smile radiating on his face. “Too much for you handle?” Their eyes met, causing her to look away quickly as he released her from his hold.

“No,” she lied. “I didn't expect anyone to come out.”

“Uh huh.” He turned around, grabbing a shirt and slacks on his way inside the restroom again. Lexi stared dumbfounded for a moment, but then something else caught her attention before he shut the door.

Markings and symbols. More tattoos. Rafa's entire back resembled a canvas, making the design on his chest pale in comparison. His spine illustrated something that depicted a man, except large, black wings expanded to his shoulders, indicating some other being instead. Lexi also made out the name Tomassi within the dominating creature, but she could not quite catch the other symbols in her short time.

One tattoo did stick out. A raven on his right shoulder grasped her attention; she wanted to have a second look.

Lexi started to lift her hand again to knock when Rafa exited the restroom fully dressed with no sign of having tattoos.

“We should go soon before the stores get crowded. I figured we would eat breakfast at the hotel. I have to see how a new employee is working out before we go shopping. We can go wherever you like after that.”

Lexi stayed silent, speculating over his inked skin. It cannot be him. She adamantly reasoned within her mind. Too many people got the same tattoos, so it was not as if the raven meant anything. Besides, she never saw a clear image of the one on Giovanni—maybe twice with the light of the moon when he did not have the window blocked.

“Alexis?” Rafa ran a thumb over her lips and held it on her chin. “Is there something on your mind?”

What was she supposed to tell him—that his tattoos reminded her of another man? She did not foresee that ending well, so she stayed quiet about her thoughts. “No, I um…” She shook her head slightly. “It's nothing.”

“Are you sure?” He slid a hand behind her neck, looking in her eyes.

“Yeah,” she answered but looked at his face, studying any similarities between the two men. Rafa had facial hair, a larger build and curly hair at the ends. The two men were worlds apart.

No—don’t look for something that isn’t there, she told herself.


Lexi could not keep her thoughts from racing as they entered the hotel. The greeters, the elevator and the walk through the banquet hall were a blur until Rafa opened the door to the same conference room where she had met Angelo. Her mind shot back to reality when she saw Abby in the office in back. Her friend was the new employee that Rafa had mentioned. Lexi was not the only one happy to see Abby either. Maura ran up to her and squeezed her arms around her waist.

“I missed you both so much,” Abby said, returning Maura's grip as Lexi sat down on a sitting chair to the side. “How has the last couple days been with Rafa?”

“He‘s been really nice…to Maura too. He’s been very understanding.”

“I’m glad for you, Lex. They have me living with Brett. I think he feels awkward about having me in his house. I'm not sure he's okay with me being there. He just smiles a lot but doesn’t really talk.”

“Brett?” Lexi thought. “Yeah, I saw him when Kayla and I went to the banquet. He looks young for a member of their group.”

“Yeah, he hasn’t told me anything about himself. Anyway, can you believe they bought this amazing setup and wanted me, me to start looking for information for the group? This is like a dream come true, Lex.”

“So what do they have you looking for?”

“Hey,” Rafa stood at the door, “I'm going to be in the other room talking to Angelo. If you need something, you know where to find me.” Lexi nodded and returned her attention to Abby.

“Angelo asked if I could hack into the Homestead Police Department. He wants to find something incriminating in their system. It probably has something to do with your stepfather, Lex.”

“Maybe, but did you tell him that my stepfather wasn’t there anymore.”

“Well, that's the thing.” Abby lowered her voice. “He is still working for them. I had to dig deep to find him, but he’s there. He’s not listed on their payroll, but he’s still getting a paycheck.”

Lexi narrowed her eyes. “He is, is he? Does he have a personal computer you can look into?”

“Sure does.” Abby's eyes lit up. She always thrived on breaking into classified information…especially when it included exposing Homestead. “I was working on that when you came in.”

“Hey, can I tell you something between us? I really need to talk to someone about this.”

“Anything, Lex,” Abby said and hugged her arms around Maura to focus on Lexi.

“He asked me to marry him…Rafa, I mean. And I have a week to decide.”

Abby's eyes widened. “Why? That's not very long for a decision like that.”

“It's not very long at all, but he wants to run for governor, and he wants to protect me and Maura and take care of us…I’m not sure why but…” Lexi thought back to the tattoo for a moment but quickly ignored the idea. “I don't know what I’m going to tell him yet.”

“Do you think he’ll be good for you and Maura? Can you make a life with him?”

“I don't know. It’s all so…strange. I can't really explain how I feel about him right now.”

“Well, you know I’ll understand. Let me know if I can help with anything.”

“Thanks. Did they get you a phone too?” Abby lifted it off the desk, showing it to her; they both exchanged numbers. “Good, let me know when you find something out”—she paused—“can you do that?”

Abby whispered, “I don't know, but you know I’m going to tell you anyway. We’re more than best friends—we're sisters. At least, that's how I look at it.” Abby smiled and slid something from underneath the keyboard. “I have something for you. It’s a list of addresses I found in the PD's files.”

Lexi took the folded up note and looked at Abby. “What are they for?”

Abby’s eyes widened as she spoke in Lexi's ear. “They knew that Gio was Maura's father all along. It's a list of all his addresses.”

“What? What the hell do you mean they knew?” Lexi winced and looked at Maura. “Sorry sweetie, don't ever say that.” Then she unfolded the small paper and read through the list. Lexi’s heart seemed to stop. She kept staring at the words, at the last address in particular. The note wrinkled in her fist.

“Hey,” said Abby. “Are you all right?” Lexi said nothing, hearing the beating of her own heart. “Lexi, answer me.”

“Um…no,” she mumbled and looked outside the office to see the two men discussing something important. “I…need some air. Will you watch Maura for a few minutes?”

“Lexi, you're scaring me. What's wrong?”

Lexi's mind clouded when she stood and looked at Abby, handing the paper back to her. “Abby,” she pointed, “that last address there…that's Rafa’s address.”

Abby went silent as a complete understanding hit her. “Ah hell, Alexis.”

“I need a minute.” Lexi walked from the office and started for the door. When Rafa called after her, she did not hear and stumbled into the empty banquet hall, ducking into the stairwell instead of using the elevator. She needed to think. She sat on the first step and covered her face with her hands, trying to make sense of it all.


“How could you not tell her that you were Giovanni?” Abby barged out of the office and shut the door behind her.” Do you know how upset she’s been since she lost contact with you? Then you ask her to marry you without even telling her? Did you think she wouldn't figure it out? She's been looking nonstop for Maura’s father,” Abby pointed to the office, “hoping he could somehow keep her safe…and you’re him?”

With a sudden wave of anger at the turn of events, Rafa stood and pointed back at her. “What the hell do you think I've been doing since I found out who she was…keeping them safe—both of them?” Rafa’s voice continued to rise. “If you two are so close, then you would know that Lexi wants an ordinary life. That’s why I’ve been trying to show her that we aren't like the people she’s been running from—before I explained who I am—before you blew the entire situation up. Why did I wait? Because I know she would’ve never wanted this for me.”

“You’re selfish. Lexi's been looking for you this whole time, an—”

“Didn’t I tell you not to run your mouth about what you found?” Angelo snapped.

Abby blew him off. “I don’t care what you or anyone else says. She’s my best friend and I’m not keeping anything from her. We share information…always have and nothing is going to change that.”

Angelo snarled and talked slow. “You either shut your mouth, or I’ll take you back to Moretti myself. Don’t say another word. Now get out.”

Abby glared but did not challenge the demand. She went back into the office while Angelo held out his hand to Rafa, calling him out for not telling Lexi. Rafa shook his head and stomped to the door, slamming it shut as he left.