Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 49

Lexi stood in the silent room, smoothing down the pearly-white fabric that almost touched the floor. She never thought this day would come and found she was more nervous than the weeks before. It was a surprise, the biggest shock of her life when her friends dragged her to the conference room where her wedding dress hung.

Her friends left as soon as the soft music started with Maura walking out, a basket of petals in her hand. Now all Lexi could do was wait, and waiting was driving her insane. She had to see Rafa, his reaction to all this. Clearly he knew nothing of the wedding either. Lexi hoped that the surprise would not put him out of sorts. She knew how he liked to plan everything.

Lexi peeked to see how Maura was doing. The small girl barely made it to the end of the hallway with an employee beside her. Lexi started to close the door again; a shadow walking toward the room stopped her. Angelo turned the corner and then came inside. She did not know what to say to him except the first thing that entered her mind.

“Thank you.”

Angelo gave a single nod and looked at her. Lexi was beautiful; she would stun the pants off Rafa. “Here.” He handed her a sheet of paper. She took it and read over the familiar words that she signed—her vow to repeat nothing about group affairs—the code of silence. She shook her head confused, making him snatch it back, tearing it in half.

“I don't understand.” She glanced at the ripped sheet, not knowing what to think.

He folded the sheets and tucked them in his pocket. “You never signed that for me. That was a message to my men that they could trust you.”

Lexi's mouth opened. She would have never guessed the real reason behind his motives that day. She had managed not to shed one tear. Who would have known that Angelo would push her over the edge in an unexpected way?

She lifted her hands over her face, attempting to collect herself before her makeup smeared, but Angelo grabbed her and hugged her tightly. “Remember what I said about him before. He will need you more than you know, the same as you need him.”

“I’ll take care of him. I promise.”

Angelo smiled, motioning her to the door. “It's time for Harrison to marry you two. Are you ready?”

Lexi took a deep breath and accepted the arm he held out. “I’ve always been ready.”


An orchestral rendition of Canon began to play. Neither Lexi nor Angelo said a word as the crowd stood. Since Angelo escorted her himself, his approval was clear to all. Lexi briefly closed her eyes, letting the rhythm touch her as she moved forward. It was the perfect song; it was something that spoke to her heart. If her thoughts accompanied the music, Rafa would know exactly how she felt all along.

Maybe he already did. Rafa watched Lexi come closer. She was perfect. The delicate lace landed directly above her breasts while the flowing material made her look like an angel. It was nothing too extravagant, yet its simplicity made her shine. Pieces of her hair fell around her face while half of it curled on top. The sight of her was enough to stop his heart. He subtly cleared his throat, glancing around the room to see if she affected everyone the same. Not even possible. While their eyes were on her, unable to look away, there was no one she affected more than him.

The song neared its end when Angelo approached, waiting for Rafa to take her hand. Then he assumed his place beside him and tucked something inside Rafa's pocket. Rafa ignored the gesture, being temporarily mesmerized. He could not imagine being this fortunate to have found her. Rafa finally regained his composure and gave her the slightest wink; then they both faced the podium until the music lulled to a soft hum.

“Welcome,” Harrison began and scanned the crowd, making eye contact with everyone in the room. “What an important gathering we have today, one that brings us together again—the joining of two people in marriage.” Rafa let out a breath and squeezed the smaller hand that gripped his own, giving her a sign of assurance as Harrison continued.

“What is love?” he asked. “Is it a feeling? Is it words? Is it a mere understanding? Can you choose who you love?” He paused and looked thoughtful. “Whatever your answer, I believe love is the complete surrender of everything you want and need. It’s a sacrifice of your own desires to make the other person prosper. If two people pledge to do that one thing alone, nothing will stand in the way of their happiness. It is a simple concept—one that puts the other first, one that will never allow for regrets.”

Harrison waited seconds before looking at Rafa and Lexi. She hardly breathed with the lapse that seemed like hours. She was so close to forever, in front of so many people, anxious to hear those last words when the officiate continued.

“In front of me I have Rafael and Alexis. They wish to share this moment with all of you present…to witness and celebrate their decision to unite…a promise that no person can break once made. And considering the source, I’m assuming that no one wishes to object to this marriage.”

Rafa heard a faint noise and glanced at Angelo, noticing that he growled into an earpiece at whoever spoke on the other end. Angelo's expression caused him immediate concern. Rafa gripped the podium in front of him and whispered.

“Harrison…you need to hurry with our vows, or this could be the last wedding you perform. Okay?”

Harrison lifted his eyes and looked again at the crowd. “Shall we move forward?” He looked back at Rafa and replied with a quiet tone. “I don't think you heard one word I said. I’m also giving you sound advice…something I don't think either of you are going to get from anyone else.” Rafa frowned and started to open his mouth again when Angelo cut him off.

“Hey, I have it covered.”

“Rafa looked back, skeptical that no danger would present itself. Then he faced Harrison again. “I heard everything you said…but I already intend to do those things.”

Harrison smiled at Lexi and then Rafa. “I’m glad to hear it.” His hand uncovered the microphone on his shirt. “Rafael…do you promise to love this woman and take her as your wife, putting her before all else for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” he answered as Angelo handed him the ring. As he slid it on her finger, he brought her hand to his lips, keeping his gaze on her eyes. “Only you, love—ever, I promise.” He kept a solid grip on her hand. Lexi could not think as she heard those two words, spoken without hesitation. It made her feel faint. She clutched the bottom of his coat to keep balanced.

“Alexis…do you promise to love this man and take him as your husband, putting him before all else for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” She froze at her own words. Abby nudged her from her trance and gave her the ring. “I—” Lexi stared at his hand around hers and pushed the band over his finger. After taking a deep breath, she looked from the white gold band shining on his finger to his eyes. “You are…all I ever—” She choked, not being able to finish, not noticing her tears until Rafa wiped them and grasped her to his chest, giving her the comfort of his arms.

Harrison smiled at them both and raised his hands. “Let nothing ever come between you. May your love always remain strong. You are now…husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Rafa lifted her chin and looked into her teary eyes as he placed his lips over hers, sealing their marriage with the kiss. Then Harrison spoke once more. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Paolini.” He stepped back, giving the couple their moment before the deafening roar of the crowd swallowed them whole.

Before either stepped off the stage, Rafa turned to Angelo and pointed to his ear, at the piece that caused concern before.

“Go enjoy your reception. I have this entire place airtight.” Then Angelo held out his hand to Rafa. Instead of shaking, Angelo lightly slapped his cheek and smiled, bringing his head forward and kissing the top. “Congratulations.” Then he looked at Lexi, a devious smile on his lips as he took her hand with the wedding ring. “I'm not always an asshole.”

She smiled back, remembering the torn paper and threw her arms around him. “Thank you.”

He pulled her in, kissing her too; then he waved at them both. “Now get out there. People are waiting for you.” As they started to turn around, Angelo laid his hand on Rafa's shoulder. “One more thing,” he reached inside of his coat and took out an envelope. “I talked to Ella and we will take Maura for the rest of your days off. It’s a little wedding gift.” He handed over the envelope. Then he walked down the stairs, away from the commotion and sat at a table where Maura played with Lily.


An hour passed. Lexi leaned her back against Rafa's arm as the employees started clearing off empty plates from in front of the guests. Also sitting at their table beside Angelo and Ella were his parents. Antonio and Nina looked cozy next to the other. Lexi hoped for that sort of happiness. It seemed as though nothing would ever come between them.

Lexi did not have more time to reflect over the matter as the deejay made an announcement. It was time for their first dance as husband and wife. She loved being his wife. Nothing could bring her down from her high.

Rafa stood and held out his hand. “Would you care to dance, Mrs. Paolini?” He gazed in her eyes, leaving her dazzled with his gorgeous smile and endearing name. She swelled at finally being married to him.

“I would love to,” she said when he gave her a gentle yank and began leading her to the center of the room. A second later, the lights dimmed and All My Life—their first song together started to play.

The music started with a violin; next, a piano led them in their fit of taking in the other's face. Rafa spun her around, bringing her back to his chest. Then the lyrics started and he turned her around his body. Their fingers came together again and he wrapped her arms around his neck. The music sped and so did their moves—moves that surprised some of the guests. Both completely forgot they had an audience. Both were too consumed in the other’s arms.

It was not until Rafa planted a kiss on her lips, indulging his tongue into a deeper invasion of her mouth that several whistles reminded them that they were not alone. Then he smiled at the crowd and dipped her backwards, receiving more whistles and applause. The guests were enthralled with their dance…or captivated by her. Rafa would not take that chance and quickly pulled her to his chest with a thud and pointed at the crowd. “She’s mine.”

Lexi smiled against the corner of his mouth, slipping her fingers through his hair until the song tapered to a stop; again, they faced the excited crowd and received applause.

After the dance, Rafa and Lexi walked back to their table. Lexi was surprised that Angelo and Ella were standing with Lily in her carrier. Angelo held Ella by the waist while Maura staggered over to Lexi. “Your dress is pretty, Mommy,” she said and held up her arms.

“Thank you, sugar bear.” Lexi hugged her tight and brushed her hair from her eyes. “You are tired, aren't you?”

Maura laid her head on Lexi's shoulder. “About that,” Angelo started. “We are about to head out. Do you want to say goodbye to her.”

“What? You aren't staying?”

“All this…” Angelo motioned around the room. “Not really my thing. You and Rafa stay. Have a good time.”

“You could let Abby take Maura.” Lexi pointed to her friend who stood near the stage.

“No, the hotel isn't safe for Maura.”

Lexi held Maura tighter. “Are you sure?”

Ella intervened. “She really likes Lily, and trust me; our house is secure and then some. I promise that no one can get in or out.” Ella shot a look back, provoking a grunt from Angelo.

“We won't go into that.” Angelo walked up to Maura and opened his arms. “Do you want to stay with us and Lily? You could sleep in her room.”

Maura looked at Lexi, waiting for her to talk. “It's okay sweetie. I will see you in two days.” Maura clung to her neck tighter when Rafa opened his arms to the girl.

“Come here, baby. I’ll carry you out.” Lexi started to object when Rafa kissed her cheek and gently took Maura. “She will be fine, I promise.” Lexi sighed and gave Maura another kiss.

Rafa barely made it halfway to the elevator behind Angelo when Nina stopped him. He turned to look at her, glad that Antonio was not with her. He did not know the meaning of them together tonight, and he did not particularly care to see Antonio.

Nina placed her hands around Rafa's cheeks and gave a faint smile. “You and Angelo think I don't know what goes on? I do though. I'm not as blind as everyone thinks.”

Rafa shook his head and looked back at Lexi who was now talking to some of the guests when Antonio walked up to her. He did not want Antonio talking to Lexi. “What made you stay with him?” He turned back toward Nina, asking a woman directly affected by the rules.

She looked down, almost ashamed of the answer she would give. “When you love somebody, you forgive them of anything. And when you don't think you can do that anymore,” she paused to quickly wipe her eyes, “you think of whether you will be more miserable without them. Antonio,” she sighed and looked back. “He's a good man. He’s never treated me badly…gave me everything. Why would I leave him?”

Rafa could not argue with her reasons. It was how she was brought up. Those were the ideals of the life.

Nina noticed the disapproving look that flashed through his eyes and placed her hands on his arms. “Take care of Lexi. She loves you.” Nina let her hands back down. “And tell her who her family is, Rafa. She deserves to know the truth. Everyone deserves the truth.” Nina reached up for Maura's cheek, smiling, before she slipped away from both of them and headed back to Antonio.