Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 47

Nearly three weeks passed. Lexi hardly saw Rafa as he campaigned around the state. With the threats over both her and Maura, she rarely left the house. When she did, Jim and Ray went with her. Lexi also did not understand why they stayed with her when she was not married to Rafa yet. How was it that Angelo went against the rules and ordered his men to protect her when it was the original reason Rafa asked her to marry him.

The clock showed seven. Lexi glanced at the illuminated numbers and covered her head. She needed something to occupy her time, a sense of accomplishment that she was not getting by constantly staying home. Doing nothing was driving her insane, but she also had to think about Maura, and not anyone could watch her.

A ringing phone in the bedroom suddenly made her realize that she was not alone. She turned over and saw him. Rafa still wore a white dress shirt and slacks but no shoes or coat. He must have gotten home very early in the morning and went straight to bed, not bothering to get under the covers.

He reached for the nightstand, fumbling for his phone but knocking off his keys and wallet. As the ring kept blaring, he picked up his coat from the night before, shuffling through all of its pockets to finally yank out the phone and shut it up.

“Yeah,” he answered with a throaty voice, being far too tired to talk. “Why are you calling me so early?” Rafa fell back to the bed and looked at the ceiling. “Yeah, thanks,” was his sarcastic reply, “but couldn't you have called me later?” He huffed and hung up, dropping the phone to the bed; then he slung his arm over Lexi and closed his eyes again.

“Hi, baby,” he mumbled and fell back to sleep.


At noon, Rafa walked into the kitchen in a long pair of swim trunks. He sat down, admiring the little girl sitting next to him who enjoyed a grilled cheese sandwich and water. As she sipped from a straw, he ruffled her dark curly hair and leaned down.

“Hi, sweetie.”

“Hi, Daddy.” She looked and touched the silky shirt that covered his chest. “Are you getting in the pool?”

“No.” Maura watched his movements, waiting for him to explain the swim clothes. “How would you like to go to the beach?”

Her eyes lit up but then she frowned and looked at the table. “Mommy said no.”

“But I bet she’ll say yes if I take both of you.” His words caused her to smile again.

“I'm gonna get my bathing suit.” She scooted from the table and ran, leaving her food half eaten and forgotten.

Lexi walked over and set a cup in front of Rafa, staring at his blue swim trunks and matching shirt. The lack of a suit coat and laptop confused her. “What’s going on?”

“I have the next few days off. I want to take you and Maura to the beach. I thought we’d get away for a while.”

“Really? You get days off and you want to go to the beach?”

He smiled. “I want to spend time with you. We should take advantage and run. Angelo doesn't let me loose for very long. Besides, Ray tells me you’re going crazy in this place.”

Lexi let out a long sigh, looking around the kitchen. “It's a beautiful home, Rafa. I just wish there was something I could do…like have a job. I liked working at the Sandy Shores. Maybe I could go back there, or you could let me work at your department store.”

He shook his head and picked up his cup. “You don't want to work at my store. All of the workers have to model the clothes for the customers if they ask.”


“It’s really too dangerous for you to work now anyway. Look at what happened the last few times you were at the restaurant…then the clothes store.”

“I know, but it doesn't hurt to wish.” She moved back to the sink.

“You could go back to school,” he offered.

“School?” Lexi thought about the idea while washing the dishes in front of her. “I don't know if I could sit still for that long now.”

“Online classes then?”

She nodded. “That would be better.”

“Well, think about it. You have a while before fall classes start again.”

“Yes, we'll see.”

He chuckled, “Then you could work as my personal assistant when you finish.”

Lexi waved her hand back and forth. “No, that wouldn't work.”

“Why not?” He looked at her, a little intrigued but slightly offended.

“Because I would probably be assisting you with more than business.”

“Personal business.” He pointed out.

“Exactly.” She held up the sponge toward him.

“Actually, I'm pretty much a workaholic. No play during business hours, so you would have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh…I'm sure.”

Rafa smiled with her sarcasm when Maura came running back inside the kitchen, stopping in front of Rafa as she proudly showed off her suit. “Look, I have a princess on mine. Mommy got it.” She pointed to her belly, getting an exaggerated smile in return.

“Wow, look at you.” Rafa scooted his chair back and held out his arms. “Does that make you a princess?” She gave an adamant nod as she pulled out the material to see. “Do you think mommy wants to go with us?” He asked; they both looked at Lexi.

“Mommy, we're going to the beach. Wanna go? You have to get your bathing suit.”

Lexi bent down and grasped Maura's face, touching their noses together. “I wouldn't miss it, sugar bear. Give me a few minutes,” she said to Rafa and started to turn around.

“Hey.” Rafa looked up before she left. “You might want to pack a bag. We probably won't get back home until tonight.”

“Okay,” Lexi replied. “I’ll get stuff ready.”


Thirty-five minutes later, they pulled into a small, remote driveway on the Keys. There was enough room for two cars underneath a cozy house near the water. After Rafa parked, Maura clicked off her seatbelt and darted through the divider, landing on Lexi's lap. Maura looked with excitement through the driver's side window.

“Come on, mommy. Let's go!”

Rafa pointed at Lexi’s door. “Go ahead. It’s a private property, so no one will bother us. I only told Angelo we left.”

“Don't you need help bringing the stuff?” Lexi asked.

“No,” he smiled, “I have it covered.”

Lexi nodded and opened the door, leading Maura to the water. Large palm trees bordered the stairs and down the sidewalk, ending with the vast open sea in front of them. With no people walking around, they could do whatever they wanted to do.

“Come on, mommy,” Maura begged, jolting Lexi from her revelry. Maura led her straight to the water, stopping a few feet from where the waves met the shore. Maura flopped down on the sand as Lexi stood, admiring the seagulls in the distance.

“Here you go.” Rafa set down their supplies and popped open a chair for her to sit. “And this is for you.” He handed Maura a basket of toys.

“Mommy, look!” she exclaimed and started sifting inside. “I wanna build a castle. It's gonna be so fun. Wanna help me? Mommy, please.”

“I'll help you, baby. Let me get the rest of our things,” Rafa said.

“You promise?” Maura looked hopeful.

“Promise,” Rafa assured as Maura started digging with a shovel.

By the time he walked back over, Lexi lounged in the full-length chair and basked in the sun. Rafa's eyes fixated on her for seconds before looking away and plunging an umbrella in the sand. He did not open it as his eyes drifted to her again. The way the light reflected off her body in the two-piece swimsuit fascinated him. Then he remembered the sandcastle and sat down a couple of feet from her toes.

“I have a prince and princess for your castle.” He handed them to Maura. “So we have to protect them from this fire breathing dragon.” He dug through the container and pulled out the monster.

“Hurry.” Maura panicked and handed him a bucket.

“Quick then, help me fill it up.” He acted equally alarmed and started scooping large amounts of sand with a cup.

“Pat it,” Maura said and began pressing the sand inside with her tiny hands. As she went to scoop more, he made sure to pack it tight with her head turned around.

“A little bit more, Maura.”

She dropped in handfuls and he mashed. Finally, it was full. “Okay, now I'm going to turn it over and you pull on the bucket. Maura nodded and pulled up the castle-shaped bucket with some assistance from him.

“It's perfect.” He smiled. “But we still need to build a moat.”

“What's a moat?” Maura looked at him, interested in the new word.

“Well, that's when we dig a hole all the way around the castle; then we put water in it. That way, this mean looking dragon can't get the princess.” He moved the toy toward her, causing her to scream.

“No!” She giggled and scooted away when he aimed it at her again. “No, I'm gonna bury that dragon.”

“Here, use your shovel and let's build the moat first.”

They dug the trench, one that hardly resembled a circle. Lexi turned around to sit, watching them walk to the water and fill the bucket up. It made her happy that they were acting like a normal family. This was what she always wanted, him in their lives.

When they returned, Rafa resumed his spot and helped Maura fill up the moat. She seemed content with the castle and started playing with the toys by herself.

“What do you think of our castle?” Rafa held out his hand to the magnificent spectacle as Maura looked up and waited for Lexi's approval.

“Hm?” She smiled. “I think it's the most fantastic sandcastle in the entire world.”

“Of course it is,” Rafa gloated and scooted back to where Lexi sat as Maura's eyes shined with pride.

“And the princess is safe now, mommy.” Maura played with the dragon, but stopped the green monster when it touched the water.

“She sure is,” Lexi said with awe and whispered, “You did a good job with her.”

Rafa smiled and rested his back against her legs. “I like being around kids. They're so innocent and cute.”

Lexi stroked her fingers against his back, enjoying the time they were spending together. “You can take off your shirt. There's nobody around but us,” she coaxed. Sometimes even Rafa forgot when he could relax. He did not waste any time and pulled the shirt over his head; then he leaned back against her legs again, gaining an arm around his chest. She loved to have him close like this.

“Do you want something to drink?” He gave her a side-glance back.

“In a minute.” Her fingers stroked his skin as she rested her chin on his shoulder. “I love you, Rafa,” she admitted and brushed his shoulder with her lips. “I'm glad I found you again.”

He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his heart. “I love you too, baby.” Then he lifted her fingers to his lips. “I love you both, Alexis. You both make me proud.”


It was eleven when they made it back home. Lexi half sat on the bed and looked at a small album when Rafa came out of the restroom, finished with his shower. He looked at her and down at her lap, wondering about the small, cutout prints as she flipped; then he sat next to her on the bed.

“There aren't many. But I thought you might want to see them, the few pictures I have of Maura.”

Rafa felt his chest tighten. It would be a painful reminder of what he missed, of what he did not prevent. He wanted to see, though. He wanted to feel as if he had been a part of her life all along.

“I’m going to shower.” Lexi gently touched his arm; then she gave him some time to himself. Rafa needed to be alone. He needed to adjust. A mutual understanding passed between them as she clicked the restroom door shut. He stared at the thin black book in his hands, amazed that Lexi had it at all.

He finally flipped it open. The first picture showed both Lexi and Maura, taken right after giving birth. Lexi's eyes were red and puffy—tired; even so, she managed a weak smile and held onto Maura with her life. Rafa could not imagine the brutal delivery.

He touched the photo. Lexi's dyed hair grew out to the light brown color it was now. Then he looked at Maura, the baby he was never able to hold. All he could do was blink a few times and stare, imagining that he was able to hold his infant girl. She was resting peacefully in Lexi's arms, sleeping with the warmth of her chest. By looking at the picture, he could see how protective Lexi was over her.

He flipped again and saw Maura at six months or so. Her dark curls started to grow and her eyes shown the green they were now. It was some mixture of his brown and Lexi's blue—a unique blend of the two.

Maura smiled wide and yanked Lexi's hair, long hair that reached her elbows. Rafa barely knew what she used to look like in contrast with the woman she was now. Staring at her closer, she really had not changed all that much. Her hair touched her shoulders but her eyes were still the same magnificent color they had always been.

He continued with the homemade album, flipping through the years and adding them to his memories. It was as if a part of him came alive, connecting him to the pictures he saw. He realized that he had so many more years with these two. Where he felt jilted in her infancy, he had the rest of their lives. He intended to give them the best life that he could.

Lexi quietly opened the door, making sure she was not interrupting when he patted the spot next to him and held out his hand. She froze for a moment, admiring the definition in his bare arms and chest. His muscular physique was enough to take her breath. She imagined what they could do.

Rafa smiled; he could see her mesmerized thoughts on her face. He stood and grabbed her hand, pulling her to sit beside him.

“I'm glad you let me see the pictures.” She gave a sheepish smile when he placed one hand around her cheek and the other around her back. Then he gave her a light kiss and wrapped her in his arms. He held her closely, both absorbed in the other's warmth.

As if right on cue, his phone rang. It was that all too familiar ring, that annoying tone that tore him away from his bliss, a man who always seemed to interrupt.

“What?” he answered but still held Lexi firm. “Yes, I understand… a meeting at three tomorrow.” Rafa let out an aggravated breath when he felt Lexi sulk. He should have known he would never get time off. Why did he even tell Lexi he would? “If you knew we had a meeting, why did you bother…” Rafa glared at the phone and then looked at Lexi. “He hung up on me.”

Lexi did not know why she got her hopes up, having Rafa at home to herself. He was too important not to work. That was how it went with Angelo.

“He wants to talk to you too.”

“Me? Why?” she said, her tone worried. She did not want more bad news.

“I wish I could say but he didn't give me the chance to ask. Maybe he wants more info on Moretti.”

“Maybe.” Lexi scooted up to her pillow and pushed her feet underneath the blanket; Rafa followed suit.

“Hey, I am still here.” He pulled her to face him and gripped her with his arms. “And I’m going to wake up next to you.”

“Yeah, but then you will have to leave.”

“Hm.” He pressed his lips against her mouth. “Then we had better enjoy the time we have now.”